My fish got a version of ICK! This is a deadly disease that will destroy a healthy tank in a matter of days! All of my once healty fish have died, except for 2 of them. My Yellow Tang pulled thru and seems to be making a road to recovery!

ICK & BROOKLYNELLA IN MY REEF TANK sentiment_very_dissatisfied 18

Reef tank 11 years ago 23,479 views

My fish got a version of ICK! This is a deadly disease that will destroy a healthy tank in a matter of days! All of my once healty fish have died, except for 2 of them. My Yellow Tang pulled thru and seems to be making a road to recovery!

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Most popular comments

starkiller 86
starkiller 86 - 7 years ago
I find that regal tang gets ich due to stress,since my other tangs died she is the only one left and has been ich free ever since,growing rapidly and eating well
Chris The Hobby Guy
Chris The Hobby Guy - 7 years ago
Hippo Tangs tend to get ick....My tip is give any saltwater fish that has ick you give tit a 3 minute freshwater dip....your friend .......''CHRIS THE HOBBY GUY'
Chris The Hobby Guy
Chris The Hobby Guy - 7 years ago
Yes ...Stress does cause the immune system of the fish to lower allowing the fish to become sick....Have a great day..........your friend "CHRIS THE HOBBY GUY''
915Mang - 7 years ago
I feed Often as much as I can, Nori Daily to keep them Fat. I like Garlic too
starkiller 86
starkiller 86 - 7 years ago
ChrisTheHobbyGuy I found my regal tang got rid of ich one she was the only tang in the aquarium,no more stress caused by others
915Mang - 7 years ago
ChrisTheHobbyGuy What's going on Chris, Yeah I've just never done it. Sounds crazy doing it, but I know it's done and effective. Take Care Chris!
Tony ARC
Tony ARC - 7 years ago
Some advice increase water agitation yours looks way to calm for marine setup
915Mang - 7 years ago
Yeah I did eventually. Thanks Tony!
MoreToys Review
MoreToys Review - 8 years ago
nice video...keep it coming...will come back for more
915Mang - 7 years ago
MoreToys Review What's up Mang?!
El Kabong!
El Kabong! - 8 years ago
Hi Mang. I have seen your videos with the rotter and mile high. I wanted you to look into a vortex diatom filter that uses diatomaceous earth. I have seen my fish after about 2 hours running and it looks as if they are swimming in air. I know people who run it all day and they never have any problems. I only run it after I feed and after I do a substrate and water changes. This is better than any filtration method I have used. Maybe you can make a video. I think its one of the best products after a protein skimmer for a reef tank. How long does it take for sugar dosing a 75 gallon aquarium. I also this question. I like to change my aquas cape every 6 months or so because of territorial issues with the fish. That means I leave my corals on my plugs and hope they populate on their own with a few exceptions like anemones etc. Should I just glue them to the rock or keep them on plug. Do you have a propagation video and a how to on gluing them to the rocks.
915Mang - 8 years ago
+El Kabong! An easy thing to do is by gel filters. They will cut the blues out. When you record dont do it at an angel, do it level with the corals. Itll save you a lot of money. They sell it on amazon or ebay, $30 for all kinds of colors. I need to buy me some
El Kabong!
El Kabong! - 8 years ago
One more thing can you give me some advice on filming my tank to where it looks so vivid and clear with actinics on. What would be a good camera that is cheap and do I need a tripod. I was looking into a budget of 150 to 200 bucks. My phone doesnt do any justice with the actinics.
915Mang - 8 years ago
+El Kabong! Hey thanks again, more videos to come! I do try and show my mistakes and whats working out for me. Thanks again
El Kabong!
El Kabong! - 8 years ago
You have some great ideas and you explain very good your videos. I think its about patience and try and failure. I think you 3 guys input will be very valuable because your real and you can tell that you are really like us novices. We dont have to buy all the expensive stuff to have a great tank because we are all on a budget. Thanks
915Mang - 8 years ago
Whats sup El Kabong. Ive seen that filter youre talking about. Looks cool, I like to leave my stuff a lone on frag plugs until they grow off the plug. Ive done a few videos of me fragging leathers and a NEM. Thats for stopping by, appreciate it!
Ram Violango
Ram Violango - 9 years ago
but you dont change the water
915Mang - 9 years ago
No I used the same water, 120g + of water us a lot to throw away. Also the ick will go away if you have no more fish. Its called fallow, where you dont add anything
Ram Violango
Ram Violango - 9 years ago
your problem is same to my tank when your tank wiped out did you change your water?.
915Mang - 9 years ago
Hi Ram, I just left the fish in the tank. I feed heavily as much as they would eat, and put garlic on their food so they would be interested in the food. My yellow tang and hippo tang made it. Then I left it with those 2 fish only for a few months without adding anything else. Hope that helps, I know its sad losing fish
Fenisha Babu
Fenisha Babu - 9 years ago
What a colourful and amazing fish
915Mang - 9 years ago
+Fenisha Babu Thanks One of my favorites
Phyo Kyaw
Phyo Kyaw - 9 years ago
Yeah ick parasite will wipe out entire tank The fish who already got infect it is too late and the other will save if u treat with ich solution
915Mang - 9 years ago
+Phyo Kyaw I got lucky, my Blue hippo tang made it, and so did my yellow tang. Everything else didnt make it, was pretty sad. I will use a QT from now on. Thanks Phyo


