aquascaping the 2000 gallon aquarium SUBSCRIBE ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The king of DIY aquarium projects, tutorials, how to's. Join me each Thursday for an aquarium topic of the week. Sunday's we focus on a DIY aquarium project, tutorial or an aquarium build series. How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos:

AQUASCAPING THE 2000 GALLON AQUARIUM LIVE!!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 318

Aquascaping 7 years ago 200,913 views

aquascaping the 2000 gallon aquarium SUBSCRIBE ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The king of DIY aquarium projects, tutorials, how to's. Join me each Thursday for an aquarium topic of the week. Sunday's we focus on a DIY aquarium project, tutorial or an aquarium build series. How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos:

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Most popular comments

The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
First live stream on youtube! Not bad! Let me know how it went!
Pie-inator_5000 - 7 years ago
The king of DIY Thank you for having the guts to tell us about what you've been through. I dont know how it feels, but the struggles that you went through couldn't have been easy at all. I'm so glad that you were able to make it through all that and in the end find something you enjoy doing with a family to back you up.
Euckee Rojas
Euckee Rojas - 7 years ago
The king of DIY appreciate your videos so much man. I came for the aquariums and stayed for your positive, yet realistic, view on life. Your stories have given me hope that I can get through a rough patch.
carmen mendez
carmen mendez - 7 years ago
are you going to put the sting rays in there
Kary N
Kary N - 7 years ago
Ash thanks :)
John Morris
John Morris - 7 years ago
The king of DIY sorry if I missed it, where did you get the wood for the aquascape? Thanks Joey it is coming along great!
Ash - 7 years ago
You can import the PDF to Kindle :)
Kary N
Kary N - 7 years ago
The king of DIY can you consider making your book available on kindle?
John 67
John 67 - 7 years ago
the piece all the way to the right makes a cave. looked good
John 67
John 67 - 7 years ago
Great pieces of driftwood.
John 67
John 67 - 7 years ago
Those pieces of driftwood are awesome.
LuckyArizona LuckyArizona
LuckyArizona LuckyArizona - 7 years ago
The king of DIY joey why are you so nervis we love you what ever you do and we suport you!
Svartr - 7 years ago
Hey, thanks for keeping the stream up and available! I enjoyed the entire near two hours so I personally think half-hour for streams is just a little too short. Maybe strive for 40 - 60 minutes and perhaps a dedicated day for Q&A's considering they're not your favourite thing to do, but it does help your viewers feel involved and appreciated. I also agree that some form of moderation would be beneficial and/or a time restriction between chat posts to slow things down a bit. Excited to see the gallery continue to be worked on - it's inspiring to see the dedication you have to making your vision a reality! I'm just a small fry in the pond with a starter 10 gallon and Harlequin Rasboras (love those fish) but would love to expand sometime.
Harley Pachiorka
Harley Pachiorka - 7 years ago
Killin it as always Joey! love your vids
Justasimple dude
Justasimple dude - 7 years ago
catfishs pls
yashwanth yachu
yashwanth yachu - 7 years ago
u should buy red tail catfish and gars for the  tank .........maybe some peacock bass or pacu or tiger showel nose.anyway good luck
Lisaa - 7 years ago
looks beautiful love it also seemed alot who were in chat new nothing about your channel deff need a moderator for live but i loved it waited for live as from uk xx
Aryama Chatterjee
Aryama Chatterjee - 7 years ago
The king of DIY excellent..
Liam Colhoun
Liam Colhoun - 7 years ago
The king of DIY haha closet fans
Nate Lincoln
Nate Lincoln - 7 years ago
Soulrider2012 I was about to say the same. Vining plants will cover the anchor bolts. Use wire rope to keep the pieces together anchor the big ones to the frame and then you could almost screen the top of the tank with wood
Liam Colhoun
Liam Colhoun - 7 years ago
The king of DIY cheer up joey I've been watching u for a while now and your truely inspiring I've been in the aquarium hobby for a year and a bit and u have helped me heaps I look forward to ur videos every week keep up the good work don't let the haters bring ya down
Soulrider2012 - 7 years ago
Joey, I went through a lot of the comments and I didn't see this anywhere but maybe it's been mentioned or you've thought of it before but here's an idea. What about if you drilled into the concrete and put in some "hooks" so you could "hang" a lot of the bigger pieces (or even all) of the pieces from the walls or, from each other. You could also drill into some of the bigger pieces of wood and you could put hooks in and hang or mount some of the medium to smaller pieces off of the larger pieces. Or, you could use some sort of coated or aquarium safe wire or material to bind/attach some of the pieces to one another. My thought here is doing something like this you could suspend much or all of the wood from the walls of the tank and that would allow you to aquascape your tank the way you want but also keep the floor of the tank (or a large part of it) free and clear so the rays can swim on the bottom unobstructed. Anyway, just some thoughts I had. Take care, I think the gallery is going to be amazing. I won't say "when it's finished" since knowing you, it probably will never be totally, "finished". You'll always be doing or adding something. Good luck!
adrian dale
adrian dale - 7 years ago
The king of DIY how do i follow you on facebook
Budderdragon 65
Budderdragon 65 - 7 years ago
The king of DIY what are you going to put on the ground of the aquarium
Mike1 TC
Mike1 TC - 7 years ago
The king of DIY will you be stocking Jack Dempsey, Green Terrors & Tiger Oscars???
Hrishikesh Thorat
Hrishikesh Thorat - 7 years ago
The king of DIY Isn't the big piece to pointy ? Will it not hurt the fish ? It looks like it has many thorns in it.
леша кусака
леша кусака - 7 years ago
Убедительная просьба.Сделайте субтитры на русском .Сенькю.
David Ellis
David Ellis - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I love you so much joey you are so inspirational absolutely one of the best fish keepers out there love you
Jonathan Kaany
Jonathan Kaany - 7 years ago
Watching the replay. You need to have a moderator to watch the comments for you. They can weed out the people posting the same thing over and over again and spammers.
Richie Faccio
Richie Faccio - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I like it you should do more live on YouTube even when it's not live it's still cool to get the raw footage
Mark Cassanova
Mark Cassanova - 7 years ago
The king of DIY you are awesome
nipun mahajan
nipun mahajan - 7 years ago
The idiotic gamer guy lol MINECRAFT AND MORE Lol are you talking about galifaan street? even I wanna go there
idiotic gamer guy lol MINECRAFT
idiotic gamer guy lol MINECRAFT - 7 years ago
The king of DIY if u come to India then visit Kolkata fish market
idiotic gamer guy lol MINECRAFT
idiotic gamer guy lol MINECRAFT - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I live next to India in nepal
retchille gil mambuay
retchille gil mambuay - 7 years ago
because of joey i save huge amount of money on this hobby
NY Aquatics
NY Aquatics - 7 years ago
liked it, although I watched it when it was done.
MoparPogue - 7 years ago
And you started with a penis joke.
Avoidingnemo11 - 7 years ago
Catriona Halliday
Catriona Halliday - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I loved this live stream!!!
Kristen Minuti
Kristen Minuti - 7 years ago
Keep em coming!
XCyclonusX - 7 years ago
Put a rabbit around the top and put a big piece of acrylic on the top. Then you can lay on the top and look at the ray.
xenathomas - 7 years ago
you did very good please do more :)
wantsome480 - 7 years ago
Pile the wood in the middle of the tank and use rocks around the base for support and aesthetic appeal. An Island aquascape would look best for that size tank. I would add anubias and ferns all over the place.
Bazookaboogie - 7 years ago
The king of DIY LOVE the live stream on YouTube- more unfiltered content
Charlie Gorden
Charlie Gorden - 7 years ago
The king of DIY the lag in it was mad
Rosa Aguayo
Rosa Aguayo - 7 years ago
The king of DIY
u sound use the second one
dave newman
dave newman - 7 years ago
Hi Joey from across the pond in the UK
KG cichlids
KG cichlids - 7 years ago
The king of DIY maybe a bot to limit the amount of people posting comments during the stream so it doesn't fly by so fast.
Mr Pinky the Flowerhorn
Mr Pinky the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
+Powerpickle68 lols
Powerpickle68 - 7 years ago
I'm watching this after the fact so I hope that you are still alive..... :)
Please do a live feed of filling it with water!
Mr Pinky the Flowerhorn
Mr Pinky the Flowerhorn - 7 years ago
It was great
xbox62 - 7 years ago
P.s great live stream
xbox62 - 7 years ago
The king of DIY thanks for reading my comment out in the video
Ronnie E
Ronnie E - 7 years ago
I've got such admiration for you following your heart, I love watching your videos big up joey
ThunderWorld101 - 7 years ago
Is it hard not to laugh during this
Merry Berry
Merry Berry - 7 years ago
Simply put: "You are an amazing example". All the best.
Beamer sea
Beamer sea - 7 years ago
Jessie Corceles
Jessie Corceles - 7 years ago
come on ! let's get it on already
Ja Wa
Ja Wa - 7 years ago
Joey,please come to indonesia ..
walt russell
walt russell - 7 years ago
How about comeing to michigan
Tiamat Sue Caldwell
Tiamat Sue Caldwell - 7 years ago
Absolutely fabulous, Joey! Shared onto my FB and Twitter pages under 'Sue Caldwell' (the avatar picture is of the world from outer space in the shape of a heart). Keep up the fantastic work! I love following, watching and learning from you, and you're such a vibrant, fun, knowledgeable and natural personality that I'm sure it won't be long before you're world famous! I thoroughly enjoyed this broadcast and stayed up to watch rather than sleep! It was worth it! Love from Sue and all the animals (in Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom). xxx


Carissa Barnes
Carissa Barnes - 7 years ago
U r doing OK .. yr awesome. haha
Sabrina Britcher
Sabrina Britcher - 7 years ago
lmao your are too funny Joey. Enjoy your live streams.
The frisbee freaks
The frisbee freaks - 7 years ago
"My wood is extremely big"
The frisbee freaks
The frisbee freaks - 7 years ago
reymund lenkeit
reymund lenkeit - 7 years ago
die Werbung auf you Tube ist bald schlimmer wie im tv :(
MrCeo1978buddy - 7 years ago
my wood is really big haha
Jason Walker
Jason Walker - 7 years ago
Closet haters! that is an awesome comment ahaha
Bryan M
Bryan M - 7 years ago
Jason Walker I thought he called them "closet fans"?
ExtraSteps - 7 years ago
Definitely do a wife reveal at the next milestone.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+ExtraSteps she has been in past videos
Danny Panetta
Danny Panetta - 7 years ago
Yahya Hassen
Yahya Hassen - 7 years ago
Its awesome!


