Aquascaping with&without Co2

I wanted to discuss how using C02 with my aquascaping drastically improves the health of my plants..While it's true you can have a stunning aquascape without Co2 ,it's important to have the right expectations when deciding not to use Co2..Most plants used in the hobby grow much better emersed,yet we want them to be something different..Co2 is important to keep submerged growth plants as healthy as possible..Just me experience anyway..Let me know what you guys think.. Contest coming soon!! Thanks to ALL my subscribers.. Here's the link to the store..

Aquascaping with&without Co2 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 34

Aquascaping 11 years ago 60,876 views

I wanted to discuss how using C02 with my aquascaping drastically improves the health of my plants..While it's true you can have a stunning aquascape without Co2 ,it's important to have the right expectations when deciding not to use Co2..Most plants used in the hobby grow much better emersed,yet we want them to be something different..Co2 is important to keep submerged growth plants as healthy as possible..Just me experience anyway..Let me know what you guys think.. Contest coming soon!! Thanks to ALL my subscribers.. Here's the link to the store..

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Most popular comments
for Aquascaping with&without Co2

Curt and Lindsey
Curt and Lindsey - 7 years ago
My Sp Japan grew great with Flourish Excel. Just hooked up a c02 setup on the tank. Excited to see how my Sp Japan and S Repens respond.
Josh Williams
Josh Williams - 7 years ago
That Dana White
Lilith Ira
Lilith Ira - 7 years ago
How do you clean a tank like this? Do you carefully remove everything?
Ian Smale
Ian Smale - 9 years ago
Immersed and submerged mean the same thing - under water -.
Ian Smale
Ian Smale - 9 years ago
+D rB Yes, the word is Emersed!
D rB
D rB - 9 years ago
+Ian Smale Emersed.

denoting or characteristic of an aquatic plant reaching above the surface of the water.
fione expayolice
fione expayolice - 9 years ago
great video. Thanks!
pusc1f3r - 9 years ago
I really like the tips you have, stargrass I never really thought of but it looks sweet and I'm considering adding it to my setup since the cuba ain't taking...
Joni Solis
Joni Solis - 10 years ago
+Mrmomtanks Could you add a link to this video's description to a video about getting started with CO2 for beginners? Do you have a video about using the paint ball CO2 tanks? Also what about the CO2 tablets -- do they work? See Islandsonudzz's question below. Thanks!
11OBlitzO11 - 10 years ago
Correct me if I am wrong but aren't submersed and immersed synonyms ?
D rB
D rB - 9 years ago
+11OBlitzO11 Emersed.

denoting or characteristic of an aquatic plant reaching above the surface of the water.
Islandsoundzz - 10 years ago
What are your thoughts on Co2 tablets vs the DIY or Pressurized method?
xxSourWingxx - 9 years ago
+Islandsoundzz in my experience, Pressurized co2 > DIY co2 > co2 tablets.

DIY co2, though cheap, but might work if you have patience. The only downside is the inconsistent supply of co2. You gotta yet a right amount of yeast to water to sugar ratio so that you'd get a decent amount of co2. But as the yeast die out, you don't get co2 as much. Like I say, you need to have patience.

I would suggest you get a paintball tank and an aquatek mini regulator. Now, pressured co2 were never cheap, but paintball is only about $30 and the regulator is about $80, water proof tubing is about $10, diffuser is about $5 and bubble counter + check value is about $5. Total is about $130. This is a reasonable cost a cheap pressurized co2 and trust me, it's worth it! I'm currently using this paintball method and could not be happier!

