Aquascaping -THE ISLANDS- True story

Tank size 100x45x40h (cm) 180L Lighting 4x39w T5 daylight 6500K Substrate-Tropica aquarium soil Hardscape Dragon stone Plant list at the end of video

Aquascaping -THE ISLANDS- True story sentiment_very_dissatisfied 118

Aquascaping 7 years ago 223,984 views

Tank size 100x45x40h (cm) 180L Lighting 4x39w T5 daylight 6500K Substrate-Tropica aquarium soil Hardscape Dragon stone Plant list at the end of video

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for Aquascaping -THE ISLANDS- True story

jean claude douaumont
jean claude douaumont - 7 years ago
add some Amano Japonica shrimps... and ur nightmare will go off
Adam Fischer
Adam Fischer - 7 years ago
Great story/video
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thank you.
Etsha Magenta
Etsha Magenta - 7 years ago
good!! that algae came maybe because u didnt put some fish?
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Probably,but also because of mu tap water. When I switched to RO water this algae never appear again.
you234511 - 7 years ago
had the same issue
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
I'm sorry to hear that, I know how it is.
henrywsnow - 7 years ago
Sorry to hear about your pains, but this can be used to help others avoid this type of problem.
cutie pie
cutie pie - 7 years ago
real plants make the water foggy and builds Algea quickly.
No Neck
No Neck - 7 years ago
Chlorine.....fix it right up.....your'e welcome.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
R3O - 7 years ago
Andrian Jutba
Andrian Jutba - 7 years ago
tons and tons of shrimp will fix that man!
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thanks for advice.

10. comment for Aquascaping -THE ISLANDS- True story

Sam - 7 years ago
Same happened to me. In my case i took ADA Soil. Never again. I am not experienced enough to handle this kind of Underground. I had a massive algae problem like in your tank. I also started new. I sold my Ada Soil and Power Sand. I took Vulcano Substrate instead of Soil i took gravel. After 7 Days couple of amanos, snails. And it worked out well.
The money i spent on the ada stuff was insane. I think a good mix of quality and quantity makes it also a granted success.
Sorry for my bad english^^
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thanks for sheering your experience. In my case, my algae problem (diatom) caused by my tap water. Since I use RO water this algae did not appear anymore.
Cintia Castro-Melendez
Cintia Castro-Melendez - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing!!
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
You are welcome. Thanks for watching.
zip zap
zip zap - 7 years ago
You need red cherry shrimp

Me: your welcome
Zaku スー
Zaku スー - 7 years ago
The lights frequency is high.
You should set the light in a day and turn off at the night.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
My lights are ON at day and OFF at night... You mean that?
Blobfish Gamer
Blobfish Gamer - 7 years ago
was anyone else screaming in there head saying "JUST PUT TONS OF ALGAE EATERS IN!"?
Arial Black
Arial Black - 7 years ago
I always used fast growing, alleopathic plants in my aquariums, never had algae problems
The one time i made an aquarium with slower plants (tbh they were pretty much the plants in this video lol) i had the same problem, cleaned the tank everyday and finally got the plants to defeat the algae after about 1-1/2 months
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Yes that's true. Fast growing plants will compete the algae. Thanks for sheering your experience.
Charlie Dionisio
Charlie Dionisio - 7 years ago
I thing you should get a algae eating fish
bobfal - 7 years ago
I think everyone's been there, thanks for sharing. I had the same with BBA for over 6 months. Every ones different but for me I upped the gas exchange and was doing big water changes twice a week. Problem is when you try everything at once you don't know what works, but as long as it does I guess.
Plants out competing the algue seems to make a big difference in my opinion, wonder if introducing something like cabomba in a pot for the first few months would make a difference to try and absorb some of the excess nutrients (appreciate you probably know more than I ever will). I would have really liked to see you persist with this to see What the outcome was after 6m but appreciate it's a lot of work.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
I was doing water changes every 2nd or 3rd day and I think that's caused more problems. My tap water is bad,and with each water change i was putting more and more garbage in my tank. Now I am using RO water and I do not have this algae anymore. Thank's for comment an thank's for sheering your experience.
Simon Wilkins
Simon Wilkins - 7 years ago
I also had this and tried everything like you. Last resort I bought a big bag of shrimp (about a hundred). Within hours it was clear and good ever since.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Simon Wilkins
Simon Wilkins - 7 years ago
Minami Numa Ebi - I think the scientific name is Neocaridina denticulata denticulata.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
That is a lot of shrimp :) What kind of shrimp? Thank's for sheering your experience.
Christopher Boddey
Christopher Boddey - 7 years ago
Sorry to see your tank got what my tank had it is called dinoflagellates it is the aids of the reef and freshwater hobby! It closed down 2 tanks of mine and there is no known cure. As a rule of thumb the only known method to cure it is raising ph and nitrates they dont like it but its hit and miss. It seems to apear when either new plants or corals are contaminated and put in your tank. Dinoflagellates check them out ppl you do not want this in your tank!!!
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thank you, for sheering.

