Aquascaping Lab - Arowana Silver and Dragon fish, Osteoglossum Bicirrhosum, Scleropages description
Aquascaping 8 years ago 25,579 views
SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: ENGLISH: Aquasacaping Lab by Tommaso Perini and Serena Sacchi present a video tutorial on description and technical sheet of Osteoglossum Bicirrhosum and Scloropages Formosus commonly called Arowana Silver, black and Dragon fish. It derives from prehistory Osteoglossidae family and we can find in the Amazon River, in Asia, Australia, and Africa, although similar to each other have different characteristics. The most known and used in the aquarium are the Silver and Black Arowana (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum and Osteoglossum ferreirai) and Asian Arowana Dragon Fish (Scleropages formosus). Other famous species are: Osteoglossum ferreirai, Heteriotis niloticus,Saratoga, Barramundi, Scleropages jardini, Scleropages leichardti, Arapaima gigas, pirarucu, jurassic fish. It' a fish that reaches imposing dimensions, from 60 cm to 1 meter and 6 kg weight. Has an elongated and tapered and body, covered with very large scales, the dorsal and anal fins are usually merge with the tail fin, he has two barbels at the end of the lower jaw, with which senses the vibrations at the surface, where it likes to stay and preying. It is very impetuous but intelligent and will give you a lot of satisfaction. As adults are gray-silver, the Asian Arowana are in various colors which are: Gold (gold, from Malaysia), Gold-Red Tail and Red (Gold-red tail, Indonesia and red), Green (green, from Vietnam, Burma, Thailand, Malaysia) .It has a big mouth and a tongue composed of bone and teeth, which he uses as a weapon to bite and swallow large prey, hence the name Ostoglossidae, also has the ability to use the swim bladder as an accessory breathing organ. He lives a long, up to 20 years. Are very aggressive and territorial,can live only with big catfish cleaners, large cichlids like the Oscar or freshwater stingrays, obviously in very large aquariums. The tank will need to be developed on the length and from 700 to 1000 liters, attention are jumpers, so using closed tank and free from excessive furnishings, is obviously not a suitable fish for lovers of aquascaping and details aesthetic in the aquarium. It needs a good filtration system and frequent water changes, the water flow in the tank does not have to be strong and not too light. There is no sexual dimorphism between male and female, they are oviparous and fertilization is external, are male oral incubators, and the fry after 60 days on release have a 6/5 cm size. Reproduction in the aquarium is very difficult or impossible. They are carnivorous fish, in nature they eat live food such as small fish, insects and birds, we're going to provide from fry dry food and mosquito larvae, then small pieces of frozen fish, squid, shrimp, crickets, moths, and frogs. Price to purchase: from 20 to 30 € for small Silver Arowana to 100 as an adult, for the Asian race we will also rise above the thousands of euros. Maximum size: 60 - 100 cm Swim Level: high total Ideal temperature range: 24°- 29 ° Celsius PH range: 4.5 - 6.5 GH range: 5 ITALIANO: Aquascaping Lab di Tommaso Perini e Serena Sacchi presenta un video tutorial sulla descrizione e scheda tecnica del pesce Arowana comunemente chiamato pesce dragone. deriva dalla preistorica famiglia Ostoglossidae e a sconda della specie possiamo trovarlo nel Rio delle Amazzoni, in Asia, in Australia, ed in Africa, anche se simili tra loro hanno caratteristiche diverse. E' un pesce che raggiunge dimensioni imponenti, dai 60 cm a 1 metro e i 6 kg di peso, in alcuni stati, per determinate razze. Da adulti sono grigio-argentati, mentre invece per quanto riguarda l' arowana asiatica esistono varie colorazioni. È dotata di una grande bocca e una lingua composta da osso e denti, che usa come arma per mordere e ingoiare grosse prede, da qui il nome Ostoglossidae, ha inoltre la possibilità di utilizzare la vescica natatoria come organo accessorio di respirazione. Vive a lungo, fino a 20 anni. Sono molto aggressivi e territoriali, gli unici pesci compatibili, sono grandi pulitori catfish, ciclidi come oscar oppure le razze d acqua dolce, ovviamente in acquari molto grandi. La vasca dovrà essere sviluppata sulla lunghezza e dai 700 ai 1000 litri a causa delle sue dimensioni, attenzione sono saltatori per natura, quindi utilizza vasche coperte e prive di eccessivi arredi, non è ovviamente un pesce adatto per gli amanti dell' aquascaping e dei dettagli estetici in acquario. Necessita di un ottimo sistema di filtrazione e frequenti cambi d' acqua, la corrente in vasca non deve essere forte e illuminazione non eccessiva. Sono carnivori, mangiano cibo vivo come piccoli pesci, insetti e uccelli, noi andremo a fornirgli da avannotti cibo secco e larve di zanzara, poi piccoli pezzi di pesce congelato, totani, gamberetti, grilli, camole e rane.
10. comment for Aquascaping Lab - Arowana Silver and Dragon fish, Osteoglossum Bicirrhosum, Scleropages description
if maybe something for diseases
5 guppy
4 corydoras
6/7 neon
2 mangia alghe oppure 1 pesce gatto
5/6 caridine
Secondo voi sono troppi oppure posso metterci anche altro? Grazie in anticipo e complimenti per i video ;D