ADA 90p

So this is the next maintenance of my aquascape "Rocky shore". I clean the glass , remove some algea, cut the plants and change 50% of the water. Here the result after 43 days. Hope u like my new Video. Thank you.

ADA 90p sentiment_very_dissatisfied 12

Aquascaping 9 years ago 62,629 views

So this is the next maintenance of my aquascape "Rocky shore". I clean the glass , remove some algea, cut the plants and change 50% of the water. Here the result after 43 days. Hope u like my new Video. Thank you.

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Most popular comments
for ADA 90p

CallMeAnimal69 - 7 years ago
Really loving it! What filtration system do you use? I'm looking to get a nice external filter but not sure which to use.. any recommendations?
BD Aquascaping
BD Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Hi, i use just the JBL Filter with a normal filter sponge. I think the JBL CristalProfi Series is the best price-performance.
greetz BD
Sonia Chand
Sonia Chand - 7 years ago
Why do you trim the plants? Like I understand that you trim them so you can replant them in another tank, but you are cutting away the carpet plant. Also great tank!
BD Aquascaping
BD Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Hi, its important to trim the plants. After triming the plants get stronger and more beautiful. ;)
SK SABIR - 7 years ago
excessive plants.
BD Aquascaping
BD Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Hi, i think excessive plants. looking good ;)
greetz BD
Alex Boose
Alex Boose - 8 years ago
So all of those plants just bloomed like this from what you planted in the original video? Like that moss you tied down on the branches covered the string like that and sprouted out? The grass spreads on its own, plants around the root base get thick and bushy like that? Correct? Like with time and CO2, lighting, nutrition, etc. I can have a tank that blooms and flourishes? I know these questions sound very elementary but I guess essentially what I'm asking/saying is that when you first establish the tank it's like "eh, it looks okay." But with time and patience it will eventually thicken up and bloom and flourish correct? Thanks.
BD Aquascaping
BD Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Hi, for sure!! The first weeks every layout looks not so gread but in the end the plants look great. Here are the finalshot.
greetz BD
Nikos Kliasos
Nikos Kliasos - 8 years ago
wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!this rocks have a name???????
BD Aquascaping
BD Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Hi, the name is seiryu rocks.
greetz BD
Smartyfox511 Gaming
Smartyfox511 Gaming - 8 years ago
What tank version and dimensions did u use?
BD Aquascaping
BD Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Hi, this is a ADA 90p. 90cm x 45cm x 45cm. :)
greetz BD
Olav Øverland
Olav Øverland - 8 years ago
what moss are you using on the driftwood?
Olav Øverland
Olav Øverland - 8 years ago
+BD Aquascaping thx
BD Aquascaping
BD Aquascaping - 8 years ago
Hi, i use Vesicularia montagnei.
greetz BD
Kieran Gray
Kieran Gray - 8 years ago
01:18, what plant where you trimming?
Slyman Slyman .
Slyman Slyman . - 8 years ago
+BD Aquascaping م
Kieran Gray
Kieran Gray - 8 years ago
+BD Aquascaping thNks buddy, do anothernano tank then
BD Aquascaping
BD Aquascaping - 8 years ago
+Kieran Gray Hi, oh ok than you mean "pogostemon stellatus spec." ;)
Sorry the 25 cm cube does not exist anymore.
greetz BD
Kieran Gray
Kieran Gray - 8 years ago
No, not glosso, it is tall, at the back going all the way around the back of the wood, btw, great vids, can we have a little update on the 25 cm cube please, as i keep na o and would be more appealomg to me personally?
BD Aquascaping
BD Aquascaping - 8 years ago
+Kieran Gray Hi, i think you mean Glossostigma elatinoides.
greetz BD
Cory P
Cory P - 8 years ago
Very nice. Needa get my self an ADA especially after seeing one in person. So much better than a regular tank
BD Aquascaping
BD Aquascaping - 8 years ago
+Cory P Thank you. Yes ADA is great. :)
greetz BD

10. comment for ADA 90p

OTS H3dgie
OTS H3dgie - 9 years ago
What's the stem that you have growing in the back?

