40 Gallon Aquascape Nature Aquarium | Aquascaping
Aquascaping 9 years ago 87,045 views
PLANT LIST: Potamogeton gayi Blyxa Japonica Staurogyne repens Glossostigma elatinoides Riccardia ( Mini Pellia) Java moss Peacock moss Fissidens fontanus moss Hydrocotyle sp. Japan Rotala Nanjenshan Green Cryptocoryne parva Cryptocoryne Lutea Walkeri Dwarf Sagittaria Unknown Utah native plant, true aquatic-- in the carrot family, and possibly a new species to the hobby. To left of rock, on far left side of the tank. Anubias nana Petite Thread leaf Java fern, somewhat rare, Han's aquatics has it for sale. Different than needle leaf java fern, leaves don't get as long. Bolbitis fern Heudelotii, Han's aquatics Hygrophila pinnatifida Rotala sp. Ceylon, Rare plant and is not Rotala rotundifolia, has pink coloration, purchased from adana-usa. Hygrophila Sawtooth, Mermaid weed, Proserpinaca palustris Cyprus Helferi Fauna List: 5 Green Fire Tetras, 3F/2M, Aphyocharax rathbuni 1 Gertrude's Blue eye Rainbowfish, Male, Pseudomugil gertrudae 3 Siamese Algae eaters Crossocheilus siamensis 2 Otocinclus Catfish 1 Female, Orange Blaze, Apistogramma cacatuoides Cichlid 2 Rainbow Gobies, Stiphidon sp. 2 Bumblebee Gobies, Brachygobius 20+ Amano shrimp, Caridina multidentata 1 American Flagfish, Killifish, Jordanella floridae 2 Ninja Bee shrimp, Caridina serratirostris - changes multi colors like a Chameleon And a few cherry shrimp, and some fire red shrimp. Mini Ramshorn snails This video is about my 40 gallon nature aquarium Aquascape. This tank had java moss and java fern and was CO2 injected with pressurized CO2. This is a very nice Aquascape and I am showing you this because I am a proud aquascaper and want to share this art form with other hobbyists. Please subscribe to my channel Adu aquascaping. Make sure to subscribe so you can function from day to day. Click the link below. https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Daveguitarfish Check out my “Secrets To Amazing Planted Aquariums” Playlist. Click the link below. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLALNVCNiNFNQGqIRYCSio09hWeUonPCfv To see more aquarium aquascaping videos check out my channel! Click the link below. http://www.youtube.com/user/Daveguitarfish Royalty Free Music by http://audiomicro.com/royalty-free-music Sound Effects by http://audiomicro.com/sound-effects
10. comment for 40 Gallon Aquascape Nature Aquarium | Aquascaping
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20. comment for 40 Gallon Aquascape Nature Aquarium | Aquascaping
I actually already have some fish tanks but i never tried to scape!
Im very exited to create a little 35 litres Aquascape at my Birthday!
I actually planned to build a Bio-Co2 myself just as a little support for my plants!
Could you rate me some little plants for it to made it a thing ?
30. comment for 40 Gallon Aquascape Nature Aquarium | Aquascaping
So many comments these days! Thank you for watching.
and of course the aquarium like a dream.
Thanks for you hard work
I had it once in my tank but never knew what it is. It's amazing creature.
Thanks a lot! My wife will be delighted I found its name.
50. comment for 40 Gallon Aquascape Nature Aquarium | Aquascaping
And I do have algae. All tanks have algae. Actually in nature the less algae a water way has the healthier it is. There are two main things that dictate a water way with low algae growth, low turbidity, and high O2. They are macrophytes (aquatic plants) and a healthy bacteria bed. A lot of algae and snails in a water way is not healthy. It is out of balance. And will usually suffer from low O2 (hypoxia), high turbidity, high algae growth, low bacteria beds and low plant mass because of lower O2 levels, and lower available light because of turbidity. This condition is called Eutrophication.
That scape looks amazing, i really loved to have your talent to grow healthy plants.
I can scape,but sometimes healthy growth is still something hard for me to achieve.
I really like that scape.
Having seen is huge 40 meter aquascape in person a month ago i can assure when it comes to lush and healthy plants the man is the best.
All i kept wondering was, so much trouble i get keeping my plants healthy in a small glasa box,this guy does amazing plants in a tank way bigger than my house.
I was amazed and felt theres so much i dont know on how to grow plants.
Thanks for watching and am glad you liked the video. I am having a lot of fun with this tank right now and it is very relaxing to watch, peace.
I will have a couple videos out soon.
Love the sand. Is that ADA Sand?
You give a lot of ideas from this one
congrats from France !!
keep sharing.
Great job man! Enjoyed watching your tank.
Still doing lower high light, lower CO2, and minimal water column dosing. Still high tech, but not as extreme as some people run their tanks, and the plants are thriving. Peace! Damn, my wrist hurts.
What a rockin' video.
And the tank's OK too!! LOL.
GREAT work Dave.
100. comment for 40 Gallon Aquascape Nature Aquarium | Aquascaping