Aquascaping - Aquarium ideas from ZooBotanica 2013 pt.7
Aquascaping 11 years ago 324,862 views
CLICK "Show more" for DESCRIPTION Subscribe: Like: Bookmark: ZooBotanica 2013 fair was organized on 13-15 September 2013 in Wrocław, Poland. In this video I show aquariums arranged by members of Association of Fishkeepers from Wrocław ( and Club of Lake Malawi Fans ( 00:21 Aquarium arranged by members of Association of Fishkeepers from Wrocław was an imitation of a rice field. Poster visible at 00:31 describes what a rice field is, and what species of fish live there. Terraces in the aquarium were made of slices of styrofoam, carved to a desired shape and glued together using silicone. The surface of the styrofoam was smeared with brown silicone and covered with peat and with some sand (in the lower part). One powerhead sucked water from the main compartment and pumped it up, where the small house and the outlet pipe made of bamboo was. There is a small window in the wall of the middle terrace - we cut a hole in the styrofoam and attached glass pane, glued tight using the silicone. The green grass planted in the aquarium is a true rice - we got it from a friend of one of our memebers, who visited Vietnam once and brought himself some real rice. We planted the rice on rectangular fragments of flat filtration sponge, so we could easily transfer the rice from house to the exhibition hall. Fish present in the tank are several young Trichogaster trichopterus, and one male siamese fighting fish Betta splendens. The fighting fish was not w wild strain - we thought that the ornamental variety would be better, because we know that Bettas jump, and we thought that ornamental, long-fin variety will not be able to jump. But we were wrong, as this video clearly shows: 02:33 - aquariums arranged by members of Club of Malawi Fans, stocked with fish from Lake Malawi in Africa. 02:40 - following species of fish were present in this tank: Aulonocara maylandii Aulonocara jacobfreibergi "Mamelela" Placidochromis phenochilus "Lupingu" Sciaenochromis fryeri "Iceberg" 03:40 - following species of fish were present in this tank: Pseudotropheus demasoni Metriaclima sp. "Membe deep" 04:20 - following species of fish were present in this tank: Labeotropheus trewavasae Melanchromis interruptus Metriaclima callainos Labidochromis sp. "Hongi" 'red top'
10. comment for Aquascaping - Aquarium ideas from ZooBotanica 2013 pt.7
safe for fish of course ..any idea friend?
Your MeerwasserLive Team
Björn und Christian
And good luck with your TV! :)
20. comment for Aquascaping - Aquarium ideas from ZooBotanica 2013 pt.7
great video!
30. comment for Aquascaping - Aquarium ideas from ZooBotanica 2013 pt.7