10 Gallon Low Tech - No Dosing/Excel - DIY Root Tabs - Planted Aquascape | Aquascaping
Aquascaping 9 years ago 96,147 views
Make sure to subscribe so you can function from day to day. Click the link below. https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Daveguitarfish Check out my “Secrets To Amazing Planted Aquariums” Playlist. Click the link below. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLALNVCNiNFNQGqIRYCSio09hWeUonPCfv To see more aquarium aquascaping videos check out my channel! Click the link below. http://www.youtube.com/user/Daveguitarfish PLANT LIST: Hygrophila pinnatifida Amazon sword Potamogeton gayi Dwarf Sagittaria Crypt lutea Crypt wendtii Hydro sp. Japan Blyxa japonica Rotala sp. Ceylon (Rare) Hygrophila corymbosa compact Thread Leaf Java fern Java Moss Anubias Nana Royalty Free Music by http://audiomicro.com/royalty-free-music Sound Effects by http://audiomicro.com/sound-effects
When ordering type "ADU15" into the code section and you will get 15% off of your first plant order, so make it count!
To get to their website click on the BucePlant link that I have provided below!
10. comment for 10 Gallon Low Tech - No Dosing/Excel - DIY Root Tabs - Planted Aquascape | Aquascaping
I have also tried to set up a low tech/no dosing tank but on my 35 gal tank. I am having some issues though :(
Substrate is eco complete (3 bags), double t8 light with 6500k tubes, aquaclear 70 HOB filter, zebra danios (8 fish) and plants are vallisneria nana, java moss, Staurogyne Porto Vehlo and Myriophllyum mattogrossense. Now there was brown algae growing on the vall nana leaves so i removed the algae by trimming the plants and removing a bit of the algae affected plants. How do i go about combating the algae growing on the plants? There is a lot more room left to plant (at least half the tank has no plants) , i am looking at filling the tank with a whole bunch of Jungle val so it fills the tank completely. I do a water change once a month and feed fish every 2 days. Should i feed every day now? There is no CO2 or dosing in this tank. I won't ever do DIY CO2 or pressurized. Just keep it simple. I assume there is an imbalance in the tank as i had issues like this before. Will planting more and feeding every day help fix the algae issues? Also light is on 6 hours per day but lately i turned off one bulb to see if the light was the issue ( i don't think it is).
Also do you think i need to add more zebra danios to the tank? Thanks for any help.
No i am not using any root tabs. But i have decided to buy some osmocote plus root tabs from ebay to help feed the valls. I have also ordered some chain swords and one amazon sword plant.
I think i will do a weekly water change for 1 month and then ease off after that. I am also going to fill the tank in completely with more plants and add the root tabs to the substrate. Also feed the fish everyday to try and see if it helps keep the algae away.
I really want a good low tech planted aquarium. It can be achievable though as from your attempt.
(7000k) I have anubias/java fern/St Repens St bihar, timmophik sp green
and amazon sword (that is not doing so well). Dward grass kinda melted
away but I didn't have much to begin with. Thanks
Do you need chemical filtration like purigen or chemipure elite in a planted tank?
20. comment for 10 Gallon Low Tech - No Dosing/Excel - DIY Root Tabs - Planted Aquascape | Aquascaping
Many thanks :) + My favourite tank atm!
Where do you buy plants?
30. comment for 10 Gallon Low Tech - No Dosing/Excel - DIY Root Tabs - Planted Aquascape | Aquascaping
It looks amazing!
Would you advise trying this in a larger tank, like a 36 bow?
50. comment for 10 Gallon Low Tech - No Dosing/Excel - DIY Root Tabs - Planted Aquascape | Aquascaping
As you remember i was less active for a few months.
But this tank is an inspiration, i really plan to try out a low-tech aquascape in the future using tour method to see how well i can manage.
Just by looking at it you could almost be fooled to into thinking its a high-tech.
I have an entire video on how to keep and turn plants red. Check out my videos page.
The plant just naturally stays low. It is dwarf Sagittaria.
I wish that my aquarium could be the same :)
I do nothing to this tank. I rarely do water changes, and I never clean the filter. Using soil or Aquasoil with DIY root tabs works really well. I am using a Current Satellite Plus LED fixture and this tank is only a little 10 US gallon tank.
The only thing I do is sometimes prune and trim old or big leaves off of the plants. It basically takes care of itself.
Watch my low tech series. I have a low tech playlist. Cheers!
Awesome new intro, and killer video.
You have the skills. Peace, out.
Maybe also put some hard backed clay pebbles in the substrate. The Laterite can leach into the pebbles and the pebbles can contain a lot of air. Very interesting. I think the organic root tabs works just fine in these setups. Good luck Dave.