ShlomiD Aquarium
ShlomiD Aquarium - 7 years ago
omg !
Corneliu Biro
Corneliu Biro - 7 years ago
congrats for the wedding Joey!
Razin Wadkar
Razin Wadkar - 7 years ago
The king of kings joey ☺
DJGoozer - 7 years ago
il help with whatever u need man, aquaculturte student from truro with a passion for film
Shannen Wiseman
Shannen Wiseman - 7 years ago
Just had time to sit down and watch this! Great job Joey! I was dying at all the wood references though!
Watch Man
Watch Man - 7 years ago
Joey, what is your day job that allows this time-consuming hobby?
Nick J
Nick J - 7 years ago
I'm just not liking wood for a tank of ray's. I would use Lava Rocks, but maybe that's just me and it wouldn't be correct!
Nick J
Nick J - 7 years ago
I guessing $500.00 in wood ?
David J Yuan
David J Yuan - 7 years ago
Writing this comment around the 50 minute mark. Thank you for your sacrifices. I'm happy to hear that your family returned. I bet they mean even more, dare I say, to you than your aquarium passion.
just hobby
just hobby - 7 years ago
emphasis on the size of the wood cracks up my son as we both watched your video... still laughing up to now
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+just hobby it is pretty big though


Ryan Kinslow
Ryan Kinslow - 7 years ago
@The king of DIY, thanks for all you do for the hobby. I have several friends who also follow you. Keep up the great work and knowledge sharing!!!
Ben Turner
Ben Turner - 7 years ago
great video man!! keep up the good work
Tobias Krämer
Tobias Krämer - 7 years ago
Awsome tank, really. Also the wood looks greate.
But I wouldn't pay to much attention to fill all the blank spots, I like all the arches and branches. Maybe filling that with wood growing plants? Anyway it looks really cool.
Chace Shrimp breeder
Chace Shrimp breeder - 7 years ago
I love your work. You would have to be my favorite fishkeeper!
sturgeonguy - 7 years ago
its your tank... decorate it like you want to. you definitely like to hear yourself talk. I would think your viewers would be more interested in the design of the filters and pumps, but that may be the engineering side of me speaking. The tank is gonna be awesome though congrats.
Happy fishguy
Happy fishguy - 7 years ago
Wow that tank would hold a lot of my fancy Fire tail Guppys, And i could swim with my fish. That would be an amazing video . Thanks again for all your videos and the fun you bring to this hobby. I am going to buy the book !!!
Happy fishguy
Happy fishguy - 7 years ago
My Rainbow tail Guppys are female and there tails are amazing. The video i made shows incredible color. Their fancy tails flash a iridescent rainbow. i got lucky
Bryan M
Bryan M - 7 years ago
Happy fishguy aren't just the males attractive?
Pentikal - 7 years ago
you gonna need a whole canister of purigen lol, gonna look sick tho. unless its supposed to be black water and i missed that part?
Jadren Aquatics
Jadren Aquatics - 7 years ago
Tank looks amazing! congrats on 400k
LadyAethria - 7 years ago
That large piece looks a bit like a ghost ship to me.
Saifur Choudhury
Saifur Choudhury - 7 years ago
I wonder what joey want to do in Bangladesh?
Michael Minter
Michael Minter - 7 years ago
Start a Patreon.
leetlebob - 7 years ago
I didn't know you had dick jokes in you,you don't seem like that kind of guy
Michael Thomas
Michael Thomas - 7 years ago
I really Like the first one you showed.
2COMPLICATED - 7 years ago
"My wood is extremely big"
Mirnyj - 7 years ago
Hi Joey, are you familiar with the term geotope aquarium? I'm guessing you'll be using plants and animals from a certain area to build an aquascape, that would in my books at least count as a geotope. :)
Mirnyj - 7 years ago
Lol, guess we'll have to wait and see until the tanks are finished to see what you mean with "not a biotope, not a geotope" then. :D Keep up the good work, this is such an interesting project. * two thumbs up *
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Mirnyj yes I'm familiar, no that is not what I'm doing.
Daniel Barrios Romero
Daniel Barrios Romero - 7 years ago
How do people not like this Wtf???
Daniel Barrios Romero
Daniel Barrios Romero - 7 years ago
How can someone judge you Joey, out of all the people doing wrong things everywhere... why would people bother to judge a humble aquarist? It makes me sick man...
Joe Winters
Joe Winters - 7 years ago
I have seen Pike cichlids kept with Asian arowana and Rays there are a wide variety just throwing that out there
Omar Alvarez
Omar Alvarez - 7 years ago
would love to see a giant congo tetra biotope
Mar cos
Mar cos - 7 years ago
First of all respect...thank you so much for all the knowledge. Just a suggestion but...What if you set up the driftwood vertically instead of horizontally?
Freeyourmind - 7 years ago
That wood is still gonna float some. You're gonna need to screw some slate onto the bottom of them. And that's where having substrate would come in handy.


Zubair Javed
Zubair Javed - 7 years ago
nice wood dear.
Zebedee Harper
Zebedee Harper - 7 years ago
Way to be transparent Joey we can appreciate the struggle you went through and that to have fueled your inspiration to do what your doing and being where you are now creates a lot of inspiration for me cause we all struggle but doing something that your passionate about is worth it and your channel fuels my passion for getting my aquarium were they need to be. So keep it up and know that this is your channel feel free to be how you want, and ppl will appreciate that.
Daniel Ling
Daniel Ling - 7 years ago
100 bucks you will remove the drift wood eventually becos it is not practical with Super Red Aro and XB
mimi strawberryanchor
mimi strawberryanchor - 7 years ago
When are you getting your goldfish back. ?
mimi strawberryanchor
mimi strawberryanchor - 7 years ago
When are you getting your goldfish back. ?
Fish life
Fish life - 7 years ago
PewPewQQs - 7 years ago
hahah got wood? the puns cracked me up dude!
Big Tony's Fish Room
Big Tony's Fish Room - 7 years ago
"Don't look over there!" LOL. Great video Joey. I think the wood will look so different once the water and glass is in. Im sure you will make changes once the tank is filled so don't stress yourself with the dry setup. Looking forward to the tank up and running. Keep up the good work!
Fish life
Fish life - 7 years ago
the ladies loved your wood joey hahaha
Ash - 7 years ago
Tell us more about your wood, Joey :P
Max Twigg
Max Twigg - 7 years ago
cool seeing you unedited ;)
Edward O'Brien
Edward O'Brien - 7 years ago
I watched the recorded version. I think it was a great first try. However going forward eat something beforehand, get a towel, and get a friend to help you with that tank so your wife doesn't come in there to find you trapped under a wood pile. As for the stream, do look into getting some sort of moderator(s) to keep the conversation moving forward, you answered several questions repeatedly, and for some of your regular viewers that can get tiresome. I did like the personal questions you were asked as I hope most of your viewers did, even though you do seem uncomfortable about them. Perhaps some day you could make a video about all the ups and downs you have had when you feel comfortable about it. Keep up the good work, I enjoy your channel immensely. .
Jason Me
Jason Me - 7 years ago
get racheal o learly to sort ur aquascaping
MG Gaming
MG Gaming - 7 years ago
Nice start with the wood XD
PvM Destroyer
PvM Destroyer - 7 years ago
Will you be adding a piranha tank
zam veron
zam veron - 7 years ago
I think some peacock bass would be great in there too.. plecos too..
The Wig of Dub
The Wig of Dub - 7 years ago
Thanks for your videos thanks to you i've almost completed my 370 gallon plywood aquarium. I did front and side viewing panels and dark green pond shield for my 25 Large mouth bass. only problem to note is the tank is 29 inchs that will fit front viewing panel to move out the door. the stand will have to be taken apart when i move so this build is for someone thats not going to do alot of moving. great work though!
Glenn Douglas
Glenn Douglas - 7 years ago
Why did you paint the outside but not the inside?
Pepper Smith
Pepper Smith - 7 years ago
OK. So if u don't get the goldfishes back. Can u please do a video on their new home or update sort a thing.
Joel Wilson
Joel Wilson - 7 years ago
i cant wait to see the 375 full of plants and fish
kristins life
kristins life - 7 years ago
great video !
Vince B.
Vince B. - 7 years ago
Joey enjoyed the live stream, have you ever thought of adding Datnoids and some peacock bass.
Ami Shank
Ami Shank - 7 years ago
joey i really liked the live stream i agree with only doing like half an hour to an hour max i could tell how annoyed and upset you were getting from the questions and comments but great job at keeping your cool. keep up the great work i love watching your videos thanks.
oscar perez
oscar perez - 7 years ago
You're awesome! Can't wait to see this beauty of a tank completed
Mohamed Nayeemullah Shariff
Mohamed Nayeemullah Shariff - 7 years ago
39:00 - 8:56:7 he just talka
Andie D
Andie D - 7 years ago
I don't even have or want a tank but sat and watched this and your other videos all evening lol. Can't wait to see the monster tank all filled!=)
Jonno Bos
Jonno Bos - 7 years ago
glad you left it up, I watched the aquascaping during breakfast and listened to the rest while building my new stand (your method of course). keep 'em coming mate
A H - 7 years ago
Sad to hear about the goldfish
KrispyAquascape - 7 years ago
I was going to quit making videos and unsubscribed to many youtube channels because of life situations too. The reason why I started remaking videos was because of seeing your uploads bro. I like making educational videos and i was apart of your first 60k subscribers.
Martin Blake
Martin Blake - 7 years ago
Blessings for you, your familly, and all your tanks & Fishes !!! Congratulations!!! From Argentina.
trenten gordon
trenten gordon - 7 years ago
do u still have the Arowana???
Abe Jordan
Abe Jordan - 7 years ago
Anthony M
Anthony M - 7 years ago
Please continue doing "live" videos on YouTube, I find it much more convenient. Thanks joey!
Anthony Djordjeski
Anthony Djordjeski - 7 years ago
That's some nice wood!
Gail Nelson
Gail Nelson - 7 years ago
the white background is ugly
Basho - 7 years ago
All fish deserves 2k gallon tank. Not a 55g. Just saying.
FEARADAY _ - 7 years ago
Ahhhh that light is blinding!!!
Richard Maloney
Richard Maloney - 7 years ago
Joey, I love, respect, and enjoy everything you do. You are a true inspiration to me, sorry my mother and I could only give $25 to the donation, we have 4 tanks between the 2 of us thanks to motivation through you and Jenny and it can be a bit costly. Every video is amazing, edited or live. Not everyone will love all of them but so many thousands will enjoy each and every one. Keep it up, disregard the few dislikes, and keep it up. Just put family first. Also, your wood is really big. Sorry, you made me say it.
Allison Clark
Allison Clark - 7 years ago
your drift wood is huge an amazing! wow!
Kys Kaksmxme
Kys Kaksmxme - 7 years ago
Sam Spilde
Sam Spilde - 7 years ago
that wood joke was hilarious hahaha "but no seriously I have some large pieces"
Ashley Singleton
Ashley Singleton - 7 years ago
hi bud great channel have u ever had the African butterfly fish iv got 2 in my discus tank
basonder14 - 7 years ago
Pretty cool Joey!!! Didn't watch live but after the live session a few hours later and still awesome!!! Keep on going!!!
Greg Evraire
Greg Evraire - 7 years ago
very nice
Greg Evraire
Greg Evraire - 7 years ago
don't rip your shorts in the wrong places LOL
zpan ram
zpan ram - 7 years ago
hey Joey your wife's a lucky woman having a man like you have said life's short and I'm sure it's been hard on your family but having so much passion for something you love doing is something worth living for. I moved into a small apartment and all I have is a small 12 gallon tank but it still keeps me in the hobby and Il always have a tank that's what makes me happy so go for it Joey .looking forward to seeing your gallery
Greg Evraire
Greg Evraire - 7 years ago
watch your language LMAO
Stan R
Stan R - 7 years ago
classic dick jokes lol xD can't wait to finish watching this stream
Greg Evraire
Greg Evraire - 7 years ago
second piece was by far the sexiest. cool tank and why are you constantly painting your tanks black? can people from other parts of Canada visit you to see your gallery
Jane Doe
Jane Doe - 7 years ago
Lol love all your savage responses to the haters!


