2,5 months Carpet Seed Mini Dwarf - aquascape

2,5 months Carpet Seed Mini Dwarf - aquascape Aquascape, echinodorus tenellus, turbo snail, assasin snail, neon tetra, rasbora hengeli, red cherry shrimp, amano shrimp, borneo sucker, co2 injection, malang sand, angke soil

2,5 months Carpet Seed Mini Dwarf - aquascape sentiment_very_dissatisfied 6

Aquascaping 8 years ago 48,291 views

2,5 months Carpet Seed Mini Dwarf - aquascape Aquascape, echinodorus tenellus, turbo snail, assasin snail, neon tetra, rasbora hengeli, red cherry shrimp, amano shrimp, borneo sucker, co2 injection, malang sand, angke soil

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Most popular comments
for 2,5 months Carpet Seed Mini Dwarf - aquascape

Cindy O'Hara
Cindy O'Hara - 7 years ago
Hi Faddo, awesome tank!! I would love to try this. Where did you get the seeds? what substrate are you using? did they eventually melt?
Aquascape Faddo
Aquascape Faddo - 7 years ago
I got this seed from our domestic online shop (Indonesia). Also Im using local soil called Angke Soil.
The disadvantage of this seed: it will die after 3-4 months.
They grow instantly, and die instantly too :D.
Not reccomended for long period.
After 4 months, i rescape my tank and never use this magic seed again. You can see my latest video in my channel :)
Rafif Fadlurahman
Rafif Fadlurahman - 7 years ago
hw u feed the shrimp?
Rafif Fadlurahman
Rafif Fadlurahman - 7 years ago
Aquascape Faddo
Aquascape Faddo - 7 years ago
jiakakak...yoi bro..
Rafif Fadlurahman
Rafif Fadlurahman - 7 years ago
wih sama
Aquascape Faddo
Aquascape Faddo - 7 years ago
im from indonesia, and you?
Rafif Fadlurahman
Rafif Fadlurahman - 7 years ago
where you from btw?
Aquascape Faddo
Aquascape Faddo - 7 years ago
I just feed the fish,, and the shrimp will join them, :D
Kevin Cahya
Kevin Cahya - 7 years ago
jadi jelek cuy
Aquascape Faddo
Aquascape Faddo - 7 years ago
Kevin Cahya .. yoi cuy,,tp di video terbaru sudah better lah, ganti montecarlo.. tobat ah carpet seed
Pis Sangz
Pis Sangz - 7 years ago
gan gmna result after 3 month? ada video barunya?
Aquascape Faddo
Aquascape Faddo - 7 years ago
ada sih gan tp posisinya sudah ane cabut semua..bener2 bersih dr capet seed..
ChiaMin1365 - 8 years ago
Hey~ just remind you every 1 and a half month you will need to pluck out all and replant all carpet seed, later on it will melts and create a huge mess in us tank. Also, carpet seed do not need any substrate, they can even grow well on wet tissue papers. By the way, they are not event plant in the first place, it is actually use for seaweed mask where you grow them out and crunch it to use as face mask. There is no seed for aquatic plant, even if there is, definitely not in this dry form. Also, you do not need any fertiliser at all. These seeds actually is nice when you want a quick result. Mine grow out fast, in one week it already cover all surface.
Andy Suryantoro van Ruzzette
Andy Suryantoro van Ruzzette - 8 years ago
Pake UV ngga gan? Atau Purigen? Airnya bening, akuarium saya selalu agak berkabut karena bacterial bloom
Aquascape Faddo
Aquascape Faddo - 8 years ago
Klo baru setting,,butuh 1-2 bulan biar bening. Karena awal2 tuh ekosistem belom stabil gan..sering2 ganti aer 50 persen gan selama 1-2 bulan.
Ane ga pake UV,,lampu LED sobo biasa aja gan..
Jun Jun
Jun Jun - 8 years ago
what is the background music pls :)
Aquascape Faddo
Aquascape Faddo - 8 years ago
Dunno...I just take it from youtube, and it free.. :D
Mr Zero
Mr Zero - 8 years ago
pke substrat apa mas pnya sy pke soil tnamanya pd lepas setelah tinggi2 sprti itu
Aquascape Faddo
Aquascape Faddo - 8 years ago
Mr Zero sy pake soil angke gan,,tp sama aja,,,ini tanamannya skrg sudah mulai lepas2. untungnya pake soil dibanding pasir malang yaitu klo tanamannya udah mulai habis, bs dicabutin trus tancepin deh tanaman lain. tp klo pasir malang agak susah karena kurang gizinya
Fonzy Arguelles
Fonzy Arguelles - 8 years ago
hello nice aquarium !if you didnt want to change the front carpet do you think the plants from the seed would die them all?
Aquascape Faddo
Aquascape Faddo - 8 years ago
+Fonzy Arguelles im not sure, but I have to trim them every week if want them still there..

10. comment for 2,5 months Carpet Seed Mini Dwarf - aquascape

adi CP
adi CP - 8 years ago
Great looking scape! I planted these a few days ago. I read in your 1.5 month update video that you did not use CO2, any specific reason why you've added it now? Since these are not HC as I thought they were based on the advertising on ebay, what kind of plant is this?? Im curious. Thanks!
adi CP
adi CP - 8 years ago
+Gusti Maull hi
Gusti Maull
Gusti Maull - 8 years ago
adityaw chandrashekhar ih
Gusti Maull
Gusti Maull - 8 years ago
aditya chandrashekhar p
adi CP
adi CP - 8 years ago
+Dan Mayzes Yeah these companies falsely advertise the seeds as either glosso or HC
Dan Mayzes
Dan Mayzes - 8 years ago
aditya chandrashekhar the seeds i bought were advertised as glosso but yes didnt realise the plants in the back were the same so perhaps not glosso!
adi CP
adi CP - 8 years ago
+Dan Mayzes i dont think this plant glossostigma elantinoides because it grows too tall compared to the actual Glosso. It is apparently a seed used as a face scrub in some Asian countries (china, singapore). I found several of these seeds on ebay being sold as a face scrub
Dan Mayzes
Dan Mayzes - 8 years ago
It is Glossostigma elatinoides by the looks of things.. I've just ordered some seeds to plant in my 12L nano shrimp tank; will post a video of the progress ;)
adi CP
adi CP - 8 years ago
+Aquascape Faddo haha awesome, i did the same! Thanks man, I'll keep an eye out for your next update, cheers!
Aquascape Faddo
Aquascape Faddo - 8 years ago
+aditya chandrashekhar i just used fertilizers under the substrate.. :)
adi CP
adi CP - 8 years ago
+Aquascape Faddo Did you dose any fertilizers or Flourish Excel? Also, please post another update! i really want to see how these seeds work in the long run. thanks a ton my friend!
Aquascape Faddo
Aquascape Faddo - 8 years ago
+aditya chandrashekhar actually i used co2 but just 0,3 bps..means just 1 bubble every 3 seconds.. My friend didnt use co2 but the plant still grow fast.
Yeap, until now i dont know what the plant is..

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