My Fun Fish Tank from Hampton Direct

The My Fun Fish Tank from Hampton Direct seeks to simplify the tank-cleaning process with this new tank. For full review and shopping info► Product Info: The My Fun Fish Cleaning Tank from Hampton Direct seeks to simplify the tank-cleaning process with this new tank. The tank features a grill along the bottom that collects all the normal dirt and grime that come with having a pet fish. Once you are ready to clean, simply pour fresh room temperature tap water into the tank. This will drive the old water and dirt down and up into a siphon that will filter out the bad water. Now directions say you can use a 16 oz glass to activate the process but we've found it really works best with at least a liter, or better yet a full gallon, which is about what the tank currently holds. You'll also need a large bowl to filter the old water into. The fish tank also features a white LED light, riverbed rocks, and a faux aquatic plant.

My Fun Fish Tank from Hampton Direct sentiment_very_dissatisfied 247

Betta 9 years ago 82,363 views

The My Fun Fish Tank from Hampton Direct seeks to simplify the tank-cleaning process with this new tank. For full review and shopping info► Product Info: The My Fun Fish Cleaning Tank from Hampton Direct seeks to simplify the tank-cleaning process with this new tank. The tank features a grill along the bottom that collects all the normal dirt and grime that come with having a pet fish. Once you are ready to clean, simply pour fresh room temperature tap water into the tank. This will drive the old water and dirt down and up into a siphon that will filter out the bad water. Now directions say you can use a 16 oz glass to activate the process but we've found it really works best with at least a liter, or better yet a full gallon, which is about what the tank currently holds. You'll also need a large bowl to filter the old water into. The fish tank also features a white LED light, riverbed rocks, and a faux aquatic plant.

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Most popular comments
for My Fun Fish Tank from Hampton Direct

Evan Hicken
Evan Hicken - 6 years ago
This is basically death in a container
Meggie Cat
Meggie Cat - 6 years ago
Ooh! I have this aquarium. It has three comet goldfish, a koi, two half moon female bettas, nine cory catfish, ten neon tetras, and a telescope eye goldfish. I'll be adding in a few glofish soon.
Clément Comby
Clément Comby - 6 years ago
Jorgan Jorgans
Jorgan Jorgans - 6 years ago
Nice torture device you sadistic fucks
LifeTanked - 6 years ago
MY MORNING PISS WOULD FILL 2 OF THOSE UP. Not nearly enough space!
Repto Kid 27
Repto Kid 27 - 6 years ago
This isn't a toy ya stupid!!!!
Will D
Will D - 6 years ago
That's too bad for the fish that died a month after this
Casablanca panama 101
Casablanca panama 101 - 6 years ago
This is terrible Beta fish need a minimum of 3 gallons
ITS CGO - 7 years ago

10. comment for My Fun Fish Tank from Hampton Direct

mauler - 7 years ago
i once had a betta and i offered him a 2.5 gallon tank
mauler - 7 years ago
thats the worst tank for a fish
Molly Harvey
Molly Harvey - 7 years ago
Shut up people hating on this product it is a great tank for betas my friend has had a beta in hers for four years and he is fine and happy also all of my betas I have owned have lived for 3-5 years in unfiltered unheated tanks and i live in a cold climate so my point is if you are on a budget then the tank is great. Betas will be fine and live nice long lives in this tank.
Evan Hicken
Evan Hicken - 6 years ago
Bettas need a heater they are tropical fish that need water at 78° also a small filter with a low flow is good for betas because it puts less stress on the fish from changing water and it saves you time because you don't need to do water changes very often with a decent filter, and that tank is way too small bettas need at least a 2.5 gallon tank but I would prefer 5 gallons which is not that big.
old relics ebay
old relics ebay - 7 years ago
sorry Mr betta in a juice carton
Salty peper
Salty peper - 7 years ago
my fun fish tank? More like my fun death trap....
Alex Trubshaw
Alex Trubshaw - 7 years ago
Hi this is Ttpm and we know nothing about how to look after pets
Alex Trubshaw
Alex Trubshaw - 7 years ago
Feel sorry for that beta
s_ r
s_ r - 7 years ago
this is a thing to how to teach you kids to abuse animal
FunnyMoustacheHammy - 8 years ago
Whoever decided to buy this is an idiot!
SiD STELLARNESS - 8 years ago
"The dirty water just comes right out the spout" as you watch the previously settled particles swirling in the water column smh that poor betta

