Aquascaping - Aquarium ideas from ZooBotanica 2013 pt.7

CLICK "Show more" for DESCRIPTION Subscribe: Like: Bookmark: ZooBotanica 2013 fair was organized on 13-15 September 2013 in Wrocław, Poland. In this video I show aquariums arranged by members of Association of Fishkeepers from Wrocław ( and Club of Lake Malawi Fans ( 00:21 Aquarium arranged by members of Association of Fishkeepers from Wrocław was an imitation of a rice field. Poster visible at 00:31 describes what a rice field is, and what species of fish live there. Terraces in the aquarium were made of slices of styrofoam, carved to a desired shape and glued together using silicone. The surface of the styrofoam was smeared with brown silicone and covered with peat and with some sand (in the lower part). One powerhead sucked water from the main compartment and pumped it up, where the small house and the outlet pipe made of bamboo was. There is a small window in the wall of the middle terrace - we cut a hole in the styrofoam and attached glass pane, glued tight using the silicone. The green grass planted in the aquarium is a true rice - we got it from a friend of one of our memebers, who visited Vietnam once and brought himself some real rice. We planted the rice on rectangular fragments of flat filtration sponge, so we could easily transfer the rice from house to the exhibition hall. Fish present in the tank are several young Trichogaster trichopterus, and one male siamese fighting fish Betta splendens. The fighting fish was not w wild strain - we thought that the ornamental variety would be better, because we know that Bettas jump, and we thought that ornamental, long-fin variety will not be able to jump. But we were wrong, as this video clearly shows: 02:33 - aquariums arranged by members of Club of Malawi Fans, stocked with fish from Lake Malawi in Africa. 02:40 - following species of fish were present in this tank: Aulonocara maylandii Aulonocara jacobfreibergi "Mamelela" Placidochromis phenochilus "Lupingu" Sciaenochromis fryeri "Iceberg" 03:40 - following species of fish were present in this tank: Pseudotropheus demasoni Metriaclima sp. "Membe deep" 04:20 - following species of fish were present in this tank: Labeotropheus trewavasae Melanchromis interruptus Metriaclima callainos Labidochromis sp. "Hongi" 'red top'

Aquascaping - Aquarium ideas from ZooBotanica 2013 pt.7 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 54

Aquascaping 11 years ago 324,862 views

CLICK "Show more" for DESCRIPTION Subscribe: Like: Bookmark: ZooBotanica 2013 fair was organized on 13-15 September 2013 in Wrocław, Poland. In this video I show aquariums arranged by members of Association of Fishkeepers from Wrocław ( and Club of Lake Malawi Fans ( 00:21 Aquarium arranged by members of Association of Fishkeepers from Wrocław was an imitation of a rice field. Poster visible at 00:31 describes what a rice field is, and what species of fish live there. Terraces in the aquarium were made of slices of styrofoam, carved to a desired shape and glued together using silicone. The surface of the styrofoam was smeared with brown silicone and covered with peat and with some sand (in the lower part). One powerhead sucked water from the main compartment and pumped it up, where the small house and the outlet pipe made of bamboo was. There is a small window in the wall of the middle terrace - we cut a hole in the styrofoam and attached glass pane, glued tight using the silicone. The green grass planted in the aquarium is a true rice - we got it from a friend of one of our memebers, who visited Vietnam once and brought himself some real rice. We planted the rice on rectangular fragments of flat filtration sponge, so we could easily transfer the rice from house to the exhibition hall. Fish present in the tank are several young Trichogaster trichopterus, and one male siamese fighting fish Betta splendens. The fighting fish was not w wild strain - we thought that the ornamental variety would be better, because we know that Bettas jump, and we thought that ornamental, long-fin variety will not be able to jump. But we were wrong, as this video clearly shows: 02:33 - aquariums arranged by members of Club of Malawi Fans, stocked with fish from Lake Malawi in Africa. 02:40 - following species of fish were present in this tank: Aulonocara maylandii Aulonocara jacobfreibergi "Mamelela" Placidochromis phenochilus "Lupingu" Sciaenochromis fryeri "Iceberg" 03:40 - following species of fish were present in this tank: Pseudotropheus demasoni Metriaclima sp. "Membe deep" 04:20 - following species of fish were present in this tank: Labeotropheus trewavasae Melanchromis interruptus Metriaclima callainos Labidochromis sp. "Hongi" 'red top'

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Most popular comments
for Aquascaping - Aquarium ideas from ZooBotanica 2013 pt.7

