Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from Aquatics Live 2011, part 1
Aquascaping 12 years ago 969,696 views
FACEBOOK: YOUTUBE: PAGE: First part of more detailed report from Aquatics Live 2011 - an aquarium show organized on 19-20th November in the Olympia 2 hall in London. Many aquarium companies, UK fishkeepers' forums and associations took part in the event. Their booths were located on two floors. In this first episode I show aquariums at booths of AquaJardin, C.E. Fish Essentials, Star Fisheries, and also the booth of Crocodiles of the World, where no aquarium was displayed. AquaJardin displayed two setups. The first one was a square and low planted tank, with Microsorum and a large group of Electric Blue Rams and Harlequin Rasboras. The second aquarium setup consisted actually of three small ADA Do Aqua! aquariums, put in one row, and decorated with one long piece of driftwood, cut into fragments fitting inside and between the aquariums. Plants were mostly Riccia fluitans, Staurogyne repens, Heminathus callitrichoides and Pogostemon helferi, with one reddish accent added by Rotala sp. Aquariums were stocked with freshwater shrimps Cristal Red, and with Nothobranchius rachovii killifish. The company C.E. Fish Essentials is a dealer of various tropical fish food, mostly frozen. There was one aquarium at the booth of this company, stocked with Altum Angelfish and some Discus. The company Star Fisheries is a "manufacturer" of fancy goldfish. There was one large aquarium at this booth, without any aquatic plants, just bare glass and glodfish. And finally, the booth of Crocodiles of the world didn't have any aquarium at all, but it had a plastic pool, where some crocodiles were kept. There was also a possibility to hold a juvenile crocodile for a while - an amazing attraction, especially for the kids! :)
10. comment for Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from Aquatics Live 2011, part 1
killiefish dont eat the red shrimps ??
20. comment for Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from Aquatics Live 2011, part 1
Ayy Lmao
30. comment for Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from Aquatics Live 2011, part 1
2. Fertilizante liquido
3. Lúz por 10 a 12 horas diarias.
Salu2 hasta Perú.
50. comment for Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from Aquatics Live 2011, part 1
Sorry, what is the name of the background music?
also if o can i get it to simply attatch to an air pump instead and function accordingly.
100. comment for Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from Aquatics Live 2011, part 1