20. comment for My Fun Fish Tank from Hampton Direct

Lauraren101 - 8 years ago
its literally half a gallon maybe a toe could live in it.
skygazer19 - 8 years ago
that water looks disgusting - what exactly is the point of a self-cleaning "tank" that just agitates fish waste back into the water? there was more crap in there with the poor betta than in the bowl.
raegan clark
raegan clark - 8 years ago
sooooo stupid! poor fish is getting abused
raegan clark
raegan clark - 8 years ago
WAY TOO SMALL. Live fish should at LEAST have 2 gallons of water. If your fish is sick and needs to be separate, that's the only time your fish should be in one gallon. Also, even though this tank MAY be 2 gallons, it's too narrow and the fish cannot really swim around sideways and other directions. TAP WATER? What the heck. The company must be paying this channel tons of money to give a good review. That company is crap. If this channel IS the company, they're crap. No filter. I would totally recommend this tank for... a wind up plastic fish.
Panic!AtTheMaroonDisco - 8 years ago
This is worse than the Teddy Tank!
Minty Mischief
Minty Mischief - 8 years ago
): I don't even keep fish.. but my-oh bless her - mother thought she was doing a wonderful thing for someone buying this for them. [ they had other fish..betas... goldfish....]
Did I raise a 'that's too small!!!!' ruckus... yes. Yes I did.
Flo Chigga
Flo Chigga - 8 years ago
First off, I think it's a smart and fun idea of ppl to come up with this but I kept 6 beta's and tested out numerous tanks. The tank you are using is too small, not allowing the fish to roam freely in the space it needs, dirt can still settle in the water causing water to be foggy and unhealthy for fish, and plus don't you condition your water? Don't hate on this comment or make posts that will just waste my time thank you!
DanMartinParanormal - 8 years ago
"Fresh" Tap Water? Are You Stupid?
Nordic Ger
Nordic Ger - 8 years ago
man. this is shitty tiny. not cool
Anthony Dee
Anthony Dee - 8 years ago
R.I.P lovely betta

30. comment for My Fun Fish Tank from Hampton Direct

Omgg - 8 years ago
This is the worst tank you could possibly buy for a fish. This tank isn't even .5 gallons of water. You cannot put a heater in this (which is essential). I feel so bad for the fish shoved into this death chamber by stupid people who don't do their research.
Tool Time
Tool Time - 8 years ago
My fun fish tank will soon be My dead fish tank.. Poor animals :(
xVxflamexVx - 8 years ago
I'd prefer to be in the cup if I where a betta
Vicky Nguyen
Vicky Nguyen - 8 years ago
not worth the money. I am a kid and says no fish should suffer this. They do not even work. #peta does not care
ReviewCam - 8 years ago
+Vicky Nguyen PETA is gradually starting to care. There's a PETA expose on betta abuse by pet stores video on You Tube.
PetKingdom13 - 8 years ago
betta's need 5 gal. goldfish need 25-75 gal.
PetKingdom13 - 8 years ago
so and painful death for fish
PetKingdom13 - 8 years ago
Tap Water???
PetKingdom13 - 8 years ago
soooo mean
PetKingdom13 - 8 years ago
Snipercube - 8 years ago
I'm a kid. I own a 125 gallon Amazon river style natural aquarium. Having an aquarium is easy for a kid, instead dumb parents buy this cheap crap for their kid. It seems that the fishkeeping community has forgot how to use a siphon or what ammonia is or the nitrate cycle. Retards.
X X - 8 years ago
I keep a betta in a 5 gallon. Oscars in a 150 gallon. 50 gallon community tank with neon tetras, danios, guppies, snails. I always cycle. Then there's this thing a parent buys because they think it's a toy for children.
pets4 life
pets4 life - 8 years ago
KyneGG - 8 years ago
those glasses are cancer
Usagi Tsukino
Usagi Tsukino - 8 years ago
Does it come with a fish?
Savanna Olson
Savanna Olson - 8 years ago
screams stop!!!!
Spaide man
Spaide man - 8 years ago
1:00 dirt floating all around and she keeps trying to flush(waste) as much water to clean them..hahaha. Yea, real. She just proved to everybody that this tank doesn't work.
Captain Neck Beard the Pirate
Captain Neck Beard the Pirate - 8 years ago

