What's up NUB NATION!! Yesterday I lost my surf board !? I don't know what my deal is but sometimes when I go surfing I just end up leaving my board somewhere. In this case I didn't even have to go surfing I'm just this time I just lost it. Easter Sunday / April fools was classic we ended up finding a novelty beach pond to skim over & dinner with the fam was epic!! Thank you NUB NATION for everything!! Happy Easter ! - Love Ben ONLINE STORE! http://www.bengravy.bigcartel.com DONATE! paypal.me/bengravy VLOG 819 of 1000 // 2018 I'm vlogging every day of 2018! Join the fun & subscribe! My music! https://soundcloud.com/bengravy Music - Song: Joysic - Roses (Vlog No Copyright Music) Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music. Video Link: https://youtu.be/LW5DhQcdMDw

I LOST MY SURF BOARD sentiment_very_dissatisfied 6

Surf 6 years ago 8,004 views

What's up NUB NATION!! Yesterday I lost my surf board !? I don't know what my deal is but sometimes when I go surfing I just end up leaving my board somewhere. In this case I didn't even have to go surfing I'm just this time I just lost it. Easter Sunday / April fools was classic we ended up finding a novelty beach pond to skim over & dinner with the fam was epic!! Thank you NUB NATION for everything!! Happy Easter ! - Love Ben ONLINE STORE! http://www.bengravy.bigcartel.com DONATE! paypal.me/bengravy VLOG 819 of 1000 // 2018 I'm vlogging every day of 2018! Join the fun & subscribe! My music! https://soundcloud.com/bengravy Music - Song: Joysic - Roses (Vlog No Copyright Music) Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music. Video Link: https://youtu.be/LW5DhQcdMDw

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Most popular comments

Ian N.
Ian N. - 6 years ago
could made it with the foil
Clay Hatch
Clay Hatch - 6 years ago
The UTAH Starbucks! Heavy claim! Soon to be a reality!
Chris Cohen
Chris Cohen - 6 years ago
Okay it's April fools day and ur surfboard went missing, hmm! Could someone be playing a game with u??? It was fun watching ya in the water, and it's always great to see Jordan!! Happy Easter! NUB NATION FOR THE WIN!!!":) :D. "
Corndog - 6 years ago
I hate to say it but, if you had the 8 footer you would've been SENDING IT!! Just sayin Bruh! At least you got to put on a wet suit and stand on a board... for the win. Also kind of lucky it was waist deep or you would have eaten sand a couple of times in the beginning. Entertaining as aways... sometimes you just to make fun happen... for the DREAM!
Joseph Fago The Rabid Weasels
Joseph Fago The Rabid Weasels - 6 years ago
Sup Benn. Sorry bout the lost surfboard. How cold is that water with no gloves or a hood on my brother?
Chris Slabber
Chris Slabber - 6 years ago
The fuzzy steering wheel! Nice!
DaDleighor DaSleighor
DaDleighor DaSleighor - 6 years ago
Trust me I lived in a RV for years. You need blackout curtains, day time sleeping is huge when traveling and driving long hours . Otherwise the van is killing it! For the dream!
Cognitive Dissident
Cognitive Dissident - 6 years ago
Pretty sure the electric heater will drain a lot of power. I use a mr. Buddy propane heater and I use the little green Coleman fuel canisters but there's an adapter you can hook up to a full-size propane tank if you choose to do so.
Joe Hanlon
Joe Hanlon - 6 years ago
God how I miss dropping into a nice section.