Madeline Umphress
Madeline Umphress - 7 years ago
I wanna watch you fill the tank with water
Ecartts - 7 years ago
Something I feel like Joey is our brother.. since I know him for so many years here on YT xD
Chris Lock
Chris Lock - 7 years ago
I so want a bigger tank after watching your vids, and by tank I mean tank (taking note of your massive wood joke ;) )
POTATO MASTER - 7 years ago
pros and cons about this livestrem

pros: everything

cons: none
Rob Remington
Rob Remington - 7 years ago
Please don't say 'wait till you see my wood' again, followed by pointing the camera down.
E Boogie
E Boogie - 7 years ago
If Joey should get a Oscar like this comment
Dadamdonyt - 7 years ago
the big piece u should suspend like a chandelier
Sethdarkus - 7 years ago
you should tag the pieces so that you can keep the order in mind, along with make a simple diagram of where each one goes.
Stuart Cox
Stuart Cox - 7 years ago
as long as the wood is positioned to the fish can swim around & through it you've arranged it suitably mate
L.A.in22Dayz - 7 years ago
This is Amazing. Love your wood Joey!!!
CrazilyChloe - 7 years ago
"That's what she said"
Leon Van Tonder
Leon Van Tonder - 7 years ago
THATS IT!!!! Tomorrow I will start with my 10 000 gallon aquarium.... Thanks a lot Joey.....
Ric DD
Ric DD - 7 years ago
it looks awesome to me. Can't wait to see it when finished.
White - 7 years ago
just wanted to say i loved the stream :) and you are able to set youtube so that people can rewind on the live stream and also for chat you can set a time limit so people can only wright 1 thing every minute or how ever long to help let everyone get a chance to talk to you :) keep up the good work :)
Falcon Productions
Falcon Productions - 7 years ago
when someone in the chat said your mom I was thinking who was he talking to himself or himself
Michael Bass
Michael Bass - 7 years ago
your on
Leslie Carman
Leslie Carman - 7 years ago
love what you do mate I'm behind you 100% your a legend to the fish keeping hobby keep up the hard work
Jason Dinh
Jason Dinh - 7 years ago
Aloha from Hawaii, awesome video Joey. you created such great inspiration for all fish lover.
Rickard Rocks
Rickard Rocks - 7 years ago
00:42 okey Joey! good to know! :)
Slapnutts McGee
Slapnutts McGee - 7 years ago
I'm pretty passionate about putting my wood in a box too.


