Aquarium Ideas - planted aquariums of Heimtiermesse 2014, Hannover, pt. 1

CLICK "Show more" for DESCRIPTION Subscribe: ‪‬ Like: ‪‬ Bookmark: ‪‬ Zoological fair Hiemtiermesse is organized every year in January in the city of Hannover in Germany. In 2014, as usual, several aquarium companies had their booths at the fair, and I filmed aquariums displayed by them. In the first part of my report I show tanks at common booth of Aquarium Tonndorf and Eheim. 00:24 - first tank at Aquarium Tonndorf booth, dimensions 100x50x50 cm (it's a classic Eheim tank, used in The Art of the Planted Aquarium aquascaping contest). Aquarium is designed by Bernd Terletzki. There is a powerhead pump, hidden in the "mountain", and sand is circulating sucked in on the bottom of the tank, and thrown out at the top of the "mountain". There is also a small LED installed on top, imitating the volcano. Plants used on the left side of the aquarium are Microsorum pteropus "Windelov". Aquarium is stocked with rummy-nose tetras Hemigrammus rhodostomus and two rams Microgeophagus ramirezi. 02:11 - very long and low tank, which would be good also for growing coral buds for marine aquarium ;) I'm not sure about the exact dimensions, but my guess would be something like 170x60x40 cm. There are at least two kinds of aquatic moss on the bottom, one of them is probably Taiwan moss, and the second one - I don't know :) Anyways, such carpet of moss requires lots of trimming, because otherwise it will grow up, and the lower parts, shaded, will slowly degrade, so after some time the whole carpet will detach itself from the substrate. Aquarium is illuminated by four Solar Stinger SunStrip LED lamps manufactured by Econlux company ( and equipped with Eheim skim 350 surface skimmer. 04:03 - Eheim Incpiria tank, arranged by Jurijs Jutjajevs. The bottom is planted mostly with Hemianthus callitrichoides, there is also some Eleocharis sp. in the back. I don't know the plants which are planted on both sides of the tank, just by the side walls - if anyone knows what species it is please let me know in the comments :) Rocks used in the layout are Seiryu stones (also known as Mini Landscape). Enjoy the video! :)

Aquarium Ideas - planted aquariums of Heimtiermesse 2014, Hannover, pt. 1 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 64

Aquascaping 11 years ago 693,764 views

CLICK "Show more" for DESCRIPTION Subscribe: ‪‬ Like: ‪‬ Bookmark: ‪‬ Zoological fair Hiemtiermesse is organized every year in January in the city of Hannover in Germany. In 2014, as usual, several aquarium companies had their booths at the fair, and I filmed aquariums displayed by them. In the first part of my report I show tanks at common booth of Aquarium Tonndorf and Eheim. 00:24 - first tank at Aquarium Tonndorf booth, dimensions 100x50x50 cm (it's a classic Eheim tank, used in The Art of the Planted Aquarium aquascaping contest). Aquarium is designed by Bernd Terletzki. There is a powerhead pump, hidden in the "mountain", and sand is circulating sucked in on the bottom of the tank, and thrown out at the top of the "mountain". There is also a small LED installed on top, imitating the volcano. Plants used on the left side of the aquarium are Microsorum pteropus "Windelov". Aquarium is stocked with rummy-nose tetras Hemigrammus rhodostomus and two rams Microgeophagus ramirezi. 02:11 - very long and low tank, which would be good also for growing coral buds for marine aquarium ;) I'm not sure about the exact dimensions, but my guess would be something like 170x60x40 cm. There are at least two kinds of aquatic moss on the bottom, one of them is probably Taiwan moss, and the second one - I don't know :) Anyways, such carpet of moss requires lots of trimming, because otherwise it will grow up, and the lower parts, shaded, will slowly degrade, so after some time the whole carpet will detach itself from the substrate. Aquarium is illuminated by four Solar Stinger SunStrip LED lamps manufactured by Econlux company ( and equipped with Eheim skim 350 surface skimmer. 04:03 - Eheim Incpiria tank, arranged by Jurijs Jutjajevs. The bottom is planted mostly with Hemianthus callitrichoides, there is also some Eleocharis sp. in the back. I don't know the plants which are planted on both sides of the tank, just by the side walls - if anyone knows what species it is please let me know in the comments :) Rocks used in the layout are Seiryu stones (also known as Mini Landscape). Enjoy the video! :)

