100 cardinal tetra in an aquascaping tank

Cardinal tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) are among the most beautiful and popular ornamental fish. In the video they are eating live food and are swimming in a pretty lovely aquascaping tank set up by Claudia Hary (near Munich).

100 cardinal tetra in an aquascaping tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 103

Aquascaping 11 years ago 1,062,470 views

Cardinal tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) are among the most beautiful and popular ornamental fish. In the video they are eating live food and are swimming in a pretty lovely aquascaping tank set up by Claudia Hary (near Munich).

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Most popular comments
for 100 cardinal tetra in an aquascaping tank

Axolotls Keeper
Axolotls Keeper - 7 years ago
Beautiful scape and fish look so healthy! Love the picture :)
Benjamin Button
Benjamin Button - 7 years ago
those are neon
Clorox bleach squad
Clorox bleach squad - 7 years ago
I feel like s had person only keeping two
Philip Korytoski
Philip Korytoski - 7 years ago
awesome aquascape bro! why don't you add some fish that would enjoy that heavy cover, such as a few kuhli loaches
Gavin Puckett
Gavin Puckett - 7 years ago
music is a perfect match
its like they're dancing!
Thom Yorke
Thom Yorke - 7 years ago
Great color on those tetras
Mick Carson
Mick Carson - 7 years ago
Beautiful and peaceful fish.   From an ex Aquarium shop owner and stockist.
John Kennedy
John Kennedy - 7 years ago
You likely inspired hundreds maybe thousands of people to do the same thing here. Including myself lol.

How many gallons 90?
David Seager
David Seager - 7 years ago
This fucking stupid music is annoying

10. comment for 100 cardinal tetra in an aquascaping tank

Gabensy - 7 years ago
boomboompow - 7 years ago
lucky tetras
666baraka - 7 years ago
cool set up cool fish but not together. they don't suit each other
That's me
That's me - 7 years ago
I have a jack Dempsey who is always bullying my 7 other fish but two of the convicts had baby's and ever since he has been eating them.There is a divider but the fishes are so skinny they get pass and eaten
Giorgos Thomaidis
Giorgos Thomaidis - 7 years ago
How long can they live ?
Elvira Peschel
Elvira Peschel - 7 years ago
eines der schönsten zierfische
Forever and ever I swear!
Forever and ever I swear! - 7 years ago
So beautiful. Have always wanted an aquarium but cant afford it. Its always about the money..
Forever and ever I swear!
Forever and ever I swear! - 7 years ago
nookiedv - 7 years ago
Does anyone know what the low plants are giving ground coverage in this tank please? We're in the process of setting up something very similar but really like this!
J PumpkinKing
J PumpkinKing - 7 years ago
LOVE the music at the beginning. Who's it by?
Trust No one
Trust No one - 7 years ago
fk yeah!

20. comment for 100 cardinal tetra in an aquascaping tank

_Paws_ - 7 years ago
Beautiful yet fragile
Fermin Cadena
Fermin Cadena - 7 years ago
de cuantos litros es el acuario
IVAN MENDOZA - 7 years ago
yes one is name 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,
95,96,97,98,99,100 now can i get my like please since u took your time counting all the numbers if i got then correct DUH
Avi's Fishtanks
Avi's Fishtanks - 7 years ago
This defiantly made me smile, great job
Tanner Moore
Tanner Moore - 7 years ago
wonder what food that was
Cesare Borgia
Cesare Borgia - 7 years ago
listing of plants
The Aquatic Centre
The Aquatic Centre - 7 years ago
Beautiful tank!
Ben M
Ben M - 7 years ago
I now this is a stupid question it can u see these fish in the dark
Cesare Borgia
Cesare Borgia - 7 years ago
what size tank is this
GreenMan - 7 years ago
Lovely video and music. Inspiring!