'...leaves the tank spotless'

crap floating all around middle

10/10 IGN approved
DAN UK - 7 years ago
TheCoolStuffHD - 8 years ago
No offense, but it's common sense. Directions shouldn't have to tell you how much water to put, you keep putting it until it's clean. Second, it's obvious to use something that can hold equal or more water than you are putting in it. That's common sense. It doesn't work either, I bought one and stuff stays stuck on the rocks, stuck on the bottom under the grill, and when you pour the water in, it stirs up all of the gunk and it doesn't flush out. And the light, it gave out after only having it on for the equivalent of 10 minutes over a 5 day period. Don't buy this. And it also promotes poor fish care, as you cannot just put room temp TAP WATER and it also stresses the fish out by pummeling with water.
TheCoolStuffHD - 8 years ago
What's a "suffin"??
Eric Yu
Eric Yu - 8 years ago
Its the same size as a large drinking glass and is the human equivalent of living your whole life in an area the size of a bathroom.
Pedro Ramos
Pedro Ramos - 8 years ago
Why do you guys find the fact to spread false info ? This isn't perfect for any kind of a fish, tap water are you serious ? you must want to kill your mascot what horrible pet owners my god
Graham Jefferson
Graham Jefferson - 8 years ago
I'd only use this for a lone java fern or something since I like growing aquatic plants. Not suitable for any fish whatsoever.
Snipercube - 8 years ago
I wouldn't even use it for a plant considering her advice : just add tap water! I think it'd be to cheap

50. comment for My Fun Fish Tank from Hampton Direct

James Walsh
James Walsh - 8 years ago
good for brine shrimp not fish
Tamás Leskovics
Tamás Leskovics - 8 years ago
no care fish beer blow care fish idiot stupid
Arkadia Spirit
Arkadia Spirit - 8 years ago
thats too small for any fish !!
Blake Steele
Blake Steele - 8 years ago
Do not use tap water. How stupid. The water should be reversed osmosis chemical free
Brandon Garcia
Brandon Garcia - 7 years ago
+Blacke Steele you r not ttpm
Blake Steele
Blake Steele - 7 years ago
+DAN UK I agree Dan. They require at least 3 gallons.
DAN UK - 7 years ago
They're dumb, the betta is most likely dead now
A Narwhal
A Narwhal - 8 years ago
I mean if having your fish die after 5 days is fun, sure.
Jeroen de Zwart
Jeroen de Zwart - 8 years ago
Although I completely agree with all the comments about the size being too small for a tank, the ludicracy of putting fish in a cup/bowl for a water change etcetera (and this ´solution' is NOT working judging by the amount of dirt you circle in the water during the process..>!!!)

People, not evverywhere in the world tap water is as chlorinated as in the US. I live in Holland and except for the need to heat the water I can EASILY do 50% water changes (normally do 25%) without worrying about chlorine. And yes, our tapwater can be consumed directly from our tap and does not taste funny and is 100% safe.