Dedy Irawan
Dedy Irawan - 7 years ago
Georgina Marlin
Georgina Marlin - 7 years ago
That is amazing
Mister Jake
Mister Jake - 7 years ago
its like aquascape and aquaponics combined... nice....
Cindy Ngo
Cindy Ngo - 8 years ago
is the rice gonna be the same or it will be cook?
Joaquin Rosales
Joaquin Rosales - 8 years ago
grentings from México
Joaquin Rosales
Joaquin Rosales - 8 years ago
halló i loved the fish tank rice experience making a
TurkeyBurglar Jones
TurkeyBurglar Jones - 8 years ago
Filling the tank with too many fish ruins so many nice aquascapes
sidehatch69 - 9 years ago
All these poor fish are bred for this disaster and end up dead in our sewer systems, while the breeders pocket the money and take there wives out for sushi
Rockabilly89 - 8 years ago
+Jason Olbinski you are my hero!
Jason Olbinski
Jason Olbinski - 9 years ago
+sidehatch69 You must be a vegetarian.
Tranhson 22SV
Tranhson 22SV - 9 years ago
Vietnam fish tank

10. comment for Aquascaping - Aquarium ideas from ZooBotanica 2013 pt.7

Seth Calandrelli
Seth Calandrelli - 9 years ago
Where do u get that
Mike Oxbig
Mike Oxbig - 9 years ago
Rice field is frickin awesome!! I just got a couple large aquariums and am doing asian style scenery and background on 1 and I am now going to add this above on both ends but without such a large base so I can still have full use of aquarium. Just a couple bamboo supports. I frickin love it. Great work, whoever made it....
Jocelyn Maldonado
Jocelyn Maldonado - 9 years ago
CarlosRyu - 9 years ago
wonderin what materials are those used to make that mountain.. traying to figure out something for my backyard invents on fish tanks ..low cost recicling!  ,
safe for fish of course  ..any idea friend?
Mike Oxbig
Mike Oxbig - 9 years ago
+CarlosRyu Styrofoam and other junk... Read description. But I don't know how well it will hold up outdoors... I'm stealing this idea and making my own on a couple large aquariums I just got. It's frickin awesome...
salsabilla E.L.F
salsabilla E.L.F - 10 years ago
docwilkey - 10 years ago
That is so neat.
Petti Fogged
Petti Fogged - 10 years ago
kitsch as fuck! 
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
Hehe, everyone has different taste ;)
angielka6 - 10 years ago
what is the last tank on the movie mate? juwel vision 450?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
Hmmm, don't think so...
ZackAttack Aquatics
ZackAttack Aquatics - 10 years ago
That's an awesome beta rice paddy setup. It's striking how it rises and forms a miniature mountain with streams and pools flowing down it. Very unusual and interesting video as usual!
MeerwasserLive TV | 35‰ Saltwater - 100% Reef Junkie
MeerwasserLive TV | 35‰ Saltwater - 100% Reef Junkie - 11 years ago
Great Video with a nice paddy field design. Looks awesome, i like the small windows in the upper aera.
Your MeerwasserLive Team
Björn und Christian
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks for your comment :) Yeah, this window was a good idea, we even wanted to make more, because it looked very interesting when Betta "navigated" between rice stems :)
 And good luck with your TV! :)