10. comment for I LOST MY SURF BOARD

Kilgore Trout
Kilgore Trout - 6 years ago
I was blown into the jetty before, with my surfboard...while checking out the waves....(Used to jump off and feel like a badass(not that morning..))..Ca.Newport39th..94... Memories..
Joe Hanlon
Joe Hanlon - 6 years ago
Get yourself a propane heater with an element that is well protected and no flame.....
Chris Hayden
Chris Hayden - 6 years ago
8:47 lol that kinda looked like your board going by in the grass
Phil Duclos
Phil Duclos - 6 years ago
I can see loosing your keys, maybe your wallet, but an 8 ft soft top? Your funny. Hilarious!
Kurt Llewellyn
Kurt Llewellyn - 6 years ago
With all the video you have I’m surprised you don’t have it on there. Ben if it did fall of the van instead of someone snaking it , then it’s for the dream. Ya I’ve been known to miss the seasonal stuff sometimes too. You just got so much going on. Haha. Your sponsor will ship you one. Those adds you made were pro dude. Skimming the tide pool on Easter. Yewww that’s the dream with the fam. Hob cleaning up the compound? What’s up! Nub????
Alan Walker
Alan Walker - 6 years ago
Bummer about the board. Something good will happen instead.
J.B.P - 6 years ago
Shewww that wore me out watching..hahaha I got a kick out of Jordan, i think she was wanting you to wipe out cause she was cracking up....lmao Yewww
BLACK05GO1 - 6 years ago
It's 84 degrees and sunny here in S.W. Florida (water temp is 73). You are right about temperatures in the 40s being cold. We never get that cold in the day time. 60s are cold during the day time for us. Dr. Florida was getting a little worried that you might trip or body slam while trying to make that epic water crossing, but all is well. Happy Easter to you, Jordan, and all your family.
Thomas Lum
Thomas Lum - 6 years ago
Hey ben can u give my brother a bithday shoot out but not till Wednesday cause thats when it is he will deff. Be happy
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Yeah dude email me! bendafen@aol.com thanks
notxorc - 6 years ago
Jealous man wish I looked that good surfing a puddle!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago

20. comment for I LOST MY SURF BOARD

Emma Regenauer
Emma Regenauer - 6 years ago
Hey Ben I want to add a board to my quiver that’s good for the mushy waves of the north east... I’m wondering if you could share where you got the great white? Seems like a great board... :)
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
YES!! Def the board you're looking for! It's a Wave Bandit Easy Rider, I'm pretty sure they are completely sold out, but everything gets re-stocked in May, including the Ben Gravy Model (which is essentially the seem board) so you'll be able to find the drema in about a month!! Thanks Emma
toolhog10 - 6 years ago
Your vids have legit been making me smile lately. It's always cool seeing a mini nub reunion vlog when tucker or hob make an appearance.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
I'm stoked on that! Thank you
David McLeod
David McLeod - 6 years ago
Hey Ben just wanted to say nice job on the curtain rods and curtain set up you got for the van!! Sweet ride I'm envious, keep on truckin!! Nub Nation for the win!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thanks so much!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thank you Susan!!
Dan O'Malls
Dan O'Malls - 6 years ago
I choose to believe some grom has found the love of surfing on that board. Valiant effort on the puddle!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thank you!!
Matthew Berry
Matthew Berry - 6 years ago
the soft top was in the boardsock when you were opening the pottery yesterday
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
haha that's a dif board, that's Jordan's PRO STICK!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thank you so much
Tipton W
Tipton W - 6 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Ryan Mcgee
Ryan Mcgee - 6 years ago
You are truly blessed Ben.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Marek Grothaus
Marek Grothaus - 6 years ago
I just lost my smartphone a couple of weeks ago when surfing in Bali. Same story...left my shorts on top of the van when changing and forgot to take them back off the roof before leaving. You are not the only one Ben.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
haha good to know!

