Aquascaping Aquarium Ideas from The Art of the Planted Aquarium
Aquascaping 7 years ago 11,286 views
Best planted aquariums arranged for the aquascaping contest "The Art of the Planted Aquarium". Dimensions of aquariums are 100x50x50 cm, there are Eheim external filters and T5 fluorescent lamps used. No LED lighting used, becasue back then this type of aquarium illumination was not so popular as it is today. Neither CO2 supply systems nor aquarium plants fertilizers are used during the exhibition. There are aslo no fish in the aquariums, because they are forbidden by the rules of the contest. First, they could cause additional troubles, second, they would distract the viewers from admiring the aquascapes. Aquascaping / Aquarium Ideas from The Art of the Planted Aquarium/ Relaxing Ocean Aquarium Tank & Relax Music
Is there any way to avoid this?