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Most popular comments
for Aquarium Ideas - planted aquariums of Heimtiermesse 2014, Hannover, pt. 1

Forever and ever I swear!
Forever and ever I swear! - 7 years ago
For years i been wanting to have an aquarium..
Keith Yohai
Keith Yohai - 7 years ago
Personally, I really like the tanks, all of them. I have a question, isn't it a no no to mix Ram cichlids and those lil rummynose tetras?
aquarium & fish FAN
aquarium & fish FAN - 7 years ago
amazing aquarium
Heiko el-Punkt
Heiko el-Punkt - 8 years ago
Moin, ein wirklich schönes Becken. Wie hast du den "Sandvulkan" gemacht?
Hi, nice Fishtank. How did you do that "sandvolcano"?
Adi Sastra
Adi Sastra - 8 years ago
Oliver Playtime
Oliver Playtime - 8 years ago
How much would all that cost up in total?
李泓渊 - 8 years ago
Hi, I really enjoy this video clip and the music as well. Would you please tell me the name of the soundtrack?
KrispyAquascape - 8 years ago
How did they do the sand waterfall without using an air pump. I don't see any air bubbles. What kind of pump is that?
Noriel Molenilla
Noriel Molenilla - 8 years ago
exactly my question as well... my wild guess would be a small water pump. I am not sure though if the propeller can withstand sand for a long time... but based on the sand movement, it might as well be a powerhead/water pump
Melvin - 8 years ago
beautiful ..

10. comment for Aquarium Ideas - planted aquariums of Heimtiermesse 2014, Hannover, pt. 1

pett pette
pett pette - 8 years ago
One day those fishes will wake up and claim that their world was created by chance!
Keith Yohai
Keith Yohai - 7 years ago
Someone always has to make everything they see about something they believe.
Charlie Rayment
Charlie Rayment - 8 years ago
please tell me how to do the sand
Noriel Molenilla
Noriel Molenilla - 8 years ago
but this one looks like it does not use air pump (it has no bubbles)...
Charlie Rayment
Charlie Rayment - 8 years ago
Ok cool,thanks
realvipul - 8 years ago
search for HOW TO: Underwater Waterfall TUTORIAL
BURNING LION - 8 years ago
Awesome, what type of sand they use for the volcano?
Mens Haircuts
Mens Haircuts - 8 years ago
Thank you ! Aquarium is designed by Bernd Terletzki.
Anders Persson
Anders Persson - 8 years ago
Mikrogeophagus Ramirezi i just <3 them
Trung Trinh Dinh
Trung Trinh Dinh - 8 years ago
Cornelius Maximilianus
Cornelius Maximilianus - 8 years ago
WOW, I love it
Rambo Alofa
Rambo Alofa - 8 years ago
ماشاء الله . naic
PieCheeseGuy - 8 years ago
For the first scape, I bet there was a fish that went YOLO and went inside the mountain.
Gueye, Ahmed
Gueye, Ahmed - 9 years ago
how can you get the sand like volcano, really want this for my tank
Brandon Soltanovich
Brandon Soltanovich - 7 years ago
Keith Yohai just put a sponge filter on the intake.
Keith Yohai
Keith Yohai - 7 years ago
I haven't set up my own yet, but I would imagine that your filter would have to be far from the sand fall.
MR Oz - 8 years ago
trust me you might like how it looks, but it's a pain to maintain. I tried it for a week and it destroyed the impeller on my filter.

20. comment for Aquarium Ideas - planted aquariums of Heimtiermesse 2014, Hannover, pt. 1

BIO-TOP-SV - 9 years ago
удобряю вот таким образом... посмотрите..
Felix Ramason
Felix Ramason - 9 years ago
Awesome x 100 !
LoneSoldier1313 - 9 years ago
Wie haben die das beim 1. Tank gemacht mit dem Vulkan ? die Power heads sind ja eigentlich für Wasser ausgelegt oder nicht ?
Acuario4all ­
Acuario4all ­ - 9 years ago
awesome ¡¡
shrimpdv by dambez
shrimpdv by dambez - 9 years ago
Удобрения для аквариума
Santhi Steel
Santhi Steel - 9 years ago
very nice video
Анатолий Лигай
Анатолий Лигай - 9 years ago
L'aquariophilie - 9 years ago
abonnée vous! :3
potthead_TV - 9 years ago
Aquarien Pflanzen im Bund zum Bestpreis von 1.69€ und vieles mehr finden Sie bei uns im Shop.
Okra CRPF - 9 years ago
very good

