Aquascape ADA 90P - a dream come true -
Aquascaping 10 years ago 354,478 views
Aquascape Step-by-Step Video in a ADA 90P with Redmoor Wood and Seiryu Stone Setup Specification Aquarium: ADA Cube Garden 90P: 90 x 45 x 45 Lighting: DIY LED ADA Aquasky Style CO2: US Aquaristik 2 KG + Japan 1000 Diffusor + CO2 Counter Japan Stil JBL Volcano,Volcano Mineral Powder,Environment Aquarium Soil Filter: EHEIM Prof 350T + Cal Aqua Labs Efflux G3 Cal Aqua Labs Influx X3 Plants: Eleocharis pussila Hemianthus callitrichoides Cuba Riccardia chamedryfolia Microsorum trident Anubias barteri nana "petite" Limnophila hippuroides Ludwigia arcuata - Rotala sp gree Cryptocoryne parva Cryptocoryne × willisii "nevillii" Ammania sp. `bonsai` Staurogyne repens Hygrophila pinnatifida Ranunculus inundatus
greetz BD
greetz BD
oh' thanks to your information.
greetz BD
greetz BD
10. comment for Aquascape ADA 90P - a dream come true -
greetz BD
greetz BD
greetz BD
I got it from the internet
greetz BD
grüße BD
greetz BD
layoutmaterial is to look for some aquascape stores. Or take a look at
the internet. Good Luck. ;)
greetz BD
greetz BD
thanks.. ill check it out.
well, would love to see that.
greetz BD
what happen? sold? broke? do you have another one? i'm just need some inspiration to make mine awsome.
greetz BD
greetz bd
20. comment for Aquascape ADA 90P - a dream come true -
greetz BD
But now I really need to know the title of the song that plays from 9:37.
greetz BD
greetz BD :)
greetz BD
i can never seem to find as great of pieces as you have! haha, our local store is petsmart. so not much pickings. i tend to stick tothe internet.
again amazing lay out.
greetz BD
haha touche ma man :)
greetz BD
greetz BD
greetz bd
greetz BD
30. comment for Aquascape ADA 90P - a dream come true -
greetz BD
greetz BD
greetz from Germany
Subscribe on my channel!
thank you :)
greetz from germany
greetz from germany ;)
I have a shop on Ebay "signin6686" with the almond leaves (cattapa) quality for you.form Thailand.
Here is the newest Update
Aquascape ADA 90P - a dream come true - Update 70 Days
wanna try to
and thank you :)
50. comment for Aquascape ADA 90P - a dream come true -
No it is not a new technique. Many scaper use super-glue to glued moos to the roots. But the Gel Version is better to handle.