29G Aquascape Timelapse

http://instagram.com/ysnxs http://twitter.com/ysnxs http://www.snapchat.com/add/ysnxs Specs: Tank Size: 29G (110L) Filter: Fluval Aquaclear 30 (Soon to be a 50) Lighting: Current USA Satellite Freshwater LED Plus Heater: 150w EHEIM Jager Substrate: CaribSea Eco-Complete mixed with black gravel Fertilizer: Seachem Flourish Excel Music: Disclosure - Magnets ft. Lorde (SG Lewis Remix) Tom Misch - High Tom Misch - Memory

29G Aquascape Timelapse sentiment_very_dissatisfied 298

Aquascaping 9 years ago 484,343 views

http://instagram.com/ysnxs http://twitter.com/ysnxs http://www.snapchat.com/add/ysnxs Specs: Tank Size: 29G (110L) Filter: Fluval Aquaclear 30 (Soon to be a 50) Lighting: Current USA Satellite Freshwater LED Plus Heater: 150w EHEIM Jager Substrate: CaribSea Eco-Complete mixed with black gravel Fertilizer: Seachem Flourish Excel Music: Disclosure - Magnets ft. Lorde (SG Lewis Remix) Tom Misch - High Tom Misch - Memory

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Most popular comments
for 29G Aquascape Timelapse

water is looking so dirty
Surya Hariansyah
Surya Hariansyah - 7 years ago
Itu aquarium ukuran berapa ?
Sanjay More
Sanjay More - 7 years ago
sanyam more
Kevin Mathew
Kevin Mathew - 7 years ago
Which wood you fixed there..?
wildanabiel - 7 years ago
Bang, gua mau nanya, itu kayu apaan, tolong jawab thx
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga - 7 years ago
Great tank
Castleclasher 80k
Castleclasher 80k - 7 years ago
I hope you rinsed the rocks
Parvin's vlog
Parvin's vlog - 7 years ago
Plants are plastic ???
Dawn Smith
Dawn Smith - 7 years ago
You should have added sand under the wooden brig to give it more contrast.

10. comment for 29G Aquascape Timelapse

FishFish - 7 years ago
I have some questions :) What plants did you have in there previously/now? What fish/ invertebrates?
Vanessa - 7 years ago
Ficou mais bonito do que antes...
Злобный НЕОН !!!
Злобный НЕОН !!! - 7 years ago
My first aquarium launch
The Immersion
The Immersion - 7 years ago
Wow nice!
Check out my channel and support
Korhan Ozkan
Korhan Ozkan - 7 years ago
mohammad sadaghiani
mohammad sadaghiani - 7 years ago
No offense, but worse Aquascaping (If you can even call it Aquascaping :D) video i saw the whole week :D
Avi's Fishtanks
Avi's Fishtanks - 7 years ago
I got some ideas to use in my first 10 gallon live planted tank check it out now on my channel
sjaak charmant
sjaak charmant - 8 years ago
Диванный Эксперт
Диванный Эксперт - 8 years ago
Guys, of mutual subscription!

20. comment for 29G Aquascape Timelapse

Nerd Herd
Nerd Herd - 8 years ago
cool tank it looks so natural!!!!!!!!
Rick Edge
Rick Edge - 8 years ago
I live in Scotland and cannot get the rock you put in your tank ,72 MC Gregor Ave Stevenson is 20 4 be can you help me.
Sayyid - 8 years ago
I wish I could help but I have no idea where you can get it too!

Try a landscaping shop.
Daily ConsumerTech
Daily ConsumerTech - 8 years ago
very well
Mangesh Saroj
Mangesh Saroj - 8 years ago
camera used?
Sayyid - 8 years ago
I used a Canon t2i for this one.
mazi solomon
mazi solomon - 8 years ago
no music?
Hannah Renee
Hannah Renee - 8 years ago
mazi solomon Removed due to copyright
Frosty Fall
Frosty Fall - 8 years ago
Where do you get those dry logs/sticks?
Sayyid - 8 years ago
I got them at my local fish store.
kawasaki000000000000 - 8 years ago
dumb question but how did you receive enter the fish back into the tank with draining so much water out or did you just read use your old water
Jacqueline Gibson
Jacqueline Gibson - 7 years ago
He might have just drip cycled and drip acclimated.
diego andres
diego andres - 8 years ago
Devon Phipps
Devon Phipps - 8 years ago
what happens if i don't boil drift wood
Sayyid - 8 years ago
Devon Phipps your wood will stain the water and it'll look brown

