2,5 months Carpet Seed Mini Dwarf - aquascape
Aquascaping 8 years ago 48,291 views
2,5 months Carpet Seed Mini Dwarf - aquascape Aquascape, echinodorus tenellus, turbo snail, assasin snail, neon tetra, rasbora hengeli, red cherry shrimp, amano shrimp, borneo sucker, co2 injection, malang sand, angke soil
The disadvantage of this seed: it will die after 3-4 months.
They grow instantly, and die instantly too :D.
Not reccomended for long period.
After 4 months, i rescape my tank and never use this magic seed again. You can see my latest video in my channel :)
Ane ga pake UV,,lampu LED sobo biasa aja gan..
10. comment for 2,5 months Carpet Seed Mini Dwarf - aquascape
Yeap, until now i dont know what the plant is..