Electric snorkel how to build

run time: 1 hour can stay underwater for 1 hour constant Max deep: 5 meter weight: 5.7 kg Oil free No pressure when it does not run Battery: NiMh 5000mAh 12 volt Compressor: Boyu ACQ 903 can have it in airplane luggagre No PVC

Electric snorkel how to build sentiment_very_dissatisfied 13

Snorkeling 10 years ago 52,304 views

run time: 1 hour can stay underwater for 1 hour constant Max deep: 5 meter weight: 5.7 kg Oil free No pressure when it does not run Battery: NiMh 5000mAh 12 volt Compressor: Boyu ACQ 903 can have it in airplane luggagre No PVC

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Most popular comments
for Electric snorkel how to build

Wallace Smith
Wallace Smith - 6 years ago
Seems he needs someone who can speak english and with a voice you can understand. Clearly.......
Blaa... blaaa... blaa ..... this is crap
Wallace Smith
Wallace Smith - 6 years ago
Seems he needs someone who can speak english and with a voice you can understand. Clearly.......
Blaa... blaaa... blaa ..... this is crap
Wallace Smith
Wallace Smith - 6 years ago
Seems he needs someone who can speak english and with a voice you can understand. Clearly.......
Blaa... blaaa... blaa ..... this is crap
Eric Mount
Eric Mount - 6 years ago
To buy this is a few thousand to build it is under a couple hundred dollars.I think it’s Great and I’m going to try and build one for under two hundred.
Jon Rothenbusch
Jon Rothenbusch - 6 years ago
What did he say?
Dave George
Dave George - 6 years ago
Try to find food grade hose. Regulators need to be low pressure type. Normally they need 150psi..
Dave George
Dave George - 6 years ago
What modify to the diaphram in compressor man? Thanks!
Robbie McGill
Robbie McGill - 7 years ago
But why ????
Brian Fogg
Brian Fogg - 7 years ago
You did a good job engineering your system. Thank you for sharing

10. comment for Electric snorkel how to build

moeshickenyay - 7 years ago
Pvc epoxy would introduce toxic elements to comprssed air, the compressor oil,lubrication could introduce oil contamination to air supply, and using compressed air requires some knowledge of diving to u derstand the dangers of diving with compressed air.
Anders Jakobsen
Anders Jakobsen - 7 years ago
Coooool. ;-)
Amin n
Amin n - 7 years ago
hi i am very interesting about it but i am in usa area...where can i get that compresssor?
Castel Gandolfo
Castel Gandolfo - 7 years ago
просто Серёга
просто Серёга - 7 years ago
что это за пумпа и где можно приобрести?
Castel Gandolfo
Castel Gandolfo - 7 years ago
Сергей купишь на aliexpres.ru
сильвестр со столовой
сильвестр со столовой - 7 years ago
сколько литров в минуту должен насос ???? глубина составляет 2-3 метра !! что купить 70 л / мин или 110 ?????
Xtroverted Hermit
Xtroverted Hermit - 7 years ago
alls i heard was a bunch of low noise mumbling with a hard to hear accent...ffs get your shit together.....
Bernie Chamberlain
Bernie Chamberlain - 7 years ago
wear can i get the compressor and how much is it
Castel Gandolfo
Castel Gandolfo - 7 years ago
It's about 50$ on aliexpress.com
Castel Gandolfo
Castel Gandolfo - 8 years ago
Hi can u tell me what kind of paint is on the pipe?
Ricardo Amaro
Ricardo Amaro - 8 years ago
can you share where can I purchase the compressor? I sent an email directly to the factory in China and I receive no feedback!

