Top Fin Waterfall 5 Gallon Tank Unboxing/Setup! + My New Betta Fish | Alyssa Nicole |

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Top Fin Waterfall 5 Gallon Tank Unboxing/Setup! + My New Betta Fish | Alyssa Nicole | sentiment_very_dissatisfied 37

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for Top Fin Waterfall 5 Gallon Tank Unboxing/Setup! + My New Betta Fish | Alyssa Nicole |

Jperetz1 - 5 years ago
Do you buy your betta's online?
Hunter Foos
Hunter Foos - 5 years ago
Please note that I'm not trying to be hateful at all in this comment. The only thing I would recommend, personally, is to make a cover for each tank so your bettas don't see each other and stress. I have a male and a female that terrorized each other from across the desk the second they saw each other
30 Round
30 Round - 5 years ago
I love the 10 gallon the best do more fish vids
That One Guy
That One Guy - 5 years ago
And trust me when I say 9/10 the critics in the fish community have never owned fish, they are google warriors that know it all lol
That One Guy
That One Guy - 5 years ago
You can never have enough fish tanks lol
Alissa Mylar
Alissa Mylar - 5 years ago
They also have a triple beta tank set up thing (i know you love your tanks already and spent so much money on them) but if you ever feel like crowded theres that
Alissa Mylar
Alissa Mylar - 5 years ago
I absolutely love these videos and I love how you use your imagination to create the looks of these tanks !!!❤❤
TechDude032 - 5 years ago
1:00 Hi girl on background
robogreifer - 5 years ago
You could get a feeding ring for feeding. I had to use one in a minnow tank, where good flow is required. I would also recommend a LOT more plants, which can also help with buffering a filter. If you want something that’ll grow fast and require very little attention, get a dwarf lily.

10. comment for Top Fin Waterfall 5 Gallon Tank Unboxing/Setup! + My New Betta Fish | Alyssa Nicole |

Precious Hardy
Precious Hardy - 5 years ago
Good job I think they r all beautiful
Kaitlyn Brooke
Kaitlyn Brooke - 5 years ago
Very very much suggest using the flourish tabs since it's new substrate without any fish filth in it yet.
yehet ohorat
yehet ohorat - 5 years ago
what i did to help the flow was to shove a new clean sponge that i cut up and put it beside the pump where the water comes out to help decrease the flow.

P.S i love the fact that you put under the sea as the background music for the majority of the video lolol
Jenna Werlein
Jenna Werlein - 5 years ago
I know this might be a bit late, but because those plants seem to be grown emersed, as in not fully submerged, you should just be prepared for the plant to possibly shed it leaves (kind of looks like its dying) and regrow them slowly, because leaves grown above water don't do well in water. Otherwise looks great!
kiiinleigh - 5 years ago
Here’s some constructive criticism for you that I wish someone would’ve given me when I started fishkeeping :) also sorry if any of it is already of knowledge.

1) Cycled water isn’t cycled water, it’s just water. It doesn’t absolutely nothing except in your case it would’ve stressed the betta out cause they can sense the “smell” of the other fish that was using the water, it’s how they sense rival bettas basically.

2) I use a type of stretchy string and poke holes in a sponge I bought from petsmart and tie it around the back of my filters, I don’t know the same/brand of either thing I mentioned, sorry :(

3) All five of my tanks are heavily planted with java ferns and anubias and I’ve never ever used co2 or tabs. They’re doing great, and the reason I don’t use additives is because they can harm your fish if overdosed at all.

4) For the amazon swords I think they’re low or medium light. I’d research if I were you and see if they’re lowlight, cause if so they’ll be fine with that lighting.

5) Javas and anubias are SO easy to care for and will go great in any lowlight tank. And you can propagate them easily.

6) Seachem prime is the BEST water conditioner you could ever use, trust me. It detoxifies ammonia and nitrite up to 1ppm for 24-48 hours and you can dose it 5x in emergency situations (for example if your cycle crashed) Seachem products are what the vast majority of experienced fish keepers use. And to avoid overdosing it on accident, buy an eyedropper from walmart and put two drops per gallon.

7) Finally the most helpful thing is becoming a member of a site like “” you can post any question you have about a sick fish or water quality issues on this forum and experienced members can help you out a lot! I’ve learned so much I would’ve never known before joining, and people have helped me and instructed me on saving two already sick parasite infested bettas :)

Anyway you’re doing really great taking care of them! I don’t know why anyone would hate on you for your setup. I’ve seen famous pet-tubers on here put bettas in an uncycled 2.5 gallon with a ton of shrimp or other tank mates and get praised for it sadly. Keep doing what you’re doing because you’re helping inform people of what a healthy betta environment looks like!
robogreifer - 5 years ago
kiiinleigh I think I know exactly which pet-tuber you’re talking about...
robogreifer - 5 years ago
Exactly this, especially #1! Bacteria doesn’t live in the water, it lives mostly on your filter media and a bit on decor, gravel, etc., so the best way to cycle a tank is with established media from another tank. It’s a process that takes anywhere from 2-8 weeks, and in the meantime, if a fish is in there, you really need to be doing frequent water tests, water changes, and dosing with a detoxifying conditioner, like Prime. Also, I recommend ditching the cartridges completely. You don’t really need chemical filtration if you’re not trying to filter out medication, so plain old filter foam will do, and you only have to throw it out if it’s falling apart (mine’s been going good for months, with good cleanings in tank water when it needs it, so you never lose any of the good bacteria).
Alyssa Nicole
Alyssa Nicole - 5 years ago
thank you so much :)
Ashlyn Piazzisi
Ashlyn Piazzisi - 5 years ago
I’m sorry so many people comment rude things ☹️. I have the same filter set up except I use poly foam sheets instead of cartridges, they are a lot less expensive, they just don’t have carbon. Love ur videos!
Tina Ditrius
Tina Ditrius - 5 years ago
For bettas, a sponge filter works very well.
Until then, I’d add an air stone to help increase gas exchange
FISHYMCFISHERSON da third fish - 5 years ago
You should get a 20 gallon and get 5 to 6 female beta fish and create a sorority that's what I'm gonna do with my beta( her name Luna I lov her)
blahblah blah
blahblah blah - 5 years ago
please do more Betts videos! they are my favorites of yours
Android Rebel
Android Rebel - 5 years ago
Cycled water isn't a thing. For more help go to Life With Pets

20. comment for Top Fin Waterfall 5 Gallon Tank Unboxing/Setup! + My New Betta Fish | Alyssa Nicole |

Robin Winn
Robin Winn - 5 years ago
Hey go on FishLore and sign up, its a great website! tag me at @FishFor2018 if you join. I'm an intermediate fish keeper amd i LOVE that website, All the people on there are welcoming and SUPER NICE!!!!!
Paul cuffaro Fan
Paul cuffaro Fan - 5 years ago
Your pets are soo cute haha
Carrotkeet - 5 years ago
You could probably try floating plants to break the flow for the fall! They'll break the flow and look pretty. In my experience betta love them too!
Desirée Rodríguez
Desirée Rodríguez - 5 years ago
now I want to watch the little mermaid..,
Pho Kang
Pho Kang - 5 years ago
that betta gonna get torn to shreds on those spiky grass decoration things. also you should really consider using a beneficial bacteria product to make sure the new tank is seeded. like tetra safe start. otherwise you risk ammonia spikes since you had such little seeded media.
ItsMissMarvel - 5 years ago
Just a little tip be careful with the plastic plants on the hut they tend to rip Beta fins :)
Kyle Kelly
Kyle Kelly - 5 years ago
Everyone I've seen suggesting about blocking the flow on the waterfall, I am shocked no one has mentioned to check on the pump for a switch that regulates the flow. Most pumps have it where you can adjust it to increase or decrease the amount of flow.
Samantha Emberson
Samantha Emberson - 5 years ago
Girl do you! People are sad and that's the only outlet they get is to say stupid crap to you.
therealiv 123
therealiv 123 - 5 years ago
I have a question do u need a live plant or no?
Alyssa Nicole
Alyssa Nicole - 5 years ago
No you don't need live plants
Luis Carrisalez
Luis Carrisalez - 5 years ago
Love your Bettas you’re doing an amazing job! I have one in a 5 falling top fin aquaponic tank✨ if you move a Marimo moss ball into the new tank it helps cycle it a little faster also!