30. comment for 100 cardinal tetra in an aquascaping tank

Matthew Rich
Matthew Rich - 8 years ago
What's this song?
mario rma
mario rma - 8 years ago
love it
Halit BAHÇIVAN - 8 years ago
benim akvaryum videolarımı da izleyiverirseniz sevinirim :)
Its Daniel Mcsween
Its Daniel Mcsween - 8 years ago
In my aquarium i have 10 neons and 3 albino cory cats
MasterAquatics - 8 years ago
nice tank.
Daniel R
Daniel R - 8 years ago
absolutely beautiful tank and fish! proof you don't have to spend a ton of money to have a awesome tank! currently i have school of (neon) tetras, pair pea puffers, Bumble bee catfish and pair of albino bushynose placos. all living great together in 10 gal micro fish, amazon style, and planted tank. also about 30 ghost shrimp, but puffers do hunt and take out ghost shrimp often. the india- china.. pea puffers don't fin nip or bother the other fish at all! will internet research care and compatibility, and add a few more species in future.
Daniel R
Daniel R - 7 years ago
Reply to Badda boom..  I am aware that you usually don't want to keep a pair of fish, however that can also depend on the species.  Anyway the local pet shop only had two pea puffers at the time, I planned to get more. Lately I have returned the pea puffers to the pet shop as I got tired of them refusing all food except snails, I had a 2nd tank just for breeding / raising snails.  the pea puffers would eat ghost shrimp, but once I offered snails.. they refused all other foods!  the pea puffers did double in size and length in the time I had them.  I plan to get  larger, better looking, less picky feeding type puffer or triggerfish in the future when I set up a saltwater tank.  I was raised in a house with 22 aquariums, I have also keep everything from amphibians, turtles, fish living near a lake as a child. to 10 ft nurse sharks in lagoon as I grew up in Fla. keys. also in Fla. I have kept everything from black widow spiders to legally owning cobras, rattlers, and tree vipers.. which I never had a problem with being pro trained and licensed. , but I no longer do venomous.  now just doing fish -  so I'm not a novice.. LoL!  but I do greatly like your comment and input as many younger people may not know about normally not keeping fish in pairs.  as far as the placos they are a male and female pair.. and that's fine for bushy-nose placos, two males would fight! and I don't want to put more than two in there since it's only a ten gallon and, you have to watch bio-load. all my fish are doing and growing great! and I check and do 30%water changes weekly.  Happy fish keeping to everyone!  and lets keep researching and sharing all fish info we find.. that's  how we become better keepers!!
Badda Boom
Badda Boom - 7 years ago
never keep pairs of fish, it would be better if you had 1 or 3 or more of each species
Daniel R
Daniel R - 8 years ago
Reply to Eric Duong - as well as for anyone else.. Sorry this is a long reply!! wanted to give lots of info to help out other puffer keepers.. about Indian pea puffers and slightly larger amazon puffers >great things about them.. 1 they can live all their lives in fresh water!! actually their are 29 species of completely freshwater puffers. 2 in the wild both species may travel in groups! so you can keep them together- provided enough plants and furnishings in the tank. 3 both are rarely aggressive to other fish ( unlike larger puffer species!! ) they usually do fine in a balanced community tank. they rarely if ever fin nip!! my pea puffers have had a thousand chances to fin nip and just do not!! if anything they are shy of other fish. last nite one of my pea puffs was sleeping next to a week old mosquito fish.. does that tell everyone anything! 4 because of their small size they don't have to eat much to stay alive. 5 they don't bite through snail shells but pull out bits of snail meat. and they have thin teeth that easily wear down ( so they don't have to have snails or crawfish!! - and you never have to trim their teeth!! ) 6 like all puffers.. they are very alert! cute, and interesting to watch!! my peas used to attack and eat live ghost shrimp!! and i had some success with (very fresh) dead ones suspended inch from the substrate by thin wire through the shrimp. removed from tank after feeding!! since i started a 2nd tank for pond and ramshorn snail breeding.. my puffs totally ignore the shrimp!! ( great tip for shrimp keepers!! ) and only go after snails and very rarely eat thawed blood worms.. mostly works if a shrimp or fish takes a worm and makes it move and appear alive. i am trying to find a local reliable source for live blood worms! >>>now the bad news<<< first of all let me make it very clear!!! 90% of the time pea puffers want live food only!!! and they can even be picky about the size of the live food.!!! mini puffs are not the attack-- eat anything fish.. that larger puffers are!!! peas are picky eaters!!! secondly.. pea puffers don't care about what's going on outside their tanks, unlike bigger puffers.. they don't get excited to see you, beg for food, eat out of your hands. and you don't play with them as some people can bigger puffers. they are not as fun and interactive as bigger puffer species!!! but.. they don't need brackish water, or teeth trimming!! Challenging!! mostly peaceful, cute and interesting.. is how i would describe pea puffers. but if you want a puffer that is easy to feed, and interacts with you go with a bigger species!!! if you can live without them interacting with you, and are up to the Challenge!!! Micro puffs are cute and rewarding!!! important note.. >>> all puffers are individuals!!! and how one acts, or feeds, may be 100% different then what others do<<< please comment if you have further info,, or liked my essay,, ha ha!! ...happy fish keeping to everyone!!!
Eric Duong
Eric Duong - 8 years ago
I kept my pea puffer with neon tetras, guppies and ghost shrimp too. For some reason my puffer never ate any ghost shrimp or nipped any fins. I even had a betta fish with the puffer and he avoided him most of the time, i eventually moved the betta to an aquarium at my school. The puffer eats well and gorges himself on live snails and frozen blood worms. Is it just my puffers personality?
Josh Harriss
Josh Harriss - 8 years ago
Love the tank!!!
000w - 8 years ago
How many gallon tank? However,this is magnificent.
omar bairam
omar bairam - 8 years ago
حجر لمننزززززتننخخنهنتززززززززز
OriginalMindTrick - 8 years ago
That carpet looks like its in desperate need of some CO2.
Steven Allen Edwards
Steven Allen Edwards - 8 years ago
How many gallons is this aquarium? Great video by the way.
Anna Laitinen
Anna Laitinen - 8 years ago
Gorgeous tank!
ömer çelik
ömer çelik - 8 years ago
first time i saw these guys Polska,they're so tiny.shiny and also very relaxing to watch
INSANE - gaming
INSANE - gaming - 8 years ago
I now have four but I will get more later on but the first fish need to stay in a week (8 fish) after that you can add more I am so happy with my little fis ^.^ I love em'
INSANE - gaming
INSANE - gaming - 8 years ago
but one died :( and i bought 7 more
Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman - 8 years ago
what does they eat?
GamingEXpert21 - 8 years ago
No, just Regular fish flakes. However, they're pretty cheap. A jar of fish flakes from petsmart only costs about $5
GamingEXpert21 - 8 years ago
Fish flakes.
Zuhdhi Malik
Zuhdhi Malik - 8 years ago
seperti menyala
Jackie Woodard
Jackie Woodard - 8 years ago
Hi there your neons are beautiful i bought 5. And only 2 survived there beautiful fish thou thanks for your video
lumpy1space2princess - 8 years ago
Those are Cardinal Tetras, not Neons.