20. comment for Aquascaping -THE ISLANDS- True story

KOOLOO LIMPAH - 7 years ago
why no fish tho?
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Well I had 5 fish in aq (bristlenose plecos).
Teolulz - 7 years ago
your cat peed in the tank
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
I don't have cat :D
Marcin Siwek
Marcin Siwek - 7 years ago
I am curious if covering the algea up with sand and maybe a black out for another day or two followed by cleaning the sand could have helped. What a beautiful tank idea though, very very nice!
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thank you. I believe that nothing will help,my tap water is soooo bad. Now I am using RO water and this thing (algae) did not appear anymore.
De lil Yortzeez
De lil Yortzeez - 7 years ago
What is RO water?
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
U r welcome.
De lil Yortzeez
De lil Yortzeez - 7 years ago
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Reverse Osmosis.
Iordanis Kotsaridis
Iordanis Kotsaridis - 7 years ago
Get 6 otocatfish for this tank they will clean it up for u
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thanks. I do not have same problem anymore. I have little algae,but not like in this video. Not even close :)
Matthew Barton
Matthew Barton - 7 years ago
Ive never heard of aquascaping before so this may be stupid but if you put some fish that eat algae in there would it fix the problem?
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Maybe or maybe not... My problem was mu tap water. Now I am using RO (reverse osmosis) water.
Julian D'Souza
Julian D'Souza - 7 years ago
I have had all sorts of algae, found the fungal treatment medicine for my fish does the trick, but u do need some form of co2 in the tank
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
I have CO2 in my tank. What is fungal treatment? Thanks.
Sergeant Seven
Sergeant Seven - 7 years ago
I always use RO no matter what, I stopped putting tap water in my tanks 10 years ago and never had a problem except for quarantined fish and plants that have something. nice scape though I like the rock choice.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thank you. RO is the best.
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga - 7 years ago
I know I'm new to planted tanks but couldn't us put and algae eating fish in? Great looking tank.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thank you. Well yes(I guess) ,but this was disaster. My tap water is main reason for this algae.
DarkLael - 7 years ago
have you tried adding some animal life forms in it ? Like krill shrimps or other algae eaters ?
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
I added 5 bristlenose plecos.