30. comment for Top Fin Waterfall 5 Gallon Tank Unboxing/Setup! + My New Betta Fish | Alyssa Nicole |

Giselle Mills
Giselle Mills - 5 years ago
Wow where did you get that tree house it looks amazing i want get it for my shrimp tank
Giselle Mills
Giselle Mills - 5 years ago
Alyssa Nicole ok thank you can’t wait to get it! Oh and if you are willing to spend a bit of money on fish the elephant ear females are gorgeous
Alyssa Nicole
Alyssa Nicole - 5 years ago
Julianne Brown
Julianne Brown - 5 years ago
Honestly i have tons of beta fish as well and tons of other fish and your doing absolutely great!!keep up the good work hun!!!!!!
Olivia Waldroup
Olivia Waldroup - 5 years ago
jahadah murphy
jahadah murphy - 5 years ago
where did you get the center decor? My guppies would love it!
jahadah murphy
jahadah murphy - 5 years ago
i can't find it on pets smart
Shelby Jones
Shelby Jones - 5 years ago
hey girl! your tank looks so cute! just a tip, you don’t have to put all the tabs in the tank 1 or 2 would do the job and then in a month add 1 or 2 more!
brendan preiser
brendan preiser - 5 years ago
i would say raise the water level so there isn't as much distance to travel in air and the current wouldn't be as strong. i have a 20 gallon tank with an hob filter and i keep the water level really high yet again i don't have bettas or a lid but you have a lid so its should work :)
Alyssa Nicole
Alyssa Nicole - 5 years ago
actually the correct way to say it is the way I said it in the video. People just tend to say it as "bey-ta"
Tavion Drake
Tavion Drake - 5 years ago
I would say you are doing an amazing job..their will never be a day on this earth that somebody won’t agree with what you do, I can truly hear in your voice how much you truly love your aquatic pets...they are really beautiful..I will turn on my notifications for you so I can see your awesome videos in the future
Mike - 5 years ago
if the plants die it might be cuz the light is to low and that they will need root tabs, but remember that almost all plants melt a litte in the begining but they will come back.
DefuseMeh 123
DefuseMeh 123 - 5 years ago
You should cut a line all the way down of the sponge and like put it on the white part that’s closest to the water. if you don’t under stand you could DM me and I’ll send you a picture of what in mean ig: r.0nn13
Cynthia Taylor
Cynthia Taylor - 5 years ago
With the sand, you may have to stir it up occasionally as gas pockets will build up underneath it and can kill the fish.
hellomandamochi - 5 years ago
I’m so glad you got that tank because it’s the one I’ve been looking into getting it AND I love and trust your reviews/hauls ❤️
Colton Hale
Colton Hale - 5 years ago
You could put waterproof tape on the end of the tube that's in the water and cover up maybe half of it.
Life With Fish
Life With Fish - 5 years ago
Buying this to day
Life With Fish
Life With Fish - 5 years ago
Good video keep u the good work
Matthew Maltese
Matthew Maltese - 5 years ago
I really like that you've obviously done your research and aren't just putting them in a 1gal tank (or even worse less than that, cuz those sadly exist) and are giving them plants that are safe for them, and also you seem to be open to advice on how to do better. It's exactly how people should be with any pet. You're fish are very lucky to have an owner who knows how to take care of them and cares about doing it well
Sasser - 5 years ago
On the plants, swords are pretty easy to care for, but I would've loved to see a fine gravel being used instead of sand; it can compact over time and prevent healthy root growth. Sand can also form anaerobic pockets of bacteria if food or fish poo gets stuck in it and starts rotting, the gasses from them can harm the fish. Be sure to agitate the sand when you clean the tank to prevent this. Also, from the packaging, the swords look like they were grown emersed, meaning the roots were underwater but the leaves were grown above water, and they may die back when transitioning to submersed growth. Don't panic if the leaves of the plants die back! It's more than likely fine and will start growing new leaves before too long. Lighting is also a pretty important thing, but too much like can cause a lot of algae growth which isn't fun. I would hunt around on Amazon for some LED lighting; you don't need anything too beefy since there's not a lot of plant to take up the light and the tank is so small (as well as too much light can lead to some nasty algae growth everywhere). I'd keep the lights on for only 10 hours a day on that tank to avoid excess algae, as well as a timer to keep it consistent (it makes your life so much easier trust me).

On the tank itself, some might say that you should have an air stone for better aeration of the water but since betta are labyrinth fish and swords are pretty easy going, I don't think that's all that necessary. The fish itself seems very happy and active in there too! Overall, the whole setup is pretty nice and very visually appealing- I like it!
Carolin Domscheit
Carolin Domscheit - 5 years ago
10 gallons is minimum where I live. Hmm :/
30 Round
30 Round - 5 years ago
Ay is that a crown tail betta
30 Round
30 Round - 5 years ago
I change my mind not animal abuse u actually put a filter in there when u don't really need one good job and sorry

50. comment for Top Fin Waterfall 5 Gallon Tank Unboxing/Setup! + My New Betta Fish | Alyssa Nicole |

30 Round
30 Round - 5 years ago
But I love how u decorate the aquariums it's nice
30 Round
30 Round - 5 years ago
I'm sorry but I would put your betta In that nice 5.5 gallon or the 10 gallon because just imagine being in a room your whole life waiting to be fed

