Allestimento acquario fantasy - Aquarium Setup - Aquascape: Esercitazioni Jedi STEP 1

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Most popular comments
for Allestimento acquario fantasy - Aquarium Setup - Aquascape: Esercitazioni Jedi STEP 1

see you in the bathroom
see you in the bathroom - 7 years ago
How did I get here from acrylic pouring?
Ayis Nurfareez
Ayis Nurfareez - 7 years ago
hi, the hanging ones are dragon stones, how about the one at the bottom? the same as well?
Ayis Nurfareez
Ayis Nurfareez - 7 years ago
and what is this tank size?
Taufik Hidayah
Taufik Hidayah - 7 years ago
Artur - 7 years ago
crap music
Ironjagg - 7 years ago
looks more like outland from wow to me
Lucas Blog
Lucas Blog - 7 years ago
please subscribe my channel
Ryan Hagge
Ryan Hagge - 7 years ago
would love to see an update too!!
Kevan Vu
Kevan Vu - 8 years ago
can i leave it like this and have nothing growing?
Arthur G
Arthur G - 8 years ago
Am I the only one or did watching this make you reflect on life? lol

10. comment for Allestimento acquario fantasy - Aquarium Setup - Aquascape: Esercitazioni Jedi STEP 1

Bigfoot shoe india
Bigfoot shoe india - 8 years ago
which thread has been used for the same???
nguyen luan
nguyen luan - 8 years ago
look like some scene on final fantasy
Wim Voeten
Wim Voeten - 8 years ago
Great, inspired by the floatig sky islands of the Avatar movie I think, . . . . . cool idea.
Yo - 7 years ago
Wim Voeten that's what I first thought too. dope ass movie
malcolm campbell
malcolm campbell - 8 years ago
looks like something out of world of warcraft
Kauan Gabriel
Kauan Gabriel - 8 years ago
What is the song?
Good job!
Bülent Süleyman
Bülent Süleyman - 8 years ago
good job
Richki Akbar
Richki Akbar - 8 years ago
good i like it...
Barry Febers
Barry Febers - 8 years ago
It is really just 4 minutes of putting sand in that I will never get back in my life again.
Kristine Jaggit
Kristine Jaggit - 8 years ago
What type of rocks are those and where did you get them?
Sago1985 - 8 years ago
Dragon stones ADA
headfangs - 8 years ago
+Kristine Jaggit late reply but they look like Ohko stone, you can find them on ebay and aquascaping sites.
sheila rogers
sheila rogers - 8 years ago
from start to finish, how long did this take you? AMAZING talent you have

20. comment for Allestimento acquario fantasy - Aquarium Setup - Aquascape: Esercitazioni Jedi STEP 1

loccio il lupo
loccio il lupo - 9 years ago
what is the song?? its beautiful!
carlos m. zaccaro
carlos m. zaccaro - 9 years ago
Crazy idea!!! looks great!!!
Ross Elgie
Ross Elgie - 9 years ago
Hi this is amazing, would just like to know what u used to have the rocks floating from the top
Sago1985 - 9 years ago
Tnx!! I used 3 fish line for eachone rocks.
Iwan Wirawardhana
Iwan Wirawardhana - 9 years ago
Coool! I would love to try something like this in my future aquascape!
Zone King
Zone King - 9 years ago
Wow,,, better than my aquascape
Stacy Medina
Stacy Medina - 9 years ago
thank you for the up close shots...very helpful
Tevin Tolzien
Tevin Tolzien - 9 years ago
did you use moss on the rocks? what kind?
Sago1985 - 9 years ago
+Tevin Tolzien
Fissidens Splachnobryoides (Mini Fissidens)

Fissidens Zippelianus

Fissidens Fontanus

Riccardia Chamedryfolia
iTSY0URb0YEE - 9 years ago
you have a great deffiently looks like a planet from outter space sci-fi style....very nice....i was thinking, what if you put a few little blue L.E.D. lights behind the rocks ?  it may look awesome in the dark.
Tevin Tolzien
Tevin Tolzien - 9 years ago
How many pounds of rocks did you put in?
Sago1985 - 9 years ago
+Tevin Tolzien
I don't remember axactly. I think approximately 20-25kg
Angel Varela Faroppa
Angel Varela Faroppa - 9 years ago
how you make a tiny hole in the stone to pass the thread?
Sago1985 - 9 years ago
+Angel Varela Faroppa I used the drill..