30. comment for 29G Aquascape Timelapse

Terrarium-Construction.com - 8 years ago
Nice video but i would have remove fish first to avoid them stress.
Sayyid - 8 years ago
I agree. I wasn't the most experienced when I did this.
Victor jaime Valladares
Victor jaime Valladares - 8 years ago
What kind of substrate do you use
Victor jaime Valladares
Victor jaime Valladares - 8 years ago
a ok thanks!!!!!
Sayyid - 8 years ago
Victor Valladares I used a mixture of gravel and eco complete.
Phoebe Jones
Phoebe Jones - 8 years ago
the fish are going to swim into the glass.. :D
Kyle 'NO LOVE' garbrandt
Kyle 'NO LOVE' garbrandt - 8 years ago
hello. what's the name of the first song.
Mr Cee
Mr Cee - 8 years ago
Any advice on prepping driftwood? I ran mine thru the dishwasher once before use, but its still leeching tannin's more than a month later. Thanks man!
Natural Caridina
Natural Caridina - 8 years ago
Mr Cee If you get wood thats too large to be boiled you can bake it , intense heat is only to kill microbes which is why its baked or boiled.
Mr Cee
Mr Cee - 8 years ago
Got it..thanks!
Mr Cee
Mr Cee - 8 years ago
No worries my friend. Thanks for the tip..
Russ Polk
Russ Polk - 8 years ago
be careful with the dishwasher as there is soap and soap scum still left over in it . the last thing u want is soap getting in your tank
Sayyid - 8 years ago
Mr Cee if you really wanna prep it fast. buy a big stock pot and boil the drift wood. a cheaper alternative would be to fill a bucket with hot tap water and soak it replacing the water when it gets cold.
Mayhemin Mantra
Mayhemin Mantra - 8 years ago
what the fish
Felix M5
Felix M5 - 8 years ago
if you mean the catfish, then Platydoras costatus and the other fishes is Danio rerio :)
Aquarismo - 8 years ago
Nice vídeo, I like is very good, I'm initial in aquarium, visit my first aquarium and give me your opinion, I go to subscribe your Chanel, If you want to see my new layout, thanks
Jessica De La Cruz Bravo
Jessica De La Cruz Bravo - 8 years ago
are the plants, driftwood, and gravel treated prior bring placed in the water? how do you prevent algae growth on all that?
Zain Khadour
Zain Khadour - 7 years ago
Jessica De La Cruz Bravo try not to have your aquarium in a room that has direct sunlight or buy a catfish !
Rini Anita Sariyhhgg
Rini Anita Sariyhhgg - 8 years ago
Sayyid gxgxyhoydzthozfgxlnctwtp867mpmtkgjjpjgjmjd
Jessica De La Cruz Bravo
Jessica De La Cruz Bravo - 8 years ago
Sayyid thank you!
Sayyid - 8 years ago
Only the driftwood is. It's hard to prevent algae. It's gonna happen eventually but the best thing to do is feed sparingly, do regular water changes and testing and have a proper lighting schedule.
ricardo diaz
ricardo diaz - 8 years ago
nice aquarium but where do you buy the driftwood
Sayyid - 8 years ago
at a local fish store
White Mouse
White Mouse - 8 years ago

Gangs of Gourami fishes and Sucker fish
NoobReefTanker - 8 years ago
How is your tank now?
Sayyid - 8 years ago
Nothing really. I just decided I wanted to try reef tanks so I sold it. it looked nothing like how it looks in the video when I sold it. I switched to sand, had way more plants, wood and fish. I think everyone has algae issues. The causes are always different and if you're not on top of your game and making sure you're doing water changes, feeding lightly, and have the right mix and amount of fish, snails, and shrimp, you're gonna have a lot of algae.
NoobReefTanker - 8 years ago
It looked great! What happened? I used to have a planted tank, but I couldn't control the algae issue.. then I gave up..
Sayyid - 8 years ago
I don't have it any more. I moved over to reef tanks. I may revisit planted tanks again though
Fonzy Arguelles
Fonzy Arguelles - 8 years ago
good nice setup how many lbs of the substrate caribsea and how many on black gravel did you use? i have my 29 tank also want to do the same .
Sayyid - 8 years ago
20 pounds each!
Victor Jason Yeung
Victor Jason Yeung - 8 years ago
Where did you get the black rocks from? Not the gravel but the larger stones. That setup looks great!
Sayyid - 8 years ago
I got them from a gardening supply store.
YVONNE BRUCE - 8 years ago
Novice question do you use any olé plant or you buy them at the pet store
Sayyid - 8 years ago
They have to be aquatic plants. Regular plants won't survive underwater.
logan smith
logan smith - 8 years ago
cool take
Dennis E. Miller
Dennis E. Miller - 8 years ago
Very cool wood! :-)
Sayyid - 8 years ago
Thank you!
o0Sp3cia1K0o - 8 years ago
this tank is as bald as my pubic region
Gyan Pruu
Gyan Pruu - 8 years ago
what are the list of your fishes?
Sayyid - 8 years ago
I had a lot. But from what I can remember.
Neon Tetras
Zebra Danios
Harlequin Rasboras
Raphael Catfish
Blue Rams