Theyre slightly larger and have more red. They also require different water parameters and care.
Gustus Andrade
Gustus Andrade - 8 years ago
muito show !! montamos um modelo similar !!!
Jack the Ender Betta
Jack the Ender Betta - 8 years ago
did you use any black water solution ?
PuRqL3Haz3 - 8 years ago
Aquascaping tank? Lol

50. comment for 100 cardinal tetra in an aquascaping tank

When You See The Belt
When You See The Belt - 8 years ago
I Like The Blue And Red & White Ones

Hippie. Hipster Madness
Hippie. Hipster Madness - 8 years ago
How many gallons?
Piotrek Nieznany
Piotrek Nieznany - 8 years ago
what is the name of the rocks and the plants?
CeceG - 8 years ago
Do you use special lighting to bring out the color of those tetras?
Eduardo Figuera
Eduardo Figuera - 9 years ago
las piedras que utilizan son verdaderas? yo tengo piedras plasticas y en ellas crecen algas y no las limpio ... tengo adicionalemte una corriente de agua submarina a traves de una bomba submarina ... pero aun no logro tener Crias !!!! tengo mas de 70 peces Neones y 5 coridoras.... que podria hacer para obtener crias ?... Gracias
Eduardo Figuera
Eduardo Figuera - 8 years ago
+audi30 gracias por tu respuesta amigo !!!
audi30 - 8 years ago
Hola Eduardo, obtener crías del Paracheirodon axelrodi es bien difícil en cautiverio, en ocasiones llegan a desovar en los acuarios, pero los otros peces se llegan a comer los huevos rápidamente, por lo que pocas veces se logra reproducirlos http://planetacuario.net/index.php/areas/acuario-de-agua-dulce/peces/item/681-paracheirodon-axelrodi-schultz-1956
Madeleine P.
Madeleine P. - 9 years ago
Beautiful Fish!
pittbully13 - 9 years ago
ahh the colors! great scape and fish.
eganrawr - 9 years ago
how to make them so colorful like his? mine were not too red.
Pablo Ricardo de Tarragon
Pablo Ricardo de Tarragon - 9 years ago
You're welcome!
eganrawr - 9 years ago
great, thanks mate! cheers
Pablo Ricardo de Tarragon
Pablo Ricardo de Tarragon - 9 years ago
+eganrawr Ecological conditions. Soft acid water with humic acid, low-medium light, 25°C no more, lots of plants, only pacific small fishes (so no stress) with them, good food with lots of live, perfectly clean water, a school of at lest 10 tetras, better 20-30.
In clear a regional tank of tetras...
Fish Tales
Fish Tales - 9 years ago
cool love the neon tetras they always make a great addition to any aquarium.
Yornis Tang
Yornis Tang - 9 years ago
dairymark - 9 years ago
Cinema Cinema
Cinema Cinema - 9 years ago
DOGBOSS12 - 9 years ago
cardenales no neones
xavi er
xavi er - 9 years ago
Can you use outside rocks for aquarium because shop rocks are ridiculous pricey...?
Weenie Hut Jr's
Weenie Hut Jr's - 9 years ago
yesh! pea gravel. though boil it for ten minutes and wash, wash, wash! though it is also best to strain the pea gravel, I use a mesh pond pot for a strainer, move it all around for a few minutes get all the tiny granules, sand and debris filtered out. pea gravel looks great very natural looking. river rocks too. larger rocks with character also from a creek or what ever sandstone and limestone probably stay away from. there's no reason you can't put natural rocks in but scrub off any algae, boil them and wash them off really well.