Ric DD
Ric DD - 7 years ago
I'm in southern Louisiana and I can view your live video on utube very well. Doing good!
Xelloss Dio
Xelloss Dio - 7 years ago
MrKay - 7 years ago
dude you need to do a video on dealing with diatoms/Brown algae. I know I would watch it! and it would help thousands of fish keepers, myself included! Keep up the great work!
Disco Stu
Disco Stu - 7 years ago
we need some AA action. loving the gallery updates but im a AA addict and need my fix lol
Disco Stu
Disco Stu - 7 years ago
twilight action
Tee Smack
Tee Smack - 7 years ago
Yu can make a movie behind your story bro...
Emerson White
Emerson White - 7 years ago
You talked about a Bichir, how about a clown knife fish or two? They are absolutely gorgeous and powerful predators, but hardly anyone keeps then in an adequately sized tank.
Deadliest gamein
Deadliest gamein - 7 years ago
so there is going to be smaller fish to?
CappyBara - 7 years ago
Todd Shelton
Todd Shelton - 7 years ago
joey love all the work you do on these tanks I've learned a lot from you keep up the great work you are doing
Lucas Mayrhofer
Lucas Mayrhofer - 7 years ago
He likes advertising
The #1 Kill Joy
The #1 Kill Joy - 7 years ago
Can't wait to see the finished product this is exciting
Prieto Reef
Prieto Reef - 7 years ago
I've been watching you for four years today you say something that touch me i scape for Life they put me on jail I'll get out and Google acquiring the first guy came out on YouTube and change my life thanks broth
Katie Stites
Katie Stites - 7 years ago
How do I make donations now and again while enjoying these videos? I feel guilty not pitching in more. I'd rather watch and learn from these than spend money at the theater.
David Knauss
David Knauss - 7 years ago
"wait till you see my wood. a little warning in advance, my wood is extremely big"
"ill show you my wood here in a second, i am a little nervous"
"we'll just put a little bit in and see how it feels"
"all we're doing today is putting wood inside a box"
Bradley Vaughn
Bradley Vaughn - 7 years ago
man you are definitely the best are so real and I enjoy every single bit of your videos .I wish I could help you more ..your passion for the hobby is incredible I think you from the bottom of my heart..
Spilearanotama - 7 years ago
Oh my god the dick jokes
I've been watching your vids for a few days and learning so many interesting things, and the dick jokes is what made me subscribe
I question my motives x'D
The Crystal Chris
The Crystal Chris - 7 years ago
i didn't know joey was a dirty person lol love it!!!
Melchor Lopez
Melchor Lopez - 7 years ago
where did u get the driftwood?
For Real
For Real - 7 years ago
You, I and I say this with all my heart, are the best fish keeper
Adam Jonas
Adam Jonas - 7 years ago
That's what she said
Damien - 7 years ago
Hello joey, Have you warned somewhere that you were going live on youtube and if yes or?, Do you have tweeter? I think I am even more excited than you for your project I wait for your videos as if I waited to eat the evening haha
Darrick Davis
Darrick Davis - 7 years ago
Hey Joey so how are the glass windows.. plexi  gonna attach.. be set in? now that's a live video I like to see for sure :-)
Biswajit Bhattacharya
Biswajit Bhattacharya - 7 years ago
Please make a video on arowana care and tanning. Please please
Richard Harison
Richard Harison - 7 years ago
i have an idea. PM u alrd :D
Daniel Song
Daniel Song - 7 years ago
Thank you for your channel! I'm sorry I can't financially support you although I would love to. Cheers!
Ryan Aqs
Ryan Aqs - 7 years ago
Joey turned into an alcoholic
Raymond Bourdon
Raymond Bourdon - 7 years ago
A Cord
A Cord - 7 years ago
"wait till you see my wood" "im not small my woods just big" theres alot of material here i could go on and on lol
Tony Pepper
Tony Pepper - 7 years ago
the wood is amazing.but alot of sharp edges.i'm worried the fish might hurt themselves.did u consider rocks.might b more fish friendly.with size of the fish you're putting in there.and the concrete aquarium can take the weight of rocks.
joseph benitez
joseph benitez - 7 years ago
every body had there fare share of success & failures.what matters is the outcome. in your case, you ROCK. I watch all your videos & they help a lot. You really inspired me. Made an 8 ft planted tank & a 150 gal tank is on the way with your internal sump in it. Hope youll succeed in your gallery. Shared a small amount thru paypal. Your the MAN. Maybe you might visit us sometime here in the Philippines.
adms2 tune
adms2 tune - 7 years ago
The l114 l600 l024 l025 Pleco's would look cool .
Again work
Yung Kraze
Yung Kraze - 7 years ago
@The king of DIY when will you be back in Denver??? I'm pissed I missed you out here .. even tho you came to just Give a speech , my man I had & still have many questions ..
Lucian Farwell
Lucian Farwell - 7 years ago
ahahah wood ;)
Victor Viking Clash of Clans/Clash Royal
Victor Viking Clash of Clans/Clash Royal - 7 years ago
Joey with that wood you gotta add some large plecos!!!
JHON DENVER VARGAS - 7 years ago
it will look great just put rock or big slate or driftwood put anything in center
JHON DENVER VARGAS - 7 years ago
put anything in the center its empty
Simon Chung
Simon Chung - 7 years ago
I enjoy your videos all the time.
Hidden Madison Rose
Hidden Madison Rose - 7 years ago
Are u putting some barramundi in this tank?????????
Sybrand Scheveers
Sybrand Scheveers - 7 years ago
the thing i really enjoyed is that your where doing the scape while you where life.
it didn't feel like watching 2 hours
Harry Do
Harry Do - 7 years ago
cant wait to see the final product! If I ever have a chance to travel from Aus to Canada, can I come for a visit?
Scott Davidson
Scott Davidson - 7 years ago
Joey thanks for sharing that very personal story , sorry about what you went through , things seem to be going better for you know and am so happy for you and what you have done . iam at that broke point in my life the now , you truely are an inspiration , thanks
Riccardo Ricci
Riccardo Ricci - 7 years ago
what about the flower horn??????
Carlos Ramos
Carlos Ramos - 7 years ago
at 38:00 you should've left that wood where it was
xSilverlavax - 7 years ago
Me and my fiance say you should put a Pacu in that aquarium--if you're looking for more giant fish to go in there. Not sure how they do with Arowanas and Rays, but you'll have tons of room for them.
powerful LANCE!
powerful LANCE! - 7 years ago
maybe upload audio as podcast?
Ron Entropy
Ron Entropy - 7 years ago
Do more of these... I enjoyed it very much.
Jacqueline Pavan
Jacqueline Pavan - 7 years ago
God knows your needs :) especially when it comes to nature, thank for recreating God's creation. I have a fish tank and keeping it has make appreciate and understand more the circle of life, which unfortunately men tampers with it so much. We need to be better stuards and guardians of earth.
Jack ofNJ
Jack ofNJ - 7 years ago
Suggestion:  When you finally hit upon a scape that you like.  Take a picture.  Remove a piece and take a picture with the piece removed and of the piece itself.  Continue doing so until the scape is completely dismantled.  To rebuild it, follow the pictures in reverse order.    Great show!  Fantastic project!  Looking forward to its "completion".
Karen Clanton
Karen Clanton - 7 years ago
awesome channel. i only have two betta tanks still love the hobby. if you dont keep your goldies you should see if jenny gold would want them after she clears up her sick ones ilnesses.
Wayne Milne
Wayne Milne - 7 years ago
hi joey. sorry i didn't watch live but loving the content, some of that wood looks awesome. Are you going to run the 375 planted tank as a community tank ??
Casval Red
Casval Red - 7 years ago
i am a big fan of your work!
Vincent Nelson
Vincent Nelson - 7 years ago
my wood is very big lol
Jacqueline Pavan
Jacqueline Pavan - 7 years ago
The image is very clear and your already have 107,366 views. Just do it!
Lisaa - 7 years ago
its upside down the big piece in pic its other way round
A B - 7 years ago
hi joey, could be interesting to see you stream DIY backgrounds. obviously they would need to cure off screen but if you're doing them for the rack you could possible knock a few out at once. would be great to see how somebody with experience deals with it in the moment.
Lisaa - 7 years ago
i loved it live also need a moderator
Suzanne SG Nunez
Suzanne SG Nunez - 7 years ago
I think you need to keep focused on how the Rays will interact with the space. Won't they want to have pass throughs? Even the other fish how would they interact in the space. Would be great if you can mimic they natural way. Since your going all out!
Brian Kwan
Brian Kwan - 7 years ago
any special lighting effect? such a spot lights and even different colours to create a night and day or dusk and Dawn feel?
terrell higgins
terrell higgins - 7 years ago
u have a cool fish tank
ty eres
ty eres - 7 years ago
Remember Joey, less is more, certainly in aquascaping. Instead of using all the wood against the sides, divide the tank up into four equal rectangles. then choose just one of those rectangles (preferably the one in the back with the pipes) and place one big piece of wood vertically at an angle towards the center of the tank. It'll give you a balanced focus point, height and depth.
Kim's Reptiles the Netherlands
Kim's Reptiles the Netherlands - 7 years ago
The tank is coming along nicely.
Lucky Lukie
Lucky Lukie - 7 years ago
Hi Joey I love watching your fish Gallery come on it's so awesome what you doing keep it up
Suzanne SG Nunez
Suzanne SG Nunez - 7 years ago
Of the large ones I love the 2nd one I see the Rays loving all the high and low passages.
Suzanne SG Nunez
Suzanne SG Nunez - 7 years ago
Adrian Pickering
Adrian Pickering - 7 years ago
Free Run 5's. Nice!
Eugene Hopson
Eugene Hopson - 7 years ago
Damn joey been hittin the gym or he is doing water changes with 10 gallon buckets every day haha
Bon Jovi
Bon Jovi - 7 years ago
I love things you do for us aquarist around world DIY King
grets from Bosnia Europe !!!!!
Polar Barb
Polar Barb - 7 years ago
It's great to see your tank coming along!
SomethingReallyStrange - 7 years ago
Makes me appreciate you a lot more when you open up and get personal like that. Thank you so much for creating these videos for us Joey! I hope all is well in your personal life, you sure as hell deserve it.

The tank looks amazing, I'm super excited for the fish to come in, even if that is like a month or more away.
Craig D'Attilo
Craig D'Attilo - 7 years ago
Good Wood!
Kawser Latif
Kawser Latif - 7 years ago
yeah i like the q & a
Kawser Latif
Kawser Latif - 7 years ago
omg omg omg you are gonna come in bangladesh thats frickin awesome im gonna meet ya man
ilikewasabe - 7 years ago
wow never expected the 2000galon tank would have aquascape i assumed that it would go bare button or just sand..
Kawser Latif
Kawser Latif - 7 years ago
you have two kids and you are not married wtf ??!
pahrahinc - 7 years ago
Is this tank inside of a house, will the floor be able to hold this mess up.
TheJibootyinfiresme - 7 years ago
first minute and i have the dirtiest mind
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 7 years ago
Hey do mind of the focus of attraction you should consult a professional aquascaper to get an idea... I will also be building such an tank in future..
steven vogel
steven vogel - 7 years ago
i need that wood
Eduardo D. 121412 Racoma
Eduardo D. 121412 Racoma - 7 years ago
I remember you will have other tanks on the wall, maybe you can put other drift woods in there forming like a huge driftwood like a a puzzle
Eduardo D. 121412 Racoma
Eduardo D. 121412 Racoma - 7 years ago
You have loads of open bottom tanks for the principle of easy maintenance, too much crevices might make maintenance harder. Please use only as you like but not because you have a lot, you still have to put some plants i guess
Tom Tom
Tom Tom - 7 years ago
Come to Ireland! il buy you a pint
Eduardo D. 121412 Racoma
Eduardo D. 121412 Racoma - 7 years ago
Is it too much wood? Make it a little simple
Kawser Latif
Kawser Latif - 7 years ago
i love the 2nd one
Eduardo D. 121412 Racoma
Eduardo D. 121412 Racoma - 7 years ago
I think it would be nice if some parts of the driftwood is above water
Rohan Ali
Rohan Ali - 7 years ago
joey you made this live stream when it was around 1 in the morning still I watched it and felt asleep watching. ...I rewatched the whole video again. ..keep up this amazing work. ...and please come to India, there's lots of us who would love to meet you in person .
Syed Ali
Syed Ali - 7 years ago
Long as most movies but better than most
CRE8LSM - 7 years ago
i wanna see your wood
Eduardo D. 121412 Racoma
Eduardo D. 121412 Racoma - 7 years ago
I hope you will have some schooling fish
Jerry Byrne
Jerry Byrne - 7 years ago
great video
Justin Loitz
Justin Loitz - 7 years ago
personally i would like something in the middle of the tank and have the arrowana do loops around it(obviously that would be comepletly up to the fish of course lol)
Justin Loitz
Justin Loitz - 7 years ago
i think if you did want to go substrate a "school" of sandsifting eartheaters/geos could solve your vacuum problems altho that doesnt do anyhting for ray spikes in the substrate
Marks Shrimp Tanks
Marks Shrimp Tanks - 7 years ago
Is there going to be any Shrimp in there Joey ?
Vagelis Sketos
Vagelis Sketos - 7 years ago
dude you are actually funny .. i like you more in live videos ! :D
Brooke Tameling
Brooke Tameling - 7 years ago
Thank you for uploading:) p.s Jenny has a possible DIY project you should help her with.
Neil Davies
Neil Davies - 7 years ago
I hope you get a few Plecos to enjoy that wood.
Abdullah Younas
Abdullah Younas - 7 years ago
I missed it
Brooke Tameling
Brooke Tameling - 7 years ago
"My wood" "my wood is big"
Red Lazuras
Red Lazuras - 7 years ago
i love the weird evilish sounding no at around 1 hour and 6 min
All Things Ray
All Things Ray - 7 years ago
Joey, you are quite a funny guy when you can't edit yourself. Livestream on youtube more! but make sure to keep them available to view afterwards, I sleep during the day and I'm able to watch youtube at work on the night shift :D
simon parkes
simon parkes - 7 years ago
Awesome live stream sorry I missed it but living in the uk it's not easy. Watch so many of your videos and they have helped me in so many ways. Can't wait to see what is to come. Keep it up great work.
Neil Davies
Neil Davies - 7 years ago
The first piece is a beaut. I want it in my life.
Harry Owen
Harry Owen - 7 years ago
Make an outdoor pond for the goldfish
Chad Wilberg
Chad Wilberg - 7 years ago
I love your videos. I don't have a tank yet but I have my heart set on making a 30-50 gallon saltwater tank and developing it into a reef.
Orfeyo - 7 years ago
Joey your wood looked massive how did it feel once you got it in?  Great video, had me in tears of laughter thank u for sharing;0)
James Carnall
James Carnall - 7 years ago
Hey Joey ....what is a "super chat" (sorry I'm new to this stuff)
Keep up the good work, your vids are the best and very educational.....hope to meet you some day, are you planning a Florida trip any time?
I'm new to the "fresh" hobby, just started a 100 gallon African cichlid peacock tank....and I absolutely love it (tank used to be a pretty successful salt predator tank, I donated my fish to the high school my wife works at after hurricane Mathew came through)
Anyways, loving your vids, loving the cichlids.....peace
J.O Badaki
J.O Badaki - 7 years ago
Which new fish will you get
Parco Molo
Parco Molo - 7 years ago
Dude thanks for the awesome videos, I've recently started my own aquarium and have been enjoying your videos and advice. Keep up with the great videos and live streaming!
Shrimp Society
Shrimp Society - 7 years ago
Great live stream. Great job, you truly are the King of DIY!
Evad Repooc
Evad Repooc - 7 years ago
I can't understand why you want to put wood in
It makes the swimming space smaller and can injure Arowana in particular
If I have people in to my home my Arowana go crazy and crash into the sides and cover
Just imagine you have a school party in with some banging on the glass (as they do)
drblack66 - 7 years ago
joey... you don't need an intro.... you need an outro.... love your work cuz
Arul Rajeev
Arul Rajeev - 7 years ago
where i live a giant gourami costs only 10-12 dollars.
Dylan Trapp
Dylan Trapp - 7 years ago
So sorry I missed this live, I was at work. Joey, that 2000gal is goddamn amazing, and that wood! Hopefully I can catch 'ya next time. Also dude, your freakin' biceps! Where do you work out, and what do you do!?
Daniel Kleinrok
Daniel Kleinrok - 7 years ago
Brother thank you for being you, your honesty comes through in what you do without your personal reveals. But the things like your personal reveals is why you are loved! Thank you Joey's family for putting with smelly fish tank people.
SBdunks3 - 7 years ago
Is it acid etched yet?
Brandon Ryan Mosidin
Brandon Ryan Mosidin - 7 years ago
Ali_daboss52 - 7 years ago
22:44 first time I heard him swear
Ali_daboss52 - 7 years ago
18:48 so typical for a canadian

