Aquascape Contest - A'Combat Tank 300

Aquascape Contest - A'Combat Tank 300 aquascaping is the craft of arranging aquatic plants, as well as rocks, stones, cavework, or driftwood, in an aesthetically pleasing manner within an aquarium—in effect, gardening under water. Aquascape designs include a number of distinct styles, including the garden-like Dutch style and the Japanese-inspired nature style. Typically, an aquascape houses fish as well as plants, although it is possible to create an aquascape with plants only, or with rockwork or other hardscape and no plants. Although the primary aim of aquascaping is to create an artful underwater landscape, the technical aspects of aquatic plant maintenance must also be taken into consideration. Many factors must be balanced in the closed system of an aquarium tank to ensure the success of an aquascape. These factors include filtration, maintaining carbon dioxide at levels sufficient to support photosynthesis underwater, substrate and fertilization, lighting, and algae control. EDM Detection Mode by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist: FOLLOW : Fans Page : Facebook : Google + : Twitter : Flickr : Instagram : Path : Blog :

Aquascape Contest - A'Combat Tank 300 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 63

Aquascaping 7 years ago 201,040 views

Aquascape Contest - A'Combat Tank 300 aquascaping is the craft of arranging aquatic plants, as well as rocks, stones, cavework, or driftwood, in an aesthetically pleasing manner within an aquarium—in effect, gardening under water. Aquascape designs include a number of distinct styles, including the garden-like Dutch style and the Japanese-inspired nature style. Typically, an aquascape houses fish as well as plants, although it is possible to create an aquascape with plants only, or with rockwork or other hardscape and no plants. Although the primary aim of aquascaping is to create an artful underwater landscape, the technical aspects of aquatic plant maintenance must also be taken into consideration. Many factors must be balanced in the closed system of an aquarium tank to ensure the success of an aquascape. These factors include filtration, maintaining carbon dioxide at levels sufficient to support photosynthesis underwater, substrate and fertilization, lighting, and algae control. EDM Detection Mode by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist: FOLLOW : Fans Page : Facebook : Google + : Twitter : Flickr : Instagram : Path : Blog :

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Most popular comments
for Aquascape Contest - A'Combat Tank 300

Dedy Irawan
Dedy Irawan - 7 years ago
Nyubi nempelin sub 4967 plus like.
Mudah1an di sub balik hehehe...
Planarya Studio
Planarya Studio - 7 years ago
sami2 kang
Dedy Irawan
Dedy Irawan - 7 years ago
Planarya Studio Mantap..
Nuhun kang..
Planarya Studio
Planarya Studio - 7 years ago
atos kang :)
Nur Hasanah
Nur Hasanah - 7 years ago
Saya menyukainya
Planarya Studio
Planarya Studio - 7 years ago
terima kasih :)
Forrest Weiss
Forrest Weiss - 7 years ago
Anyone know what size tanks these are and where you could buy them?
Planarya Studio
Planarya Studio - 7 years ago
30x25x25cm you can buy it at the aquarium store
alex de la guia
alex de la guia - 7 years ago
Es preciso q cada 15 segundos pidas suscripcion? Q pesado
Planarya Studio
Planarya Studio - 7 years ago
I apologize if it's annoying :)
jazz Gilang
jazz Gilang - 7 years ago
Klo blh tau itu dmn bos q....?
Planarya Studio
Planarya Studio - 7 years ago
Depok bro
Tatyа Leе
Tatyа Leе - 7 years ago
Офигительно! Есть конечно и перегруженные композиции, есть не правильно и не пропорционально сделаны. Но 80% просто шик!
reiko na6ase
reiko na6ase - 7 years ago
Who makes the light used in this vid?
Planarya Studio
Planarya Studio - 7 years ago
HALICO Led lamp
flamepeace - 7 years ago
what kind of filter had this tank ?
Planarya Studio
Planarya Studio - 7 years ago
AMARA hang on filter
riccia888 - 7 years ago
fucking music

10. comment for Aquascape Contest - A'Combat Tank 300

Anthony Lowney
Anthony Lowney - 7 years ago
that music though...
Elias Barazorda
Elias Barazorda - 7 years ago
4: 25 what type of.rock are ?
Elias Barazorda
Elias Barazorda - 7 years ago
Planarya Studio
Planarya Studio - 7 years ago
fossil stone
Dragon Simsalainfi
Dragon Simsalainfi - 7 years ago
Debi Samidi
Debi Samidi - 7 years ago
nice and very beautiful
Planarya Studio
Planarya Studio - 7 years ago
thanks :)
kool aidman
kool aidman - 7 years ago
I wish I was a fish just so I can live in these
Michael Mulin
Michael Mulin - 7 years ago
Planarya Studio
Planarya Studio - 7 years ago
Amara Hang On
Michael Mulin
Michael Mulin - 7 years ago
haha and not a single tank has that gay red led light bulbs that "supposedly" make plants grow faster. yet all the units with these faggoty red bulbs cost $100-200 minimum while a normal one costs $30. Get rekt.
ZOR Zweet boy
ZOR Zweet boy - 7 years ago
how much
Natasha Medellin
Natasha Medellin - 7 years ago
These are fantastic, I just wish that they were better fish in them
Ezha Sucie
Ezha Sucie - 7 years ago
kalo ada kontes2 lagi bagi infonya dong om
Planarya Studio
Planarya Studio - 7 years ago
bisa gabung di FB group IAS Official atau AQUASCAPE untuk info terbaru

