6 Month Aquascape Update and Clean up Crew

It has been 6 months now and I am giving you the update on my 20 gallon freshwater aquascape plus the members of my clean up crew. Enjoy!
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Most popular comments
for 6 Month Aquascape Update and Clean up Crew

Jewls - 8 years ago
does the assassin snail eat the shell?
Edgar Nova
Edgar Nova - 9 years ago
You should have at least 6~10 neons. Shoaling/Schooling fish can fell very stressed if they are not in a big group.
Evil Dude
Evil Dude - 10 years ago
What kind of substrate is that and is it easy to clean?
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
You need more neon tetras, and the snails are also your clean up crew
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
Its not the heater and co2 thing, it's the stem plants that don't have leaves on the whole stem lol
LordPine - 10 years ago
@ 1:40.. whats a snail problem? they clean up waste and add more to the natural feel of the tank.
Dani - 9 years ago
+Tommy Ramirez dwarf puffers dude..1 inch of snail terror and 1 foot of cuteness
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
+Tommy Ramirez Well then who cares if they overpopulate? What harm does that do?
Tommy Ramirez
Tommy Ramirez - 10 years ago
I respectfully disagree. I've seen snails overpopulate without overfeeding many times, but they're usually gone in no time when you add the right fish for the job.
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
+Tommy Ramirez If you tie a sponge over the intake they can't get in (also prevent baby/small fish from sucked in)
And don't fish "infest" your tank too? What's the big deal if it's snails?? They only overpopulate if you have too much leftover food.. And just take some out if you want less.. So easy
Tommy Ramirez
Tommy Ramirez - 10 years ago
They get into your filter and infest your tank. Snails everywhere
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
Exaclty lol... If they overpopulate, it's only because you overfeed, and having a lot of snails is better than your fish dying from ammonia spike
UNDERWORLD VILLAN - 10 years ago
nice mate great take are u using home made co2 or in the bottle
LoganAlexander - 10 years ago
on the sides and a little in the front
LoganAlexander - 10 years ago
you need some crypts next to your wood

10. comment for 6 Month Aquascape Update and Clean up Crew

Herbivore King Therizinosaurus
Herbivore King Therizinosaurus - 10 years ago
can I ask you a question please
LordPine - 10 years ago
seems not
ClownLoachMaster - 11 years ago
How many otocinclus do you have in the tank?????
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 11 years ago
I have 3 kitties in this tank :)
DONKIEKIZZLE - 11 years ago
Beautiful. Try some red ludwigia if you can find some. Grew great in my tank, and I didn't even have co2.
Rogue FJ
Rogue FJ - 11 years ago
Nice tank!  I recommend Hydrocotyle Verticillata to fill in that spot.  It a type of pennywort that grows vertically. 
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 11 years ago
Tanks Broheim!
Mr. Slickboi7
Mr. Slickboi7 - 11 years ago
Nice tank!!! Check out video of my tank let me know what you think
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 11 years ago
I had a horrible snail problem and just the one assassin snail took care of them all so it's a hot debate on who could be the best snail killer :)
Jose Guzman
Jose Guzman - 11 years ago
The best solution for snails are clown loaches they do a really good job
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 11 years ago
I have just one assasin snail so no need to worry about overpopulating. It sounds like you got a good setup going there. Best of Luck!
xgongiveittooya - 11 years ago
Watch it assassin snails can overpopulate took mines over a year just started crushing them though also nice background my tank will have the same when they grow more just feeder guppys corys and ghost shrimp though

20. comment for 6 Month Aquascape Update and Clean up Crew

Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 11 years ago
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 11 years ago
After it consumed my snails it feeds on algae that is produced. When that is not there which I think is always there, then it consumes the left over flake food :)
IllusionOfHatred - 11 years ago
I am curious, if there aren't any snails in the tank besides an assassin snail, what else would it consume for food?
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 11 years ago
It needs much growth and extra plants but Tanks! Update coming soon
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 11 years ago
My one lonely assasin lived up to it's name, but tank you for the advice :)
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 11 years ago
Initial setup cost depends on how high tech you wanna get. The main thing to keep in the back of your wonderful brain stem is that if you wants the plants you need the factors that they need most to survive: Lighting, CO2, Correct Temperature, Nutritional Substrate, and of course excellent water quality. My setup cost me around 500 to 600 clams. Now let's not forget I have ADA equipment which is not cheap and can be replaced with much lower end products that serve the same purpose ;)
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 11 years ago
The lighting was not high enough as I did not reach the 2 to 3 watts per gallon with my power compacts so I went with Aquatic Lifes T5 HO but still have an abundance of dwarf sag :/ Update coming soon.
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 11 years ago
Added some normal java fern actually :) Update coming soon!
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 11 years ago
Why Tank you!
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 11 years ago
Water changes and invertebrates take care of that dirty ammonia buildup ;)

