Aquascaping - Lost Space

Setup Title: Lost Space. Tank Size: 120 x 45 x 50 cm (L x W x H) -- 225 litres. Lighting: 39W T5 HO 6500k x 2 + 39W T5 HO 4200k x 1 + 14W T5 6000k LED (224 Leds - Innoyara) x 2 + 14W T5 LED - WaterGrow (224 Leds - Innoyara) x 1 -- 11 hours Filtration, CO2 and Additional Information: External Filter: EHEIM Professional 3 2075 (1250l/h); Aquarium Heater EHEIM (Jäger) 150W; CO2 -- Pressurized CO2 System (Bottle CO2 2kg + regulator Co2 profissional TMCaquaGro), 10 houres per day, 5 bubbles per second; UV Steriliser JEBO 11w (8 houres per week). Plant Fertilization and Water Maintenance: ADA Green Brighty Special Lights; ADA Brighty K; ELOS Terra Uno; Tropica Plant Nutrition + (N, P); Flourish excel; Nutrafin Aqua + Plus; Nutrafin cycle. Plants: Alternanthera reineckii mini; Blyxa japónica; Eleocharis parvula; Glossotigma elatinoides; Hemianthus micranthemoides; Heteranthera zozterifolia; Ludwigia glandulosa; Pogostemon helferi; Pogostemon stellata (eusteralis); Proserpinaca palustris cuba; Riccia fluitans; Rotala rotundifólia; Rotala sp. Green; Staurogyne repens. Fish: Caridina multidentata (8); Crossocheilus siamensis (3); Otocinclus affinis (5) Paracheirodon axelrodi (19); Trigonostigma espei (8). Substrate: ADA Power Sand M+S; JBL AquaBasis Plus; ELOS Terra Zero; Akada Shaolin Decorative Materials: Shales stones; Red Moor Wood. Videos: Aquarium in 07/07/20010: External Filter Maintenance (24/10/2012) Part 1-2: Part 2-2:

Aquascaping - Lost Space sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1

Aquascaping 12 years ago 33,534 views

Setup Title: Lost Space. Tank Size: 120 x 45 x 50 cm (L x W x H) -- 225 litres. Lighting: 39W T5 HO 6500k x 2 + 39W T5 HO 4200k x 1 + 14W T5 6000k LED (224 Leds - Innoyara) x 2 + 14W T5 LED - WaterGrow (224 Leds - Innoyara) x 1 -- 11 hours Filtration, CO2 and Additional Information: External Filter: EHEIM Professional 3 2075 (1250l/h); Aquarium Heater EHEIM (Jäger) 150W; CO2 -- Pressurized CO2 System (Bottle CO2 2kg + regulator Co2 profissional TMCaquaGro), 10 houres per day, 5 bubbles per second; UV Steriliser JEBO 11w (8 houres per week). Plant Fertilization and Water Maintenance: ADA Green Brighty Special Lights; ADA Brighty K; ELOS Terra Uno; Tropica Plant Nutrition + (N, P); Flourish excel; Nutrafin Aqua + Plus; Nutrafin cycle. Plants: Alternanthera reineckii mini; Blyxa japónica; Eleocharis parvula; Glossotigma elatinoides; Hemianthus micranthemoides; Heteranthera zozterifolia; Ludwigia glandulosa; Pogostemon helferi; Pogostemon stellata (eusteralis); Proserpinaca palustris cuba; Riccia fluitans; Rotala rotundifólia; Rotala sp. Green; Staurogyne repens. Fish: Caridina multidentata (8); Crossocheilus siamensis (3); Otocinclus affinis (5) Paracheirodon axelrodi (19); Trigonostigma espei (8). Substrate: ADA Power Sand M+S; JBL AquaBasis Plus; ELOS Terra Zero; Akada Shaolin Decorative Materials: Shales stones; Red Moor Wood. Videos: Aquarium in 07/07/20010: External Filter Maintenance (24/10/2012) Part 1-2: Part 2-2:

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Most popular comments
for Aquascaping - Lost Space

Rozkminy Akwarystyczne TV
Rozkminy Akwarystyczne TV - 8 years ago
Hugo Mondragon G
Hugo Mondragon G - 9 years ago
nice looking tank bro
Michael Gumm
Michael Gumm - 9 years ago
well done man...
Tropictank - 10 years ago
Excellent plants with perfect contrast!
David B
David B - 10 years ago
Congratlations!, you are very goog in aquascaping. Really beautiful.
Andy G
Andy G - 10 years ago
Nice, the fish really like the left side :)
robert lucero
robert lucero - 10 years ago
What are the bushy background plants?
Rachael Dai
Rachael Dai - 10 years ago
That is a beautiful tank! What plants did you use???
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 10 years ago
that scape is amazing.