And taking the fish out during the process? H.ll no! They love the changing water levels, new nutrients and slight change in temperature.
Andreja Trivic
Andreja Trivic - 8 years ago
1. to small tank
2. TAP WATER?!?!
3. no filter
4. not enough room for the fish to swim
Skeletonix - 6 years ago
And no heater :(
MyHobbyIsFishing - 8 years ago
+Johnny Proudmoore Betta splendens need more area the number of gallon dont cares
xVxflamexVx - 8 years ago
+party man you can use tap water but u need to put that fish water stuff in it
geometry dash dragon
geometry dash dragon - 8 years ago
and tap water will kill your fish
geometry dash dragon
geometry dash dragon - 8 years ago
you don't need a filter for a beta fish but the size is extremely cruel
xVxflamexVx - 8 years ago
+Vicky Nguyen oh well 3 gal seems a bit cruel
Vicky Nguyen
Vicky Nguyen - 8 years ago
+xVxflamexVx minmium is three gallon
Cat415 - 8 years ago
I was going to say the same thing. that tank is animal cruelty. they also put a beta in there and betas seem like the kind of fish that dont move alot but if you giver them the space they will move alot. also if you are foung to teach your kid how to care for a fish you might as well do it properly.
xVxflamexVx - 8 years ago
+Johnny Proudmoore the minimum for a beta is 5gal
Captain Neck Beard the Pirate
Captain Neck Beard the Pirate - 8 years ago
+Deja Trivic yeah, personally I'd have a bigger tank XD but that would be like, bare minimum size for beta
Andreja Trivic
Andreja Trivic - 8 years ago
+Johnny Proudmoore​ this is pretty bad
Captain Neck Beard the Pirate
Captain Neck Beard the Pirate - 8 years ago
+Deja Trivic Beta fish don't really need all that much so in this case its not THAT bad XD as long as they have 1 gal + they are usually fine
Sean Diamond
Sean Diamond - 8 years ago
tap water........... of all things
Benjamin Alexis
Benjamin Alexis - 8 years ago
This would be good for breeding
iTech - 8 years ago
+marena cain ...
Benjamin Alexis
Benjamin Alexis - 8 years ago
+marena cain yeah I guess...
Fennec Foxina
Fennec Foxina - 8 years ago
If you breed fish in this, most likely the fish will be pulled in by the suction of the water, pummeled by getting straight sink water to burn the newborn fish's gills out then sucked through the pipe to face certain death.
Max Archimedes
Max Archimedes - 8 years ago
I can`t give you so much dislikes for this "tank" like i want to give you.
Alexis J
Alexis J - 8 years ago
my fish swam up the tube and died :(
Avbitten - 8 years ago
TAP WATER?! you have to dechlorinate it! idiot...
Avbitten - 8 years ago
THIS IS TOO SMALL FOR ANY FISH, and you can't even heat it
Addison Yang
Addison Yang - 8 years ago
This thing is stupid
Owen's Aquariums
Owen's Aquariums - 8 years ago
I am saying this as a fishkeeper of many years. This tank is very inhumane. Bettas really should have 10 gallons of heated, filtered water within a pH range of 5.5 - 7.0. This would be like putting a dog in a 3x4x7 foot area for its whole life. Honestly that dirt and debris is not very harmful to the fish if you keep the nitrate leels below 20ppm... Please dont buy this deathtrap.
Fennec Foxina
Fennec Foxina - 8 years ago
Bettas would only survive a few weeks to a month in this tank. Every moment it would most certainly be scared of having chlorinated water poured onto it's head to burn it's gills out, or a human walking by with it no place to rest or hide, horrid, like a death trap for your beautiful friend.
ChunkyMonkeyMike1 - 8 years ago
This is more like a kids toy...perhaps a plastic fish would suit this "Tank" better
LazyLizard - 6 years ago
FunnyMoustacheHammy animals takin Care of themselves LOL
Cat415 - 8 years ago
totally. these people are absolutely stupid
meowrisaaa - 8 years ago
this is disgusting
John RandomYT
John RandomYT - 8 years ago
so so so so so mean
JoshIsBoss972 - 8 years ago
Not a suitable tank for a Betta. Bettas NEED atleast 2.5 gallon tanks with HEATERS!!
Jamie Bell
Jamie Bell - 8 years ago
Throw in some chlorine and put it in a fridge while you're at it!!
Musammat Nahar
Musammat Nahar - 8 years ago
I have it!
CrestFallenMoon - 8 years ago
I don't want to sound like a hater but no fish can survive long in tap water since it burns their gills. also, All fish need a filter. Without a filter your fish is basically swimming in its own crap and the tank filter suction thing on this won't get rid of the actual stuff since fish crap floats around it doesn't just stay un the bottom
TheCoolStuffHD - 8 years ago
+Snipercube And when did i say how many gallons it was in??
xSvelta - 8 years ago
+CrestFallenMoon In actuality, fish pretty much swim around in their 'crap' all the time. The filter is simply to house biological media and promote the growth of healthy bacteria. These bacteria break down nitrates (from the fish waste) into less harmful nitrites (which can still harm fish in large quantities). This is where water changes come in (removing harmful nitrites). This requires the tank to be cycled before adding any sort of fish, as nitrate will build up very quickly and kill the fish (google 'new tank syndrome').