No hate at all but just imagine being in a room your whole life
30 Round
30 Round - 5 years ago
I love prime
Naomi Fegan
Naomi Fegan - 5 years ago
I’m sorry but you don’t abuse your pets,but did you cycle that tank? Lol x
Somchai Sookvimonpaisal
Somchai Sookvimonpaisal - 5 years ago
Marcus Gap
Marcus Gap - 5 years ago
Try to replace the leaf with some real catappa leaves. The bettas will love it.
IwillShutThatShitDown - 5 years ago
Oh I love the names of your fish! :) TVD
Mr Laggy
Mr Laggy - 5 years ago
In my opinion any tank is better than the little jars the stores put beta fish in so good job
Rhys Ellard
Rhys Ellard - 5 years ago
cool vide
PastTheDirtRoad - 5 years ago
Youtube is full of self proclaimed experts. Forget them. If your fish are healthy and happy then keep doing what you do.
Amber Lutz
Amber Lutz - 5 years ago
How much did this tank cost?
Sam I Am
Sam I Am - 5 years ago
I had this tank for six months before a seam broke and I woke up to water all over my floor. It’s a decent tank but one thing I really didn’t like was that the waterfall part was white, and even though I scrubbed and scrubbed, it was stained in several areas.
Cris Lopez
Cris Lopez - 5 years ago
Awesome fun video!
Mike Abell
Mike Abell - 5 years ago
One thing about the light, I’ve seen some people use a book reading light from ikea the bendable one, super cheap to help grow plants!
Francisco Santiago
Francisco Santiago - 5 years ago
Ayeeee that mf looking mad cool
Ricci Delrosario
Ricci Delrosario - 5 years ago
I love your vids. Never mind the haters.
Mya8D - 5 years ago
The betta may be able to jump from the feeding hole, I doubt it, but just in case I suggest moving the leaf to the other side. Also idk if I just didn’t see one or missed it, but be sure to add a heater.
BoJo Ford
BoJo Ford - 5 years ago
I would recommend getting some additional media for your filters and getting a prefilter sponge for them. Also if the flow is adjustable on you filter you might want to turn it down because high flow is hard on those Bettas because of their large fins.
Brittany Brady
Brittany Brady - 5 years ago
So happy your trying real plants! I tried them and will never go back.
Cassandra Miranda
Cassandra Miranda - 5 years ago
Fill it to the top that should lessen the flow because it flows it doesn’t fall
Marianne Langlois
Marianne Langlois - 5 years ago
Planted aquariums are super pretty once you put live plants you never go back, aquascaping is just so much fun. Good luck!
Citlalli Ramirez
Citlalli Ramirez - 5 years ago
Did anyone else hear the Snapchat notification at 12:26 and thought it was their phone? Just me?
Jon Edwards
Jon Edwards - 5 years ago
I love your videos
KS Brace
KS Brace - 5 years ago
Whoever is saying “you abuse your animals “ but I don’t understand how you are doing that
Shades Tv
Shades Tv - 5 years ago
Omg guys at 0:02 there is a stalker in the background! Not kidding! 3am
Abigail Coburn
Abigail Coburn - 5 years ago
Hi. Your amazing and your doing a great job. One little critique is to make sure the filter isn’t to high just because Berta’s have long fins which makes it hard for them to swim with a high flow. But your doing awesome I hope your Berta’s live long and healthy lives because you are taking great care of them.
Sarah Jasmine
Sarah Jasmine - 5 years ago
The pet community is rude honestly, I posted a picture of my first tank and got so many rude comments on it. But your tanks are so pretty and if your fish are alive that’s all that matters
Sarah Jasmine
Sarah Jasmine - 5 years ago
wvwvwvwv people are rude because they assume you don’t know what your doing. Just because we post a picture of the finished product the “experts” assume you skipped the whole nitrogen cycle, that you don’t test the water and that you got your fish from a pet store because now that is supposed to be a big “no no”.
wvwvwvwv - 5 years ago
People are being rude because you are doing it wrong, most people are nice about advice though
Nunuvyoah Beazwacks
Nunuvyoah Beazwacks - 5 years ago
You are right, there is totally no need to be nasty if you think someone is doing something wrong. 5 gallons is perfect for a betta, as are live or silk plants, betta hammocks, and low flow filters. :)