I picked one up that looks very similar but I have no idea what it is.
OTS H3dgie
OTS H3dgie - 9 years ago
Stellatus is a native for me, but I've never been able to grow it, even in my hi-tech tank. This is just plugged into some soil and left alone and it's booming. It does have a very thick stem like a stellatus.

Thanks mate. 
BD Aquascaping
BD Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+TheH3dgie Hi, yes thats a very nice plant. The name is pogostemon stellatus spec.
greetz BD
MotoDNA - 9 years ago
This is so amazing. which glue did you used?? and whats that lil plants on the surface u used with the round shape ?
MotoDNA - 9 years ago
+BD Aquascaping Thank you very much !! liked your Aquarium . Also i see its a lot of process taking for a high tech aquarium i mean you got the CO2 system and Filtration plus you got the tools for it . Do you use fertilization materials or any additives for that particular plant ("Glossostigma atinoides")?
BD Aquascaping
BD Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Amiro1990 Hi, at first thank you. :) I use instant glue (with gel). Its better than the normal one.
I think you mean "Glossostigma elatinoides".
greetz BD
emadonn ema
emadonn ema - 9 years ago
wonderful !!!
BD Aquascaping
BD Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+emadonn mc Thank you. :)
greetz BD
TropicalFishJunkie - 9 years ago
what type of red and white shrimp is that in the tank cause i have some and i dont know what they are?
BD Aquascaping
BD Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+TropicalFishJunkie Hi, this is a normal red cherry shrimp.
greetz BD
Lucas Stamford
Lucas Stamford - 9 years ago
can you tell me the name of the track?
BD Aquascaping
BD Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Lucas Stamford Puh sorry , this are just some piano tracks.
greetz BD
icici100 - 9 years ago
Hi Your tank looks great. Can you give us the list of the plants used in the tank? And also the substrate details.
Szabolcs Rigó
Szabolcs Rigó - 9 years ago
Habt ihr hier diese Beleuchtung verwendet? (2 Stück davon?)
AQUATLANTIS Rampe LED EasyLED 6800K° - 895mm

Danke im Voraus.
Akik Kucing
Akik Kucing - 9 years ago
If the tank is very big how can you cut the grass from out of the tank? Should you come in the tank?
TheHypercasual - 9 years ago
damn son tank's lookin good!!
BD Aquascaping
BD Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+TheHypercasual Hi, it's nice to hear, thank you. :)
greetz from Germany
Nils Rohe
Nils Rohe - 9 years ago
Sehr gutes und schönes Scape,
Würde mich über ein Video zB zum düngen sehr freuen, wenn das realisierbar ist, ich habe Probleme damit einzuschätzen was und wie viel Dünger ich brauche, wenn du mal Tipps geben kannst!
Liebe Grüße!
BD Aquascaping
BD Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Nils Rohe Hi Nils, das ist eine klasse Idee. Das werde ich mal umsetzen und das Thema Wasserwerte messen und Düngung im Video zeigen. Danke für die tolle Anregung. Grüße BD Aquascaping

20. comment for ADA 90p

elvisaquarium - 9 years ago
Looks amazing!! Great job!!
BD Aquascaping
BD Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+elvisaquarium Hi, thank you so much.
greetz from Germany
Acuariofilia Barcelona
Acuariofilia Barcelona - 9 years ago
El sustrato jbl lo recomiendas?

BD Aquascaping
BD Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Acuariofilia Barcelona sí , la sustrato help avance plants.
porque ella nutrientes contiene.
Acuariofilia Barcelona
Acuariofilia Barcelona - 9 years ago
I el sustrato help avance plants? Lo has utilizado?
BD Aquascaping
BD Aquascaping - 9 years ago
+Acuariofilia Barcelona
hola, sí simplemente manejar
pero necesidades probablemente más hierro

saludos cordiales :)

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