30. comment for Aquarium Ideas - planted aquariums of Heimtiermesse 2014, Hannover, pt. 1

AQUAPASS - 9 years ago
Très beau _ This is very beatiful
slaQ83 - 9 years ago
I think the tank @ 2:11 is more like 120-130cm long. Since the lights say 1000mm. But I could be wrong.
josh - 9 years ago
Can't wait to get my first tank thanks for the vids some class ideas.
Ricky Blue
Ricky Blue - 9 years ago
There's just no possible way that someone could click on this and give it a thumbs down. These are absolutely amazing.
Soul free
Soul free - 10 years ago
Sand volcano is very nice !
How do you make sand circulation system?
Łukasz Krzystanek
Łukasz Krzystanek - 10 years ago
Rodrigo V. De Aquino
Rodrigo V. De Aquino - 10 years ago
Tropictank - 10 years ago
That volcano is brilliant idea!
rajeshkhushabu agarawal
rajeshkhushabu agarawal - 9 years ago
THVN vụ kj
unzicek - 10 years ago
Poor fish.
Luca. - 10 years ago
Was für pflanzen sind das die beim 2. Becken so viel sauerstoff produzieren??
electric water
electric water - 10 years ago
How on earth so you make the sand fall like that wow it's brilliant
Rafael López
Rafael López - 10 years ago
Thanks for always sharing excellent ideas and bring us joy with this incredible aquariums! :)
Addie Arnold
Addie Arnold - 10 years ago
Hey guys like African Cichlids? If you do come to my channel. Brand new channel for African Cichlid lovers! Plz subscribe for more videos! Thx!
Syed Azam Pasha
Syed Azam Pasha - 10 years ago
Simply Awesome..
Aquarium Madmax
Aquarium Madmax - 10 years ago
Aquarium Madmax
Aquarium Madmax - 10 years ago
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 10 years ago
i love the volcano on the first tank, but do not enjoy the overall scape.
on one side its conveying the idea of an active volcano rising high above everything else, on the other side the plants and wood are so big that they break that sense of scale.
Still the tank scape is amazing but it could look so much better, the other scapes look fantastic an balanced.
Akwaria Morskie
Akwaria Morskie - 10 years ago
emma stella
emma stella - 10 years ago
very cool.. ..
Aaron Williams
Aaron Williams - 10 years ago
That first tank is great!! Id love to have a volcano like that in mine, how is that done without bubbles??
Aaron Williams
Aaron Williams - 10 years ago
That first tank is great!! Id love to have a volcano like that in mine, how is that done without bubbles??

50. comment for Aquarium Ideas - planted aquariums of Heimtiermesse 2014, Hannover, pt. 1

