Aquascaping Ideas from Interzoo2016
Aquascaping 8 years ago 113,500 views
We visited again the pet fair InterZoo in Nürnberg, Germany. There were like last time very interesting aquascapes, beautiful planted tanks and lots of reef aquariums. For more information on our discus hatchery, as well as videos and photos of our discus check out this: ► Website: PEALSE COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL IF YOU LIKE ;)
Tony Anderson - Dwell
10. comment for Aquascaping Ideas from Interzoo2016
20. comment for Aquascaping Ideas from Interzoo2016
Echt toll gemacht!
Bei den Bildern würde wohl JEDER Normalsterbliche sofort vom Aquariumfieber gepackt werden. Würde dementsprechend mehr Geld in die Händlerkassen spülen, aber nein - nur für Fachbesucher... :(
This video is beautiful and well done. Congratulations once again.
30. comment for Aquascaping Ideas from Interzoo2016
I'm guessing thats why theres only one type of zipper in the world - otherwise many many people wouldn't be able to figure out how to keep their pants up, jackets on, etc... stupid rich people...