It's all about the nitrogen cycle. :0

Also, I use tap water in my fish tanks. We have well water, which contains no chlorine or any chemicals, so in this instance, tap water is okay to use. It just depends on everyone's situation (also the water hardness tolerance of the fish).

I had one lady at PetSmart trying to tell me to use distilled water in my fish tanks and that she had 'no complaints'... Yeah, definitely nothing wrong with stripping the water of all the minerals and nutrients.

To anyone thinking about keeping fish and reading this comment, please do your research first (and take into consideration the cost [monetary and time] of keeping fish). While I won't get into the argument about what size tank to get for a betta, getting a larger tank than is required will lead to a more peaceful fish keeping experience; less water changes, and the fish is/are happier and can grow to their full potential.
TheCoolStuffHD - 8 years ago
+CrestFallenMoon Before I learned about all the fish care, I've had my betta in tap water for over a year and it's alive and well.
Fennec Foxina
Fennec Foxina - 8 years ago
The fish are pretty much suffering every minute in this tank.
CrestFallenMoon - 8 years ago
+zbeanieboo luverz  tetra whisper possibly? or put some decorations in front of filter so the current doesn't tire them out
lnk live
lnk live - 8 years ago
+TheGoldenArowana  ok thanks, any reccomendtions for filters? i have small fish that can barely fight of the filter
CrestFallenMoon - 8 years ago
+zbeanieboo luverz  it would be better to have 3 filters but as long as you switch them a lot and the water is heated/you do water changes you should be good.
lnk live
lnk live - 8 years ago
Is it ok to do this, I have one filter and i switch it out from each tank (3 tanks) every 2 days
Cinde Larson
Cinde Larson - 8 years ago
"Just put in fresh tap water!" Seriously. Lets just add the extra chemicals for the heck of it.
Snipercube - 8 years ago
+Cinde Larson my fish will love a unfiltered unheated unplanted tiny aquarium! Let's use it for my sailfin pleco!
Cinde Larson
Cinde Larson - 8 years ago
My time is 2 days for his fins to burn off!
Owen's Aquariums
Owen's Aquariums - 8 years ago
Yes! My fish will love the chlorine and chloramine that will slowly burn and dissolve its body!
kong nyugen
kong nyugen - 8 years ago
dumbasses. that tank is to small. long fin betta fish need room to swim around and stretch there large fins. if the container is to small they can't do that and there fins gets cramp up and they get fin rot and dies. u need at least a 2 gal. tank for bettas.also since there air breathers they prefer a wider surface area to depts.
Fennec Foxina
Fennec Foxina - 8 years ago
i keep all mine in a 10 minimum. I have mine heated, filtered, and water changed weekly.
Snipercube - 8 years ago
You need 20 gallons minus for a single BETTA I'd give them 30 just to be safe
Fennec Foxina
Fennec Foxina - 8 years ago
lie lie lies everywhere, people need to think about the business people and what they think about, not the poor little fish being pummeled by chlorinated water, they think about $ $ and more $$$$$ if you think they wont, then why are poor little fish left on shelves to die with no food, ammonia filled water, and their own crap in the tiny bowls they call 'home' if you call it humane, I call it a small prison full of chemicals to burn your lungs out. Stengy Stengy Stengy humans, tries for money while the fish is slowly dying hoping someday to get out of its tiny cell to finally be free, that day usually never comes... The fish dies alone in the tiny place... flushed then another is brought from the tiny ammonia filled place just to be put in the prison another died in. Oh but the Stengy people roll in the dough while the fish hit the dust one after another from this tiny contraption that they call 'humane' Get real people! Put you in a prison that you can barely move in, didn't ask you if you wanted to move, now did they? put the betta in your shoes and you'd be sorry, trust me!