Most of these weren't in the video.
Sayyid - 8 years ago
I had to remove the music and add some provided by youtube because it was copyrighted.
Kyle 'NO LOVE' garbrandt
Kyle 'NO LOVE' garbrandt - 8 years ago
Olga Acevedo what's the name of the first song.
Art Adventure
Art Adventure - 8 years ago
whats the first music called? i like it a lot !!

50. comment for 29G Aquascape Timelapse

stewart muir
stewart muir - 8 years ago
Nice , few more plants and will be sweet
Sayyid - 8 years ago
Unfortunately I sold the tank and started a reef tank. I do agree though. The video is a bit old and I had a lot more plants before I sold it.
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
What kind of rocks did you used. Ty
Sayyid - 8 years ago
I forget the name but I got them from a gardening supply place for $1.
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
I like it , looks neat, when it grows he can transfer the others where there are no plants yet, I may copy you style if you don't mine. But maybe will put whit sand in the middle. Ty
Sayyid - 8 years ago
Thank you! I no longer have the tank but I'm glad it inspired you!
Prashant Wilson
Prashant Wilson - 8 years ago
what kind of plants did you use? specifically those tall ones?
Michel Carrasquel
Michel Carrasquel - 8 years ago
nice, Check mines
Patryk Batóg
Patryk Batóg - 8 years ago
What's the title of that song in 5:22?
Юлия Стешенко
Юлия Стешенко - 8 years ago
eto nifiga ne aquascape...
Thashka Ranasinghe
Thashka Ranasinghe - 8 years ago
Bro u should add more plants, this was a waste of a tank to b called planted tank..
The tank has more potential than this.. U can do so much. I hope the plants have grown in and plants has filled in heaps more now 2016..
Sayyid - 8 years ago
I ended up selling the tank about 6 months ago. I had a lot more plants than this. I may set up another tank in the near future.
Thashka Ranasinghe
Thashka Ranasinghe - 8 years ago
Bro u should add more plants, this was a waste of a tank to b called planted tank..
The tank has more potential than this.. U can do so much. I hope the plants have grown in and plants has filled in heaps more now 2016..
Iron Spectrum
Iron Spectrum - 7 years ago
It’s his tank he gets to call it what he want
Khant Alkesh
Khant Alkesh - 7 years ago
Thashka Ranasinghe
Govind Narayan
Govind Narayan - 8 years ago
Thashka Ranasinghe hmm if
Thashka Ranasinghe
Thashka Ranasinghe - 8 years ago
+Sayyid cheers
Sayyid - 8 years ago
Video is up!
Sayyid - 8 years ago
+hi I'm Carl I will soon!
hi im carl
hi im carl - 8 years ago
+Sayyid make a video of the 7.5 g tank
Sayyid - 8 years ago
Sadly I ended up selling the tank as a whole and started a 7.5g reef tank! i do agree that it needed more plants though.
mike johns
mike johns - 8 years ago
how do you manage the cloudiness to go away?
Nick Hoffman
Nick Hoffman - 8 years ago
it settles
Ordinaryname - 9 years ago
i love the aquascape
Hanne Lykke Poulsen
Hanne Lykke Poulsen - 9 years ago
How did you get the small plants to stay in the crevices in the wood rather than floating to the top?
Sayyid - 8 years ago
I just wedged them in there. No flue or string.
Chase .N
Chase .N - 9 years ago
glu string etc
CheerX9087 - 9 years ago
Where did you find the wood?
XxEPICJONESYxX - 9 years ago
Do you like this substrate? Are the rocks in it sharp? Nice video :)
Sayyid - 9 years ago
+XxEPICJONESYxX Thank you. Yeah I like the substrate. It's not too sharp.

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