Aquascaping - Planted Aquariums of Aqua Design Amano Deutschland, Heimtiermesse 2013, Hannover
Aquascaping 11 years ago 167,023 views
FACEBOOK: YOUTUBE: PAGE: Planted aquarium displayed at the booth of Aqua Design Amano Deutschland - a German division of Aqua Design Amano company, specializing in nature aquariums. There were five aquariums displayed at the booth, most of them were arranged by Adrie Baumann from aquascaping Symphony. The first tank was ADA Cube Garden 45x27x30 cm, with a hardscape composed of ADA Hornwood and Seiryu stones. The second aquarium was ADA Mini M, dimensions 36x22x26 cm, arranged by Jurijs Jutjajevs from Aquascaping Company. On the bottom there were Hemianthus callitrichoides, Riccia fluitans and some Marsilea sp., the stemmed plants were Ammania sp. Bonsai, and the grass-like plants around the rocks were Echinodorus tenellus and Eleocharis parvula. The rocks were black African Pagoda. The third layout, dimensions of the aquarium 60x30x36 cm, was based on Red Moor driftwood. On the bottom there were clumps of Riccia, Hygrophila pinnatifida and some species of Cryptocoryne, and around the driftwood numerous Anubias nana and Bolbitis heudelotii were planted. Finally, two last aquariums, both of the size 36x22x26 cm (again ADA Cube Garden Mini M), were arranged in totally different way. The left one had some driftwood sticking above the water surface, and the whole composition was skewed towards the right side. Plants used: Glossostigma elatinoides, Anubias sp., Rotala wallichii, Hygrophila pinnatifida, Hydrocotyle tripartita, Eleocharis accicularis and Cryptocoryne parva. Very good tank, one of the best made by Adrie, in my opinion. The right aquarium was a rather rocky layout, with "Seegebirge" stones arranged in a form of rocky overhang. Almost whole aquarium was planted with Hemianthus callitrichoides, there was only one group of another plant, Hemianthus micranthemoides, behind the rock. All aquariums were illuminated by new ADA AquaSky LED lamps.
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