I want to give you a tip about those filter cartridges, though! Carbon is not necessary in any filter unless you are specifically trying to remove something, like old medications, you're having trouble with your tap water quality or water quality in general, or you are trying to get your water extra clear. I only ever use carbon to remove old medication, though. Instead, you should buy yourself a big couple of sheets of pond filter sponge in a couple of different porosity variations - very course, medium course - and some fine filter pad or filter floss and simply cut it to size. That way you only need to change the floss/fine pad when it gets super mucky and you can simply rinse the sponges in old tank water when they get mucky as well. That will save you a tonne of money in the long run and you won't lose BB every time you replace a cartridge! Plus, you can add some more bio media as well. :) That waterfall filter has a tonne of room for extra bio media from the looks of it, not that that's a huge issue with betta, usually. :)
Kymberly Steiger
Kymberly Steiger - 5 years ago
Watching other fish keepers videos they have said they had to develop very thick skin because the comments can get brutal. Don’t let a relatively small group of nasties keep you from doing what you love. Every body has their own way of doing everything unfortunately, social media has given a voice to everyone and that (at least to me) has given license to bully anyone who doesn’t think like they do. Keep up the hobby, as long as you are passionate about the hobby, that will transfer to the care of your pets and they will thrive! Even the top most knowledgeable people have tanks crash, no one is exempt.
Tabatha Holtz
Tabatha Holtz - 5 years ago
Great job! I love that you added media and water from your other tanks to help cycle the new tank! AND root tabs! What?! The only tip I'd add is, get rid of the carbon on a live plant tank, it removes the nutrients from the water. Yes, more sponges will be great in the filter area and you'll save money because you won't have to change them out every "X" number of days/weeks. You're doing awesome!
VinciTheVincent - 5 years ago
I wanna start a channel with my animals but I don't because the pet community is definitely rude and I don't wanna be criticized
Caitlin Roche
Caitlin Roche - 5 years ago
love the top fin 5.5 gal!
Guinea pig Galore
Guinea pig Galore - 5 years ago
That is literally the twin to my betta fish. They look the exact same except my fish’s black is more matte not shiney. I named my fish Thor
PsychoticKnows - 5 years ago
Why’d you put so much flourish tabs lol I put on by the plant roots and it’s good lol
Alyssa Nicole
Alyssa Nicole - 5 years ago
PsychoticKnows the bag said to put them around the tank every 4-6 in so that’s what I did ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
heyitskristie - 5 years ago
Love the video! Just a helpful tip for the Seachem Prime, 10 drops is the correct dosage for a 5 gallon tank or 2 drops per gallon of water(for when you do small water changes).
Matthew Sherman
Matthew Sherman - 5 years ago
the new pads you got which hold the carbon are not neccesary. they are used for when you need to remove tannins (brown coloured water from wood) or remove medication. id advise taking the carbon out to save you money (you wont need to replace them as often) and give you something to supplement the tank when it really needs it otherwise the carbon pads get used up without benefitting the fish.
Lauren Rydh
Lauren Rydh - 5 years ago
My amazon sword is dying, you need to get an iron rich substrate. I recommend anubias or hornwort more. My hornwort grows 3" a day and cleans up ammonia! I just got the hornwort from a local lake and washed it off.
Lauren Rydh
Lauren Rydh - 5 years ago
you could do a perfume collection video if you're out of ideas, I love those videos and there aren't many recent ones on youtube.
Traci Riley
Traci Riley - 5 years ago
I never change the filter pad unless its falling apart. I cut open the filter pad and always remove the carbon. not needed unless you have things in your water you need to remove.
Andyyy - 5 years ago
You probably won’t need better lights since you have root tabs
Jose Colon
Jose Colon - 5 years ago
also yea you could just remove the whole top and replace the filter with like a sponge filter and get a different light like the one i commented
Alyssa Nicole
Alyssa Nicole - 5 years ago
Jose Colon I actually ended up doing that :)
Jose Colon
Jose Colon - 5 years ago
first off i like your videos and i think you’re doing good so screw those other people but heres a link to some good led lights that will fit your tank and work real good in plants
or just search aquarium lights in amazon and find some similar to your liking
Hannah Ile
Hannah Ile - 5 years ago
I always find that using plant tweezers to put the plants in really helps me! Your tanks look amazing, keep up the awesome work!!
Ukulele Ocean
Ukulele Ocean - 5 years ago
i really love watching your beta fish videos! im planning on getting one soon :)
Alyssa M
Alyssa M - 5 years ago
Hey we have the same first name lol
Jenna Barnes
Jenna Barnes - 5 years ago
I want this for my better fish so bad! I should make a betta video...
Carl Nelsen
Carl Nelsen - 5 years ago
i like the the way you set up the tank
Captaincold00 - 5 years ago
You got the wrong filters for your first tank! I have the same tank for three of my bettas. Also make sure you vacuum the sand and brush it around with your fingers so you don't get any waste trapped in the sand because it will cause gas bubbles to form and once the gas bubbles are released it will kill your betta due to ammonia spikes. Also you need a good plant light if you want to have a planted tank! Plants need a whole spectrum of different color lights. I have a plant light for my 20 gallon long female betta tank and my plants are doing great. I always keep the white blue and red lights on but it has all different light settings for all different types of plants and their needs. The plants in all of my other tanks always die because there isn't enough lighting my three ten gallons have had plants in them on and off as they always die within a few months. My plants in my 20 gallon are doing so well that I'm constantly transplanting baby plants and trimming the carpet plants. Once I have good lighting in my other tanks I'll be taking some of the babies out of the 20 and planting them in my other tanks. That's one way you'll never have to buy plants from petco again as they are pretty fucking expensive lol. I would also buy the flourish plant food and iron products, they work wonderfully! I hope this helps, good luck!
S013mnS0u1 - 5 years ago
I watched your video and had a few comments to maybe explain what was put rudely before. I'm not an expert by any means, but I did notice some things that might truly impact this fish, and I will try to explain rather than tell you off. First off, the major thing I noticed was that you did a good job looking for a silk plant back up in case the live plants didn't work out. That is a good idea and you noticed that the betta would need soft leaves so its fins wouldn't be damaged while resting. I also noticed that while you were setting up the tank that the hardscape you used, which is beautiful and I'm jealous of it btw, has very pointy looking leaves. When placing it, you bumped them and it seems like they were a ridged plastic kind of leaf. I am not sure if its plastic or silk, but I wanted to bring that up for you to consider. Those looked like prime resting places, and I would hate for a male betta to have this fins shredded by those leaf pokies. If they are silk, good freaking job, that hardscape is amazing. Second, initially, it seems like a good idea to use the tank water from a cycled tank, with it being cycled and in an already healthy tank, but I would point out that the water from the other tank "smells" like another fish, the fish living in the tank it came from. As other fish lived in its water it put out hormones to signal this is my area. It doesn't matter too much because he is in the tank by himself. But introducing those hormones to another fish is like... Let's say that your sitting at home, minding your own business, and then suddenly, you smell another person in your house. You live alone.... or... you thought you did... so you look around to find where the other person is that you can smell, but you can't find them. That would not be a fun experience. Other than that, I enjoyed your video. Keep on going and doing what you love. You enjoy this and are making videos, that's awesome. I want to make videos one day but I know I might face the same issue as you. I just hope someone will explain rather than just attacking someone for not knowing, use the teachable moment for what it is and move on.
chrissy Burns
chrissy Burns - 5 years ago
I had to come find you after seeing this on my TV where I can't see the comments.. I have had fish on and off for over 50 years started age 4 ..don't let anyone run you off.. any mistakes you make are not big enough for people to have a go at you ..your fish look lovely and cared for..since buying my new tanks I have made a ton of mistakes myself.. What is right and wrong in fish keeping changes over time what works for one person does not for another..people would die knowing how my 150 gallon ran years ago..and I had fish living and breeding in it for 10 12 years..nowadays everyone is selling you things to make your tanks perfect when really the fish tell you everything you need to know ..I now use a mix of new and old ways to keep my fish healthy ..and that works for us..good luck and no matter how long you have fish always ask questions ..even silly ones..

100. comment for Top Fin Waterfall 5 Gallon Tank Unboxing/Setup! + My New Betta Fish | Alyssa Nicole |

Kingtony - 5 years ago
the water doesnt have the cyled bacetria some gravel would help it out tho
Kingtony - 5 years ago
u have to swap the carbon? how often and the carbon is the media right im so confused rn i have a carbon in my 3 gallon tank for my koi betta that i got 6 days ago (named her sasha)
noelia johnson
noelia johnson - 5 years ago
I've bought the 5.5 gallon topfin tank with live plants and so far my plants are doing great and growing. I don't believe it's necessary to buy those expensive lights
Justin - 5 years ago
Be careful with that tank my betta was able to jump out because the lid has a big gap towards the filter. I ended up re-building my own lid.
Casey Pratt
Casey Pratt - 5 years ago
i love your beta fish videos they are so helpful ❤️
Erica Owens
Erica Owens - 5 years ago
You seem to love your fish and I’m really excited to see more people show viewers how to truly care for bettas!!! I will say you might want to fix that hut. The fake plants on it will rip up your poor baby fishy’s fins! Plastic plants are really harsh on fish fins. Fabric is a great alternative!
Bryan G
Bryan G - 5 years ago
Hey alyssa, Sorry to hear about people commenting rude things. You’re doing everything good so far :). Can I give some advice, Those amazon swords will most likely out grow the tank, I would swap them out for the rosette sword(sold at petsmart), they stay much smaller. I have an amazon sword that is almost a foot tall and only a few months old. That light you have is fine for easy, beginner plants. I’d try not to add so many root tabs to the tank, especially since it’s so small, I add a new root tab every 6-7 months, it might save you some money. And if you don’t like the waterfall filter, I’d recommend the azoo palm filter, works amazing and is perfect for a nano tank.
Alyssa Nicole
Alyssa Nicole - 5 years ago
Bryan G thank you :)
JW Aquarium's
JW Aquarium's - 5 years ago
The aquarium looks amazing ☺️ I don't get why people get mean on comments it's like no one is perfect
Jasmin Garcia
Jasmin Garcia - 5 years ago
My Berra does great with that tann
Neil - 5 years ago
Great job! One piece of advise for the future? Sand is not great for live plants because it compacts a lot and the pla te that need to feed from their roots will have a thought time spreading their roots and growing strong. Different substrate will help you a lot with that though. Other than that, fish look great and happy!
robogreifer - 5 years ago
I have literally never had that problem with sand. In fact, I just had to pull about half of it up in one of my tanks to get the root system of a dwarf lily out.
Avani - 5 years ago
Many aquarium plants thrive in sand - but you still have to look and see what plants would do the best in that substrate. Obviously, most sand has no nutrients, so you have to add it either by a liquid solution or a solid root tab. I recommend Seachem Flourish (as well as water conditioner Seachem Prime). The main thing with plants in sand, is that they should have a big root system to compensate for how difficult it can be for roots to move and adjust.