Thanks in advance

20. comment for Electric snorkel how to build

I'm Grateful
I'm Grateful - 8 years ago
Mr. Andersen:  I'm building your invention and have already received my pump.  Thanks to you, I also found the edges on the piston very sharp and rough but sanded them off before running the pump. I have several questions:1) Somewhere I read that you added a computer fan for cooling the compressor but most computer fans are, I think 5 volts.  Will it run OK on 15 volts  and if not, how did you hook it up?2) I can't find 4-in. non-PVC pipe anywhere at a reasonable price but I can find 3 in. ABS electrical conduit with the elbows at about the same cost as PVC,  Would 3-in. pipe work if I expand the length and width enough to make up for the smaller size of the pipe? A simple volume calculation should tell me how much I would need to extend the 3-in. pipe to get about the same internal volume as the 4-in pipe. Is that even necessary?Thanks very much for a great invention and thanks for sharing it !!!
Bryce Martin
Bryce Martin - 8 years ago
What filter did you use
Gayle Posey
Gayle Posey - 8 years ago
Need to redo the vocal track! Can not hear you!
Alex J
Alex J - 8 years ago
hi, mr Anderson. Where did you get you air filter ? what reference is it ?
Don Pio
Don Pio - 9 years ago
1 hour!! ..... I’m sure this is not completely real, as that kind of
battery pack will only power the engine for 5 or 10 minutes
antigrav1117 - 6 years ago
Agree- maybe 15 if near the surface
Calum Thomson
Calum Thomson - 9 years ago
where can i get a build plan and parts list and intructions on how to build it
Tom - 9 years ago
How much does this cost to build?
Robbie McGill
Robbie McGill - 7 years ago
Just your life !!!
Angel Silva
Angel Silva - 9 years ago
where can i get that compresssor?
Castel Gandolfo
Castel Gandolfo - 7 years ago
Motor Head
Motor Head - 9 years ago
I'm surprised the compressor doesn't melt the plastic lid - they get very hot when running.
kevin miller
kevin miller - 9 years ago
Are there anyone who knows plastics that can answer this question? Can I use Polyethylene (HDPE)?

30. comment for Electric snorkel how to build

kevin miller
kevin miller - 9 years ago
I can't find that plastic pipe anywhere.
Anders Jakobsen
Anders Jakobsen - 7 years ago
Have you tried the 150L?
Better for me, if you try it out first ;-) ha ha...
Millagax - 7 years ago
I can answer this because I've made it too. It's enough if you want to stay very relaxed under 2 or 3 meters under water. If you start moving (increasing air demand of your body) it simply will not allow you to breath enough. Today I bought the same motor but with 150 l/m air supply. I hope it will be enough this time.
сильвестр со столовой
сильвестр со столовой - 7 years ago
the compressor 70 litres per minute is enough? not video the author of the video what the compressor uses??? what power?
Terje Andersen
Terje Andersen
Terje Andersen - 9 years ago
Angel Silva
Angel Silva - 9 years ago
the spring is to release the tension between the regulator and the  compressor .so it'll make a free flow.in orther to achieve that 24 psi .you'll need for diving that deep
Whigger Hunter
Whigger Hunter - 9 years ago
+kevin miller Try using the giant plastic crayons you find at toy stores .
kevin miller
kevin miller - 9 years ago
I'm stacking my system to be a dual pump. I am just having the hardest time finding the same plastic pipe.
Angel Silva
Angel Silva - 9 years ago
the whole idea is .perfect .a few tips in diving safety and you will be  a fish
Angel Silva
Angel Silva - 9 years ago
OK first ..don't put the batteries together inside the same canister of the compressor.yet that the fumes coming out from the batteries Will be absorbed.and therefore goes to your lungs..so .i recommend to put the batteries in other case apart or.the compressor intake ..must have a long pole where the flag goes and works as a respirator for the compressor intake .remember the fumes of the battery is poison .keep that in mind and first safety..
antigrav1117 - 6 years ago
These are sealed - probably lipo- no gassing.
Ryan Boehm
Ryan Boehm - 9 years ago
this is exactly what I want, but the language barrier/poor audio is a killer for me!

why is the compressor disassembled?
what kind of hose do you use(since not PVC)?
What kind of spring do you replace with to make it hooka safe?