30. comment for Allestimento acquario fantasy - Aquarium Setup - Aquascape: Esercitazioni Jedi STEP 1

Angel Varela Faroppa
Angel Varela Faroppa - 9 years ago
very nice aquarium, CONGRATS!
esa841 - 9 years ago
i thinking of avatar right now!!! good job
CEFishEssentials - 9 years ago
fantastic video :-)
Mr Sabil
Mr Sabil - 9 years ago
subscribed! so beautiful, with a little mist maker on the ground  and a fidler or rainbow crabs, this will make a good sci-fi tank.. :D
عازف الآمنيات
عازف الآمنيات - 9 years ago
X-Ray Cat
X-Ray Cat - 9 years ago
Sand type you use on the water falls and name or where to get it. TY GREAT JOB!!!
qwertyuioppunto - 9 years ago
great job !
but wondering how thick fish line are you useing?
and can line keep hanging the largest rock  long term?
are rocks nomal? or somekind processed?
Sago1985 - 9 years ago
I used normal Dragon stone, you have to do just a good wash. Fish line are tested for 12 kg, the biggest rock is heavy just 2,5kg and i used 3 fish line for each rock.
ebbios - 10 years ago
Leath Jurca
Leath Jurca - 10 years ago
how are you suspending them
Sago1985 - 10 years ago
I used fishing line ;-)
Salar Gaeini
Salar Gaeini - 10 years ago
Are those made of wood or some sort of plastic molding? Could you also tell me what it is called?
Sago1985 - 10 years ago
Dragon Stone by ADA
Friendly Oak
Friendly Oak - 10 years ago
What rocks are used? Its awesome
craig hale
craig hale - 9 years ago
+Marie Albertine I love the hardscape on the bootom of the tank.
Friendly Oak
Friendly Oak - 10 years ago
Schweet! Thank you as well :)
Sago1985 - 10 years ago
Tnx!! ;-)
Dragon Stone by ADA
wollebolle1972 - 10 years ago
Looking gorgeous already.....hope you´ll hide that huge green suction tube in the front. It destroys the total picture.
Gold Vulcan
Gold Vulcan - 10 years ago
Halfway thru the vid im thinking gawsh my Oscars would destroy this hard work if this could be filled with water
thepokekid01 - 10 years ago
I don't know if you'd want to do one of these or any stylized aquascape style tanks with oscars.. its kind of against the point. Might as well say this tank would be bad for seals and nurse sharks, lol (Oscars are cool though)
you-are-the-pelican-man - 10 years ago
A school of tetras would look really good in there
omar nasser
omar nasser - 10 years ago
Aquarium is a Avatar
Yf Fong
Yf Fong - 10 years ago
Wow ! Pandora planet....
ThereThereTBKON - 10 years ago
That's so awesome! Normally I'm all for natural looking set ups, but I'm so into this!
Pyae Thar
Pyae Thar - 10 years ago
fUjiMaNia - 10 years ago
Avatar ?
wal balzan
wal balzan - 10 years ago
Thinking out side the square so to speak, love it! Opens up lots of ideas thank you!!

