Aquascaping - Aquarium Ideas from Aquatics Live 2011, part 2
Aquascaping 12 years ago 131,419 views
FACEBOOK: YOUTUBE: PAGE: Second part of a more detailed report from Aquatics Live 2011 - an aquarium show organized on 19-20th November in the Olympia 2 hall in London. I present aquariums displayed at the booths of pet supplies companies, mostly of aquarium trade. The first one is BiOrb, a manufacturer of plastic aquariums and fishbowls. Each BiOrb tank has air-driven small sponge filter, and LED lighting installed in the hood. However, in my opinion these "aquariums" have nothing to do with real fishkeeping hobby - they are designed mostly for people who think aquarium is just another "furniture", and that it is enough to put some plastic, kitsch-like plants or "hardcorals" inside, and stock it with several tropical fish, the more bizzare the better (albino tiger barbs, glowing danios or other similar "artificial" fish, or, even worse - goldfish, which require far bigger tanks for thir well-being), to make it look good. Luckily, it was only one booth with such "rarities" at the show. The second booth presented in the video is the booth of Aquatic Design Centre. There are two beautiful planted aquariums here, both arranged in "nature aquarium" style. The first planted tank was a large cube aquarium, illuminated by powerful metal-halide HQI lamp. The decoration was a long fragment of driftwood, sticking above the water surface. There were some Bromelias attached to the above-water part. Underwater the driftwood was plantd with numerous clumps of Microsorum pteropus and Lomariopsis fern. The bottom was covered with moss. Tropical fish in this aquarium were Celebes Rainbow fish Marosatherina ladigesi, as well as Oryzias woworae and Crossocheilus siamensis. The second aquarium at the booth of ADC was a conventional shaped tank (I mean, not a cube), with ADA Solar HQI-based aquarium lighting. It was stocked with Paracheirodon simulans and Electric Blue Rams. Layout was of the type "two hills separated by a clear path", the bigger one being on the left side of the aquarium. Both hills were based on stones with interesting texture. Plants in this aquarium were mostly Eleocharis, corkscrew Vallisneria, and Anubias. Of course, in both aquariums CO2 was injected by ceramic diffusers, and large external canister filters were used. The third booth belonged to JBL company, there were two nice planted aquariums displayed there. The first aquarium was a small tank, stocked with colorful, blue variety of fancy guppies, with aquatic plants being mostly Anubias, Mayaca fluviatilis, Hemnianthus sp. and Microsorum attached to the Epaqmat by SonGrow. Aquarium was illuminated by single compact fluorescent lamp, and there was internal filtere here. The second aquarium had an unusual shape, as it was high, long, but narrow. One could look inside the aquarium through circular openings in the cabinet, which was also covering the walls of the aquarium. Main tropical fish were Rummy-Nose Tetras. As for aquatic plants, there were several different species used, like Microsorum narrow and Windelov, Cryptocoryne balansae, large Anubias, Echinodorus, Alternathera reinecki, and some other, smaller plants. No CO2 was added in both JBL's aquariums.
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