40 ember tetra (Hyphessobrycon amandae) in densely planted aquascape

Ember tetra are rather small fish. In spite of a size of only 2.5 cm (1 in), this species is not suitable for nano aquariums. Hyphessobrycon amandae prefers living in shoals. That requires space. The red coloration varies individual and depends also on food containing carotene. This characin is named in honor of Heiko Bleher's mother Amanda.

40 ember tetra (Hyphessobrycon amandae) in densely planted aquascape sentiment_very_dissatisfied 12

Aquascaping 11 years ago 135,616 views

Ember tetra are rather small fish. In spite of a size of only 2.5 cm (1 in), this species is not suitable for nano aquariums. Hyphessobrycon amandae prefers living in shoals. That requires space. The red coloration varies individual and depends also on food containing carotene. This characin is named in honor of Heiko Bleher's mother Amanda.

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Most popular comments
for 40 ember tetra (Hyphessobrycon amandae) in densely planted aquascape

Seascorp Scorpio
Seascorp Scorpio - 7 years ago
How do you clean a tank like that? It is beautiful though.
João Ismail
João Ismail - 7 years ago
Can ssomeone name the left plant (orange)?
Tagonoura Bay
Tagonoura Bay - 7 years ago
Gorgeous tank. Do these ember tetras breed in this tank?
mikeycbaby - 7 years ago
David DL
David DL - 7 years ago
Very beautiful
weebolddavy - 8 years ago
I love the way those ember tetras school. I've got a small shoal (7) of rummy nose tetras and they stay together well in my 260 litre tank. Having seen your video, I'm tempted to buy some more. It wasn't the route I was going to take though! Now I'm confused!!!! Thanks for posting.
GetInMyBelly - 7 years ago
rummynose shoal together pretty nicely as well
Shianne Chang
Shianne Chang - 8 years ago
Hi there, can you or someone identify what the background music is used here? thank you.
Patricia Black
Patricia Black - 7 years ago
Shianne Chang Blue Danube Waltz is the back ground music.
Neil Munro
Neil Munro - 8 years ago
I agree, just beautiful
Éstephania Gomez Londoño
Éstephania Gomez Londoño - 8 years ago

10. comment for 40 ember tetra (Hyphessobrycon amandae) in densely planted aquascape

wantsome480 - 8 years ago
My pet shop only had 3 so I bought them and put them in with my cardinal tetras and gold tetras. They seem ok with their tank mates.
Aquarium wie? Nano Aquaristik
Aquarium wie? Nano Aquaristik - 8 years ago
die sind normalerweise nicht so rot!
myrmecofourmis - 9 years ago
They are so colorful !
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 9 years ago
Of course they're suitable for nano tanks... You can still have a small shoal in a nano
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 9 years ago
+deegan murray And I know many species of fish are threatened or extinct in the wild, but that's humans fault. if we didn't destroy they're habitat, they wouldn't need to be "saved"
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 9 years ago
+deegan murray In the wild they have much, much more space than in captivity. And they also have the ability to make their own choices. I wouldn't have a problem if someone kept them in a very large pond, but besides that, its basically imprisoning them. How would you like to be treated the same way? And yes, it does have to do with me being vegan, because vegans don't cause suffering to animals as much as possible
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 9 years ago
I'm a vegan now, i'm against keeping fish in tanks. If they were in a huge pond i wouldn't mind though
hoah - 9 years ago
+Johanan Micaiah theyre quite active, skittish fish, and would do better in a larger tank
Brandon Foresee
Brandon Foresee - 10 years ago
my tank just went and hid in the corner.
Pikubird Ok
Pikubird Ok - 8 years ago
Lol. Its about providing the necessary needs (substrate/fertilizers/light/co2) for the plants Brandon IF you can afford it. If not your tank should stand proud right in front of the living room
Timothy Young
Timothy Young - 9 years ago
I think Brandon Foresee was speaking figuratively. I think he meant that he is envious of how much better this tank looks than his own tank.
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 9 years ago
If your fish are new, that's normal, but you should also have hiding places for them to feel secure, such as wood, rocks, or plants
Chris Noto
Chris Noto - 10 years ago
Bravo! Hypnotic!
Syakir Shahidan
Syakir Shahidan - 11 years ago
The water looks very clear . . But why my aquarium doesn't like that ? 
Lucu Lencia
Lucu Lencia - 10 years ago
True, you don't need to spend lots of money for clear water (just lots of water changes and a stable water chemistry), but I don't think you can get the kind of plant growth shown in the vid without CO2, good lighting and weekly dosing of ferts.

I have unfiltered planted tanks with crystal clear water - proving you don't even need a filter (don't try this if you haven't done a ton of research btw) but the plants don't look like those shown in the vid, they're a lot scragglier, wild looking, and not so bright green :)
IHVHandmind - 10 years ago
My' water is clear like that because I use a water polisher: seachem purigen in my' filter - I also use co2 booster by api and do a weekly 40 percent water change...Oh and feed my' plants.. you can get clear water if you want you just have to stay ontop of things.  Not necessarily spend a ton of money. 
Lucu Lencia
Lucu Lencia - 10 years ago
CO2 injection, £100s or £1000s spent on equipment (especially lighting), good filtration, lots of time planning, aquascaping, and pruning, and water changes, water changes, water changes.
aqualotte - 11 years ago
fantastic aquarium
j so
j so - 11 years ago
Μπαμιας Δαμιανιδης
Μπαμιας Δαμιανιδης - 11 years ago
More videos plz :(

20. comment for 40 ember tetra (Hyphessobrycon amandae) in densely planted aquascape

Tom's Fish Tanks
Tom's Fish Tanks - 11 years ago
That is a beautiful aquarium.
Darren Arnett
Darren Arnett - 11 years ago
Very beautiful
AquaChannel - 11 years ago
Echt ein mega schönes Becken. Macht vorallem bei der Kameraqualität richtig Spaß!

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