30. comment for 6 Month Aquascape Update and Clean up Crew

Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 11 years ago
Have some update coming soon :)
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 11 years ago
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 11 years ago
Just gotta make do with what you got :)
TopNotchTanks - 11 years ago
That's a really good idea to put the API cap on the bottle of excel
Tyler Sweeney
Tyler Sweeney - 11 years ago
if you still have a snail problem get a clown loach. i got 2 clown loaches and 2 assassin snails and with in under 2 weeks there were only 2 snails in the tank and those were the assassin snails. buy small clown loaches and large assassin snails. my clown loaches are 3" now and they still haven't touched my assassin snails. also if you wait around 2 hours after you have turned the lights off go and turn the lights back on and grab your net and start to clean the glass with the net.
ShannyShineSun - 11 years ago
Can I ask you have much all the stuff in the aquarium costed you ? I figured out that it's expensive to have a nice planted aquarium :/ :(
TEJASN324 - 11 years ago
what happened to ur glosso ?
Emmanuel Jacob
Emmanuel Jacob - 11 years ago
awesome tank add some narrow leaf java jern
Are Keyen
Are Keyen - 11 years ago
beautiful tank,,,
Joe Kuku
Joe Kuku - 11 years ago
Luis De La Cruz
Luis De La Cruz - 11 years ago
you should get bettas
Rob Hughes
Rob Hughes - 11 years ago
Sweet lookin tank man, nice work!
Matt Weber
Matt Weber - 11 years ago
You will probably want 2-3 assassins. One will slowly take care of the problem but snails can reproduce so fast that a single assassin wont keep up. I have 3-4 in my 20g tank to try to take care of garden snails, which is doing the job but now and then i get a huge spawning from eggs they handt found and eaten yet.
Matt Weber
Matt Weber - 11 years ago
I agree with aqua hound, myself i have also never capped eco complete, its a great substrate visually and for its actual planted nutrient and bacteria use. Have it in 3 tanks of my own
Fbicop25 - 12 years ago
Love the way that tank looks
Fbicop25 - 12 years ago
How could i make my tank look better by aquascape i tryed but i wanted to make it look better so if any1 could help that would be great
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 12 years ago
I have used eco complete before and honestly I never capped it with anything. Great substrate used it in my lowtech tank. You can check out on my channel to see the depth of it along with the plants I grew in it. Best of Luck!!
ihavepooinmypants - 12 years ago
Hey i'm looking to start my own aquascape, with eco complete and some black quartz gravel. How thick should the gravel be that i put on top of the eco complete?
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 12 years ago
I got 7 now and will be putting up the 1 year update soon!
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 12 years ago
I gots more now ;) 1 Year Update comin up soon!