and watch somebody will say different to try and get you to buy ugly expensive aquarium gravel. there's always somebody with a differing opinion for some reason.
that's interesting
that's interesting - 9 years ago
How is that rock still clean. Mine stone gets overgrown by green alge.
Pablo Ricardo de Tarragon
Pablo Ricardo de Tarragon - 9 years ago
+Kemal Malovic Too much light, too much nitrates, too hot water.
Dan J. Wilcox
Dan J. Wilcox - 9 years ago
Beautiful aquarium and you take such good care of all of those tetras!
Tropical Fish Hobbyist
Tropical Fish Hobbyist - 9 years ago
Very cool tank setup- not only the aquascaping but all of those tetras! It's awesome to watch them swim together.
Olivier Voschezang
Olivier Voschezang - 9 years ago
how many litres
Sammy - 9 years ago
Wow absolutely stunning, my favorite best and cheapest colorful tropical school fishes around as well as cutest !!!
emadonn ema
emadonn ema - 9 years ago
so beautiful
Joe Amazon
Joe Amazon - 9 years ago
I was stocked 19 neon tetras in my discus tank. It took 2 weeks for my discus to eat them all. Never again.
Pablo Ricardo de Tarragon
Pablo Ricardo de Tarragon - 9 years ago
+Joe Amazon Most of the people online have no idea of the needs of the fishes.
First mixed species aquariums are an utterly non sense, as you'll never meet the requirements needed by each specie. So you'll have a bunch of poor ugly fishes, with perpetual diseases, and lots of dead animals. For me that looks like a concentration camp.
The only happy ones are the guys selling fishes and medications.
Discus are big cichlids predators liking rather hot water with lots of dominance and territorial features, so it's better to keep them in a specific tank.
Tetras are predated small fishes living in big schools in rather fresh water with low light. And a stressed tetra has no colors...
Joe Amazon
Joe Amazon - 9 years ago
The funny thing about that is most people online with recommend neon tetras with Discus, rams, etc. Go figure.
Pablo Ricardo de Tarragon
Pablo Ricardo de Tarragon - 9 years ago
+Joe Amazon A guy who tried to keep sheep with wolves in the same corral had the same result as you.
Joe Amazon
Joe Amazon - 9 years ago
I was stocked 19 neon tetras in my discus tank. It took 2 weeks for my discus to eat them all. Never again
Joe Amazon
Joe Amazon - 8 years ago
Yeah, that's why I keep my neon tetras in a species only planted tank:) with cory cats, otocinclus and assasin snails.
hmrhuang - 8 years ago
+Joe Amazon Well, cardinals do big enough (barely) where they're not so easily swallowed by angelfish and discus.  The trouble is they are fairly expensive when you try to buy them big.  Thus when aquarists get them small and try to grow them out in Amazonian biotopes with large cichlids, they get to observe a real-life food chain up close....=)
Joe Amazon
Joe Amazon - 8 years ago
The funny thing is I see so many videos of people that put neon's or cadinal's in with large cichlids. 
hmrhuang - 8 years ago
+Joe Amazon Exactly.  Neons are typically farm raised and are tiny dither fish.  They don't stand a chance against large cichlids, even those as "docile" as angelfish and discus....
Joe Amazon
Joe Amazon - 9 years ago
Rummy noses are okay with discus, they're big enough not to get eaten but the neon's is a different story. 
godlikecharacta - 9 years ago
+Joe Amazon thats so weird! my discus never even look at my rummy nose tarts and mine are using 7 inches
PEPPERS - 9 years ago
is it possible to breed tetras?
നിന്റെ തന്ത
നിന്റെ തന്ത - 9 years ago
+just peppers make the water acidic, reduce light, blind them. . .feed them. . .do a water change. . .sligthy put the lights. . .have a mesh on bottom.. so the eggs would fall and they wont be eaten. . seperate breeding pairs. .. thats it. . but the fry care is a bit hard though
tyrannopuker rekt
tyrannopuker rekt - 9 years ago
OBIPPO - 9 years ago
Love the ryuoh stones, best looking ones for aquariums imo.
kambooker05 - 9 years ago
What size tank?
drmhobbyshop - 9 years ago
Damian Trimboli
Damian Trimboli - 9 years ago
what kind of light do you use?
carlos augusto
carlos augusto - 9 years ago
algum já reproduziu no aquário?
Elena No
Elena No - 9 years ago
I like them more when there are other species in the tank to. They show more school behavior then. Now they are just a bit chaotic imo. But epic tank and looking very good!
Xerxes845 - 9 years ago
+Elina Ost probably because they were feeding! I have really grown fond of keeping singular species tanks and at least with the Neons I own they school like mad. Just a few sterbai cories on the bottom but that's it.
NeoMinerva - 9 years ago
I agree that while the fish look amazing the browned out babytears carpet really takes away from the overall beauty of the tank. Why not replace it with something easier to maintain, like pearlweed or dwarf hairgrass? Also the addition of even single larger fish with the small mouth with probably entice the tetras to actually tightly school at times other than feeding.
daniel3484 - 9 years ago
+NeoMinerva Any suggestions for a heavily planted 75gal? What would you call such a fish serving that role? Thanks
Hetzer 1701
Hetzer 1701 - 9 years ago
My wife asks how do you keep track of all their names, lol.
fun video...
fenrirgg - 8 years ago
They all are named Bob, except for Marty, he's the special one.
pusc1f3r - 9 years ago
+Hetzer 1701 LOL, my wife asked me a similar question when I was adding 20 cardinals to my tank..
നിന്റെ തന്ത
നിന്റെ തന്ത - 9 years ago
+Hetzer 1701 tag them. .or tattoo
SF turtle
SF turtle - 9 years ago
Quantum Aquatic
Quantum Aquatic - 9 years ago
Cardinals are harder to keep them regular tetras. I found green neons being the hardiest
Goblin Engineer
Goblin Engineer - 9 years ago
Green neons are a purely black water fish so that might be why. Cardinals also prefer black water but neons don't care
Little Big Horn
Little Big Horn - 9 years ago
Mes préférés ^^
robert roesler
robert roesler - 9 years ago
Very good video!!
Onemaster - 9 years ago
Oooh that looks lively
Gabriel Nadai
Gabriel Nadai - 9 years ago
Tamara o.o
Tamara o.o - 9 years ago
Also, what's the song in this video? It's really nice. :)
Tamara o.o
Tamara o.o - 9 years ago
Curious, how many gallons is your tank?
Lei Chi
Lei Chi - 9 years ago
Also, what size is this tank?
Lei Chi
Lei Chi - 9 years ago
What kind of lighting are you using? Tank looks brilliant!
DionTre Speller
DionTre Speller - 9 years ago
Name of music?