20. comment for Aquascape Contest - A'Combat Tank 300

Aquatica Tropic
Aquatica Tropic - 7 years ago
the intro song makes me want to watch some old king of DIY vids
HensenLaurinCuber - 7 years ago
Nama Merk filter nya apa om?
Planarya Studio
Planarya Studio - 7 years ago
klo ga salah amara om
Agus Triyono
Agus Triyono - 7 years ago
keren bgt..
Planarya Studio
Planarya Studio - 7 years ago
thank's :D
Fish Chris
Fish Chris - 7 years ago
Some of these are very nice, but I'd have picked the nicest 15 or so, and made it a 5 minutes video. Also, I watched for 12 minutes, and never found out who won ??? Finally, I get that these were probably set up this same day, or maybe the day before, but so many cloudy tanks. I'd have ran a diatomaceous filter on mine for about 30 minutes after the setup, and mine would have been the only gin clear setup in the whole darn show !!!
MrPepelongstockings - 7 years ago
4:05, winner of the "everybody gets a trophy" award.
joelioes - 7 years ago
I assume he was just trying to re-create fogs ... lol .... oh well.. we'll never know
iLoveTurtlesHaha - 7 years ago
MrPepelongstockings LMAO
AlwaysChangingMind - 7 years ago
asking us to subscribe every 20 sec will actually make me NOT want to sub
Jake Foster
Jake Foster - 7 years ago
how many gallons are each tank? they look like 5g if I'm not mistaken.
Shaked Problemsof
Shaked Problemsof - 7 years ago
music ruined the video
Planarya Studio
Planarya Studio - 7 years ago
hahaha I'm sorry :D
Nabhan Syah
Nabhan Syah - 7 years ago
Planarya Studio
Planarya Studio - 7 years ago
siap bang :D
Nabhan Syah
Nabhan Syah - 7 years ago
Planarya Studio ok siap... dtunggu kabar selanjutnya...
Planarya Studio
Planarya Studio - 7 years ago
insyaallah september, nunggu keputusan paketu rekki. TDS harus ikut ya :D
Nabhan Syah
Nabhan Syah - 7 years ago
Planarya Studio jieah... sama² aa arya....
Planarya Studio
Planarya Studio - 7 years ago
thank's bang, TDS yg mantap. Depok punya :D
Haoko - 7 years ago
Very nice!
But also very bad music :P
Planarya Studio
Planarya Studio - 7 years ago
hahahaha thank you :p

30. comment for Aquascape Contest - A'Combat Tank 300

Anthony Clark
Anthony Clark - 7 years ago
awesome how many lt are the tanks?
Ming Xu
Ming Xu - 7 years ago
Very very beautiful tank, I love it.
Planarya Studio
Planarya Studio - 7 years ago
thank's :D
Sans Yo
Sans Yo - 7 years ago
so which one was the winner?
Planarya Studio
Planarya Studio - 7 years ago
i'm so sorry I forgot which tank won
Gb J
Gb J - 7 years ago
dang. some sick aquascapes... wonder which one won?
Agus Trianto
Agus Trianto - 7 years ago
Gb J No doubt 4:06 this one win the contest
Planarya Studio
Planarya Studio - 7 years ago
yaaa, but i'm so sorry I forgot which tank won
Manny DeFelice
Manny DeFelice - 7 years ago
Wow that's beautiful
Planarya Studio
Planarya Studio - 7 years ago
OG`s Fishroom
OG`s Fishroom - 7 years ago
Great Video lets subscribe to each other.
GeekFish - 7 years ago
Some really great set ups... insiparation
1234 1234
1234 1234 - 7 years ago
Planarya Studio
Planarya Studio - 7 years ago
mrpuddlemrpuddle - 7 years ago
Are none of these tanks using CO2? I see a lot of baby tears I would assume they need direct injection. What technique are they using?
IllegalAlien51 - 7 years ago
You do not necessarily need pressurized co2 injection for baby tear, they can do fine with co2 tablets or liquid such as flourish excel.
mrpuddlemrpuddle - 7 years ago
I guess on a nano, everyday change is ok. I think that would drive me crazy on a larger tank. Thanks for the reply.
Planarya Studio
Planarya Studio - 7 years ago
This is just aquascape contest so do not use co2 injections. If you do not use co2 injection can be done by changing the water every day
Jadren Aquatics
Jadren Aquatics - 7 years ago
Man those are some beautiful tank designs. Thanks for sharing. New Sub!
Planarya Studio
Planarya Studio - 7 years ago
thank's :D
Izuel Gates
Izuel Gates - 7 years ago
ini dimana om?
Izuel Gates
Izuel Gates - 7 years ago
mantap om
Planarya Studio
Planarya Studio - 7 years ago
Izuel Gates depok om
Florentino John Tecson
Florentino John Tecson - 7 years ago
awesome layout
Planarya Studio
Planarya Studio - 7 years ago
thank's :)
nice name
nice name - 7 years ago
very good!
Planarya Studio
Planarya Studio - 7 years ago
thank's :)
MusicyOfficial - 7 years ago
Amazing video :)
Planarya Studio
Planarya Studio - 7 years ago
thank's :)

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The "Aquascape Contest - A'Combat Tank 300" video is part of the freshwater, aquascaping category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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