50. comment for 6 Month Aquascape Update and Clean up Crew

Art Maknev
Art Maknev - 12 years ago
looks really nice, but neon tetra must be in group of 6+
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 12 years ago
Popol Baker
Popol Baker - 12 years ago
Great! The aquarium looks beautiful though.
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 12 years ago
I got more now I will do an update on it later cuz i cut it all down so it kinda looks shizz. Love the neons!!!! Thanks champion warlock!
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 12 years ago
Imma fill her up real nice like.
Popol Baker
Popol Baker - 12 years ago
You have enough space for more.
Popol Baker
Popol Baker - 12 years ago
Dude, neon tetras are group fish, they sould at least be five. Get more, or they will be very stressed and can be sick more easily.
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 12 years ago
christian melgar
christian melgar - 12 years ago
Beautiful tank bro
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 12 years ago
My assasin is still alive and took care of all them pesty snails.
oakland002 - 12 years ago
In my 15, my middle n top fish would always eat all or most of the foods, so my Corey cats (5) just wipe out my snail issues , the assassin was too slow, I only had 1, but even it got ate by the Corey
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 12 years ago
I have dwarf sag along the bottom and I recommend CO2 with any plants. Some plants however do not require much CO2, but most require it to grow and survive. Best of Luck Chief!
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 12 years ago
Eco-Complete is good stuff! I have that in 20 gallon lowtech tank. Check out my vids and you will see that I have dwarf hairgrass growing well in Eco-Complete. Best of Luck Danny Boy!
Daniel Faulkner
Daniel Faulkner - 12 years ago
I want to change my substrate now I have Seachem Flourite Plant Substrate but my Dwarf Hairgrass (Eleocharis Parvula) keeps coming uprooted any ideas I'm considering Eco-Complete™ planted I don't want dirt but my wife loves the look of the florite
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 12 years ago
Wezilla - 12 years ago
Very normal for them. Sometimes very epic fight that so hilarious but always friends again. Good fish. You know Black Widow Tetra is family to Piranha :)
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 12 years ago
Yeah they nip the shizz outta eachothers fins. Maybe if there was more in a group, that would keep them more equaled out?
Wezilla - 12 years ago
LOL that Black Widow Tetra LOL always nip each others...I had them for many years.
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 12 years ago
Well Julian it sounds like you are off to a great start! Tetras are an excellent community fish and come in many small sizes, so this will allow you to add more. Now due to the size of your tank I would recommend getting maybe a few neon tetras or rummynose tetras because of there small size and easy care level. Gotta love the cory cats and also maybe get some otocinclus catfish to help control the algae on the glass. Post a vid of your tank in the future so I can see! Best of Luck!
Julian - 12 years ago
So I'm currently a beginner to my fish tank and having fish in general. At the moment I have a ten gallon tank with two peppered Cory catfish as well as two rose tetras I think that's what they are called. I was wondering if I would be able to put more fish in the tank or if you think that my tank is already over crowded, also what type of fish would you recommend for my current set up... Thank you so much-Julian
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 12 years ago
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 12 years ago
I am using compact high florescents not LEDs. Thanks
Chris Cross
Chris Cross - 12 years ago
And thats a gorgeous tank man, great job!
Chris Cross
Chris Cross - 12 years ago
How much did this entire setup cost? Like I said in your other video, I'm new to aquascaping and looking to do one for around 200, I've already got all the rocks and wood I'll need, and do I 100% need a CO2 diffuser?
PaidSilverWolf - 12 years ago
Nice video!! Can you give me the measurements of your tank please!!
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 12 years ago
I used an assasin snail and the sound appears to be working.
Oliver Daly
Oliver Daly - 12 years ago
what did u use to get rid of snails sounds not working
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 12 years ago
Well I must say the Assassin did it's job cuz I don't have a snail problemo anymore woo! Thanks!
mtirrell2 - 12 years ago
Beautiful setup man! If the assassin snail is to slow zebra loach (botia stiata) are great in planted tanks and eat all those little snails
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 12 years ago
Haha I would love too just follow my vids and I hope they help your scapes! Best of Luck!
MrBuHuskyBlue - 12 years ago
fish heaven, awesome. Can u do mine?
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 12 years ago
almcloud - 12 years ago
nice setup. sent you a pm, check it out :)
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 12 years ago
Yeah it is definatley in the name with that little creature cuz he shows no mercy towards them little basterd snails that take over your tank when adding new plants!
lukewarm711 - 12 years ago
assassin snail hehe i like that idea
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 12 years ago
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 12 years ago
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 12 years ago
I have never dealt with cyanobacteria and am not to sure if excel would help or not. Thanks!
TheImmovableMovers - 12 years ago
Looks great! I might invest in some more lights to fill that low ground in. The rest of the tank looks right on track. You've got some really great surface agitation. I have some trouble creating good ripples with my canister filter outflow. By the way, have you ever dealt with cyanobacteria? Do you think excel would help?
Mrmomtanks - 12 years ago
really nice..digging that driftwood man
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 12 years ago
Thank you!!
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 12 years ago
Spidertetra42 - 12 years ago
wow! this tank looks 'mazing
Sterling Peterson
Sterling Peterson - 12 years ago
Thanks I appreciate it!!

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