Damon0306 - 9 years ago
Very very awesome!
Robert - 9 years ago
I used to have a bunch of neons, then I got an angelfish who got in the mood for a snack one day... That was the day I learned the importance of research in this hobby.
Clydesdale2045 - 7 years ago
That's the thing with Angel fish. Sometimes neons will be fine with them if the angel fish grew up with them, but you may have a rogue angelfish one day realize they can fit in their mouth and then they become expensive food after that. Cardinal Tetras get a little bigger than Neons and are less likely to be eaten by angelfish and why I picked them... even though they're $5.99 each at my LFS whereas neons were just $1 each at Petsmart.
Tim Oosterwaal
Tim Oosterwaal - 7 years ago
my channa snakehead ate mine
Rach227204 - 7 years ago
I once had a bully fish and the shop was more than willing to take him back for rehoming. You could just take them back. You won't get a refund though
FUNNY SH#T - 7 years ago
Corey Robinson idiot u need at least 4 neons to make the feel safe
FUNNY SH#T - 7 years ago
Robert shit I have a bunch of neons and 2 baby angle fish what should I do
asd64123 - 7 years ago
haha, sounds like you learned that one the hard way :).
Pablo Ricardo de Tarragon
Pablo Ricardo de Tarragon - 9 years ago
+timothy yap Guppies hard alkaline water 28-30° C fishes with tetras soft acide water 24-25° fishes????
Timothy Yap
Timothy Yap - 9 years ago
I had 50 and after 1-2 weeks I realised 30+ of them were missing, immediately removed all large fish and replaced them with guppies
Olav Øverland
Olav Øverland - 9 years ago
+Hawo Xap discus in a 10g.....
garneroutlaw1 - 9 years ago
+Nawodit Kharel A discus in a 10 gallon? You do know that a discus grows to be about half the size of a 10 gallon tank?
Jayce - 9 years ago
+Nawodit Kharel no way would a discus work in a ten... They get big, should be kept in groups and are way too sensitive. He should worry about rounding out his schools and then that's a fully stocked ten...
Haωo Χap
Haωo Χap - 9 years ago
+Corey Robinson Get a discus most beautiful tropical fresh water fish.
kingbucky6 - 9 years ago
I had the same think happen then I learned that angels was a type of ciclid and would eat smaller fish.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 9 years ago
what kind of loach do you have?some get very big or die trying.
Cesar Pedraza
Cesar Pedraza - 9 years ago
tetras, they should be ine groups of 5 or more, plus they look better
Corey Robinson
Corey Robinson - 9 years ago
I actually currently have a mixture of everything LOL. I have one molly, one tetra, and one loach. All in a ten gallon. I have no idea what I'm getting next
Cesar Pedraza
Cesar Pedraza - 9 years ago
same thing with me but with a leopard puffer LMAO
Cute fish
Cute fish - 9 years ago
Bryant Ma
Bryant Ma - 10 years ago
what are you feeding
austrlitz36 - 10 years ago
100?..j'en compte que 96../
100?.I count just 96..
jaya lim
jaya lim - 7 years ago
austrlitz36 LOL
austrlitz36 - 9 years ago
+vaporfarts yess, but I can count!, All the same!
vaporfarts - 9 years ago
+austrlitz36 are you autistic?
Voeris - 10 years ago
Holy $&/% I didn't know they wen't into "piranha" mode when they were in such numbers.. Scary..
Hilde - 10 years ago
What size tank is this? What is your filtration for it?
Daniel G
Daniel G - 10 years ago
The sound of your HC screaming for mercy distracted me from the Tetra's! Time to up the PAR and CO2!
ManicMindTrick - 7 years ago
Most likely CO2 deficiency.
Robert Thompson
Robert Thompson - 9 years ago
+bobby mars Lol!
Daniel G
Daniel G - 9 years ago
+Robert Thompson the Cardinals look awesome, but the hc looks like shit.
Robert Thompson
Robert Thompson - 9 years ago
+Daniel G Exactly what are you talking about? The music sounded awesome in my headphones. Oh yeah I looked at your photobucket album. None of the aquariums can compare to this one on DocAquaTV's channel. That aquarium with the 100 cardinal tetras is simply gorgeous and stunning.
Daniel G