I just moved to sand for my 10 gallon - I used to just have gravel. I love the sand and although it requires a little more attention and careful cleaning, it's much more appealing to look at and my catfish also don't lose their food in the substrate now!
Taylor Shortt
Taylor Shortt - 5 years ago
Block all those turds that just don’t let them get to you! Your doing an AMAZING JOB! :)
Righteous Rachel
Righteous Rachel - 5 years ago
Whet did you get the vacuum suction thingy at???????
Alyssa Nicole
Alyssa Nicole - 5 years ago
Righteous Rachel Petsmart!
Maya Osander-Covarrubias
Maya Osander-Covarrubias - 5 years ago
If tall are giving her crap, just chill. I work at the San Antonio aquarium and have many advanced fresh and saltwater tanks. She's doing perfectly fine. Just be thankful she has ONE betta is a five gallon tank instead of having in it, like, a .25 gallon fishbowl.
Maya Osander-Covarrubias
Maya Osander-Covarrubias - 5 years ago
Taylor Cook Yeah, they took our horned shark (which is literally the only super expensive shark we have...). They literally picked it up and wrapped in in a blanket while other guests are the not even blinking. But they parked their cat next to gift shop exit si the could get out of that fast, BUT Marcus (our gm) had to move them because of that. That's how we got their license plate.
Taylor Cook
Taylor Cook - 5 years ago
Maya Osander-Covarrubias didn’t y’all just get robbed of a shark lmao
Daxisapit AJ
Daxisapit AJ - 5 years ago
Put the sponge inside the tube in the tank :)
Almedina  Dzafic
Almedina Dzafic - 5 years ago
What do yall do with the oil on top of the tank I had a diy baffle for my filter but it would not move the water enough to clean it so when my betta would get worms it would leave oil on the top so I removed it but there are certain spots and such with the oil what do you do?
Alex Such
Alex Such - 5 years ago
Hey! I know this kinda sucks because it’s cute but that hut might cut your Bettas fins (the spiky plastic plants on it) and I recommend removing it. Unless it doesn’t seem to bother him!
Angela Miller
Angela Miller - 5 years ago
I am sorry there are so many really rude people out there. I also bought a tank the was cracked. I really hate when that happens. Keep up the vids.
Nicole - 5 years ago
robogreifer I've heard both things, so I thought it was better to be safe than sorry. I've only had experience with the larger bottle of seachem prime which if I recall never said what to dose for a tank under 20 gals. I didnt know if the smaller bottle was the same.
robogreifer - 5 years ago
It’s very hard to overdose with Prime. Double or triple dosing does no harm. If you want to be more precise, though, it’s 2 drops per gallon.
tablespoon - 5 years ago
once again you put a fish in an uncycled tank, even worse a tall tank. ridiculous
Cakefan 1005
Cakefan 1005 - 5 years ago
That shouldn't be a problem at all! Bettas are very hardy fish and she seems like she is really looking after her fish! About the tall tank: my bettas never had a problem with that! Especially because it's only a 5.5 there should be 0 problems!
Hannah H.
Hannah H. - 5 years ago
That's plenty of media for a tank that size. That bag is literally sold specifically for five gallon tanks. And that tank isn't much taller than a ten gallon or a twenty long, which is what plenty of people keep their bettas in with no issues. The fish will have plenty of places to rest higher up too with all of the swords in the tank, especially once they grow a bit. She'll probably even have to pull some swords out, since they can get huge.
tablespoon - 5 years ago
Hannah H. that little amount of cycled media probably didn’t do shit. bettas should never be in talk tanks because they like to breathe air but also rest near the bottom, with the tank being tall it can tire and stress the fish out having to swim so high and so low often.
Hannah H.
Hannah H. - 5 years ago
She put in cycled media. And the fact that it's tall doesn't matter too much for such a small sized aquarium with plenty of surface disturbance.
Jade Smith
Jade Smith - 5 years ago
Btw u dont need carbon it takes out nutrients that helps the plants and bestttt live plant u almost cant kill anubias trust me
Sire Eminence Zakkiyyiah
Sire Eminence Zakkiyyiah - 5 years ago
The same thing happened to me when I brought my TopFin 5.5 Gallon... I did a video on it.
I definitely watched your video before I purchased it and the tape method works! Thanks!
james coverday
james coverday - 5 years ago
I love your videos
Shay Rollins
Shay Rollins - 5 years ago
I have the same tank for my Betta. And I found that increasing the water level helped to decrease the flow. I literally put the water level at the filter/white part. Also, i have live plants in mine and the light seems to be just fine. I have tons of new growth on my anubius and my java ferns.
Cory Joseph
Cory Joseph - 5 years ago
katie glenn
katie glenn - 5 years ago
I've heard bad things about tall tanks and issues with gas exhange with the lack of surface area at the top of the tank... hows this tall tank working for you? It looks cute. I've also heard horror stories about fish poop/bacteria getting stuck under sand and when it is disrupted/released it can poison/kill your fish. I currently have that same sand in my betta tank and so far so good... keep an eye on your sand and be careful when you clean it.
wvwvwvwv - 5 years ago
Every week you have to stir up all of the sand to nothing bad can form in it, with her tank it's going to be really hard to do that.
Avani - 5 years ago
A betta would be fine in a tank with minimum surface tension, just because they have a labyrinth organ that allows them to take in air from the surface rather than having to solely rely on oxygen in the water! Also when it comes to sand substrate, during every water change it's good to get into the habit to disturb the sand to prevent those toxic gas pockets from forming. It can be tricky working around plant roots, but as long as you do it regularly, you shouldn't have a problem.
Alyssa Nicole
Alyssa Nicole - 5 years ago
katie glenn the tank seems to be working good for my fish..
Ava Holtsberg
Ava Holtsberg - 5 years ago
Love your channel! Are you a vegetarian?
Tiffany Wilson
Tiffany Wilson - 5 years ago
I really like your betta fish videos it really sucks that others are attacking you
cay252 - 5 years ago
Last episode of originals! :'( so sad its ending. Love ur tanks keep up the good work! <3
Alicia Ruiz
Alicia Ruiz - 5 years ago
Oh girl. Once you start getting tanks it won’t end. 1 year ago I got a crested. Now i have 20 reptiles and 8 aquariums. Have fun!!
Charlotte Sagness
Charlotte Sagness - 5 years ago
Who else saw the girl in the backround
neighborhoodman323 - 5 years ago
You should try working with drift wood and other rocks like dragon stone. Petsmart/petco over price their little bag of rocks up the ass
Tessa Voisin
Tessa Voisin - 5 years ago
i have a betta that looks just like the one you just bought. i named him august and he’s huge
Matthew Peck
Matthew Peck - 5 years ago
Everyone does something different. nobody is the same.
Matthew Peck
Matthew Peck - 5 years ago
But, I am sorry that lots of people don't appreciate what you are doing.
Matthew Peck
Matthew Peck - 5 years ago
I think that you are doing just fine
Georgina - 5 years ago
I love your setups and your fish keeping seems amazing. This is the first video of yours I've seen, but I really like it and plan to watch more. I have a few helpful tips for you to hopefully make things easier. One, I think the light should be fine for your plants since they're low light plants, but I've never had this tank so try whatever you think works best. Two, I see you have a paper on the one tank to block out your fish from seeing each other and I do the same, but I recommend covering the fluval's side as well to avoid stressed bettas :) Also, I love the Hydor heaters, I use them in my own tanks and they're wonderful, I was very happy to see you used them as well. One more tip I'd recommend is that I use the flourish root tabs and they are fabulous, they're great for my amazon sword and have been for the many months I've been using them, however, I noticed you used quite a few. I only have one live plant in my tank so it would make sense for me to only use one and replace every three months, but if I were you I'd only use one per plant, placing them right below or beside the main root. That way they still get their nutrients and you don't waste any. Hope this helps! Keep up the great work :)