30. comment for Aquascaping -THE ISLANDS- True story

Stavros Vasileiadis
Stavros Vasileiadis - 7 years ago
algea dies off naturally, as long as you keep you nutrients and bioload as you should, but if some algaes still live in there, put 3-4 sae. these fellows will clear the aquarium and keep it clean like a crystal.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thank's man for advice.
Autumn German
Autumn German - 7 years ago
This was in my recommended and I just wasted 6 minutes of my life
HaLuNkE ST0NER - 7 years ago
What about adding some water movement and a big filter
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
It was big filter. 25 gallons sump filter with 10KG biological filtration.
Gede Gunawan
Gede Gunawan - 7 years ago
IMO your tank isnt cycled yet, because of new tank syndrome.. Never use hidrogenperoxide again its useless. Algae = unbalanced tank. You cant be 100% free from algae but you need to control it. Even Takashi Amano tank in sumida Aquarium have algae in some spot, but they all pretty well handled by the balance of the tank. 10 amano shrimp and 12 otocinclus will enough to take care your tank from algae.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
I will not use hidrogenperoxide again,no way. Thank you for your advice. I appreciate it.
319PurpleHaze - 7 years ago
thanks pal for sharing .....
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thank's for watching.
Pete Kennedy
Pete Kennedy - 7 years ago
A beautiful tank - worth the effort!
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thank you.
ApertureDG - 7 years ago
Well, it happens. My personal experience tells me that algae will be in aquarium forever, but more or less, depends from tank bio-balance.
At the start, diatoms will appear, and they usually go away in 5-7 weeks. Then green hair algae will appear for same 4-5 months. Then will appear black hair algae, they stay for a year. And then comes xenococus, the green spot algae - an indicator of mature tank, (1,5 years or more). Depending on a bio-balance, they will grow more or less, but they will grow anyway. Using algaecides usually helps, but once you stop adding chemicals, algae will appear again, because algaecides don't deal with problem, but only freezes it for a while.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Exactly,Everything is in balance.... But algae will always be present at least a little. Even though we do not see algae with naked eyes in the aquarium, there are always be algae spores which are waiting for some disbalance to start growing.Thank's for comment.
Mike Bircher
Mike Bircher - 7 years ago
I didn't see a whole lot of water flow in there, which could have been very beneficial. Also, letting an empty tank cycle for a couple weeks with nothing but hardscape and substrate before lowering the water to plant, then refilling with RO is a pretty decent way to avoid large outbreaks.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
In this moment I was using sump filter and flow was week. Well aquarium soil at the beginning release much Ammonia. That is food for beneficial bacteria (correct me if I am wrong). Thank's for comment.
Dipayan Dey
Dipayan Dey - 7 years ago
I call this Pursuit of Happyness 2
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Something like that...
noge - 7 years ago
Algae is a product of imbalance. You could learn a lot of things from those "No filter, No CO2, No fertiliser" self-sustaining tank videos.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
I understand what you want to say... Balance. Thank's.
Reports 1337
Reports 1337 - 7 years ago
Is this saltwater?
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Herbert .Gatchalian
Herbert .Gatchalian - 7 years ago
why didnt yyou just put a bunch of algae eating fish there?
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
I guess I could... But I wanted to cure the cause not consequence. Any way most plants were destroyed,So I decided to do it all again.And I did not regret :)
Avi's Fishtanks
Avi's Fishtanks - 7 years ago
2 otocinclus and 8 horned nerite snails, and maybe a mystery snail just for fun. Would of fixed things. Ppl try to create these fishless tanks and wonder when things go wrong cuz they wanna control the tank like a science experiment. Instead of letting nature take course. Aquariuming is all about restoring balance of nature. In the wild you would never find a pond with no algae eating organisms in it. So why would u do it with a fish tank
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
I agree, but this was not fishless tank. I had here 5 fish (bristlenose pleco). Anyway In the following my videos (if you watched)everything is explained.This aquarium is not designed as fishless tank,I love fish and I have fish now :) . Tank's for comment....Greeting
My JunkAcount
My JunkAcount - 7 years ago
Increase CO2 and put some scrump in there.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
ALEXANDER DALEZ - 7 years ago
too much fertilizer...too much light...
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
At this point I have not add any fertilizer.
Papayasaft I Saftladen
Papayasaft I Saftladen - 7 years ago
A high chance your tap water is very high in silicate... use some silicate absorber for the filter (makes water crystal clear as a side effect)
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Yes,my tap is bad. Now I am using RO water. Thanks for comment and advice.
Slober - 7 years ago
Did you try turning off the light at night time
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Of course,the lights are on eight hours a day.
Grigory Zinoviev
Grigory Zinoviev - 7 years ago
you should've just gotten a shit ton of shit that eats that shit
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Well that's a lot of shit then... lol :D
iLoveTurtlesHaha - 7 years ago
I'm sorry, I laughed at your misery because I remembered all the frustration of having an aquarium when I was a teen, until one day I took the entire set up and destroyed everything. Best day of my life, I was so free. I'm never having a pet or a plant or anything I have to care for ever again.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
OK. Good for you. You got it what do you want and what you do not want. That's OK. It's better than buying an animal that you will not worry about.I can not imagine myself without a pet. That's my curse :D
wow -
wow - - 7 years ago
I thought it said "55 Days in Hell" ....then I thought to myself "his idea of hell is a wonderful place" LOL
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
It was not too wonderful for me to clean algae every day :) Nice comment,I laughed nicely :) Thank's.