Sorry joey
Harry Owen
Harry Owen - 7 years ago
Are you having white sand for substrate
SomethingReallyStrange - 7 years ago
Harry Owen he's not going to use any substrate.
Do it Patryk's Way
Do it Patryk's Way - 7 years ago
22:43 Did he swear?!?!
miss Dovii
miss Dovii - 7 years ago
king please talk more about the fish gallery lov man but talk fish
therabbispliff - 7 years ago
the last piece of drift wood you should lay down flat, use the pockets/holes in it to separate different plants. and then in the center of it you can pile substrate and us the wood as a containing wall to create elevation in the tank!
Khawja Z
Khawja Z - 7 years ago
Thomas Christensen
Thomas Christensen - 7 years ago
Would definitely rather watch you do something aquarium-related than doing Q&A's. Keep the livestreams coming on Youtube!
Boby Siratsamy
Boby Siratsamy - 7 years ago
nooooooo wood dude
Boby Siratsamy
Boby Siratsamy - 7 years ago
no live chat!!!
ms vlogs ms vlogs
ms vlogs ms vlogs - 7 years ago
i think u r going to heart fish that wood is verry sharp
Vaibhav Kamath
Vaibhav Kamath - 7 years ago
congrats Joey on reaching 400k subscribers!!!!
u are an inspiration to all of us.
James Carnall
James Carnall - 7 years ago
Dude you need a "wood" assistant lol
Back the camera up a bit (if possible) so we can see more of the ground area
light - 7 years ago
Hey Joey are you gonna get an Australian Arowana?
James Carnall
James Carnall - 7 years ago
You got it brother....thumbs up
Markus Karhunen
Markus Karhunen - 7 years ago
The first!!!!!!!!
James Carnall
James Carnall - 7 years ago
Doooood, your wood looks awesome already n it's not even in the tank yet lol
James Carnall
James Carnall - 7 years ago
It's working
Jay in st Augustine fl
Qua Phan
Qua Phan - 7 years ago
black looks ugly???
Tamara Simpson
Tamara Simpson - 7 years ago
dirty jokes! XD
Jairo Rodriguez
Jairo Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Thank you Joey. Great inspiration for me. I only have 4 tanks different sizes not big ones but I view your channel everyday to get info so l could be a better aquaritist. Thank from the bottom and top of my heart.
MELODY MUNRO - 7 years ago
It's not the size of the wood that matters...but how you use it....
Cichmck1 - 7 years ago
-- loved this video! the live streams are quite different that your usual content, but seem way more personal like we are actully their "talking fish" with you. -- sorry to hear about your misfortunes because of your videos. I went through similar things with my family and my dedication to art. I love your professionalism, and also how you ocasionally open up to your fans about your personal stuff. -- super cool that rachel will be their to see your build! and super cool+ that you do colaborations/guest appearence's with awesome people!!!-- Q&A is a good thing. I like how you switch between "work" and "Q&A" through out the video.
- the ONLYthing i didnt really like was the odd angles or not being able to see what you were doing very good. but considering the space, and you are a 1 man team you did pretty good.
Wolf - 7 years ago
if you put the piece of wood with the mesh effect upside down it will have more of an effect and look really nice.!
Hi There
Hi There - 7 years ago
I got new tetras for my 60litre tank and ever since they've been dying and my old fish are too
andy stokes
andy stokes - 7 years ago
''My wood is extremely big, you might not feel up to par once you see it'' Did you really mean to say that, Joey?
Olivia Fizzy
Olivia Fizzy - 7 years ago
Have you ever thought about solar panels? Of course not using them as the only source of energy, but it saves a lot of money, my family had them installed a couple years ago, and it cuts down the bill a lot. It's really an investment long term wise.
Teagan Wolf
Teagan Wolf - 7 years ago
hi I am teagan
Flamebeow DCLXVI
Flamebeow DCLXVI - 7 years ago
the second piece looks like a dinosaur
Akhand Hutyapaa
Akhand Hutyapaa - 7 years ago
why dont u keep the wood in between the tank.. ? your fishes will enjoy roaming around..
Joseph Dy
Joseph Dy - 7 years ago
I know rays is best look at the top, but i just cant imagine myself a tank as big as that low to the ground.
SHO rider
SHO rider - 7 years ago
Love ya man great work. Real people know you can't get to everyone's comments superchat or otherwise, just keep being the best Joey you can be. And congrats on the future marriage!
light - 7 years ago
It sounds as if he brakes every Price he moves
Francis Olba
Francis Olba - 7 years ago
your are an inspiration to all, keep it man
Matt Deslandes
Matt Deslandes - 7 years ago
i never thought i would actually hear someone say "look at my sweat."
The grako
The grako - 7 years ago
go joey, go joey, go can do it....!!
Tacoman Warcommander
Tacoman Warcommander - 7 years ago
lol love how giddy you get when talking about the tank
Lochlan Whaites
Lochlan Whaites - 7 years ago
just asking... the goldfish you did have you said you'd take them back from a freind that was minding them.
will you ever get them back? if so where will yoh put them?
Lochlan Whaites
Lochlan Whaites - 7 years ago
ok so you not tacking them back ok
Siamese Fighters
Siamese Fighters - 7 years ago
well done on 400k. i love your videos and keep up the good work
Michael McMaster
Michael McMaster - 7 years ago
Congrats on 400k
Walter P
Walter P - 7 years ago
I'm loving the tone you set in your live stream. the jokes are great.
HeyYouSlavesGoHangYourOwner - 7 years ago
shots fired at xbox 62!
HeyYouSlavesGoHangYourOwner - 7 years ago
nice one. closet fans. thats pretty cool.
VK - 7 years ago
I know it was asked about a streaming underwater camera, you said not possible, but maybe you could set a camera on the viewing ledge for viewers to see, i would enjoy it
Curtis Ramsey
Curtis Ramsey - 7 years ago
Where did you buy such large pieces of wood?
Dean Winchester
Dean Winchester - 7 years ago
Nothing wrong with Patreon, this is what it was made for. I don't pay the cable company so I give some money to my fav youtubers every month.
ItzCodieeWodiee - 7 years ago
did any1 else notice that the 2nd piece of wood, that joey sed was Sexy remind u of a wolf/tiger or a rhino sprt of thing like it looked like one
Sam Mcewan
Sam Mcewan - 7 years ago
The King of DIY, love your video's joey got to a point were i was going bad in the fish hobby was almost gonna give it up, been doing it for years but watching your video's wants me to give it my hardest try. I think it would be cool if you could do fish breeding tutorials if you have the time just a suggestion for future possible videos.
zazz63 - 7 years ago
watch out for mold on the driftwood ....when it starts up its a nightmare to keep the tank spotless
Aiden Koster
Aiden Koster - 7 years ago
you are amazing ☺
tuvia paz
tuvia paz - 7 years ago
cool joey! im hipettttttt
Yukki Katsuki
Yukki Katsuki - 7 years ago
do you have any plans of coming out to Alberta? I don't have the choice to travel much and can't really get out of Alberta but I also really want to meet you.
Bilal el hlimi
Bilal el hlimi - 7 years ago
this was a good live stream.
Gerald Tan
Gerald Tan - 7 years ago
my question is... How do u have only 400k subs??? this is my favourite channel by far!! :) keep up the work!
JanAreru - 7 years ago
90% talk 10% aquascaping
Jsique Blue
Jsique Blue - 7 years ago
I love your honesty
STEVE ORTEZ - 7 years ago
Drill holes through the wood same size of the intake and exhaust to hide the PVC
G Unit
G Unit - 7 years ago
you been hitting the weight room arms looking swole
владимир Поляков
владимир Поляков - 7 years ago
Succes in your causes!
STEVE ORTEZ - 7 years ago
Hay since you have stingrays maybe it would be a good idea to hang them down from the rim of the tank so that they don't touch the floor of the tank it makes it easier to clean the gravel
Margaret Tran
Margaret Tran - 7 years ago
You are one crazy guy hahah. You gave up sooo much for this channel. Thanks for sharing about your past with us.
Cro Lee
Cro Lee - 7 years ago
I bulid my first aquarium fish stand from ur vids ..... that was a long time ago.... thanks
KG cichlids
KG cichlids - 7 years ago
Raptor25o - 7 years ago
come to canada
Mireya M.
Mireya M. - 7 years ago
30 minutes for live stream is good enough...
Levi Wolf-Leviathan
Levi Wolf-Leviathan - 7 years ago
anyone else come too late?
Indie - 7 years ago
Joey, you should keep up with a patreon and offer occasional "sponsor" content to help with the ongoing cost. You have so many viewers who would love to help out, as you already know.
Marc Martinez
Marc Martinez - 7 years ago
I also thought this was facebook
Kiran Panchal
Kiran Panchal - 7 years ago
Hey Joey great are awesome and congrats for 400k
KTS discus Inc
KTS discus Inc - 7 years ago
I can help with all that technical stuff,
Cameron Lantz
Cameron Lantz - 7 years ago
You are a genious with fresh water. what is you advice for taking over a grandapas freshwater tank that followed you for the last 8 months
Saige Materi
Saige Materi - 7 years ago
Clicked this video so fast! I'm so excited to see the finished fish tank!
LuckyArizona LuckyArizona
LuckyArizona LuckyArizona - 7 years ago
James Tarver
James Tarver - 7 years ago
Get a sawmill to square off two sides. It will be safe for the fish and look more professional
Dennis Wesselink
Dennis Wesselink - 7 years ago
First piece of driftwood was the best...
Tropical Fish Fan
Tropical Fish Fan - 7 years ago
Plz come to Nepal too
Brandon Negrette
Brandon Negrette - 7 years ago
Wow I love the tank dude! Keep it up
Xettry Rohit
Xettry Rohit - 7 years ago
My name is rohit
Rochelle, Charlie & Rosey My Ultimate Ragdolls
Rochelle, Charlie & Rosey My Ultimate Ragdolls - 7 years ago
Richie Faccio
Richie Faccio - 7 years ago
I like the live stream you should do more live on YouTube even when it's not live it's still cool to get the raw footage also I'm not sure if you already said you plan on this but you should put a camera underwater and stream it
Brian Ferrer
Brian Ferrer - 7 years ago
Great job man. Keep inspiring people with your DIY crafts.
Bro Kapi
Bro Kapi - 7 years ago
When the out of character dick jokes start 1 minute in you know what's up
Joshua - 7 years ago
joe tank you for your videos bro you got me back in to the hobby and now I'm making my hobby my career thanks man
Bloodfrost Gaming
Bloodfrost Gaming - 7 years ago
first minute of the stream:
wait till you see my wood. my wood is extremely big.
Leon Leonh
Leon Leonh - 7 years ago
check 47:00 and look to the right, is the front of the tank skewed?
Jobe Tips and tricks!! To your Automotive needs!!
Jobe Tips and tricks!! To your Automotive needs!! - 7 years ago
Nice stream man big fan keep it up:-)
UNIX_XINU - 7 years ago
"Wait till you see my wood"
Jobe Tips and tricks!! To your Automotive needs!!
Jobe Tips and tricks!! To your Automotive needs!! - 7 years ago
hmmm i would think flying would be the best bet when traveling the world lol.
Momo's Mini Zoo
Momo's Mini Zoo - 7 years ago
Joey you are the best aquarium hobbyist I know on YouTube and you inspired me to start my first 20 gallon aquarium (yes I know it's a small tank but I'm a kid)
Jobe Tips and tricks!! To your Automotive needs!!
Jobe Tips and tricks!! To your Automotive needs!! - 7 years ago
you know there are glasses to fix the color blindness.