50. comment for Allestimento acquario fantasy - Aquarium Setup - Aquascape: Esercitazioni Jedi STEP 1

杜平 - 10 years ago
very good!
K00L VIDEOS - 10 years ago
yes that is super cool
Qlimex - 10 years ago
i like the song !
Garrett Allen
Garrett Allen - 10 years ago
Just add some scorpions (avatar helicopters) and presto AVATAR!!!!:-)
Ester Rosenblatt
Ester Rosenblatt - 10 years ago
being a scifi geek i have to say this is an awesome idea. 
Kashmoney99 - 10 years ago
Jay Caple
Jay Caple - 10 years ago
We don't get to see it as an actual tank?  lame. 
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
ok thats super cool!
cristi cristian
cristi cristian - 10 years ago
niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee   setupppppppppppppppppppppp
Nemesio soto aguilar
Nemesio soto aguilar - 10 years ago
Que bien I like !
Man toron
Man toron - 10 years ago
mini planet!!!!
Man toron
Man toron - 10 years ago
ooooooo woooowww!!!!
charles williams
charles williams - 10 years ago
reminds me of avatar
Brian Thyme
Brian Thyme - 10 years ago
Any updates?
Artur manuel Lima campos
Artur manuel Lima campos - 10 years ago
You should look for guys like james findley
Artur manuel Lima campos
Artur manuel Lima campos - 10 years ago
I can not believe you like this setup...fishtank is not the moon or whatever...u can all me square but for me a aquarium should represent nature...
SusiQf - 7 years ago
African cichlids live in lakes where there are only stones. That aside, you can make fishtanks to be whatever you like, as long as fish aren't being poisoned or harmed.
Sago1985 - 10 years ago gustibus non disputandum est..
Widia Kurnia Adi
Widia Kurnia Adi - 10 years ago
I want to set up my tank like this :D
Jakub Szymański
Jakub Szymański - 10 years ago
Very good idea, but I'd be afraid that the stone it will decrease and glass breaks :( But final effects is very amazing. 
Ziabis Oh
Ziabis Oh - 10 years ago
I am in AWE!!!! Absolutely AMAZING!!!
ichisuke ryu
ichisuke ryu - 10 years ago
i like your concept, and the idea of adding moss on the floating rock would nailed it! can you post some update?
Sago1985 - 10 years ago
You can find the update in step 2 and 3.
You can find 2 links below the description of the video with all the photo updates.
Liêm võ tấn
Liêm võ tấn - 11 years ago
this is a good idea
DanteDiablo01 - 11 years ago
Veramente geniale l'idea di appendere rocce "finte" per creare qualcosa di nuovo. Complimenti.
Sago1985 - 11 years ago
Si, ho usato una lenza da 12kg, ma ogni roccia è ancorata con 3 fili.. sia per sicurezza che per evitare che oscillino o ruotino con il flusso dell'acqua.. ;-)
Grazie ancora a te!
DanteDiablo01 - 11 years ago
A si?! Le ho anche io nel mio acquario. Vedendole oscillare nel video danno l'impressione di essere di plastica (comprensibile dato il loro peso). Hai dovuto usare un buon filo da pesca. Complimenti ancora. Ho visto tutti gli step.
Sago1985 - 11 years ago
Grazie Dante! ;-) Ma per inciso.. le rocce sono vere.. Autentiche Dragon stone. ;-)
Marcos Vazquez
Marcos Vazquez - 11 years ago
hey potreste dirmi dove hai trovato quelle rocce quelli "fluttuanti" e quelli sul pavimento?
Lil Vian
Lil Vian - 11 years ago
AVATAR ... lol ... awesome :D
Music Magician
Music Magician - 11 years ago
nice, are you adding plants? moss would be nice on those' floating stones'
Shannon mcdaniel shannon
Shannon mcdaniel shannon - 11 years ago
I thank that those r plastic hanging from ropes.lolB-)
WonderWorkStudios - 11 years ago
check out my 10 gallon tank inside a 120 gallon tank w/ 3d custom foam rock work 