10. comment for Aquascaping with&without Co2

theBioHouse - 11 years ago
You can do a full carpet glosso on Non-CO2! The growth will take a very long time, but you need good lighting and soil.  You can check out my good friend's 20 gallon shrimp aquarium in my channel, he had his glosso grown no CO2, no excel, no fertilizers.  Regular water change is very important!
theBioHouse - 11 years ago
+Mrmomtanks Ya for sure.  Growing glosso without co2 has some advantages for some people. They stay low, small, and less work required to maintain due to slow growth.  I wouldn't say CO2 grows plants "better", but it's definitely different.
Mrmomtanks - 11 years ago
yes it can be done.for most the people that call my store though and want me to give them the BEST  way to grow these things I tell them to get co2.Most people are'nt willing to wait..And everything grows better obviously with Co2......Thanks for commenting 
Phillip Lee
Phillip Lee - 11 years ago
What shrimp are those?
Money - 11 years ago
great vid man , my planted tanks are a joke atm , been more focused on the fish , planted tanks are tough man ill give ya that! , thoes planted tanks would be great pair tanks for angels/discus if you ever want to maximize your profits , not shure how co2 reacts with fry but its worth a shot lol , maby one day we can buy plecos and other live fish off your store aswell
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 11 years ago
I agree, I thought about not running Co2 and that thought lasted less than a second. It helps no matter what. Can't wait for the contest.
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 11 years ago
Nice video.
I envy some beautiful non-Co2 aquascapes i have seen. Merely for the fact i can't do the same, tried last year and it was not a bad scape, but everything happens so slow without co2, and remains mostly unchanged , ended up upgrading for co2 and high light.
Good info as always MrMom and hope to see those tanks back in good shape.
Bigmunoz11 - 11 years ago
great tip. know your expectations love it
jeremiemcd - 11 years ago
I really miss yours and jflesh s aqua scapes, im glad your bussiness is going good and keeping you busy, but we need to see the old Mrmom and jflesh back in scapeing there personal tanks =), great vid
Aquatasy - 11 years ago
I'm not a big fan of Stargrass, but you may turn me into one yet.  That's a sweet looking tank.  I'm glad you talked about how most of the plants we use submerged in our scapes normally grow immersed in nature.  It's really important to keep that in mind.

Personally, I've never run CO2 on any of my tanks.  But then again I've got mostly Anubias and Java Fern at the moment which are very undemanding plants.

Thanks for this video!
TheRick2325 - 11 years ago
The plants looks so good in that tank
SeriousMonster1 - 11 years ago
What do you think of flourish excel

20. comment for Aquascaping with&without Co2

NeMo - 11 years ago
I love the videos of your person tanks not the ones of holding tanks for the store better. Great video !
Mrmomtanks - 11 years ago
your not the only one..thanks for viewing
SIMUANGCO2468 - 11 years ago
Some day ill have a planted tank!!!  Great video!
Thomas Weeden
Thomas Weeden - 11 years ago
Can't wait for my plants!
Gabriel Titus
Gabriel Titus - 11 years ago

the same mine :)
shizdank - 11 years ago
good stuff, i need to get my greedy hands on some of that hydro
Mrmomtanks - 11 years ago
the hydrocoytle is a sweet plant
Daniel Clegg
Daniel Clegg - 11 years ago
Nice vid mrmom, gotta pull you up on the cardemine lyrata, thats something different, what you've got down there is hydrocotyle tripartita sp. japan, wish there were more folks selling plants like you here in the UK, I'm still looking for a good online supplier.
Mrmomtanks - 11 years ago
you may be right on that S.P.japan...lots of things get confused out here,including me..thanks for the view
Amber Courtney
Amber Courtney - 11 years ago
Great tips MrMom! It is tough to get a nice carpet without co2. I'd really like to try star grass someday. Very pretty plant!
Mrmomtanks - 11 years ago
thanks Amber
Kasey Zeltinger
Kasey Zeltinger - 11 years ago
What do you think about the yeast CO2?
Mrmomtanks - 11 years ago
D.I.Y is decent ..Its difficult to be real consistent with it is the main reason its inferior to pressurized
Dewayne Sanders
Dewayne Sanders - 11 years ago
Man great video. A lot of points we talked about on the phone about growing plants. I think you had a good suggestion on the SP Japan it would look good in my tank.
zackC171 - 11 years ago
My plants came in frozen! What should I do?
Mrmomtanks - 11 years ago
thats a bummer..E-mail me thru the website

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