100. comment for 100 cardinal tetra in an aquascaping tank

Spence1002 - 10 years ago
is this safe for them?
Marcus Hoffmann
Marcus Hoffmann - 10 years ago
How big is the tank? ;)
Chris Noto
Chris Noto - 10 years ago
Hey, Doc Aqua! I like your tank, and your fish, but, to really see the schooling behavior, it would have been nice to see some full tank video! Keep up the good work.
Leonel Passos
Leonel Passos - 10 years ago
simtitan1 - 10 years ago
Looks like rush hour on the reef.
Rich Blondin
Rich Blondin - 10 years ago
What size tank do you use for the cardinal tetra's?  How do you use for you substrate.
Mike Kollin
Mike Kollin - 10 years ago
Question: Where can I buy some stones that are not to expensive that are INTERT? IN other words that don't' raise the PH? I am about to set up my 55 gallon… all I need now are the stones. I"d like to buy them a local rock company because I am really into doing DIY… and to save money… but would be willing to spend a little more if they are cool stones… I know slate is good but any other thoughts?
Horn Pub
Horn Pub - 10 years ago
+Tharn Berry local rock companies will carry them. I meant drainage rocks. They are use around drainage ditch by landscapers. I usually pick the shape I want instead of chipping them.
Horn Pub
Horn Pub - 10 years ago
+Mike Kollin local
Mike Kollin
Mike Kollin - 10 years ago
+Tharn Berry  Hahaha... are you serious??? 
Horn Pub
Horn Pub - 10 years ago
I get larger sewer rocks and chip them into the shape I want. The ones I get are pretty much inert. I do boil them before hand though.
Muhammad Husein
Muhammad Husein - 10 years ago
AirsoftNLD - 10 years ago
o have 100 they all died lol 1 day tafuck xd
Yehuda Kaslassi
Yehuda Kaslassi - 10 years ago
100% Blaugrana fish 
sumaran72 - 10 years ago
what kind of rocks...anyone...thanks
Mike More
Mike More - 10 years ago
Seiryu stone
MAJID YAQUB - 10 years ago
Stunning ! ....I only have 8 in my tank :)
Fifa Pro
Fifa Pro - 10 years ago
Beautiful tank trying to make mine like this one
Yellowswift3 - 10 years ago
Jewels in the water. :)
Nasso - 10 years ago
Really cool video. :) Love the colors. Neon tetras look really good in big groups.
KrispyAquascape - 10 years ago
That isn't a neon tetra. That my friend is a bigger cousin and as stated in the title, cardinal tetras
llavesol - 10 years ago
Ruby Covarrubias
Ruby Covarrubias - 10 years ago
What are the fish called?
yave4algeria - 10 years ago
tetra cardinal
Jaen Gruner
Jaen Gruner - 10 years ago
ohhhhh wie hübsch, ich finde die blaue farbe leutet richtig kräftig auch das rot ist prall zu erkennen^^ niedlich erinnert mich an meinen kleinen schwarm
Juan Encinas
Juan Encinas - 10 years ago
how many gallons is this aquarium?
David Carr
David Carr - 10 years ago
how big is the tank??
Robert Spicer
Robert Spicer - 10 years ago
Do you name your fish?
gergy gerg
gergy gerg - 10 years ago
Darren Cordina
Darren Cordina - 10 years ago
Hi, my tetras are sick. They have a lump near their mouth. Is there any cure?
balto101010 - 10 years ago
Un verdadero espectáculo, gracias por el video, saludos
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank - 10 years ago
I has some like that before great fish
Ahmad Kamil
Ahmad Kamil - 10 years ago
amazing..beautiful tetra..best music. what this music?
mac6mo - 10 years ago
Don't want to hurt feelings but get neon tetras later
unzicek - 10 years ago
I am afraid this video shows nothing but absolute incompetence. The fish tank is way too small for such enormous number of Tetras and the acquascaping is less than average (failed iwogumi, boring stones, no depth, no tension, no details, poor choice of plants too ... it looks like those fish tank back in 1970s). The true beauty of having Cardinal Tetras is that they are social fish forming shoal, an effect absolutely absent in your tank with so many of them. The tank would be great with only 15 Cardinals. With 100 of them, your tank looks like tanks you find in pet shop. It looks horrible and completly unnatural. I feel sorry for your fish.
Alexander Menes
Alexander Menes - 10 years ago
OMG! I want to live there hahaha..
Rashad Razak
Rashad Razak - 10 years ago
Lol over $100 bucks just on the fish..
Matt Richison
Matt Richison - 10 years ago
Nice answer thanks man
antonio jose real
antonio jose real - 10 years ago
Lindo espectaculo!!
Mike Kollin
Mike Kollin - 10 years ago
My God Man!!! What do you feed these fish??? It must surely be delicious beyond any other fish food! For they Gobble it up and then Dance to the beat of the Music!

I must have the knowledge of what this amazing fish food is!

Thank you!!! 