Jimi182 - 7 years ago
JMAJoey Mullen's Army
ADITHYAN s - 7 years ago
not bad for a great future
sheldon jessup
sheldon jessup - 7 years ago
This is looking good, i just hope you are getting a good strong light for the tank
hariharan rajesh
hariharan rajesh - 7 years ago
I liked it i give 5$
RIPPER334 - 7 years ago
it's too late... I already looked over there!!
Jimi182 - 7 years ago
Congrats Joey on 400K subscribers !!!!
No Face
No Face - 7 years ago
aggh man I missed it.
your questions replys: I like the first piece and also the tree stump.
GrantTheGersh - 7 years ago
Where'd you order the wood from?
Pat O
Pat O - 7 years ago
Any concerns with large fish damaging themselves bumping into the wood? The wood is beautiful but it looks to have a lot of sharp corners. I worry especially about the arrows.
A B - 7 years ago
That is some nice wood!! But.. some of the pieces look wayyy too sharp. The big guy gets agitated and then blam injury!
Drew B
Drew B - 7 years ago
Joey my man, this is one of your most entertaining videos. And I've seen a lot. I was more than captivated with every bit of the hour and a half. Maybe you should go live more often now?
Robert LaFlure
Robert LaFlure - 7 years ago
Your wood is beautiful
Aquatic Peaches
Aquatic Peaches - 7 years ago
sort of looks more like a reptile habitat...
Brian J.P.
Brian J.P. - 7 years ago
Alec Spaude
Alec Spaude - 7 years ago
been watching your videos for over a year now, congratz on the 400k subscribers man! you earned it
wayne creech
wayne creech - 7 years ago
Joey, are the external dimensions 10 feet by 7 feet by 4 feet tall like you had originally planned?
Judge POng
Judge POng - 7 years ago
putting hard wood inside the box episode! lol
x Cappuccino
x Cappuccino - 7 years ago
I already love it omg. Was that a "" joke at the beginning ? XD
Mark L
Mark L - 7 years ago
Like your channel Joey. Learned alot from you and sorry for what you went through. Thanks for your dedication.
Javier Bernal
Javier Bernal - 7 years ago
can'twait to see the tank finished
Landry - 7 years ago
Hey Joey, I was wondering where you were going to keep your flowerhorn.
Mark Cassanova
Mark Cassanova - 7 years ago
Bruce Bell
Bruce Bell - 7 years ago
you should put up some solar panels to help cut the cost of the electricity bill
Sean Twomey
Sean Twomey - 7 years ago
you live stream was really good are you going to get a barramundi
HiIm Bob
HiIm Bob - 7 years ago
Those dick jokes tho
Anthony's Malawi Predators
Anthony's Malawi Predators - 7 years ago
My wood certainly doesn't compare -.-
Aquatic Haus
Aquatic Haus - 7 years ago
Massive woods! Cant wait for the final outcome
Matthew Maltese
Matthew Maltese - 7 years ago
don't sweat it man no one can touch the king of diy.
abinav muralidharan
abinav muralidharan - 7 years ago
2 days
Snapper Attack
Snapper Attack - 7 years ago
Your great joe keep it up man
WoIfs Bane
WoIfs Bane - 7 years ago
Greetings from Bangladesh Joey, would love to meet you someday.
Syntdea - 7 years ago
I love the outside of the aquarium painted black like that. It looks like it won't distract from the fish. Sometimes when the outside of displays are too busy it makes it harder to concentrate on the fish.
abinav muralidharan
abinav muralidharan - 7 years ago
my betta fish doesnt eat
Sean Ryan
Sean Ryan - 7 years ago
abinav muralidharan did you just get him? wait few days
Animals and Stuff
Animals and Stuff - 7 years ago
If it is that big it can be used as swim pool for a couple of kids
Randi Schmidt
Randi Schmidt - 7 years ago
Lmao as soon as you were talking about sexy wood my husband walked in and looked at me and asked "fish-tank or gardening?" Lmao. You should do like a funny q and a fish keeping incidents video with your kids and wife or something. Something fun and funny, Like how she feels about filter socks in her washing machine lol I dunno just an idea.
Granger Penney
Granger Penney - 7 years ago
that dick joke tho my wood is small
Austin Williams
Austin Williams - 7 years ago
Anticipating the comments in the future: "Get a bigger tank--too small for those fish!!"
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Austin Williams from people with a 10gal
bhargav j reddy
bhargav j reddy - 7 years ago
You did tell tat adding substrate could hurt rays... What's the catch here?
Kevin Le
Kevin Le - 7 years ago
Hey joey
Chris Labat
Chris Labat - 7 years ago
Will you do a Predator fresh water tank like Parana
zinya omar
zinya omar - 7 years ago
if you don't have Hater's then your not doing something anything good
Edgecrusher- TWR
Edgecrusher- TWR - 7 years ago
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Edgecrusher- TWR very
zinya omar
zinya omar - 7 years ago
The 6 got your back
Egan Eheart
Egan Eheart - 7 years ago
Ehr mah gerd
karen peppe
karen peppe - 7 years ago
The second piece looks like a dragons head! Very cool!
Michael Tette
Michael Tette - 7 years ago
Keep it rolling Joey you the man. Love your values and honesty.
Laura Insausti
Laura Insausti - 7 years ago
zinya omar
zinya omar - 7 years ago
you got to respect his honesty
ANoyceGuy - 7 years ago
I'm totally with you, the Q&A is alright.. nice to know the answers to some of the questions. But it's WAY better when you're working on stuff with random questions in between.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+ANoyceGuy agreed. I have done way too many Q&A at this point
zinya omar
zinya omar - 7 years ago
this is so relaxing
C K - 7 years ago
CrackerJackBleow - 7 years ago
Congratulations Joey
zinya omar
zinya omar - 7 years ago
your the best
Crazy Hunt
Crazy Hunt - 7 years ago
I love this ..................................................Thanks joey
Jeff Nardi
Jeff Nardi - 7 years ago
just got home and I GOT WOOD FROM YOUR WOOD!!!
The grako
The grako - 7 years ago
how much it cost for the woods???
C K - 7 years ago
My wood is extremly big
Stefanie Hart
Stefanie Hart - 7 years ago
I started watching you about 3 months ago. Because of you I now have 2 mini tanks and one 30 gallon
Gianna Pepe
Gianna Pepe - 7 years ago
Dorky wood jokes. Thanks for being an educator. Congrats on the nuptials!
John Roughneen
John Roughneen - 7 years ago
As far as electrical costs is there anything you could harness efficiently in your part of the world to help you out? Would the Solar energy harnessed in the summer months be worth the initial cost? Some kind of wind turbine? Would be cool if you had a renewable energy source that could cover all of the gallery's needs
Laikin Simons
Laikin Simons - 7 years ago
Damn, Joey. You got super real. I really appreciate it, and I think it will help all of your viewers really understand where you come from and everything you've done! <3
Zack Doyle
Zack Doyle - 7 years ago
Man Joey was taking no shit in this video damn, big up
GEORGE MENDEZ JR - 7 years ago
great work joey
Nike Swoosh
Nike Swoosh - 7 years ago
Hi. My name is Rob. And my life is a mess too. Lol. JK. It's just a joke. ;)
Kitty Page
Kitty Page - 7 years ago
The Second piece of driftwood looks just like a dinosaur shape three horn! LOL
The Graceful Savage
The Graceful Savage - 7 years ago
I love to put wood inside a box
Scott Harter
Scott Harter - 7 years ago
I didn't catch it live...
Amber Sherry
Amber Sherry - 7 years ago
glad you shared this, I missed the live show! love the wood! And I love that you were playing around with it with us!
Cathy B
Cathy B - 7 years ago
Joey, you are awesome. Thank you for all you do. I need to move up to a larger tank foe plecos and incorporate my orchids over the waterline. I've never seen anyone do this, so I'm going to order your book for ideas, to see what I can do to make this happen.
Shahril Sahit
Shahril Sahit - 7 years ago
Congrats 400k.. i still remember the day i subscribed your channel.. that time just 3k.. so happy for u joey..
sakispa97 - 7 years ago
change the position of the ceiling lights, they look out of place and you might end up hanging other lights for the aquarium so that light might be in the way.
fish tank noob
fish tank noob - 7 years ago
hey! my wood is extremely big too
Brandyn M
Brandyn M - 7 years ago
Hi Joey. I was just wondering, I am from Ontario and have always wanted to go out east. If I come to Nova Scotia may I come and see your Fish House?????
CrackerJackBleow - 7 years ago
You should number the pieces so you'll have a plan/guide next time
Justin Simons
Justin Simons - 7 years ago
Joey, as you asked about the Q&A it is nice both ways cause as much as I like watching all your vids about builds and the info that happens to give great ideas for myself, the seeing you with more definition of a person. Seeing you for who you are with your trail you endure. Being a big leader on youtube is only good when you are in balance with personal life, stay great in both if you can.
Yves Daigle
Yves Daigle - 7 years ago
I believe you can limit people post to once a minute, this would prevent some of the spam, and slow the chat down a bit.
Cali Cichlid Man
Cali Cichlid Man - 7 years ago
My wood is big...LMAO
Gabe Dent
Gabe Dent - 7 years ago
If you want small peaceful fish get some swordtails and guppies
Srivatsa Gargesh
Srivatsa Gargesh - 7 years ago
Joey, I feel you're stocking too much of wood in the corner (near the outputs and inputs)
Gabe Dent
Gabe Dent - 7 years ago
Luv your vids
phillip thompson
phillip thompson - 7 years ago
Dude you knew from the start all pussys like a good fish so the wife was coming back home lmao
Young Purch
Young Purch - 7 years ago
What was up with the family thing? they left you because of your hobby? You seem very depressed and sad in this video. are you okay ?
Chamaeleonx - 7 years ago
That was in the past, he said "for about 3 months". He also said that he proposed last year and is going to get married. Therefore everything should be okay.
Srivatsa Gargesh
Srivatsa Gargesh - 7 years ago
Now it's looking pretty good!
Blessed one
Blessed one - 7 years ago
Wow Thank you for sharing, lucky wife! Congratulations; -) So happyyyy for you. Can't wait to see what you do next.
Srivatsa Gargesh
Srivatsa Gargesh - 7 years ago
Joey, I feel the big to the side of the wall ( across width) isn't going that great. Try scappin it better
Deep Aquatics
Deep Aquatics - 7 years ago
Joey go forward, v r with u... Frm india...
Asnl45 - 7 years ago
It was a great way to show how much you put into the regular videos, it was great to watch.
Srivatsa Gargesh
Srivatsa Gargesh - 7 years ago
it's going all good King!
MAVERICKMAX - 7 years ago
Joey it's driftwood ...the best way to aquascape is to imagine how would it be lodged when it was underwater..the more natural the better aquascape
Sebastian Curut
Sebastian Curut - 7 years ago
your wood is extremely big?
Sean Clancy
Sean Clancy - 7 years ago
I don't really understand judging over something like this. The only thing that runs through my head watching the videos is 'that's frikken cool, I want one'
EDGY PAPIx - 7 years ago
Wait till you see my wood, my wood is extremely big ;)
cchun18 - 7 years ago
Greetings from Malaysia. Loved your video. You are most welcome to come to Malaysia!
Daniella Butler
Daniella Butler - 7 years ago
"Wait 'till you see my wood! A little warning in advance, for all you guys out there: my wood is extremely big, ya might not feel up to par once you see it" ;)