search     "Amazing 3D Aquarium Background Aquascape Freshwater Tank inside Tank Custom Rock"
Sago1985 - 11 years ago
Subscribe to my channel or go to directly see the steps 2 and 3,,
Justin Stuart
Justin Stuart - 11 years ago
With water and fish please?
deadtopcat - 11 years ago
brilliant. Love it
Дмитрий Буштак
Дмитрий Буштак - 11 years ago
PetrKyd - 11 years ago
Avatar ADA :D
Sago1985 - 11 years ago
Ada Dragon stone.. serch them online in your country..
david2000821 - 11 years ago
what are the rocks made of...or where did you get them from
Riciu Adrian
Riciu Adrian - 11 years ago
The music, who's the author?
Sago1985 - 11 years ago
Thank you! But I assure you that it is very easy to do maintenance. Soon will post a video where you will see how I do the routine maintenance.
alonfire000 - 11 years ago
That looks very cool , but that is also way more work to clean the tank
HOOD SIFU - 11 years ago
yocampout - 11 years ago
killer design!
Sago1985 - 11 years ago
Sono delle Dragon stone, le puoi trovare facilmente nei negozi di acquariofilia, ma ancora più facilmente on line.. e probabilmente risparmi pure qualcosa... ;-)
Sir_Alonne - 11 years ago
Dove le trovi quelle rocce
ross shaw
ross shaw - 11 years ago
Sago1985 - 11 years ago
Ci sono i muschi ancorati vicino alle rocce. . Ci vuole tempo xke crescano, ma giarda lo step 2.. ;-) Senza nessun tipo di fertilizzazione anche la scelta delle piante si restringe molto..
carlo cecere
carlo cecere - 11 years ago
si ma se ci fossero piantine ancorate vicino alle rocce sarebbe ancora più bello
Sago1985 - 11 years ago
Thank you guys! No fish here because the tub was born breed x Caridina taiwan bee that would be preyed upon by fish .. Caridina are not cheap to be able to "sacrifice...
Darren Arnett
Darren Arnett - 11 years ago
badass need fish though. lol
Reid Smith
Reid Smith - 11 years ago
no criticism. why did you choose not to put any fish in it? a school of neon tetras or danios would bask in that tank
Reid Smith
Reid Smith - 11 years ago
awesome. pandora theme? it looks really good
Sago1985 - 11 years ago
No fish here, only Taiwan Bee..
Bore DCV
Bore DCV - 11 years ago
can the fish see the lines or what?

100. comment for Allestimento acquario fantasy - Aquarium Setup - Aquascape: Esercitazioni Jedi STEP 1

Niccolo Cicogna
Niccolo Cicogna - 11 years ago
Complimenti !
lyndon - 11 years ago
Arent you worried it will break the glass from the down pressure? tank looks amazing
Sago1985 - 11 years ago
The rocks are Dragon Ada and are supported by 3 fishing lines each one with a capacity of 12kg (36kg for rock), while the heavier rock is only 2.5 kg.
lyndon - 11 years ago
what rocks are those hanging, wont they be to heavy?
Guillaume Fischer
Guillaume Fischer - 11 years ago
Beautifull, it's the most idee of hardscape that i can see.
Jake Salt
Jake Salt - 11 years ago
also are the strings visible when filled with water
Jake Salt
Jake Salt - 11 years ago
i thought of this same idea I just haven't been able to get it to work quite yet
finn niko
finn niko - 11 years ago
Darren Loftus
Darren Loftus - 11 years ago
I cannot wait to get a larger tank and do this so it looks like Pandora from Avatar!
Sago1985 - 11 years ago
Innamorato mioooo Giggino 'o bello senza offesa è nu fotomodello, è guappo, fresco, tosto e prepotente il suo soprannome è.. Malamente!!!!!
AcquaSaur - 11 years ago
l'allievo supero' il maestro.....grande!!!!
Sago1985 - 11 years ago
I do not know exactly. I have yet to do so, but it will be a dry start ..
Doğuş Kar
Doğuş Kar - 11 years ago
What time Step2 ?

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