P.s. hahahaha… :)
Mike More
Mike More - 10 years ago
The more they are, the more they freak on food
brrticusrex - 10 years ago
Looks like he's feeding them live (or frozen) brine shrimp.
Kevin Stecho
Kevin Stecho - 10 years ago
well done indeed
wordonawing - 10 years ago
This tank is amazing,but why dont you answer peoples questions??
MyDanron - 10 years ago
What is the tank's volume?
Bill Macisaac
Bill Macisaac - 10 years ago
Thank you for sharing your vid.
Very nice, very nice in deed.
William K
William K - 10 years ago
Yes. Rule 569, not just a comment.
Genma Saotome
Genma Saotome - 10 years ago
I need more tetras...
Matt Richison
Matt Richison - 11 years ago
Hello this is from a I phone. But I have the regular blue, and 12 cardinals, my question is does the red fill in over time? Or are they just pale looking from shipping? They look just like this video though. Thx.
Mike Kollin
Mike Kollin - 10 years ago
+Matt Richison  THe water has to be just right for them! 
#1 Zero Ammonia or very little, Zero or very, very little Nitrite.
#2 The Ph has to be within proper limits.
#3 The temperature has to be right!
#4 YOu have to make sure the tank is at least a month or more old so the Bacteria is completely set. 

I have 22 Cardinal tetras and have had them for 6 Months and they are very, very healthy! Find out what the proper PH is and water temperature for your Tetras! And put Bacteria into the water on a regular basis until it's set up! I put Bacteria in for a month, every day! 

Every time you do a water change or add water, you have to add a little bacteria again. 