Stella Bieber
Stella Bieber - 8 years ago
Pluse they will get too much of a shock when water comes in.
Stella Bieber
Stella Bieber - 8 years ago
Horrible animal abuse. Bettas need at least 5 gallons. If people are too lazy to do water changes then don't buy a fish!
Odayaka - 8 years ago
I slowly cringed as i heard her say " Simply pour fresh room temp TAP water into the tank".
mods play
mods play - 8 years ago
+PufferPony i couldn't handle it when she said that!!!
Amber Doodles
Amber Doodles - 8 years ago
+marena cain ikr
Fennec Foxina
Fennec Foxina - 8 years ago
not filtered water, not conditioned full of bleach! It would slowly and painfully kill the fish.
KovenDC - 8 years ago
Where is the heating for the fish? Bettas are tropical fish, not cold water fish.
Ashton Norris
Ashton Norris - 8 years ago
Can she not see all of those particles still floating around in there? It clearly doesn't float down to the bottom
Jojo Du
Jojo Du - 8 years ago
I fell bad that is so small a betta needs 5 gallons for just him
Kayla Freckleton
Kayla Freckleton - 8 years ago
the bowl that the dirty water is going into looks bigger that the thing the fish is in
Fennec Foxina
Fennec Foxina - 8 years ago
that is because the fish is big compared to the aquarium, and they probably over feed it, too.
LeNimph - 8 years ago
:( They are torturing such a beautiful fish.
Lexi Kent
Lexi Kent - 8 years ago
An idiot, thats what your are if you bought this.
Brandon Garcia
Brandon Garcia - 7 years ago
your an idiot idiot
Fennec Foxina
Fennec Foxina - 8 years ago
I know it is way too small, if you put a betta in it it would stress it out, also it would freeze the fish in it, you also pummel the fish with the water when you pour it in. If you can't get a tank large enough for the fish, you shouldn't get one.
Jimin is Daddy asf
Jimin is Daddy asf - 8 years ago
I'd rather clean my fishes tank than wasting my money on a piece of crap. I think that when u wash your fishes tank by hand not laziness i think your fish might live longer and have a better life.
Ricky Gonzalez
Ricky Gonzalez - 9 years ago
Can i put a oscar or a flowerhorn cichlid in it? Lol jk
Ian Parsons
Ian Parsons - 9 years ago
cool idea if it was like 500 time bigger, jesus its like less than a gallon ):P
Fennec Foxina
Fennec Foxina - 8 years ago
yeah, but at walmart it's sad, they was selling half a gallon aquarium. So sad how stores support the fact to keep them in small spaces for their convinience. How about the fish's did they ask it? no so now bettas are kept in Tony bowls a quarter of a quarter of a galon. so sad...
sjc_453 - 9 years ago
just no
Phil Tron
Phil Tron - 9 years ago
the salt is real from you fish lubbers
Maya Para
Maya Para - 9 years ago
this is terrible way to small
romanticshadow s
romanticshadow s - 9 years ago
way to small!
Joey Slávik
Joey Slávik - 9 years ago
+DeDe M:"I am getting this I have to I have three fishes that need this they are tired of getting in a cup and then put back in the bowl"
Are you crazy? You have three fishes in a cup?! And you are getting this?! Get a 10 gallon for christ sake.
Mortonbmx - 9 years ago
What a joke... no heater, no media for beneficial bacteria to colonise, no room for the fish to swim. Enjoy your slow death in a jar full of ammonia little fish...
Oh and don't get me started on the 'fresh tap water'. You mention you need a bowl to empty out into, pretty obvious, yet you don't mention water conditioner.
So if the fish doesn't die from ammonia poisoning, it will have its gills burned by chlorine and slowly suffocate. Awesome...
ben12521 - 9 years ago