50. comment for Aquascaping -THE ISLANDS- True story

Christian Klehm
Christian Klehm - 7 years ago
maybe get an algae eating fish?
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
I do not have algae problem anymore. Which fish would recommend? Just in case.
CHrr LeeS
CHrr LeeS - 7 years ago
put a fish bro.. it sve money
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Yes, you are right. Fish and shrimp to.
Owen Prescott
Owen Prescott - 7 years ago
Hey man, I don't mean to advertise but I created a site called and it would be cool if you posted your aquascaping videos there. I'm also creating an aquascaping game by the way. :)
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
OK I will visit naturestorm :)
VHITHICKO ARTS - 7 years ago
Vladimir what is name of music the video?
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
You are welcome.
VHITHICKO ARTS - 7 years ago
Thank you bro!
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Johann Strauss II - Blue Danube.
Jowy Ccs
Jowy Ccs - 7 years ago
Siamese algae eaters may help you, they are eat everything, including hair algae.
Happy aquascaping!
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thank's. I had them before. They are great.
Zamiiz - 7 years ago
WOW... I don't even know how you managed to hold on for so long I would be pulling my hair out.
It looks to me like there was a LARGE water imbalance? maybe too much sun? maybe not enough plant nutria nice in the soil? Maybe bad filtration? Could be a lot of things.
you could have taken the algae covered plants & rocks out & spray them with a hydrogen peroxide solution then let them soak in a bucket or something for a few days while repeatedly spraying them. that totally would have gotten rid of it
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Pull out rock was not an option. I would ruin it my scape. The main reason for algae problem was my tap water. Now I am using RO water and I don't have same problem anymore. I managed because I though that it will eventually disappear,but that's not happened :)
trk4isik - 7 years ago
I dont suggest this to anyone. I tried it and if you try to clean it the sand amazonia gets mixed up. I used dennerle cleaner
Blakon - 7 years ago
Where dem fish
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
I did not want to add anything until the situation is settled in my tank. And that did not happen.In fact, I had it here 5 bristle nose pleco.
vijayaratnam purushowththaman
vijayaratnam purushowththaman - 7 years ago
Omg, I guess you should install wave producers or the wave machine, and the external filtter, once you done, you can see the water very clearly mate
Great video!!!Keep doing
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
If you want to make a mountain aquascape,I guess you need a lot of stones. Your aquarium is really big.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
10 KG for this scape.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
It really depends on what kind of scape you want to make. My tank is 180L and I used 10 KG of Dragon Stone.
vijayaratnam purushowththaman
vijayaratnam purushowththaman - 7 years ago
Omg,I bought 20 KG and then i went to get another 20KG, still not enough, I guess i need more, My tank is 4 ft and it could get up to 600 Litter, Plz tell me how much stones should i get?
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
It depends on what scape you want to make. I have 10 KG dragon stone in my tank.
vijayaratnam purushowththaman
vijayaratnam purushowththaman - 7 years ago
I guess, you need to give some time before you use the wave maker, as your plants are young and waver maker could damage your plants? Im not sure, i did hear about canister filter, I do have 5ft tank and its could get around 750 litter, so how many rocks do i need? I mean if i go dragon stones?
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thanks for link. But I have wave maker,but I am not use it. I have canister filter and its really powerful. Please check my new video. I bought this rock from my colleague aquarist. Rock name is Dragon Stone. Can be bought in in better-equipped aquarium stores.
vijayaratnam purushowththaman
vijayaratnam purushowththaman - 7 years ago
your well come bro!! Please can you tell me where did you actually order those rocks!! i was thinking to make my own rock and mountain, and plan to stick small stones and make a big mountain?
here you can find the wave maker, One all your plants group up and please install the wave maker and put the external filter...