Nualgi Aquarium
Nualgi Aquarium - 10 years ago
ELIO TUDINO - 10 years ago
excellent jas dore mais ca doit etre cher ! tout ca mois j'ais un acoiriome rien que le decor jais a jeter un bateux 100 € les decor son trais cher ses domage ca
Jesper Jørgensen
Jesper Jørgensen - 10 years ago
I am completely in love with the first aquarium!! :)
Pyae Thar
Pyae Thar - 10 years ago
Nice I like it
Kalokaghatia Antony
Kalokaghatia Antony - 10 years ago
Please have a look at my channel - at my aquariums:
250x50x30 cm planted tank
120x40x55 cm planted tank
60x30x50 cm planted tank
dennerle cube 30 L
Eva John
Eva John - 10 years ago
Cool I love this
K00L VIDEOS - 10 years ago
great fish tank!
MA FishGuy
MA FishGuy - 10 years ago
Great looking tanks.  Jealous lol. - 10 years ago
nice aquariums!
Anita Lee-Yu
Anita Lee-Yu - 10 years ago
i love this music you play...if those dislike, i think they should just put volume down..cant pls everyone!!!!
Victor Ng-Thow-Hing
Victor Ng-Thow-Hing - 11 years ago
How come there are no great aquarium shows like this in California USA? You would think there would be some interest!
Sean Kelly
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
Why don't you guys organize sth like that yourself?
theBioHouse - 11 years ago
Ugh, I wish I could get those shallow aquariums!
Benjamin Liker
Benjamin Liker - 11 years ago
Is that a twinstar? (The "waterfall")
Benjamin Liker
Benjamin Liker - 11 years ago
The twinstar nano: /watch?v=Eq6lrF4DcJg
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
"Twinstar"? What is "Twinstar"? :)
CartoonsZ Channel
CartoonsZ Channel - 11 years ago
wow stuning all tanks is epic how they did that fountain, what u think about this, if you film marine/saltwater/reef aquariums? will be great
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hey :) If there are some marine tanks, I always film them, too :) But there were none at Heimtiermesse 2014. As for the fountain, the sand is pumped by a powerhead pump hidden in the mountain. There are outlet and inlet hoses attached to the pump, which suck the sand from the bottom, and throw it out on top.
@quaHolic - 11 years ago
Awesome scapes (-;
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
True, quite interesting :)
danturbo316 - 11 years ago
Very nice. Professional. Both the tank setups and video editing
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks! :) And I also like the tanks :)
MegaKondensator - 11 years ago
Piotr możesz mi powiedzieć (jeśli wiesz) jak uzyskać taki efekt, tego jakby wodospadu z pierwszego akwarium. Przeczytalem opis fimu, ale nie dużo mi to objaśnia, mowa tylko o jakiejś pompie. Ale jakiej pompie? I ogólnie jak takie coś osiągnąć? Bardzo mi się to spodobało i chciałbym to u siebie zrealizować. Są gdzieś jakieś szczegółowe instrukcje jak takie coś zrobić?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Szczegółowych instrukcji nie ma, chyba że napiszesz bezpośrednio do Bernda Terleztkiego, który jest na Facebooku. Nie widziałem całego procesu tworzenia tej instalacji, wiem tyle ile mi powiedział Bernd na targach. Pompa to chyba po prostu głowica taka jak do filtrów turbinowych - ale nie mam pojęcia dlaczego się ona nie zaciera od piasku, być może jest on naprawdę bardzo bardzo drobny... Musiałbyś pokombinować, wziąć taką głowicę, podłączyć do niej rurki (np. kawałek węża igelitowego na wlot) i zobaczyć czy takie coś w ogóle zasysa piasek, wyrzuca go wylotem, i się przy okazji nie zaciera...
KOSE NANAT - 11 years ago
Can u stop using this annoying music pls
rontauranac - 9 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV Hello ! I like very much your videos, and I enjoy the soundtrack too. Could you please tell me who is the autor off this music ? I thank you in advance.
Stanimir Potov
Stanimir Potov - 9 years ago
+KOSE NANAT U can mute the music and turn your radio ,but it s better to change the chanel ,cuz i don t think u came here to watch aquariums and staff
Vortigren86 - 9 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV what is this audio track? Is it available ?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hmmm, I find it quite peaceful and relaxing, quite suitable for this vid... But OK, I'll think about changing it... :)
Florian Bayer
Florian Bayer - 11 years ago
Super ge macht
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Danke schön! ;)
Nausiicraaft - 11 years ago