P.s. And yes, the transportation method may have wore then out. Oh, when first adding fish, turn the lights off or way down. It helps them to calm. 
Vivaldo Medeiros
Vivaldo Medeiros - 10 years ago
They live in the same temp as discus.. so if your discus are ok, they should be also. Cardinal tetras are somewhat hard to mantain, the way they were collected and the stress level they passed while transporting, may cause them to do not eat ... you have to put cardinals on a hospital tank and offer live food before sending em to your main aquarium. Also, the PH must be 5.5 - 6.5. Not much water movement and some shadowed places where they might seek for protection. Buying a school of 20-30 will help them adapt faster.
Matt Richison
Matt Richison - 10 years ago
Cool thanks. They all died!!!! Weird!!! My discus are doing great!!! And eat like pigs. Those cardinal never ate anything, and they just started dropping 1 at a time. Any thoughts. Temp maybe?
Vivaldo Medeiros
Vivaldo Medeiros - 10 years ago
neon tetras have the red color ending in the middle of their body while cardinal tetras have the red line filled to the tail ... maybe yours are not showing full colors because - as you said - shipping.
mokilla - 11 years ago
Very nice! Congratulations! My neons are scared of the light and hide in one corner of the tank.. What is the first music?
Mike Kollin
Mike Kollin - 11 years ago
What kind of Stones are you using here? I mean the ones standing up with white stripes in them… 
Roscoenelson Andsablegray
Roscoenelson Andsablegray - 11 years ago
How many gallons?
justin94block - 11 years ago
when do you usually feed them? 
emazingjodaan - 11 years ago
once daily
SickKnowledge82 - 11 years ago
Probably when they get hungry?
ATBenz - 11 years ago
Robin Alexander Lywe
Robin Alexander Lywe - 11 years ago
** damn :D thats the most impressive colors in p axelrodi Iv ever seen! Iv had my own store / had my section at sweden no1 groosery
tanka99 - 11 years ago
Awesome tank matey……personally id add a few shrimp, for ground level activity, but i can't make a tank like this so….
Fish'nFireworks 14
Fish'nFireworks 14 - 11 years ago
Wow. That absolutely beautiful. I give you a 10.
Mike Kollin
Mike Kollin - 11 years ago
What kind of Live Food were they eating? 
Ronald Blake
Ronald Blake - 11 years ago
Nice tank. loose the music, its gay
William K
William K - 11 years ago
3 or 4 angels would make that tank look great. Also, some free money...for people who watch this. Yeah, that'll make me come back.
William K
William K - 11 years ago
Too plain. Needs more fish variety.
Jonathan Gontiz
Jonathan Gontiz - 10 years ago
is this fish keeping rule # 569 or something?
Carson Hird
Carson Hird - 11 years ago
Aqua miracle. Absolute amazing!
Renato SkyWalker
Renato SkyWalker - 11 years ago
What kind of Lamp you have used to do this movie?
This Lamp color gave a great color to Neon =)
Marcus Vinicius
Marcus Vinicius - 11 years ago
quaal eh o preço do neon?
exv152 - 11 years ago
estes não são neons, são cardeais
みみかき - 11 years ago
Electric Water
Electric Water - 11 years ago
That's good to hear because we'd like to add another 50.
korbin H
korbin H - 11 years ago
thats because your running 135 gallon tank, that ALOT of water to dilute the ammonia and nitrites :) I don't see you ever having an issue with that
Electric Water
Electric Water - 11 years ago
I've been using Stability on my new 135 for 3-4 weeks and I've added 50 Cardinals. It's been 2 weeks and they're doing great!
dajoke24 - 11 years ago
cardinal tetras aren't good for cycling a tank. they are quite hard to take care of
mario rodri
mario rodri - 11 years ago
Que regocijo para los ojos, precioso cardumen buen video, si señor
hmrhuang - 11 years ago
I can only count 99....=)
David ッ
David ッ - 11 years ago
do they need a bubler?
PSonak - 11 years ago
No, you should use a heartier fish like platys, danios or mollies. Or you could use a piece of raw shrimp in the toe of a pair on nylons.
terrapedes - 11 years ago
no they should never be but in anything but an well established tank.
alexnelson09 - 11 years ago
Great, healthy-looking fish! Is this tank still running?
Electric Water
Electric Water - 11 years ago
Never heard that one before...
Firefly8450 - 11 years ago
Fish aren't necessary to cycle a new tank. Instead, use small amounts of fish food. As this rots, it will release ammonia which will help the tank cycle. HTH
Firefly8450 - 11 years ago
Please can you give us more details on the tank, like filter and plants etc...Looks great btw!
leslie hempel
leslie hempel - 11 years ago
where can i see more info on this setup?
Electric Water
Electric Water - 11 years ago
Are they strong enough to help cycle a new tank?
Apoorv Onkar
Apoorv Onkar - 11 years ago
what is the size of your tank? thank you
Aggzz91 - 11 years ago
looks wicked when they school
NextLvLSold! - 11 years ago
This is a well done video kudos. I think though for comparison of size and motion you should get a larger goldfish. the gold color would really shine with the blue. Just one really large one.
amana kodum
amana kodum - 11 years ago
hey i have a 30cm height by x 30cm width and x60cmlong tank how many tertras could i fit in there ?
Marie E
Marie E - 11 years ago
i never see that
worlukk - 11 years ago
incredibly beautiful
koushinproductions - 11 years ago
What feed do you give them?
D GW - 11 years ago
they aren't 'schooling' they are 'shoaling'....meh sorry but couldn't resist. There is a difference. A 'school' of fish all swim together in the same direction like herring. A Shoal just hang out in big groups together. Love your cardinals. great peaceful tank mate. Keep it up.
RobitskiStudios - 11 years ago
Hi, I'm just setting up a 60 liter myself! It depends... what are you putting in the tank (plants, rocks, maybe ornaments?) and if you are putting in other species. A well planted 60 liter can hold around a dozen neon tetras, but only if they are the only species.
RobitskiStudios - 11 years ago
100th like :3
Lewis Rummens
Lewis Rummens - 11 years ago
How many neon tetras can i have in my 60 liter tank please someone tell me
Omar Vidal
Omar Vidal - 11 years ago
That's a very beautiful tank.
Xan Beerboy
Xan Beerboy - 11 years ago
Can you tell me what are you feeding them? I got 10 of them in my 50 L tank and 3 cory and I would like to make sure I feed them properly. Thx!
Joris van der Kamp
Joris van der Kamp - 11 years ago
me too :-)
Joe Duerden
Joe Duerden - 11 years ago
How long did it take you to add all those fish, I've heard that you can only add 2 or 3 at once.
Joe Duerden
Joe Duerden - 11 years ago
Wow dude! There are so many of them! I love schooling fish!
Aqua Lover
Aqua Lover - 11 years ago
wow you re lucky ppl:)
Emmadril - 11 years ago
Oliver Daly
Oliver Daly - 11 years ago
what type of lighting is used
Caleb Poulson
Caleb Poulson - 11 years ago
How many tetra's do you have?
Shy Ali
Shy Ali - 11 years ago
I counted 99 .... great tank :)p
Karar Shah
Karar Shah - 11 years ago
SUBHANALLAH really nice
Durian - 11 years ago
so darn beautiful. any tips with plantimg please
Vidal Soto
Vidal Soto - 11 years ago
Can Neon tetras school with other tetras like the black neon ones?
Amit Torawane
Amit Torawane - 11 years ago
"GREAT" I mean I never seen this cardinal tetras in huge quantity like this, & they are so beautiful and healthy.
wjeon5000 - 11 years ago
how they so colorful
Erik Gonzalez
Erik Gonzalez - 11 years ago
your tank is awesome
orobori - 11 years ago
thanks i do over filter using 2 external eheims and change water 50L at weekend and sometimes 25L midweek too I also use prime and nitrate absorbers i usually run pretty much zero levels, so yea thx ill bang a few more in :)
orobori - 11 years ago
nice school of cardinals, i have a 180L but I am not able to get them to school up just yet they tend to hide in the heavily planted areas, theres about 15 and a few other tetras in there, nothing big or aggressive.
lozt - 11 years ago
How big is that tank?
Nathan Butler
Nathan Butler - 11 years ago
Aquarien Deutschland
Aquarien Deutschland - 11 years ago
Das Aquarium war ein Augenschmaus auf der Heimtier Messe in München. Gratulation an Claudia Hary und Danke für die tolle Präsentation! OFAGD.de
Fisch Zimmer
Fisch Zimmer - 11 years ago
Kann mich meinem Vorredner nur anschließen! :D Ist das eine Rotala, links im hinterenbereich ? Und sind die Neons schon ausgewachsen? Oder bessergesagt, weist du ungefähr wie alt die sind?

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