you will love your fish tank
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Dreaded Dogge
Dreaded Dogge - 7 years ago
i think fishes will eat that...just my idea
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
I am not shore about that :) I had 5 ancistrus in tank,and nothing. They never touch this algae.
Sean - 7 years ago
I have quit doing an aquatic plant tank. I just keep a normal tank now
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Well I am still in to planted tank. But and fish only tank is OK. In general I love aquariums.
Lee Cherh
Lee Cherh - 7 years ago
Hi, you have a very nice scape. As for the diatoms and algae, it is pretty normal for new acquascapes. What I did was introduced 2 amano shrimps into my 60cm x 30cm tank and they cleaned the algae completely within 3 days. No joke. Sparkling clean and free of algae. The shrimps love it.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thank you. Now I have 7 amano shrimp in my tank,and I will buy more :) I adore them. Thanks for sharing your experience and for your advice.
jem Ogn
jem Ogn - 7 years ago
Great video mate
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Waxy Parsnips
Waxy Parsnips - 7 years ago
because you answered so quickly I decided I would subscribe and like your video! have a great day!
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thank's!!! I'm always trying to answer on every comment. Have great day to.
Waxy Parsnips
Waxy Parsnips - 7 years ago
What's the "scientific name" for the Baby Tears?
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Baby tears (pearl weed) - Hemianthus Micranthemoides
Dwarf baby tears (HC cuba)- Hemianthus Callitrichoides
ostrvo - 7 years ago
Gde si našao ovo šuplje kamenje ?
Dali se ono pravi posebno, bušilicom i ostalim alatima?
Baš lepo izgleda...
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
To je prirodni kamen. Zove se Dragon Stone. Kamen je uvozni i moze se kupiti u bolje snabdevenim akvaristickim prodavnicama. Da ,lepo izgleda. Pozdrav.
The Humble Geometric Figure of Doom
The Humble Geometric Figure of Doom - 7 years ago
I have read that stagnant water causes diatoms to thrive in new aquariums. You might just needed some water movement, because diatoms are very fragile and would easily be torn apart.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Yes,that's true... Now I am using another filter.
The Immersion
The Immersion - 7 years ago
Check out my channel and support
Salvatore D'Angelo
Salvatore D'Angelo - 7 years ago
there wasnt a proper mature byological filter in there, that why constantly happened
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Maybe... I started over with new filter and now I am using RO wather. I do not have the same problem anymore.
Ainsley Harroit
Ainsley Harroit - 7 years ago
Nice cabbage
arpit saxena
arpit saxena - 7 years ago
Hey, just a basic question- what's the duration of light on your aquarium?
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
MrAnimepredator - 7 years ago
here they cleaned entire lake with 200 tons of polyaluminum. but I guess that would be bit too strong for home aquarium.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
I guess it's very harmful to aquarium.
Tito Huang
Tito Huang - 7 years ago
U reminded me the PAIN~~~~~~~
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Tito Huang
Tito Huang - 7 years ago
Vladimir Stojanovic XD grats it all worked out
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Sorry..... :( I wanted to show people what I went through.
But now it's much better.... 99.99% better...
David Gillard
David Gillard - 7 years ago
add a algea consuming crab or fish
Chelsea Brockmeier
Chelsea Brockmeier - 7 years ago
you should put some kind of fish that eats that stuff in the tank
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Absolutely.... Thank's.
Tyson Fillmore
Tyson Fillmore - 7 years ago
I think Siamese algae eaters would be a wonderful addition if you want to keep that under control
Tylor Miranda
Tylor Miranda - 7 years ago
More plants, shrimp, and algea eating fish - not a definite fix, but will certainly help.
rightmyer39 - 7 years ago
its just biofilm it will come and go as quickly by itself nothing to be worried about its happened to me and it quickly went away its normal with a newly planted tank :D
rightmyer39 - 7 years ago
every one is very friendly and there is so many nice tanks people would love to see your aquascapes that for sure, mine is on there i just made a tree in my aquasape
rightmyer39 - 7 years ago
your welcome :D im glad to give advise at any time you should join for fish sakes on facebook i think you would find it to be amazing
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
I also did water changes,but I think that my tap water main reason for this,now I'm using RO water and diatom has not yet appeared, I hope it will remain so.
Thank's for your comment and your time. .
I appreciate it
rightmyer39 - 7 years ago
oh jeeezzz that is a long time, i also did water changes and siphoned my tank my aquarium is a natural ecosystem ive never tested my water i clean my tank every week doing a 80% water change and siphoning the substrate to keep my plants happy and my fish but i also added a pleco so that might of been why mine was gone so quick as well
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Three days? What was it doing in my tank 55 days? :D
rightmyer39 - 7 years ago
Vladimir Stojanovic and your welcome
rightmyer39 - 7 years ago
Vladimir Stojanovic it took three days for me for it to go away I thought it was algea to but I follow a group on Facebook called for fish sakes you should join the group to such friendly people and everyone helps eachother out if any of us have an issue with our fish or our tanks
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thanks. How long did it take to vanish from your tank?
Maui Randall
Maui Randall - 7 years ago
I have had good luck throwing a bubbler and a tank full of algae maybe you could do that for a while until the plants grow in some more?
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
J Tan
J Tan - 7 years ago
I totally understand.OMG the whole time watching this vedeo i was screaming inside: I feel you bro! Nevertheless was a really beautiful setting. Keep it up man!
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thanks. I think it will now be much better... Thanks for support.
Mr.Fabi Nator
Mr.Fabi Nator - 7 years ago
and a few days later... they're back. I was waiting for that at the end haha
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
O yes,they are back even worse.... hahha
TeoballoArmy - 7 years ago
just put in a few algae eaters or snails they are just a few dollars at the petstore
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
I'll do it definitely... Thanks.
MASON SURE MAN - 7 years ago
moss and algae are my worst enemy. every aquatic animal owner should like this comment
Annarene Victor
Annarene Victor - 7 years ago
I'm sure others have asked the same, but do you think adding more fish would've made a difference?
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
I sincerely doubt it, but maybe I'm wrong...
Aaron Long
Aaron Long - 7 years ago
Get snails my tank is next to the sunny window I have not cleaned my glass in months the snails do the all the work lol
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Great... Which snails?
Lord YGG
Lord YGG - 7 years ago
the problema was temperature, cold water kill that algaes
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Temperature was 24-25C
TopLessTanks - 7 years ago
had the same exact problems in the beginning. i feel your pain.
Aquatic Light and Magic
Aquatic Light and Magic - 7 years ago
if your tap water is free of silicates i would punch the guy who sold you the sand.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Hhahahha great :D I think the sand has nothing to do with it,my tap water is bad. Now I'm using RO.
tolan Ladenburger
tolan Ladenburger - 7 years ago
How come you never used amono shrimp I would have put fifteen in and let them go to town.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
From now on I will put amano shrimp. Thanks.
David Zakharia
David Zakharia - 7 years ago
how is your light cycle man? u should get a good light cycle.. and some algae cleaning agent like shrimp and fishes to deal with those
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thanks for advice,it helps...
David Zakharia
David Zakharia - 7 years ago
hope this will helps u out.. I had experienced those problems early on
David Zakharia
David Zakharia - 7 years ago
and after all it is all about adjusting things, the most important thing is fertilizer.. seems like it's not "balanced"
Asian Arawana
Asian Arawana - 7 years ago
I think you invented the hydrogenperoxide spray bottle fish. hahha
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Seb Buk
Seb Buk - 7 years ago
Sometimes the struggle is hard. We all know this. You did it good ! Congrats.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thank you.
Andrian Jutba
Andrian Jutba - 7 years ago
amao shrimps and siamese algae eaters love this stuff! i encounter diatoms but they are really lessened if you have clean up crews
nisaaa aaa
nisaaa aaa - 7 years ago
it because you never add a fish
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
may be...
Garbage Human
Garbage Human - 7 years ago
Or you could have just got a few algea eating snails.