or any other info/how to of a setup like this or similar please
Karsen Meyer
Karsen Meyer - 10 years ago
Hi, great build! Would the same motor work with just a fish air filter on the pipe work with no modifications to the motor and if so what should I do?
H.M.A H.M.A - 10 years ago
Det blir spennende å få testet ut! Tror det skal gå greit å få det til, nå når jeg vet mer. Takk for all hjelp!
Mvh Harald
H.M.A H.M.A - 10 years ago
Har bestilt boyu kompressor 170 lpm 1.2 bar som jeg vil drive med bensin generator. Er denne trykkbryteren og softstarteren noe å montere på denne tro, eller er det bortkastet? Har også bestilt boyu 70 Lpm 1.0 bar som jeg vil drive med batteri. Reiser til senja før midten av neste mnd,regner med kompressorene ligger å venter når en kommer hjem:)
Mvh Harald
Terje Andersen
Terje Andersen - 10 years ago
Jeg brukte Boyu kompressor nettopp for å unngå trykkbryter og dette forenklet konstruksjonen.
Når jeg byttet til Thomas 107cdc20 kompressor måtte jeg ha trykkbryter, da den går opp til 2,6 bar , men da gir den 0,1 liter luft pr min og bruker mere strøm. Jeg stopper den på 1 bar. Med denne kompressoren har jeg vært på 5,4 meter og hadde masse luft. Tror jeg klarer 6 meter fint.

T80 kompressoren har ca 50 liter  pr min på 3,2 bar og trykkventil. Med kraftig nok motor kan man mulig dykke til 20 meter eller mere. NB: på dette dyp, ta med ekstra luft. Ulempen med T80 kompressoren er at den er kostbar og motoren bør være kraftig.
H.M.A H.M.A - 10 years ago
Takk for tilbakemelding!
Jeg prøver også å finne en liten mini bensin generator som kan drive pumpa.
Det blir artig med ett lite vinterprosjekt.takk for gode råd:)
Mvh Harald
Terje Andersen
Terje Andersen - 10 years ago
sjekk kompressor T80 , dette er en universal hookha dykkerkompressor. Dette er en ren kompressor, motoren velger man selv. NB: skal du bruke en bensinmotor så pass deg for CO / eksos.
Sjekk opp Thomas compressor. Der har du flere typer membran kompressorer. Blant annet 907CDC18 og 107CDC20 + flere. disse finnes også på ebay. Bruker nå en 107CDC20 på reiseutstyret, men den har fått trykkbryter og softstart på kompressoren så jeg ikke skal sprenge tanken og får å spare strøm (slår seg av når den når 1 bar og kompressoren tømmes for luft, men luften i tanken forblir)
H.M.A H.M.A - 10 years ago
Hei! Har sett på luftpumpen du har laget og har prøvd å få tak i samme pumpen. Har du en nett adresse eller navnet på en forhandler. Eller ett annet forslag til pumpe?
Mvh Harald
Terje Andersen
Terje Andersen - 10 years ago
Kompressoen er en Boyu ACQ 903 den finnes på ebay. NB: husk å demontere den og sjekk stempeltoppen for hakk ol, puss nøye over og sjekk der hvor membranen har anleggsflater, puss over der også. Dette for å hindre at membranen gnages opp. Kapasiteten på denne kompressoren er 70 liter pr.min og max 1 bar. Du kan sikkert bruke andre membran kompressorer og bygge en størrer utgave. Den jeg har bygd er spesielt beregnet på reise.
D.L.P - 10 years ago
Hi can you do complete instructions on how to make this be very detailed I would appreciate it tell me about the air compressor everything
kirchl1 - 10 years ago
Hello Terje
what type (brand) of mask do you use for your mouth?
djpmp67 - 10 years ago
The successful system, especially is pleasant its portability. Tell the primkrny cost of such system. What depth of immersion is optimum? In your system there is no receiver for air, that is the compressor works constantly? And then the receiver isn't necessary? Whether there is a protection against failure of the compressor at your stay a code water? You it would be well done! quite good to have opportunity to buy something similar.
Михаил Удотенко
Михаил Удотенко - 10 years ago
Hello,mr.Andersen.I build this.Today I first time underwater.Everythings work very well.Thank You very much for your idea to this hookah sistems.Sorry for my English.
Terje Andersen
Terje Andersen - 10 years ago
Very good. I hope what you many houres with good diving
Alex J
Alex J - 10 years ago
hi, I was thinking about a compressor who will go a bit deeper around 6 or 7 meters. what do you think about the "ACQ-906 / 12Volt / 60Watt / 7200L/h / 0,12 MPa". Will it be ok ? or may be 2 item like the Boyu acq 903 put together ?
The hose that I plan to use is "food grade", will it be ok ?
thanks for your video !
kevin miller
kevin miller - 9 years ago
Anyone have any luck on getting the plastic ventilation pipe? I'm stacking the motors too. I am making precautions to not overheat the motors.
Михаил Удотенко
Михаил Удотенко - 10 years ago
Hello,mr.Andersen.I like Your hookah sistem,very interesting.I hoop build this .Could You tell me please,haw long time does Your sistem work with 5000mah battery?
Terje Andersen
Terje Andersen - 10 years ago
With this compressor (Boyu acq 903), about one hour.
Hennie Hamman
Hennie Hamman - 10 years ago
Hi Terje.