30. comment for I LOST MY SURF BOARD

Moritz Schlick
Moritz Schlick - 6 years ago
Do you know already when you are going to the wavepool
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
I do not
Dabby DeVito
Dabby DeVito - 6 years ago
Yo Ben, if you're looking for re-usable drinking straws, check at a fancy home/kitchen outfitting store(or the internet), I have a set of stainless steel ones I got for like $10.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Stoked, thanks!
Chap Sinclair
Chap Sinclair - 6 years ago
Tide Pools !
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Assateague Cottage
Assateague Cottage - 6 years ago
Btw, I got the package, yewwww! Thanks for the stickers, buttons and the note! Gavin is gonna get is kick out of the whole thing when he gets home, he's still at college being tortured by the engineering curriculum lol
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Epic!! He'll be happy he got tortured when he gets through!
Assateague Cottage
Assateague Cottage - 6 years ago
Loving the obnoxiousness of that steering wheel cover!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Robert D D
Robert D D - 6 years ago
yo gravy im looking to get a sector nine long board and recommendations
Robert D D
Robert D D - 6 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Sean O'Connell
Sean O'Connell - 6 years ago
What more can you ask for an Easter dinner, Your choice of classic hoagie, family, and NO Prep or Clean Up. Love the Labs getting into it! Yeww
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
EPIC! Thanks Sean!!
John Egan
John Egan - 6 years ago
Haha...Bless YouJordan! Hey Ben...be very careful about pushing the inverter in your van to it's limits, especially with something like a heater. It may heat up in that enclosed space and do bad things to itself...or the van. Besides, it won't run a heater for very long on a single 12V battery. In any case, be careful what you run on that inverter...750W is not very heavy duty as far as inverters go. Heaters draw a lot of current... Sorry to hear about your surfboard but so cool that you hope some grom finds it and falls in love with surfing and gets good use out of it...always thinking positive! ;) Ben...your surfing/skimboarding has gone to the dogs...lol ;) Cheers, John ;)
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
No I appreciate it, thank John!
John Egan
John Egan - 6 years ago
Ok Ben...sorry for sounding like a "know it all"...just looking out for ya bud! I've got to remember that you are smarter than the average bear...lol ;) Cheers, John ;)
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
I have been doing my research, thank John!
Michael Bisceglia
Michael Bisceglia - 6 years ago
Dude too dangerous laying in the bed while driving, no seat belt!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Phaidrus - 6 years ago
ah, is this (03:00) the infamous don't-disturb-my-fish spot?
toolhog10 - 6 years ago
haha, i remember that. I think that is also the famous overnight boat dry docking on nub TV episode of This is Bullshit.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
haha yep!!
Ho Stevie!
Ho Stevie! - 6 years ago
Happy April Fools!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
J.M. Hanover
J.M. Hanover - 6 years ago
Looks like you and the family had an epic Easter Sunday doing stuff that you love to do. Sorry about the board but Karma should bring it back ten fold for you in whatever way the universe see's fit.
What were the results of the steering cover poll?
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
I've got to add up those results!!
Wavvy Linc
Wavvy Linc - 6 years ago
R.I.P El Slammo
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
For the dream!
Wavvy Linc
Wavvy Linc - 6 years ago
Ben Gravy omg you actually replied . You are such and inspiration towards me and my surfing career . I live in Virginia near the oceanfront . I was gonna come to ecsc and meet you but I had stuff to do . Keep doing what your doing and follow “ the dream “
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
scott thorson
scott thorson - 6 years ago
Walgreens has small space heaters.. lol
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
epic!! haha
Jack Luquer
Jack Luquer - 6 years ago
keep an eye on craigslist
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Sammy Kishk
Sammy Kishk - 6 years ago
i think most of us want to see some more real surfing.. surf trips... I understand yesterday kinda sucked tho.. but i was disappointed that you kind of missed 4 epic nor easters where your boys were scoring at home. Also more short boarding and actually hunting good waves. I like the novelty surfing but not at the expense of you getting pitted. I'm a fan tho haha
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
If I could summon good waves all the time, there would be good waves all the time.
G P - 6 years ago
Little brother... uh...ummm... Are you mental? Do you want to see your girlfriend come sailing past you and go through the windshield? Like Tishe Petite, not your typical subscriber, showing my age, 68 year old "inactive" surfer, but... that shit is full on dangerous.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Sorry to alarm you...she was only back there for a few minutes, but you are right I see your point for sure
berniedmj1 - 6 years ago
So this is how you look like with short brunette hair. Rob still looks the same. I made the screen go smaller & then I saw this on the side. You guys should go back to these last 2 spots. https://youtu.be/IZ-TROK-7-w
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
We need a return trip for sure!!
Diogo Rosado
Diogo Rosado - 6 years ago
While i had a van i used to leave my softtop under the car while i sleep but one time i forgot it was there and i drove on top of it, litteraly made it better ! Not even a fin broken
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
haha! so heavy
Didymostruespeak - 6 years ago
If you like protein cookie.check out Kodiak cakes protein pancakes!.. Chocolate. My favorite board went flying off on the freeway cuz the board rack strap broke and I never found it oh well at least your sponsored I had to save up
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Epic, thanks!! Ah bummer