Giancarlo Francisco
Giancarlo Francisco - 7 years ago
Never, never, I mean NEVER use tap water. This is almost if not certainly inevitable with tap water. I doubt you'll be dealing with this problem now that you used RO water.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thanks man. I think so too. I bought RO unit and right now making RO water... We'll see how it will be now with RO water.
GreatWhiteNiko - 7 years ago
Thank you for the video. This is the reality of most high tech planted aquariums but few people talk openly about it.

You made some very simple mistakes. The main mistake was to not let your aquarium develop a proper biofilter. Look at your video - there isn't a single word about the filter. That is how the modern hobby has become.

For a VERY comprehensive information on how to start a tank from zero and bring it to a more or less stable state please follow the link below. The book describes a professionally setup tank day by day in the course of the first month. The book is written by a person that worked for a company that followed the best practices of ADA and is a very good source of information. You will see that the first 1-2 months of these tanks are a lot of crazy work. There is nothing natural in any of that and that is why I personally do not like the so-called "high tech" part of the planted tank hobby. 9 out of 10 high tech tanks are kept just a few days away from serious algae problems. But most people do not understand that.

Good luck.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thank you so much for this link. I appreciate it.
Chee Hin Ong
Chee Hin Ong - 7 years ago
how do u prevent this? i am a newbie..
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
I will.
Chee Hin Ong
Chee Hin Ong - 7 years ago
Cool. Hope it will get better, remember to post thou!
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Well I bought RO unit and switch mu sump filter for canister filter. ( I was losing to much CO2 because of my overflow) I hope this time will be better.
Kyle's Fish room
Kyle's Fish room - 7 years ago
wow what a beautiful tank.
Miss Minka
Miss Minka - 7 years ago
I didn't have long hair like algae like you, but I had the flat kind that covers the glass and all the plant leaves till it suffocates them.
My solution? Shrimp.
Cleaned it all up, lol
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Great :)

