100 cardinal tetra in an aquascaping tank
Aquascaping 11 years ago 1,062,512 views
Cardinal tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) are among the most beautiful and popular ornamental fish. In the video they are eating live food and are swimming in a pretty lovely aquascaping tank set up by Claudia Hary (near Munich).
its like they're dancing!
How many gallons 90?
10. comment for 100 cardinal tetra in an aquascaping tank
20. comment for 100 cardinal tetra in an aquascaping tank
95,96,97,98,99,100 now can i get my like please since u took your time counting all the numbers if i got then correct DUH
30. comment for 100 cardinal tetra in an aquascaping tank
Theyre slightly larger and have more red. They also require different water parameters and care.
50. comment for 100 cardinal tetra in an aquascaping tank
You're welcome!
In clear a regional tank of tetras...
and watch somebody will say different to try and get you to buy ugly expensive aquarium gravel. there's always somebody with a differing opinion for some reason.
First mixed species aquariums are an utterly non sense, as you'll never meet the requirements needed by each specie. So you'll have a bunch of poor ugly fishes, with perpetual diseases, and lots of dead animals. For me that looks like a concentration camp.
The only happy ones are the guys selling fishes and medications.
Discus are big cichlids predators liking rather hot water with lots of dominance and territorial features, so it's better to keep them in a specific tank.
Tetras are predated small fishes living in big schools in rather fresh water with low light. And a stressed tetra has no colors...
fun video...
100?.I count just 96..
100. comment for 100 cardinal tetra in an aquascaping tank
I must have the knowledge of what this amazing fish food is!
Thank you!!!
P.s. hahahaha… :)
Very nice, very nice in deed.
#1 Zero Ammonia or very little, Zero or very, very little Nitrite.
#2 The Ph has to be within proper limits.
#3 The temperature has to be right!
#4 YOu have to make sure the tank is at least a month or more old so the Bacteria is completely set.
I have 22 Cardinal tetras and have had them for 6 Months and they are very, very healthy! Find out what the proper PH is and water temperature for your Tetras! And put Bacteria into the water on a regular basis until it's set up! I put Bacteria in for a month, every day!
Every time you do a water change or add water, you have to add a little bacteria again.
P.s. And yes, the transportation method may have wore then out. Oh, when first adding fish, turn the lights off or way down. It helps them to calm.
This Lamp color gave a great color to Neon =)