29G Aquascape Timelapse
Aquascaping 9 years ago 484,343 views
http://instagram.com/ysnxs http://twitter.com/ysnxs http://www.snapchat.com/add/ysnxs Specs: Tank Size: 29G (110L) Filter: Fluval Aquaclear 30 (Soon to be a 50) Lighting: Current USA Satellite Freshwater LED Plus Heater: 150w EHEIM Jager Substrate: CaribSea Eco-Complete mixed with black gravel Fertilizer: Seachem Flourish Excel Music: Disclosure - Magnets ft. Lorde (SG Lewis Remix) Tom Misch - High Tom Misch - Memory
10. comment for 29G Aquascape Timelapse
Check out my channel and support
20. comment for 29G Aquascape Timelapse
Try a landscaping shop.
30. comment for 29G Aquascape Timelapse
Gangs of Gourami fishes and Sucker fish
Neon Tetras
Zebra Danios
Harlequin Rasboras
Raphael Catfish
Blue Rams
Most of these weren't in the video.
50. comment for 29G Aquascape Timelapse
eto nifiga ne aquascape...
The tank has more potential than this.. U can do so much. I hope the plants have grown in and plants has filled in heaps more now 2016..
The tank has more potential than this.. U can do so much. I hope the plants have grown in and plants has filled in heaps more now 2016..