Alyssa Nicole
Alyssa Nicole - 5 years ago
Georgina thank you so much :))
Jazmin Lopez
Jazmin Lopez - 5 years ago
Fuck everyone else if they’re happy and your happy do whatever the fuck YOU want!
Maeghan Bozsoki
Maeghan Bozsoki - 5 years ago
Yes, keep making videos your awesome
Britney Carla
Britney Carla - 5 years ago
Good job putting the old bio media into the other tank! Also putting your other bettas water into your new tank is actually doing more harm than good. It’s putting all the ammonia into your new tank which can really throw off the new tank. Btw you are doing amazing so far !! don’t worry about people judging you and being mean because everyone’s first fish tank was awful. I know mine was
Britney Carla
Britney Carla - 5 years ago
Something Random mine was 3 guppies, 2 Molly’s, a female Betta and a goldfish in a 20 gallon uncycled tank oops
Something Random
Something Random - 5 years ago
Britney Carla mine was 2 male Berta’s in a half gallon tank with a clear divider mine was horrible I feel so bad for those poor fish
Kali - 5 years ago
you’re doing great! i think that the pet community is so hostile because everyone has different ideas/opinions of how to take care of their animals. everyone is in the same boat though- they all want to give their pets the best lives possible. you’re definitely not abusing any of your fish and it’s clear you understand the basics of keeping betas. from here on out it’s just learning what your fish prefer
however i’d be careful about buying live topfin plants because on multiple occasions they brought snail eggs into my tanks. i would recommend that you sanitize anything youre going to put in the tanks (even decorations) to avoid transferring anything unwanted. also make sure that you take water from a healthy tank when you want to add cycled water.
fyi- loved your video
Rosalie - 5 years ago
Haha, this is so me. I love fish and I ended up collecting 6 tanks with fish in it. It took a lot of time and work so I downsized to 3 tanks. But I agree, collecting tanks are quite addicting.
Elizabeth Marie
Elizabeth Marie - 5 years ago
I love your fish videos! They are always so informative:)
Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole
Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole - 5 years ago
You are so pretty. Also, you look so young. I would’ve thought you were about 15 or 16. Just a random comment. I was thinking that you look about 15, and then I saw your tattoos. Which are also pretty. Essentially, you are a gorgeous human with nice tattoos.
Shawn Tunstall
Shawn Tunstall - 5 years ago
take the pump out and look at it. the pumps in all the other betta flo tanks have and adjustable flow
Kerrie KH
Kerrie KH - 5 years ago
Nobody should attack you☺️
Kerrie KH
Kerrie KH - 5 years ago
Yess, 17 mins long!!
Terrell Roederer
Terrell Roederer - 5 years ago
Your light should be fine for amazon swords.
Celeste Morales
Celeste Morales - 5 years ago
Dom Sandoval
Dom Sandoval - 5 years ago
I dont see you doing anything wrong! I like the video and keep it up !
Malevo - 5 years ago
once you get one tank, it’s hard to resist getting more!
Chris Bright
Chris Bright - 5 years ago
You could just cut a little piece of sponge and wedge it into the returns on your filter. Then put the rocks back. It would slow the flow and the rocks would camouflage the sponge.
Skyler Pope
Skyler Pope - 5 years ago
So I know you have 3 different tanks. But petco has a tank with 3 different levels made specifically for beta fish. Its called a waterfall tank.
Alyssa Nicole
Alyssa Nicole - 5 years ago
Skyler Pope it’s also extremely tiny and I will not put my Bettas in something that small, there has also been a complication where the fish are jumping into each other’s section and dying. It’s a horrible tank
wrs88 - 5 years ago
Not sure if anyone else said this (or if this will even work with a top like that, but you can cut a plastic water bottle in half and put it in front of the flow and it helps dispurse the water so the flow is less strong for the betta.
Hammie_Kat - 5 years ago
This is so adorable! The tree house and all the plants around it. This reminds me of the tree house and the jungle around it from Tarzan.
It’sJaclynRae - 5 years ago
I love this video and your fish videos and Walmart has really good fish supplies
Hamhead 3
Hamhead 3 - 5 years ago
Love your video! Thank you because I’m thinking of buying that exact tank for a Betta... you are a doll! Keep up the good work
reptile family
reptile family - 5 years ago
Lol the betta fish was like wait what y are u taking my water , notfair
Haley Manion
Haley Manion - 5 years ago
all id say is the hut may be a problem; it takes up a bit too much swimming room since its a tall tank instead of a long and also the plants on it look a bit spikey and may damage ur bettas fins! otherwise i think it looks great :) i do think you should check out some vids to help optimize your filters/filter media bc they really arent the best (they're fine but could be better!!!!)
wvwvwvwv - 5 years ago
I agree, a smaller cave would be better
Darkwolf 3639
Darkwolf 3639 - 5 years ago
It is a cute hut tho
Darkwolf 3639
Darkwolf 3639 - 5 years ago
I kinda agree... I always sand down my decor on the inside especially of little hides like that. While betta mostly go to the top water area, they still do enjoy hiding it the are frightened or if they are resting
Snowdog playzZ
Snowdog playzZ - 5 years ago
Haley Manion it doesn’t really matter bettas are top swimmers not bottom
reptile family
reptile family - 5 years ago
Btw live sand is for salt water tanks
Samantha Wilson
Samantha Wilson - 5 years ago
Which tank is your absolute favorite? Keep up the videos girl! I love watching them all!
Alivias piggies
Alivias piggies - 5 years ago
30 round- yah I know. I regret doing that.
wvwvwvwv - 5 years ago
Daniel Acedilla the commenter said they had it in a bowl which is really bad, this girl isn't doing too bad, doing a lot better than most people but she could improve.
30 Round
30 Round - 5 years ago
Daniel Acedilla no problem it was a accident I was sleepy asf when I commented that your tank looks good and the betta is pretty I just bought a new betta today I have a male and a female betta I'm the same tank I'm scared but I want them to breed and in my 10 gallon I have a lot of fish
Daniel Acedilla
Daniel Acedilla - 5 years ago
30 Round I mean 5 gallon is really a good size for them so I dont see an issue here
Jose Rios
Jose Rios - 5 years ago
30 Round not abuse
30 Round
30 Round - 5 years ago
Alivias piggies it's abuse to keep them in a little place just imagine being in a room your whole life just waiting to be fed
Atrociousbear 219
Atrociousbear 219 - 5 years ago
you have multiple tanks syndrome, I have the same thing. started off with a 2 gallon now I have 5 tanks XD
Ashley Rose
Ashley Rose - 5 years ago
The light should be fine. I have low light plants like java fern and some amazon swords. You are doing a great job!
Charlotte Porter
Charlotte Porter - 5 years ago
I love your betta fish videos!!!! They help me out a lot because I am not advanced!!!
bighurk30 - 5 years ago
Nice video nice setup don't you love how big box stores handle their product
Patrick Smith
Patrick Smith - 5 years ago
For your Live plants your going to need red and blue lights you can get a big role off of Amazon
Patrick Smith
Patrick Smith - 5 years ago
There called spectrum grow lights
Alli B
Alli B - 5 years ago
i get your obsession. I have 4 tanks in my room, and my room is very small. I started with a betta and I fell in love.
Mia Bivenour
Mia Bivenour - 5 years ago
Your tank is so pretty!!!
X S - 5 years ago
I love rimless glass tanks ❤️
Kayla Brown
Kayla Brown - 5 years ago