eforcanda - 7 years ago
Damn Joey much respect for someone who has such a passion for what they're doing
Lars K
Lars K - 7 years ago
Your enthusiasm is why I got back into the hobby. Thanks DIY!
NY Aquatics
NY Aquatics - 7 years ago
please recreate your first tank!!!
sakispa97 - 7 years ago
So Joey I guess this answers your question whether you should go live on facebook or youtube, here you got THOUSANDS of views
John James
John James - 7 years ago
I would love to see an Aquatic Frog tank. Praise kek.
idiotic gamer guy lol MINECRAFT
idiotic gamer guy lol MINECRAFT - 7 years ago
I missed it completely ;( it was 3:00 for me
chellshokr - 7 years ago
Don't you get overwhelmed with all the work it take to care for that many tanks especially all that care for the 2000 gallon tank?
tom mallais
tom mallais - 7 years ago
holy shit !! crazy wood man
Happy Fish
Happy Fish - 7 years ago
yeah thats a pretty sexy peace of wood
Preston T
Preston T - 7 years ago
Since I have gotten into aquaponics, Ive been watching your videos basically daily, your experience has helped out tremendously! Thanks for doing what you do!
Nancy Ware
Nancy Ware - 7 years ago
Just watched you play with your wood for over half an hour! LOL But seriously, add a few pieces close to the windows to add something to the foreground.
gunmaster 778
gunmaster 778 - 7 years ago
Nancy Ware thats the best joke today.
markie mark
markie mark - 7 years ago
Thats cool you try to keep everything clean. Good moral thinking! love your videos!
Manuel Gallaga
Manuel Gallaga - 7 years ago
let me see the real wood joey
Marveltl Legend
Marveltl Legend - 7 years ago
oooooo... somemight get in trouble
Joe - 7 years ago
I think you're pretty amazing too it's amazing what you learn and how you can apply it I have a 75 gallon brand new aquarium I just don't have the funds to set it up but a lot of my stuff I got inspired by you especially the algae curtain
Joe - 7 years ago
Congrats Joey!
The wood needs more of a flow to it. How are you going to secure it so it doesn't fall over on the fish?
jyackcon - 7 years ago
Awesome choice of wood

