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Which Surf Skate Is Better? SMOOTHSTAR V CARVER | Ultimate Test & Review
Reviews 4 years ago 46,803 views
In this video I break down which surf skate board I prefer for on-land surf training and technique improvement. I compare the two titans in the industry; SmoothStar & Carver. The surf skates really are a fantastic idea to get repetitive on-land training for surfing. One of the biggest challenges with surfing is that, unless you’re in a wave pool, it’s pretty hard to get lots of waves on demand to just try tricks over and over again. By skating, we can line up and repeat our current training at a high frequency leading to faster progression. MY INSTAGRAM - MY BOOKS - SURF WITH ME - THE LONGEVITY FILM - THE GUT MOVIE - SUNBUTTER SUNSCREEN 15% CODE 'BROCCOLI' -