YOU CANT ADD TAP WATER!! You need to condition it. The "cup" is to small, how would you like to be stuck in a room you can't stand up in.
LazyLizard - 6 years ago
ben12521 it's a cup not tank
ben12521 - 9 years ago
Maggie the Border collie
Maggie the Border collie - 9 years ago
moc malá nádrž :'( chudinka 
Nate's Pet Mates
Nate's Pet Mates - 9 years ago
That Betta is beautiful. Too bad it will die. Like Marcos said, it's not big enough for 1 fish. Maybe a baby marimo moss ball but then when it grows, you'll have to move it. This isn't a tank. It is a torturing device. The fish will die a slow death. Just because you can't see pain and agony, doesn't mean it's not there.
LazyLizard - 6 years ago
Nate's Pet Mates yah
Marcos Delgado
Marcos Delgado - 9 years ago
My Fun Fish Tank, yeah right. More like "MY TOURTURE DEVICE".
Marcos Delgado
Marcos Delgado - 9 years ago
+Nathan Fishy The minimum is 2.5G of water, but you can fill a 2.5G tank to the rim and the decor takes space. So a 3G tank will hold 2.5G, while a 2.5G will only hold ~2G.
Nate's Pet Mates
Nate's Pet Mates - 9 years ago
+Marcos Delgado Marcos, I thought it was a 2.5 gallon. That's the minimium of a tank right?
Heliwr123 - 9 years ago
+Marcos Delgado You my friend are so right. If you want a fish, you get the right accommodations for it. My beta is living in a 15 gallon aquarium with a REAL filter. He is happy and healthy :) Petsmart employees lie, a lot. 1 quart is HORRIBLE!   
Marcos Delgado
Marcos Delgado - 9 years ago
Pet stores also reccomend keeping goldfish in bowls, and goldfish get huge. You need 3G+ for a betta with a filter and a heater. This product doesn't make sense since your not supposed to take fish out in any tank. And you just use a gravel siphon to take the water out. Please, either rehome or return the betta if you can't care for it properly. Google it, bettas need more than 3 gallons.
Marcos Delgado
Marcos Delgado - 9 years ago
It's not safe, please don't listen to petstore employees, they will lie to get you to buy something.
Marcos Delgado
Marcos Delgado - 9 years ago
Angelina Miller This "Aquarium" is not big enough for even 1 fish. 3 Fish would die easily in here. You shouldn't take your fish out when your doing water changes (Only do 25%-50% water changes) because this will stress him. So there in NO need to buy this torture device.
Joseph Farah
Joseph Farah - 8 years ago
+Marcos Delgado don't forget the tap water lol. i think something inside of me died when she said that.
Marcos Delgado
Marcos Delgado - 9 years ago
Denali Tv
Denali Tv - 9 years ago
I am getting this I have to I have three fishes that need this they are tired of getting in a cup and then put back in the bowl
Denali Tv
Denali Tv - 8 years ago
+marena cain they died so
Denali Tv
Denali Tv - 8 years ago
+marena cain thanks for telling me
Fennec Foxina
Fennec Foxina - 8 years ago
no. dont.
Leanne 리안
Leanne 리안 - 9 years ago
That tank is too small.
LazyLizard - 6 years ago
Musammat Nahar and gtfo
JoshIsBoss972 - 8 years ago
lol xD
Musammat Nahar
Musammat Nahar - 8 years ago
+JoshIsBoss972 WHATEVER!
JoshIsBoss972 - 8 years ago
+Musammat Nahar yes, this tank is too small for Betta fish. Bettas need 2.5 gallons and heaters.
Your grammar isn't even correct so I doubt you're old enough to know
Musammat Nahar
Musammat Nahar - 8 years ago
+Slend R Man No it is not! Beacxase thay are for little fish

100. comment for My Fun Fish Tank from Hampton Direct

crazycooperify - 9 years ago
this is animal abuse
Luna Rodiles
Luna Rodiles - 9 years ago
I would get this but it looks to small :(
Joey Slávik
Joey Slávik - 9 years ago
+Luna Rodiles What wow? Too big? A 10 gallon is considered small.
Joey Slávik
Joey Slávik - 9 years ago
And it is. At least a 3 gallon is needed for 1 betta.

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