Love your design. What pipe did you use to build the box with? I can only find PVC pipe that thick. 110mm or 90mm. What glue did you use?
Will Shearer
Will Shearer - 9 years ago
No worries, I am looking at making one of these, and will probably also put an under counter carbon water filter in line after the pressure vessel (pipe chamber); they are really cheap and will remove any oil vapours or other VOCs that are potentially dangerous.
Angel Silva
Angel Silva - 9 years ago
ok thank you
Will Shearer
Will Shearer - 9 years ago
+Angel Silva Schedule 40 is PVC, as it is chlorinated it will release chlorine if it gets too hot i.e. the compressor overheats, and kill you. PE, PP or perhaps ABS should be safe.
Angel Silva
Angel Silva - 9 years ago
schedule 40 .
Hennie Hamman
Hennie Hamman - 10 years ago
+Terje Andersen Thanks Terje. What glue did you use?
Terje Andersen
Terje Andersen - 10 years ago
I have used Myson ventilation pipes Ø100mm. But You can use pipes made from PP-plastic
Valk - 10 years ago
Well thankyou very much for your reply, and I might work on one like yours a little bit in the future. ☺️
Valk - 10 years ago
Hello, love your electric snorkel but I was wondering if my air compressor which is a cheap $10 12v 250psi air compressor would work for the job and also do you have to cut off the piston or modify the air compressor? Thanks.
Terje Andersen
Terje Andersen - 10 years ago
NO! You have to use a compressor that can produse about 70 liter air pr minut in free flow, and max 1 bar (ca: 16 psi). I sanded of sharp edge, because sharpe egde will cut the membran (diagrah).  It have to give clean air to. Be carefull to build if you dont know that to do it. Remember that diving is dangerous.
goofynski - 10 years ago
Hello Anderson...no PVC...then what for material?
goofynski - 10 years ago
thanks Mr. Anderson. (Y)
Terje Andersen
Terje Andersen - 10 years ago
PVC is dangerous, it makes dangerous gas at 60 degrees Celsius. Use PP-plastic or nylon.

50. comment for Electric snorkel how to build

kevin miller
kevin miller - 10 years ago
I can't wait to make my video and point people to see you as the inventor. I am thinking of running with a higher capacity powered battery. This will then run a small water pump to wrap copper tubing around the air compressor and line to cool it off. Thanks so much for your posts. What kind of regulator and mouth piece is that?
Angel Silva
Angel Silva - 9 years ago
+Terje Andersen remember that should be at 24 psi to feel a better easy flow
Terje Andersen
Terje Andersen - 10 years ago
Thank you. notify me when you made ​​this video. I lokk forward to see it.
The regulator is a standard simple regulator, but I have change the spring to a softer spring so it can work with 1 bar or 15 psi
Duncan F.
Duncan F. - 10 years ago
Genial, takker så mye Terje for at du lagde denne videoen!
Terje Andersen
Terje Andersen - 10 years ago
skiftet navn på Til: Electric snorkel how to build.
Linken skal være den samme.

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