Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from ZooBotanica 2012, part 4
Aquascaping 12 years ago 411,665 views
FACEBOOK: YOUTUBE: PAGE: Fourth part of my report from ZooBotanica 2012 fair, organized in Wrocław, Poland. I present the last fragment of aquarium exhibition prepared by members of fishkeepers' forums and associations. Small freshwater stingray, planted nanoaquarium, and several interesting biotope aquariums, including south American black water and south Asian mountain stream. Some names mentioned in the video (I'm not sure about my pronounciation): Potamotrygon motoro, Aequidens rivulatus, Carassius gibelio, Kryptoheros cutteri, Echinodorus magdalensis, Panaque sp., Channa lucius, Channa pulchra. If you have any questions, write them in the comments! :)
10. comment for Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from ZooBotanica 2012, part 4
20. comment for Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from ZooBotanica 2012, part 4
And wehre can i get it?
30. comment for Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from ZooBotanica 2012, part 4
Below a link to the movie of my aquascaping valley
Aquascaping valley Part 6
philip bultereys
50. comment for Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from ZooBotanica 2012, part 4
100. comment for Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from ZooBotanica 2012, part 4