100. comment for Aquascaping -THE ISLANDS- True story

Timothy Whieldon
Timothy Whieldon - 7 years ago
you do know that some cleaner shrimp would have fixed this issue. like A LOT of cleaner shrimp or any small shrimp
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thanks for advice. I'll keep that in mind.
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 7 years ago
I have had this algae many times in the past. Its a real pain.  call it filamentous brown algae as it does not fit with any of the other algaes I know. I grows in low-light or high, its a pain to remove, spreads everywhere.
Very common in low plant mass tanks, I do believe it has something to do with the quality of the tap water, as I felt the more water changes I did the worst it got.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Yes Exactly,the more water changes more algae growth. Thanks for comment.
Sudz - 7 years ago
AND??? how is it now?
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Still on dry start,I will fill tank soon with water and it will be update.
Kimsotus Orelius
Kimsotus Orelius - 7 years ago
Would adding bacteria from a bottle help, like StressZyme, or Stability? Just wondering because they keep my tank pretty clear of algae.
LordPine - 7 years ago
to be honest high tech on a brand new tank pretty much always results in something like this.. but hey whos got time to wait
Gugel Bangsat
Gugel Bangsat - 7 years ago
please update. im rwally appreciate with your effort
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Update will be soon.
Tommy Tse
Tommy Tse - 7 years ago
Try putting some amano shrimp. They kill algae especially those slimey free floating ones
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
I will,thanks.
Drinking Water
Drinking Water - 7 years ago
this happened to me ... i feel your frustrated ..i really admire your dedication ...
too sad i already gave up . now my tank have no plants.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
I Do not give up yet,I'll do my best to this tank succeed.
yangbao111 - 7 years ago
I heard amano shrimp will get rid of those algae very efficiently.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
I hope so.
jashelps - 7 years ago
This happens to me every time my plantload is to low. All you need to do is add some floating plant in there until all your other plants have grown. Afterwards remove them and you'll be fine.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thanks for advice...
maravedi09 - 7 years ago
daily water changes, no CO2, no more than 3 hours of light. Japonicas + otocinclus
Hampton Pizza
Hampton Pizza - 7 years ago
my experience tho, is combining those methods you used + keep temperature >30.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thank you for sheering.
Hampton Pizza
Hampton Pizza - 7 years ago
someone told me this method (T above 30C), and I tried only once combined with regular cleaning, and it worked.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
I mean in my tank temperature is 25C :)
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
My temperature is 25.
Hampton Pizza
Hampton Pizza - 7 years ago
thanks for sharing. you are the only one so far ive seem who is willing to tell the truth.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thanks. Well that's the true... Can't escape,problems are real :) Thanks for support...
Andrew Highsmith
Andrew Highsmith - 7 years ago
Thanks for showing some real problems we all face and showing how you figured them out.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thanks man.
Arul Rajeev
Arul Rajeev - 7 years ago
try algae eaters like small plucos
ivanhoe011 - 7 years ago
you could have also tried adding some fast-growing plants to slow the algae growth. In my experience adding a couple of golden pothos is a great trick as they don't mess with your scape. And then just be patient, it takes weeks to stabilize the tank. If you do this and reduce slightly the light with noon siestas, it should kill all algae in a few weeks. It will kill some plants too, but they can survive longer without food than algae, so most will come back to life. Then just slowly remove extra plants and start adding nutrients back taking care not to "overfeed" the plants.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Tanks man for advice.
Tonguç Endem
Tonguç Endem - 7 years ago
Awesome video
please continue with this series. This is the same thing i'm experiencing too.
I'm thinking of starting without plants, with UV, and completely giving ozone for about a week on RO water but with correct co2, ph, kh, lighting schedule and filtration. after ozone dissipated, if this works without algae for about a couple of weeks then i will start adding some plants and start with the fertilization regime. I'm really fed up with spending money on awesome looking plants and loosing them at one point due to being covered with algae.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thanks. To be continued.
Chaz D
Chaz D - 7 years ago
Looks bacterial, have you tried chemi-clean?
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
I have not tried it.
Nick John
Nick John - 7 years ago
You have high dedication man. Try amano shrimp, reduce lighting, improve water flow to help combat algae. Good luck man
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thanks man.
MrDorf007 - 7 years ago
I am about to start my 46G.
I hope I have better success.
I do have a question...what is RO ?
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
That's right... Thanks...
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
I hope you'll have better success,go ahead....
GetInMyBelly - 7 years ago
reverse osmosis water
Efreitor Habibulin
Efreitor Habibulin - 7 years ago
i had this so many times (or probably every new tank setup) until I read Tom Barr's forums, all I needed was more plants, less light, and lot more CO2, no more algae.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing.
Duck Quack
Duck Quack - 7 years ago
Hi "even worse" bye "even worse"
Filet-O-Fish and Sprite
Filet-O-Fish and Sprite - 7 years ago
What are you using to suction the algae out of your tank? I have a Python water change system, but don't have great water pressure so it doesn't do a great job of actually cleaning the gunk off the substrate. I'm looking for something to strategically clean out food garbage and waste from the tank.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
I use regular vacuum gravel,the cheapest one...
Geo Envi
Geo Envi - 7 years ago
How do you vaccum gravel in a perfect setup like this? I would go crazy trying not to disturb the layout!
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Simple,where the soil and plants does not vacuum,only on the plant surface...
std310 shaycg
std310 shaycg - 7 years ago
u need fish ! many small ones stupid!
kay - 7 years ago
i'd cry.
Ronnycrone - 7 years ago
This is a great video! I was going through a similar situation with my planted tank and decided to implement an RO system in my home as well. Excited to see how this goes!
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
John Chua
John Chua - 7 years ago
Hi! I hope this could help. I had this problem in my tank with a monte carlo carpet. I did a 5 day blackout, switched to a 6k-6.5k light (before it was somewhere from 6.5k-7k), regulated the Co2 well and it was gone. You could try to put an army of cherries too that worked for me about a year ago.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thanks man for advice.
Aquascaping TV
Aquascaping TV - 7 years ago
The most important is the fight for the aquarium.How is the continuation of this story?
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
My tank is still on DSM, soon be filed with water. Thanks.
Victor Castella
Victor Castella - 7 years ago
This problem happened because the soil is very rich in Nutrients and also because there are an excessive light... the solution: 1-2 months growing the plants without water in the aquarium, only is necessary to humidify the plants every 1-2 days, and so the algae not grow.. and also is necessary add more plants (all the soil covered).. This way the plants eat all the excessive nutrients and not grow algae. Good luck!
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thanks man... In fact that's what I'm doing now. Thank you for advice.
Martin Lorenzo Oconer Yuzon
Martin Lorenzo Oconer Yuzon - 7 years ago
I found it, look at your drop checker its datk blue you need more co2 try adding more co2 for a longer time you just said you just moved it a little bit for a short time
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
For filtration I used sump,and I was losing to much CO2 because my overflow. Now I bought canister filter and I hope it will be better now.
dclxvi - 7 years ago
Thanks for uploading this video. It is a great case study. Consider joining the r/plantedtank community on reddit. Great friendly place to diagnose and solve such problems.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Tim Phillips
Tim Phillips - 7 years ago
I suddenly feel much better about my battle with algae.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Tim Phillips
Tim Phillips - 7 years ago
Also, Seachem Phosguard might help.
TEHb Kocmoca
TEHb Kocmoca - 7 years ago
Dude, LOOOOL... Try not use this pathetic fish to clean your scape. Instead use horde of cherry shrimps. They clean everything and don't mess the soil
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thanks man.
Sighs Internally
Sighs Internally - 7 years ago
bruh leavin us hangin wheres the current state
Slapnutts McGee
Slapnutts McGee - 7 years ago
First thing I would have done was test my tap for phosphates.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
PO4 are 0. Salifert test.
Gorjan Dzundev
Gorjan Dzundev - 7 years ago
You had a typical new tank syndrome. A lot of ammonia was generated from the fresh aquasoil you've put, and there where no massive fast growing plants to consume it.
When you fill in the tank add some floating Ceratopteris. Since it will be floating - it will have unlimited access to CO2 and ligh, and be able to consume the ammonia; it will be easy to control its growth and completely remove it because its roots will be floating.
Cleaner crew like shrimps, amanos, ottos, mollies will also help fight the algae.