Can't wait to see this up and running

Congrats on everything man
You truly are an inspiration

If you don't mind me asking
where did you buy the wood? Seems impossible to find that big
xCLU7CH Cl7Yx - 7 years ago
more live streams!!!! its wayyy better to see u doing stuff live to the Fish gallery
Britt Pereira
Britt Pereira - 7 years ago
I enjoy your videos thanks for sharing.
Deacon Erin Kirk
Deacon Erin Kirk - 7 years ago
I'd like to see you do a video of all your filter builds
Eric Riddle
Eric Riddle - 7 years ago
Congrats on you and your wife Joey, that's awesome!
Lily Pattison
Lily Pattison - 7 years ago
Between 22 and 23 minutes did you swear. Sounds like you did.
Nimbis - 7 years ago
Just started getting into the hobby. I have a 50 gallon tank and my fish kept dying after 2 days. I caught a wild perch(Bluegill) about 4 inches with amazing colors. He has been alive for about 3 weeks. He eats tons of crickets.
Dawn Dawson
Dawn Dawson - 7 years ago
That is some beautiful wood! Wow! Besides crack me up!
Anon ymous
Anon ymous - 7 years ago
First minute is a dick joke. Lol
SALTY FRESH - 7 years ago
Live stream was a bit to raw for my tasting personally, otherwise very excited to see some of the details of the tank coming together.
Christopher Tierney
Christopher Tierney - 7 years ago
400k! The BOSS. Great job and Everyone spread the word. This is better than anything on cable.
Jan P.
Jan P. - 7 years ago
shouldn't the driftwood be away from the sides of the tank so you can clean better? Just curious.
jmunroe24 - 7 years ago
Good job.. just like all your vids. Looking forward to attending the 1 fish 2 fish meet up.
Roro - 7 years ago
Thank you for all the DIY videos
creegal - 7 years ago
Great...thank you!!!
Sharfin Bean
Sharfin Bean - 7 years ago
Maybe a piece in the middle? Thinking that's what looks off that it's just all along the sides.
Styleknight !
Styleknight ! - 7 years ago
sdq sdq
sdq sdq - 7 years ago
too many small piece wood , u need to make it look like a one piece , stacking it look unnatural
KurtLawrence M.
KurtLawrence M. - 7 years ago
wow at 13:51 Tom Cruise!!? Side-freaking-view oh hey Tom Made a live!
Marysol Deeley
Marysol Deeley - 7 years ago
Oh Wow! It takes me about 17 hours ish to upload a 35 min video from home. The video went well, I enjoyed it. I brought you all over my house and yard while I was working outside. Streamed really nice. Ate my battery though LOL That is going to be one Bad ass tank! Once it's full, you should throw your wife into it before climbing in with her :D You were right to get flustered by the comments. It was scrolling so fast, just a blur on my phone. No hope of reading any. Great Job Man.... You did get something to eat Eh?? .... and yes.... I stared at your wood, VERY nice :P
Nathaniel Hernandez
Nathaniel Hernandez - 7 years ago
Who thought the aquarium would be on top of the concrete not in it?
Frank Bill Salanio
Frank Bill Salanio - 7 years ago
wahahahaahahaha your wood is soooo big. omg joey. hahajajahajahahaahaha
liam wharton
liam wharton - 7 years ago
Personally I'd like to see a central island kind of scape
Jared Hedger
Jared Hedger - 7 years ago
Yeah thats what I was thinking too. The whole time he's been creating this, thats what thought he was gonna do.
Swis ArmyFist
Swis ArmyFist - 7 years ago
A round island tank so the fishes can do circles
Charley Cox
Charley Cox - 7 years ago
it would be amazing if it looked like a giant natural tree growing out from the back corner! nudge nudge! :P
Ivan Lolwing
Ivan Lolwing - 7 years ago
like the joke at the beginning
Mick Feller
Mick Feller - 7 years ago
if you ever need help with your website, I'm a developer. let me know!
Kaylee Wileman
Kaylee Wileman - 7 years ago
22:19 looks amazing
KurtLawrence M.
KurtLawrence M. - 7 years ago
joey!! Ohh sheeps i missed a lot!! look at you!! you made it to 2k gal. It's pretty insane dude just thinking 'bout the maintenance !!! u better make a farm
SRI LAKMASTER - 7 years ago
How about 360• live stream next time?
25Aditya25 - 7 years ago
Please do an update on your planted and reef tanks
Eric Riddle
Eric Riddle - 7 years ago
38:48 is not a bad look Joey
Dalton325 - 7 years ago
I think we can all agree here, that you'll deserve a hearty fist bump once your giant wood gets wet for the first time. And along that same vein. I think it would be super satisfying to see a time lapse of the tank filling up.
Chris Tierney
Chris Tierney - 7 years ago
Hey Everyone! Joey's the man! He should go on the Ellen Show, or something like that...what do you think? Joey would you do it? Biology, ecology, carpentry, a little electrical, ETC...should be in every classroom.
drblack66 - 7 years ago
Chris Tierney stuff that... the ellen show should go to him!
gutiersa - 7 years ago
won't the rays get hurt with the sharp edges of the driftwood?
Mitchell Johnson
Mitchell Johnson - 7 years ago
not sure if they have breeders in Canada or the US but a Saratoga or a barramundi would be awesome in this tank
this was the best video i have ever watched for aquascaping
Meaghan Kelly
Meaghan Kelly - 7 years ago
lmao @ wood joke
Julius Johnson
Julius Johnson - 7 years ago
Bro, because of you..... I have gone further in my fish keeping hobby and have grand future plans on how to be a bigger and better fish hobbyist. Turn your back on the haters and always do what you feel is best for you.
retchille gil mambuay
retchille gil mambuay - 7 years ago
because of joey i save huge amount of money
Eric Riddle
Eric Riddle - 7 years ago
i don't think this is live anymore buy that back piece seems to be upside down
Eric Riddle
Eric Riddle - 7 years ago
there ya go. I spoke too soon
Fishin Bros
Fishin Bros - 7 years ago
Congrats on 400k
Miguel Castro
Miguel Castro - 7 years ago
i cant wait to see this projecte full build
Moose Takumi
Moose Takumi - 7 years ago
You inspired me to start the hobby. I'm now planning to get a 100 gallon freshwater aquarium. Think a 100 gallon can fit on most sturdy plywood tables? Great videos too, keep it up!
Steven Bourgeois
Steven Bourgeois - 7 years ago
Very impressive! I look at videos like this and some of the ones from Jenny at Solid Gold and I have to wonder how the hell you manage. Especially algae control and water changes. I struggle with that, especially algae control, in my 50 gallon tank and you have so much more to deal with!!!!
Lelani Dixon
Lelani Dixon - 7 years ago
I think the larger pieces of wood have a delicacy to them and some of the smaller pieces were thicker, which may have been part of the problem with balancing the scape. Still, really amazing pieces and I'm sure once you get it the way you want it and add plants, as well as fish, this tank is going to be absolutely beautiful. I was working during the live stream, but watched the entire upload.
Paul Leahy
Paul Leahy - 7 years ago
Really enjoy your channel and learned lots from you, thanks for that! You said you are coming to Bermuda - will you be talking somewhere?
Giraffey Jackie
Giraffey Jackie - 7 years ago
Aren't you worried the arrowana will get snagged on wood?
Sarah Gillies
Sarah Gillies - 7 years ago
I have so much respect for Joey and his wife, Much love x
Donald Trump
Donald Trump - 7 years ago
I unliked ur video sorry
joeyballz7679 - 7 years ago
you'll be at reefapalooza? can't wait to see you there! watch out for us at the Mikesphyto Booth
Nathan Bonnell
Nathan Bonnell - 7 years ago
If I were scaping this tank, I'd bring the wood out away from the wall and make it look like it's growing into the middle of the tank. With it against the wall it makes the tank look flat with very little depth.
Realto Properties
Realto Properties - 7 years ago
Your an inspiration dude!
killerninjao1o - 7 years ago
It would awesome if you could do a livestream of the tank once the fish go in. I'd love to be able to watch the rays just doing there thing.
Patrick Clark
Patrick Clark - 7 years ago
I think One big pile in the middle would look nice.
ker Ok
ker Ok - 7 years ago
man I love ur channel because of u I got fishes and I watch ur every video
I love it
Zaku186 - 7 years ago
Painting the floor a sandy brown would be awesome. it would have the look of substrate but the ease of cleaning. i hop you see this comment and consider it.
Danielle Chapman
Danielle Chapman - 7 years ago
I remember you saying you will probably do an Australian tank, I'm so curious to see what fish you put in there.
I've seen people suggest some ridiculous ones that would be way too big for the size tanks you're doing along the wall. But I'm super excited to continue watching your progress.
thoms_here - 7 years ago
Great video thanks for doing it! BTW…who is "Jenny" that you were talking about meeting? Thanks!
Giraffey Jackie
Giraffey Jackie - 7 years ago
Sexy wood
Cory Burk
Cory Burk - 7 years ago
sorry I missed the stream, but I'm watching it now on my 40" tv, lol looks awesome, can't wait to see it done. stream was very touching, so glad everything worked out and congrats on the engagement! Good luck and look forward to future videos.
Jason Louis
Jason Louis - 7 years ago
what is super chat
SomethingReallyStrange - 7 years ago
Jason Louis I think it's when people donate money to comment. when live , the message stands out more which means there is a better chance that joey will see it, unlike the hundreds of comments happening all at once which joy would likely miss.
Tyrone Dunigan
Tyrone Dunigan - 7 years ago
I've noticed the trend on YouTube towards live streaming. Maybe it's my age but I find them bothersome like how the sale of Dramamine increased with MTV's jerky ADD approach to music videos. Trying to keep up with chat comments and technical difficulties takes away from the subject matter. That's my own opinion and maybe my shortcoming but I'll keep coming here for my aquarium keeping fix. Thanks Joey.
9StickNate - 7 years ago
I like the idea of the driftwood. It's open and it will not constrict flow. Lot's of areas to attach coral frags.
Mike Moretta
Mike Moretta - 7 years ago
its going to be sweet
adms2 tune
adms2 tune - 7 years ago
Try JBL test strips with the app there Quick easy and they do it all for you just dip and read!
Michael Feliciano
Michael Feliciano - 7 years ago
Liked everything about the video. Learned more about you in this one. And your became more then just another video on youtube now. You have me really interested in what's going on and can't wait to see in all finished. I would have binge watched it all by now if I could. lol I do wish you were more into saltwater/reefing though.
I'm planing on starting a 40g reef tank myself and been surfing the web/youtube for ideas.
That's how I how I found your channel It was your video on DIY Over Flow that started me watching. Anyways keep up the good work and if I see you at Reefapalooza NY I'll say hi.
Bazookaboogie - 7 years ago
Seriously love your videos- so inspiring

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