Well-done, and nice video as always! To my mind, the second tank is a little bit unbalanced but it's still very beautiful! =)
AKWA ŁOBUZ - 11 years ago
Jestem wielkim fanem Microsorum. Jedna z moich ulubionych roślin i jakie daje możliwości. Muszę pokazać swoje gigantyczne ponad 50cm:) oraz inne gatunki:)
Akwaria świetne, ładny dywan w 2. proste i urokliwe akwarium.
Przydałoby się więcej filmów z rośliniakami:)
AKWA ŁOBUZ - 11 years ago
+Bartosz Paw  Wkrótce pokażę ją na kanale bo przesadzałem do nowego akwarium. Microsoria są jak ja to nazywam "niestatystyczne" tzn istniały od dawna w akwarystyce a niektóre z tych dawnych gatunków nazywa się nowymi, nie trzymają reguł swojej odmiany czasem stąd egzemplarze naprawdę rózne. Mam 5 odmian teraz od mini po gigantyczne, wielkiej tajemnicy nie ma bo i potrzeb roślina nie ma dużych ale zależy od źródła, jeśli kupujesz micro z hodowli wodnej to są nawożone ale jeśli od kogoś u kogo rosły bez nawożenia a wsadzisz do akwarium gdzie dbasz o minerały to potrafi dać roślina z siebie dużo:) Moje roślinne ciąłem już 3 razy chuć ma dopiero niecałe 2 miesiące bo tak wszystko rośnie. Też niedługo je pokaże bo nie mam jakoś na filmowanie czasu. Ale tak jak pisałem u mnie każda roslina pochodzi z odpowiedniego źródła, bez tego można walic głową w mur lub nigdy nie poznać prawdziwego piękna rośliniaków.
AKWA ŁOBUZ - 11 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV  Pójdźmy na kompromis i powiem "Półrośliniakami":) Lubię gęsto zarośnięte:)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Więcej filmów z roślinniakami? LOL, przecież ostatnio filmuję niemal wyłącznie roślinniaki... :)
Tiago Watanabe Tieppo
Tiago Watanabe Tieppo - 11 years ago
Fiquei curioso com aquelas plantas no canto no último aquário, se alguém souber?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Myriophyllum mattogrosense, Hemianthus callitrichoides and Eleocharis parvula.
All plants from Tropica.
Akwarystyka Dla Każdego
Akwarystyka Dla Każdego - 11 years ago
czemu nagrywasz tego typu rzeczy i nie nagrywasz jakiś poradników? 
Akwarystyka Dla Każdego
Akwarystyka Dla Każdego - 11 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV ja tam 3 lata mialem akwarium 25 (dalej mam) i nagrywam od niedawna takie sobie filmiki ale dzieki tobie i tych wystaw mam teraz fajne akwa
AKWA ŁOBUZ - 11 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV  Żeby zadowolić innych odbiorców:) hehe ale jak pisałem wyżej, mnie taki kanał a nie poradniki bardziej odpowiada i nie dlatego że ich nie potrzebuje ale uważam, ze bardziej pomocne są fora biotopowe czy klubowe, tam początkujący czy zaawansowany poradzi się konkretnie na taki temat jaki potrzebuje i zostanie skorygowany a filmik nie da się dostosować do każdego osobno wiec forum lepiej trafi w "problem".
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
+Akwarystyka Dla Każdego
Wcale nie jestem jakoś szczególnie zaawansowany. Nie na tyle, żeby mieć materiał na dziesiątki poradników. Mam w domu akwaria, ale to wszystko jest hodowlanka, a nie zbiorniki dekoracyjne. W akwariach roślinnych nigdy nie byłem dobry, nie mam ręki do tego całego nawożenia, bilansowania pierwiastków itp.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Szczerze? Bo lubię :) Po co miałbym nagrywać poradniki?
Akwarystyka Dla Każdego
Akwarystyka Dla Każdego - 11 years ago
+lobuziakDOGS wiem on chyba jeden  taki jest ale jeśli jest zaawansowany w akwarystyce duzo może pomóc początkującemu
AKWA ŁOBUZ - 11 years ago
Taką drogę wybrał:) Mnie się podoba tak jak jest, inspiracje i obserwacje - tego nigdy za wiele a poradników w necie i klubowych forach jest tyle, że każdy akwarium założy poprawnie. Do tej tv mi poradniki nie pasowałyby bo i sam kanał odbieram jako szukanie inspiracji i prezentację. No chyba, że doszedłby drugi kanał po polsku związany z lokalnym związkiem/klubem, który prezentowałby co ma i uczył jak to zrobić ale i tak moim zdaniem jest to świetny kanał.
Nyrewes - 11 years ago
Zrobisz może jakis poradnik z rybami ?
Nyrewes - 11 years ago
a no tak tak wiadomo ;D tylko naprzykład nie wiem jakiś poradnik jak dobierać ryby co robić gdy narybek jest w akwarium i rózne takie rzeczy :) ale to tylko propozycja nie zmuszam do niczego Pozdrawiam :) świetne filmiki :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Z rybami bardzo trudno się robi poradniki, bo ryby jak wiadomo głosu nie mają... ;)

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