I love this video!! I....I feel so bad suggesting a type of piercing video because I know you don't like a lot of requests for them but I was wondering if you could do a video on how you do your makeup with a piercing. I know how to do it correctly, but I feel as if it would be super helpful for those who don't know how. Keep doing all of your great work!!!
Vocabuflash - 5 years ago
It makes me sad to hear that there are so many rude people commenting and that's the reason you don't post more pets videos. It's one of the main reasons why I follow you. You are a very caring person with animals and I loved this video <3 I forgot to say, the music was perfect <3
B-Boy{NZ} - 5 years ago
People are so mean I love what u did with the tank and all your others
Libra at Heart
Libra at Heart - 5 years ago
I like how you put paper on that one tank. And was that "under the sea" playing in the video?
Libra at Heart
Libra at Heart - 5 years ago
I see someone in your mirror
Dolphincutie World
Dolphincutie World - 5 years ago
Great video. Love the tank and everything in side is beautiful. Live the new betta. I have 7 bettas so I know what you mean about it. Can't stop. Lol.... Don't let people put you down and stop making betta fish videos and how you take care of your bettas. For what I see all your tanks are beautiful and so is your bettas.
Angel Garcia
Angel Garcia - 5 years ago
I like that fish tank
FunkyLilacCat - 5 years ago
You’re doing great with with your Berta’s and I adore your new tank. One piece of advice I saw on Elijah’s tank you put a piece of paper in between him and Damon which is smart just make sure to to that for clouse ( don’t know how to spell that). If they see each other they might try to fight and they will get stressed. Other than that I really enjoyed the video and am so happy to see someone taking such good care of their fish.
Enrique Nunez
Enrique Nunez - 5 years ago
Great video! I'm thinking of getting this tank, would you recommend anything to lower the flow of the waterfall?
Ashley Harvell
Ashley Harvell - 5 years ago
I’ve had this tank for 6 months. I initially got it for a betta. My betta was very temporarily housed in that tank due to the water flow. I still have the tank but with just some neon tetras & a snail. I love the tank but the light is definitely not suited for plant growth. I have a moss ball in my tank & it’s very dull/lackluster in color compared the other 2 moss balls I have in my other 2 tanks with brighter lights. The moss balls in those tanks look beautiful!
Betta Fish Keeping
Betta Fish Keeping - 5 years ago
So cute!! Thanks for the info! I was thinking about getting this tank but I think I’m going to pass now. Also, I’m sorry people have been so mean about your videos!
ezra smith
ezra smith - 5 years ago
All of you r tanks are very pretty...Haters can hate, you do you
abby14 - 5 years ago
I love how the tank turned out it’s awesome!
Izzy Hughes
Izzy Hughes - 5 years ago
Ur eyebrows look extremely good in this video. Are you trying something new?
Sherry Wade
Sherry Wade - 5 years ago
Its pronounced BAY-TAH fish
Alyssa Nicole
Alyssa Nicole - 5 years ago
its actually pronounced the way I said it! A lot of people just say it as "Bay-tah" instead though
Maureen Higgins
Maureen Higgins - 5 years ago
Beautiful tank set up. I too bafle my 21 betta outflows. 14 betta tanks. Sand goes so well with ornament.Just stuff sponge in outflow. Try floating logs. Most long fin bettas love them. Maybe try root tabs you bury in substrate. They are costly. I havent had great success with my 1 planted tank. Love new tank videos. I hae many types. 10s,split 10s(ONLY ONCE), 5s. Topfin bowfront 5s., Just got a tiny female that will stay small. Got her in Topfin bowfront 2.5. Love the room she has. Am doing plenty water changes. She is fine.All out tanks look great!
mrose6_ - 5 years ago
Yaay another fish video! I love your fishes
YOW Gyrl
YOW Gyrl - 5 years ago
Hi, you can mute people in your comments. you don't see the crap they post.
some one
some one - 5 years ago
How my much would you say 1 betta costs you a month? I'm trying to figure out if I can afford one
Alyssa Nicole
Alyssa Nicole - 5 years ago
some one well I’ve spent around $200 each fish when I first get started. I usually buy everything I need at the beginning so I don’t really pay each month for them
nathan cassidy
nathan cassidy - 5 years ago
i love all of your videos so much keep doing what you are now
Mia’s Bubble
Mia’s Bubble - 5 years ago
omg your tank is so cute!!! I love it <3 I would recomend any ligvht with a 15v bulb minimum! But I dont have a 15v bulb and my plants are growing amazingly! I have an updated fish tour going on my channel next week by the way <3
Celina Chow
Celina Chow - 5 years ago
why is your sis just chilling in your room though, lol i couldn't flim with my sis in the room and btw i love your animal videos
Noely Caballero
Noely Caballero - 5 years ago
I have 13 Betta fish sooo.........
Pinecone - 5 years ago
I don’t really care. Must be fun having all those fish, though
Lugh On The Loo
Lugh On The Loo - 5 years ago
I have 21 and most of them are female. Haha! I adore them.
Noely Caballero
Noely Caballero - 5 years ago
Alyssa Nicole that would be awesome because I would love to see those videos!
Alyssa Nicole
Alyssa Nicole - 5 years ago
haha thats awesome! That will probably be me in the future :)
Cara LU
Cara LU - 5 years ago
It looks lovely!
Stitchiot - 5 years ago
Alyssa Nicole
Alyssa Nicole - 5 years ago
imapancake WHAT haha
cathy san
cathy san - 5 years ago
Cute tank !
Jeza B
Jeza B - 5 years ago
I love the little hut. Damon is beautiful as he swims around it.
Kristyna Gordon
Kristyna Gordon - 5 years ago
Hey, I have the 5.5 gal too. I love it but can you please do a video showing how you fixed the flow? Also where do you put your bio media? I keep getting worried that it'll cause my filter to overflow. Thank you!! I love your fish
mick - 5 years ago
very pretty tank! makes me want to set another one up even more
John Harvey
John Harvey - 5 years ago
If you do end up getting a new filter I would recommend getting a sponge filter mainly because of how low flow they are other wise i love the tank.
Jemma Fanshaw
Jemma Fanshaw - 5 years ago
Loved this video, I have a little betta fish named foo
Adriana and camila Asmr
Adriana and camila Asmr - 5 years ago
Hey, your Betta needs at least 10 gallons
princess Luna kusuma
princess Luna kusuma - 5 years ago
no theyre not, mine all well and healthy in smaller tank
Megan O'Bara
Megan O'Bara - 5 years ago
Bettas can survive in 2.5gal or larger. A 5gal is fine
Taylor Perkins
Taylor Perkins - 5 years ago
You could get a tube valve that they sell so you can ajust the water flow
Taylor Perkins
Taylor Perkins - 5 years ago
i just use different sponges for like the shower and stuff for my filters.
Melissa S
Melissa S - 5 years ago
Love your videos! Congrats on your new betta! Don’t pay any mind to the trolls who leave negative comments! Keep making videos!;)
Jess Productions
Jess Productions - 5 years ago
i was super excited for this because im getting a guinea pig and my mom wants us to get some fish so im am super excited about it
Tell Me I'm Pretty
Tell Me I'm Pretty - 5 years ago
I personally think that you have been doing an amazing job with all of your animals! I assume its hard sometimes to have that many hate comments on your videos. I have been watching you for quite a while and I think that you care about your animals a lot. I love that you added underwater footage, that's really unique and interesting from a viewer standpoint. I personally would love it if you did more pet videos. I've been thinking about starting my own channel and doing things like this. I really love your piercing videos and ear stretching videos. I don't think I'm that self-assured with myself that I would pierce my nose. I'm thinking possibly with the ears. It's truly amazing how well you pull off your piercings and I think that you are a fantastic pet owner. When you did start doing pet videos I fell in love with your channel and you even more because I was thinking to myself it would be great if she did pet videos and you started doing them! I was amazed and I binge watched pretty much every video you had uploaded. Anyways I hope you have a lovely day!