50. comment for I LOST MY SURF BOARD

Tall Will
Tall Will - 6 years ago
All the best from The Ousley Family
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thank you Will!!
Dumpster Marcus
Dumpster Marcus - 6 years ago
no heaters??  Must be a NJ thing lol we just got 5 inches of snow here in PA today hahah CRAZY!!!!  i thought it was spring but nop    good video man
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
so heavy!!
Kirsten Courtney
Kirsten Courtney - 6 years ago
I know you were trying to get a cross the pond, but the fountain you created on the back of your board was even more epic! Happy Easter!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
eriesurfer10 - 6 years ago
thrift stores like goodwill for heater. I just tossed one out at my goodwill outlet the other day. we always have em. When I was loading a bin of goods up, I saw a plate with a pineapple shape and graphic. I'm not able to buy things, customers get first pick! I was like there's a Ben Gravy plate!!
eriesurfer10 - 6 years ago
I dumped a bin with that plate in it, I went to find it and hide it but the bioss was there. hated to lose that pineapple plate, would got it for ya! hope you find my package I sent. hoping you like it!!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Douglas Haman
Douglas Haman - 6 years ago
Great attitude bro....I would've been so pissed if I lost a board.
Guess it helps to have a board sponsor drop another one on your doorstep.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
eriesurfer10 - 6 years ago
whats best lo or high tide to surf?
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
A few hours before high when it's incmoing
Devin Boehm
Devin Boehm - 6 years ago
Happy Easter man
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Happy Easter!
surfmatanzas - 6 years ago
Amazon for the Mr Heat heat buddy suppose to be indoor safe propane. If you have a Camping World up your way also check them. Next time find a smaller tide pool. Lol
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Cool thanks!!
dtoor - 6 years ago
Ask the Chiropractor to see their CCTV footage to see if you left it on your car roof
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
good claim
Kim Williams
Kim Williams - 6 years ago
great video xxxx
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thanks Kim!!
Kim Williams
Kim Williams - 6 years ago
epic seeing you all together yeww xxx
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Latif - 6 years ago
What if i said i lost my virginity on the 1st of april, would you people consider it as a lie ?
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Todd Euliano
Todd Euliano - 6 years ago
Dang...not the soft top....Jordyn???? That first attempt across the stream with the fall in....thought you were gone forever!!!! Heavy
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Another WorldView Is Possible
Another WorldView Is Possible - 6 years ago
Ben Gravy - Fin holes shouldn't matter. But that nose delam looks anti-hydro-dynamic.