10. comment for Aquascaping - Lost Space

Hiron 681
Hiron 681 - 10 years ago
Equilibrim perfect.....very nice
Love eachother
Love eachother - 11 years ago
Looks like those fish arent feeling well
jjmnunes2 - 10 years ago
They are ok :)
CartoonsZ Channel
CartoonsZ Channel - 11 years ago
how plants produce so much oxygen what you doing for them can you give some tips please my plants are not so green and produce 1 buble in 2 hour maybe:| do you use Co2? and is light important for plant to be so green and produce so much oxygen 
Hervé REINHARDT - 11 years ago
Introducing the "lemonade tank"... :) By looking at such a beauty I sometimes wonder about using crystal-clear water instead of black one for my asiatic fishes...I used to consider tourb, catappa leaves & so on as necessary for healthy and secured fishes, as well as floating plants, howerer, most planted tanks should allow a good maintain without it...and as a result, a far better growth for the plants just like here. Very beautiful and inspiring tank!      
CartoonsZ Channel
CartoonsZ Channel - 11 years ago
what is name of that white plant? at 4:03
jjmnunes2 - 11 years ago
Riccia fluitans
MaelstromFilm - 11 years ago
+jjmnunes2 Sweet holy mother of pearling...
jjmnunes2 - 11 years ago
The plant is not white. Oxygen bubbles are leaving from the Riccia fluitans :)
@quaHolic - 11 years ago
stunning ;-)
kakaboom55 - 11 years ago
The fish, It's trying to tell you something!!
Gabriel Perez
Gabriel Perez - 11 years ago
That's a really beautiful tank
tristan - 11 years ago
nevermind haha
jjmnunes2 - 11 years ago
Hi. Please see the details of this video. I have all the information you need. The plants are: Alternanthera reineckii mini; Blyxa japónica; Eleocharis parvula; Glossotigma elatinoides; Hemianthus micranthemoides; Heteranthera zozterifolia; Ludwigia glandulosa; Pogostemon helferi; Pogostemon stellata (eusteralis); Proserpinaca palustris cuba; Riccia fluitans; Rotala rotundifólia; Rotala sp. Green; Staurogyne repens.

20. comment for Aquascaping - Lost Space

tristan - 11 years ago
what plants are you using? :)
jjmnunes2 - 11 years ago
Hi. To make this video, I removed the tubes but here is my other video, you can see where they are: My Planted Aquarium.wmv
Zachary Braverman
Zachary Braverman - 11 years ago
Beautiful tank. Where are the input/output tubes for the filters?
jjmnunes2 - 11 years ago
Hi. By my experience, the effect you see is achieved by increasing the light. I use pressurized CO2, but only when I have extremely light, the bubbles from the plants come out. I don’t know if I’m responding your question. Thanks for your commentary.
jjmnunes2 - 11 years ago
Hi. I use a vacuum gravel cleaner. It’s easy. You can search in the net some examples. Tanks
Imthebossofme - 11 years ago
Amazing tank :) Can you tell or point me to some resources that would tell me how to achieve that bubble effect with the CO2?
jjmnunes2 - 12 years ago
Hi, I only use this: ADA Green Brighty Special Lights and ADA Brighty K – 2 pushes per day. I use also Tropica Plant Nutrition + (N, P). At the time, 5ml once a week, but now I change to Tropica Plant Grow Premium Fertiliser, same dose.
Phil Grady
Phil Grady - 12 years ago
Great Tank! Are you using macro fertilizers? and if so, how often do you dose?
N-Polo 137
N-Polo 137 - 12 years ago
how do you do to clean the ground out??
Sean Durrant
Sean Durrant - 12 years ago
I started off at 1 Bubble Per Second and was told that was way too much. Is it all a matter of trial and error?

30. comment for Aquascaping - Lost Space

jjmnunes2 - 12 years ago
Hi, yes i use CO2: 5 bubbles per second.
Sean Durrant
Sean Durrant - 12 years ago
Beautiful tank..... Do you use CO2?
jjmnunes2 - 12 years ago
Hi. I use this: 39W T5 HO 6500k x 2 + 39W T5 HO 4200k x 1 + 14W T5 6000k LED (224 Leds - Innoyara) x 2 + 14W T5 LED - WaterGrow (224 Leds - Innoyara) x 1 – 11 hours. :)
kye88 - 12 years ago
this is Beautiful. the cardinals remind me of fairies in a forest. what type of lighting are you using and how many tubes.

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