Surf 6 years ago 8,004 views
What's up NUB NATION!! Yesterday I lost my surf board !? I don't know what my deal is but sometimes when I go surfing I just end up leaving my board somewhere. In this case I didn't even have to go surfing I'm just this time I just lost it. Easter Sunday / April fools was classic we ended up finding a novelty beach pond to skim over & dinner with the fam was epic!! Thank you NUB NATION for everything!! Happy Easter ! - Love Ben ONLINE STORE! http://www.bengravy.bigcartel.com DONATE! paypal.me/bengravy VLOG 819 of 1000 // 2018 I'm vlogging every day of 2018! Join the fun & subscribe! My music! https://soundcloud.com/bengravy Music - Song: Joysic - Roses (Vlog No Copyright Music) Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music. Video Link: https://youtu.be/LW5DhQcdMDw
10. comment for I LOST MY SURF BOARD
I was blown into the jetty before, with my surfboard...while checking out the waves....(Used to jump off and feel like a badass(not that morning..))..Ca.Newport39th..94... Memories..
20. comment for I LOST MY SURF BOARD
30. comment for I LOST MY SURF BOARD
What were the results of the steering cover poll?
50. comment for I LOST MY SURF BOARD
Guess it helps to have a board sponsor drop another one on your doorstep.
U Need more sponsor support and perhaps some loops on the inside van walls - to hold your board(s) safe, and kept out of the way.
Skim is all in the run / bowl/ ride
Not run boost....
I believe you will do some skim,,,i mean
What more novelty can you get than skim into wedge?
At least as good as river wave
You have to lay it down on the run via the tail,,,its hella dangerous. Its like bowling ,and riding the bowl.
Ben is always doing crazy but fun stuff isn't he? Whoday thunk that tide pool was so deep tho...lol! Cheers, John ;)