Aquascaping with&without Co2
Aquascaping 11 years ago 60,876 views
I wanted to discuss how using C02 with my aquascaping drastically improves the health of my plants..While it's true you can have a stunning aquascape without Co2 ,it's important to have the right expectations when deciding not to use Co2..Most plants used in the hobby grow much better emersed,yet we want them to be something different..Co2 is important to keep submerged growth plants as healthy as possible..Just me experience anyway..Let me know what you guys think.. Contest coming soon!! Thanks to ALL my subscribers.. Here's the link to the store..
denoting or characteristic of an aquatic plant reaching above the surface of the water.
denoting or characteristic of an aquatic plant reaching above the surface of the water.
DIY co2, though cheap, but might work if you have patience. The only downside is the inconsistent supply of co2. You gotta yet a right amount of yeast to water to sugar ratio so that you'd get a decent amount of co2. But as the yeast die out, you don't get co2 as much. Like I say, you need to have patience.
I would suggest you get a paintball tank and an aquatek mini regulator. Now, pressured co2 were never cheap, but paintball is only about $30 and the regulator is about $80, water proof tubing is about $10, diffuser is about $5 and bubble counter + check value is about $5. Total is about $130. This is a reasonable cost a cheap pressurized co2 and trust me, it's worth it! I'm currently using this paintball method and could not be happier!
10. comment for Aquascaping with&without Co2
I envy some beautiful non-Co2 aquascapes i have seen. Merely for the fact i can't do the same, tried last year and it was not a bad scape, but everything happens so slow without co2, and remains mostly unchanged , ended up upgrading for co2 and high light.
Good info as always MrMom and hope to see those tanks back in good shape.
Personally, I've never run CO2 on any of my tanks. But then again I've got mostly Anubias and Java Fern at the moment which are very undemanding plants.
Thanks for this video!
20. comment for Aquascaping with&without Co2
the same mine :)