M.R. Hawks
M.R. Hawks - 9 years ago
Why didn't you quarantine all the fish after you noticed them sick??? You NEVER leave sick fish in a tank. Get them in quaretine and treat them!
M.R. Hawks
M.R. Hawks - 9 years ago
You don't need medication. Do the tank transfer method. That has worked better for me than ANY treatment and causes the least amount of stress to the fish. It works just as good if not better than copper. I am sorry for your loss. 
915Mang - 9 years ago
You dont always have the medications to treat the fish. I have some now, with a QT tank. Really was sad loosing all my fish at the time.
Reality EditTV
Reality EditTV - 9 years ago
so by doing water changes  will it get some of the Brooklynella out of my tank?
915Mang - 9 years ago
It'll take a while for it to get out of your tank. If you can remove your fish and give them medication. I didn't add fish for a long time, 3-6 months. But no, water changes will not cure it. Keep your fish eating, and raise the temp of you can. Feed Garlic, if you don't have any you can make your own. I did a video
Tony Nguyen
Tony Nguyen - 10 years ago
Dude you had it too??
915Mang - 10 years ago
Yeah Tony, sucks! My only survivors where the Hippo Tang and Yellow Tang. Yellow Tang was on its last leg, but it beat it. 
Zack Guevara
Zack Guevara - 11 years ago
Wow dude that's terrible, lost all my fish a few months back due to the disease, hope you don't get to discouraged! 
915Mang - 11 years ago
+Zack Guevara Ok thanks man, Im going to try again next year. 2 Months isnt that bad, but well see!
Zack Guevara
Zack Guevara - 11 years ago
Well, I lost my fish in December and readded new fish in February, Brooklynea doesn't have as long of a fallow period as Ich so I tested the water with a few damsels and then added the designer clowns once I knew it was safe. I got brook' from a wild Tomingi tang 
915Mang - 11 years ago
Thanks Zach, sucks that you lost fish also. Have you added anymore fish to your system or are you going to wait? Im going to be starting my nano soon, so that should hold me over for a few!
GENISIS1TWENTYONE - 11 years ago
Sorry to hear about the fish loss, I've had most of my livestock wiped out by ich as well and I know its a bad feeling
bobbonecrusher - 11 years ago
im not using tech m,im using no3 po4 x now for 5days before that I was vodka dosing for 3wks
915Mang - 11 years ago
Really, 1600 with Tech M? I have noticed it has faded my algae, but I'm not at 1600, I guess because I dose manually, and only a little a day. I ended up using the scrub brush to clean some of that crap up!
915Mang - 11 years ago
Tell me about it man! Everyone was doing so good and then they where KIA. But I have my nano that I will be stocking once I get it started
915Mang - 11 years ago
Thanks Reef Raf, Ive been using the Tech M, I have plans for a UV sterilizer in the future! Its more of a preventive maintenance plan, then a cure.
915Mang - 11 years ago
Yeah Joe, it sucks! But im already thinking about the next fish i want to get. Instead of a flame angel I want to get a coral beauty. But hopefully this disease will be gone! UV is in the plans for the future!


IamPower Hood
IamPower Hood - 11 years ago
Man that suck,hope you're water gets back right...I'm going to make some more videos soon ...
Reef Raf
Reef Raf - 11 years ago
hey sorry to hear that Mang! can you do a 90% water change? just to get rid of all bad stuff in the water and than dose techM, also do you have a uv sterlizer? again sorry to hear about your fish
bobbonecrusher - 11 years ago
my mag is around 1600 but didn't help me,got give it 5days yet.

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