-Amanda ♡
Alyssa Nicole
Alyssa Nicole - 5 years ago
Tell Me I'm Pretty this comment was so sweet, thank you so much ❤️❤️
landon Isabella
landon Isabella - 5 years ago
I miss my betta fish but he was the oldest fish I've ever had he lasted over a year at least he had a good life ps. I love your fish they are so cute
Daxisapit AJ
Daxisapit AJ - 5 years ago
They live 5-6 years... My past betta lived 6.5.
landon Isabella
landon Isabella - 5 years ago
some one my friend had it about a year or 2 before I did
some one
some one - 5 years ago
landon Isabella betta fish should live for much longer.
Skylar Moyer
Skylar Moyer - 5 years ago
You look beautiful! Work girl!!
Courtnea Krejce
Courtnea Krejce - 5 years ago
Do more on lumos like an update plzzz! Or like an all my pets vid would be awesome
kristina mills
kristina mills - 5 years ago
You’re doing amazing Alyssa ! I’ve been watching you since you’ve made your first eat stretching video !! I love the dynamic of your videos and keep being you girl !! I have a 10 gallon Aqueon starter kit tank and it’s a community tank with one male Betta, 2 African dwarf frogs, and 1 Molly, and 2 ghost shrimp, 2 Cory catfishes. Ofcourse people will say my tank is overstocked but my fish are thriving and everything is fine also my frogs are really small so I personally do not think it is crowded but it’s all about how the fish are doing honestly I am a beginner but I think I’m doing pretty well also !! I love your aquarium set ups also you are inspiring me to get multiple fives and putting them next to each other !!
kristina mills
kristina mills - 5 years ago
Ear stretching**
Lori Newman
Lori Newman - 5 years ago
You are definitely not abusing your animals and the people that think that are insane. My one bit of advice is that you actually don’t even need the carbon cartridges. They are nice for removing water meds but can actually leach stuff back into the water once they are full. And never replace the bio media, just rinse it in a bucket of tank water once it gets too gunky. I have goldfish and cichlids but your videos make me want to get into bettas again
Gcole6 - 5 years ago
Nice video and fish! I don't do fish at all, i won 2 at a carnival and they died in 2 days but then again we didn't have a filter.
Marissa - 5 years ago
I’m in loveee with this tank
Lilly Ski
Lilly Ski - 5 years ago
Pretty betta! I love the vampire diaries and the originals :)
Audrey Morris
Audrey Morris - 5 years ago
I love how we can see your sister in the mirror
Audrey Morris
Audrey Morris - 5 years ago
hey Alyssa! im a big fan of your channel!
Kolby's Kritters
Kolby's Kritters - 5 years ago
Thank you for linking the tank in the description! I’m interested in this tank :). Lovely set up. I have a hard time getting into aquatics, but I’m going to hopefully try and give it a shot
Alyssa Nicole
Alyssa Nicole - 5 years ago
Kolby's Kritters I’ve always loved watching fish swim around :) if you’re into the work of keeping a fish tank clean, go for it! It’s worth it when you can see how happy your fish is !
Leslie's Fish Room
Leslie's Fish Room - 5 years ago
Kolby's Kritters
Go for it! It looks like a really nice tank.
Hatcx _
Hatcx _ - 5 years ago
Leslie's Fish Room
Leslie's Fish Room - 5 years ago
Keep on doin what you do girl. I for one enjoy watching your setup videos and things. Thanks for sharing this one. ☺️
I look forward to the update video later.
Alyssa Nicole
Alyssa Nicole - 5 years ago
Leslie 09’s Fish Room thank you :)❤️
Leslie's Fish Room
Leslie's Fish Room - 5 years ago
I've always been told to not use carbon in a planted tank because the carbon supposedly removes all the fertilizers that the plants use to grow. But... Having said that, Amazon Swords are supposed to be heavy root feeders and since you added root tabs the carbon may not bother them. Again... I'd like to see an update video if you can. I may actually try putting some carbon in one of my tanks that I have with Swords just to see if makes any difference.
I really like the way you set up the tank. It's so pretty.
Leah Oates
Leah Oates - 5 years ago
I love these fish/animal videos
Madison H
Madison H - 5 years ago
Seachem brand is the best! I always recommend the prime and stability to customers
Madison H
Madison H - 5 years ago
Also, the live plants will be fine with those lights. I like to use Seachem plant food over the tops. I’ve kept plants alive for 2+ years with the cheap top fin lights
Leslie's Fish Room
Leslie's Fish Room - 5 years ago
It’s Faith I totally agree. People can be so mean and make enjoying the hobby so difficult.
Alex Arlyn
Alex Arlyn - 5 years ago
Your plants should be fine in that light because they don’t need much light. I also have live plants in my tank and I kept the top fin light in there and they are doing really well. Just make sure to keep up with the ammonia and nitrate/nitrite levels in your water.
Arianna Gutierrez
Arianna Gutierrez - 5 years ago
I love ur new betta fish
Macey jayne
Macey jayne - 5 years ago
<3 <3
Abigail Stans
Abigail Stans - 5 years ago
yess keep doing them ignore the haters!!!
CringeyAuburnCheerleader _
CringeyAuburnCheerleader _ - 5 years ago
Who else watched the lady in the mirror the whole time
Aquarium Adventure
Aquarium Adventure - 5 years ago
CringeyAuburnCheerleader _ me lol
ARD HUNTING - 5 years ago
CringeyAuburnCheerleader _ yes
zarakittycatmia channel
zarakittycatmia channel - 5 years ago
Me it's her sis
Matthew Peck
Matthew Peck - 5 years ago
CringeyAuburnCheerleader _ I did
Kronos Rules
Kronos Rules - 5 years ago
CringeyAuburnCheerleader _ yep
Lillian Leonhardt
Lillian Leonhardt - 5 years ago
I love these videos!!!
Aliana Rose
Aliana Rose - 5 years ago
Hey ❤
Reagan Alexa
Reagan Alexa - 5 years ago
First comment ilysm ❤️
Prettymeoriginal - 5 years ago

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