U Need more sponsor support and perhaps some loops on the inside van walls - to hold your board(s) safe, and kept out of the way.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
I think I need an 8 ft without fin holes and a broken nose for extra slide!!
mark kelley
mark kelley - 6 years ago
12 volt heaters at auto supply store
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
on it!!
mark kelley
mark kelley - 6 years ago
god bless you Jordan.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Buck Rodgers
Buck Rodgers - 6 years ago
Happy Easter to the Nub Nation International! Chalk up another lost board for the win! Loved your super heavy ideas Ben! May God be with you. Yewww!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Happy Easter! Yewww
eh Joe
eh Joe - 6 years ago
Spreading the love Ben. Canada loves Ben. Peace
C - 6 years ago
canada needs to learn how to say thanks and tip ffs..lol
Ho Stevie!
Ho Stevie! - 6 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thank you!!
Simon the Likeable
Simon the Likeable - 6 years ago
@ 12:30 - The water was coming through the fin plug holes creating drag. You might have made it if the holes were sealed.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Luke P
Luke P - 6 years ago
Dang just missed you I’m in Sebastian right now:(
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Jeremy Starliper
Jeremy Starliper - 6 years ago
Happy Easter Bro Haa
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Happy Easter!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thank you!!
Daniel Grozier
Daniel Grozier - 6 years ago
Ummmm bro
Skim is all in the run / bowl/ ride
Not run boost....
I believe you will do some skim,,,i mean
What more novelty can you get than skim into wedge?
At least as good as river wave
You have to lay it down on the run via the tail,,,its hella dangerous. Its like bowling ,and riding the bowl.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
MUTE8 - 6 years ago
Go to West Marine, they have heaters that will work.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Awesome, thanks!!
michael sibilia
michael sibilia - 6 years ago
you didn't loose your board its april fools
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
haha I wish
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Daniel Grozier
Daniel Grozier - 6 years ago
Ben Gravy he he he,,,i never learn !!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
haha it's such a classic issue
Ben Wunderly
Ben Wunderly - 6 years ago
Janene, that was one of the only reasons i kept watching the skim attempt! to see the water spray out of the fin holes! well that and i watch all Gravy vlogs to the end of course! yew!
Janene Sheader
Janene Sheader - 6 years ago
Hi John, Marmite has a slightly different taste, but relatively the same stuff.. That pool was crazy deep, it just sucked him right in.. If it had of been me, I would of attached a rope to the back of the car and skimmed up and down the coast surfin them all.. Depending on how many people are on the beach. I reckon Ben would get a rush out it, SO fun!!
John Egan
John Egan - 6 years ago
Haha...my step dad used to eat Marmite on his toast all the time. Same but different isn't it? I dunno...
Ben is always doing crazy but fun stuff isn't he? Whoday thunk that tide pool was so deep tho...lol! Cheers, John ;)
Todd Euliano
Todd Euliano - 6 years ago
Janene Sheader hahaha. I didnt, but checked it again when you said it and he definitely would've hit that sand lip on the other side and parted that like the red sea!!!
Todd Euliano
Todd Euliano - 6 years ago
Janene Sheader hahahaha that is excellent! You never dissapoint Aussie!!! So funny
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Love it, thanks Janene!
Alexander Gaudino
Alexander Gaudino - 6 years ago
Number333 and thx a lot for all the vlogs and it brightens my day keep on
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thank YOU!!
nicktheislander - 6 years ago
cool video.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
:) ! yew
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Thank you!!
Tishe Petite
Tishe Petite - 6 years ago
Ok I’m probably not your typical subscriber :::: 50ish lady from Canada but you guys make me laugh and your family, they are a riot. I love how much you and Jordan love each other, couple who laugh together stay together
Sherri's Life
Sherri's Life - 6 years ago
Tishe couldn't have said it better. I'm 54 and watching your videos makes me feel good.
eriesurfer10 - 6 years ago
i'm 50 and Ben n Jordan make me feel 25!!! I start my day after watching Ben's vlogs.
eh Joe
eh Joe - 6 years ago
Hey I am 50 ish from Canada as well and Ben Gravy ROCKS, come to Canada Ben
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
I love this, thank you Tishe!
Jordan Verni
Jordan Verni - 6 years ago
:) so sweet!
Flight Sim Joe
Flight Sim Joe - 6 years ago
I’m ready for this title to be April fools
Flight Sim Joe
Flight Sim Joe - 6 years ago
Ben Gravy like you said all we can do is hope that the right person found it!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
haha I wish
Flight Sim Joe
Flight Sim Joe - 6 years ago
I guess not
Thomas McLaughlin
Thomas McLaughlin - 6 years ago
HEA VY steering wheel cover!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago
Mark Garry
Mark Garry - 6 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 6 years ago

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