20. comment for Aquascaping - Aquarium ideas from ZooBotanica 2013 pt.7

南香 - 11 years ago
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Yeah, it was original rice from Asia :)
Boywithafishtank - 11 years ago
Thank you so much for making these videos! I can see that there are lots aquarium conferences in Poland! Wish it was like that here in Denmark :( But either way, these videos creates incredible inspiration, and they are truly filled with beauty. This just shows how beautiful this hobby is! Keep up the great work, and again, thank you :)!
Trong Trong
Trong Trong - 9 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV ttrongnfkc
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hey, it's great to hear such nice and encouraging opinion! :) Thanks, mate, and all the best! :))
Wayne Evans
Wayne Evans - 11 years ago
I'm totally interest in that boys tank of multi levels with natural forms of ponds and waterfalls and bamboos, I want to know what materials I need to get to make ponds like these, I want to have a project with my boys
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hey :) We made terraces of plates of styrofoam (10 and 15 cm thick), carved to a desired shape and glued to each other with silcone. The surface of styrofoam was smeared with brown silicone, and dried peat was attached to it. Very easy to do, it looks more complicated as it really was.
Japan Herping Channel
Japan Herping Channel - 11 years ago
WOW! I REALLY like the rice patty theme for the setup.These kinds of videos give me many ideas for my aquariums! I don't have any fish and I mainly only make these kinds of stuff for my Japanese fire belly newts.
great video!
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Yeah, for firebelly newts such layout could be great :) (providing that the whole land part would be secured somewhow, to prevent newts from walking away... ;)
Papja - 11 years ago
Szkoda że zrezygnowałeś z komentarza w języku Polskim,no ale wszystkiego mieć nie można.Motyw pola ryżowego zmiótł mnie z fotela-tylko obudować to szkłem i dopuścić kumaki dalekowschodnie,traszki chińskie i kardynałki.
Nausiicraaft - 11 years ago
That is an original tank idea (the first tank)! =) Very nice, the others too! 
Nausiicraaft - 11 years ago
Yes, I already saw that with your videos! =) 
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
That's true :) I also read descriptions in other people's videos. So it's very surprising for me when someone asks questions for which answers are in my descriptions. And it happens quite often, actually :)
Nausiicraaft - 11 years ago
=) We can found sometimes relevant informations in description! 
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Aha, great! One of the few who read the description :)
Nausiicraaft - 11 years ago
Yes, I saw that in the descrption! =) 
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Yup, the ricefield tank was quite original. It was a teamwork of members of Association of Fishkeepers from Wrocław :)
Jimmy Nguyen
Jimmy Nguyen - 11 years ago
That's amazing and I don't think ricefield can be there while it can be found easily in my life here ;-) Congrats.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
No worries, mate :) I was just curious, but it's entirely up to you if you want and can take some photos :) I really hope to be able to visit real ricefield one day, and see it in reality :)
Jimmy Nguyen
Jimmy Nguyen - 11 years ago
Sorry, in this season, I can not take them, but I will inform you when I have them.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Any possibility you'd film these fish underwater...? Or take photos of them?
Jimmy Nguyen
Jimmy Nguyen - 11 years ago
Welcome you ;-) I have ricefields in my country side that not need to visit :D I always come to there at weekend with my sweety wife and children. There does have some fishes with local name, I do not know their scientific names exactly.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Wow, great! :) I really hope I will be able to visit Vietnam one day... Have you ever visited ricefields to look what fish are living there...?
Jimmy Nguyen
Jimmy Nguyen - 11 years ago
I am from Asia, Vietnam ;-)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Where do you live, then? :)
Andrew Fong
Andrew Fong - 11 years ago
I want this so bad. I am gonna have to make a tank like this now.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Yeah, I know how it feels when you see a tank which you like a lot, and want to have something similar on your own :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hej, dzięki za tak szczegółowe informacje! :) Ekstra, dzięki serdeczne :)
AKWA ŁOBUZ - 11 years ago
part 2:) oczywiscie jest to dla osób chcących odtworzyć jak najlepsze warunki typowe oraz doprowadzić do jakiegoś tarła. W przypadku akwarium tylko widokowego można trochę pokombinować. Takim dobrym zbiornikiem i typowym dla malawi byłoby 120d x 50sz x 40w. W takim układzie jest sporo dna, ryby poruszałyby się na całej wysokości i można by tam trzymać 3 gatunki w proporcji 1+3.

30. comment for Aquascaping - Aquarium ideas from ZooBotanica 2013 pt.7

AKWA ŁOBUZ - 11 years ago
Jest to możliwe ale nienaturalne dla rybki. Po pierwsze pyszczak żyje w sferze denno skalnej wiec nawet nie pływał by do góry i byłaby to sfera "martwa" a po drugie buduje terytorium na zasadzie powierzchni dna i kryjówek lub możliwości ich zbudowania. Mając małą powierzchnie dna ryzykuje się zbyt dużo walk, eliminacje gatunków łagodnych lub ich zbyt duże zastraszenie. Dlatego dla malawi stosuje się akwaria niższe a długie i szerokie bo malawi musi mieć dno do terytorium, życia i rozrodu.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Hmm, ale może dałoby się zaplanować jakiś rozbudowany w pionie zbiornik z Malawi? W końcu kamieni i kamiennych ścianek jest chyba w tym jeziorze sporo...?
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Thanks! :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Yup, it was original, however it could look more "wild". Maybe next year we will rearrage it somewhow :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
My pleasure ;)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Great! :) It is indeed a quite original project :)
MysterXfr - 11 years ago
i like too much the rice aquarium, it give me some ideas
Trena Marie
Trena Marie - 11 years ago
The rice tank is awesome. So original.
Paul Garcia
Paul Garcia - 11 years ago
AKWA ŁOBUZ - 11 years ago
Ryżowisko ciekawe:) pomysł, dokładność, kolorystyka. Prosty pomysł a jaki piękny:) Akwarium w 3:40 za wysokie na malawi. Jednak dla malawi stosuje się wymiar niższy ale długi i szeroki.

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