Thank you for sharing your experience,
Whish you better outcome with the new start!
Sam - 7 years ago
ottos sind so welse die typisch im aquascape sind Ohrgitterharnisch Welse. Kennst du bestimmt. Mit den Amanos die besten Algenvertilger.
Tine kreativ
Tine kreativ - 7 years ago
Gorjan Dzundev - Great help, also for me. Thank you so much!
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thanks man for advice.
Dallas Chan
Dallas Chan - 7 years ago
oh noooo. i totally feel you!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK MAN! :D
Daniel Dzolevski
Daniel Dzolevski - 7 years ago
zamisli ako imase i ribi vnatre kolku polosoke bese se e do filtracija na voda drugo nema vrska i svetla poslabi mn svetlo mnogu algi rasnat
Leon Wang
Leon Wang - 7 years ago
i havre same problem, black out my tank for 2 weeks, after that no more algae.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
2 weeks? And plants are fine after 2 weeks black out?
Garry Marvin Tolosa
Garry Marvin Tolosa - 7 years ago
I had the same thing happened to me when I started my tank(3months in). I kept yanking on those diatoms, hair algae and bga. Was doing 30% water changes daily which was the only thing I can do since I had crystal red shrimps in there already (no h2o2). I was terribly stressed with my ordeal because restarting was never an option so I went on a 10 day vacation!! But before that I unpluged my lights and co2, and when I got back voilà! No more issues! Some of my plants were a bit on the bad side but they recovered very well.

Lesson learned, when your at your wits end stop dosing and switch everything off except for the heater and filter.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thanks for replay and thanks for useful information.
Garry Marvin Tolosa
Garry Marvin Tolosa - 7 years ago
Vladimir Stojanovic luckily no algae came back until now, i believe i was dosing excessively since my plants was still trying to acclimate themselves to the new environment they weren't that efficient on taking nutrients from the water column. Now that my filter and substrate are fully cycled my life has gotten very easy. Dosing flourish 5ml once a week and iron once a week. Sometime i get to busy and i have to leave my tank with my housemate for top ups(tap water btw), and it's still doing great!
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Algae did not return later? Thanks for advice.
AQGYM - 7 years ago
I must thank you for showing what can go wrong and for all who commented saying they also had problems.I am very new to planted tanks and most of what i see on you tube is beautiful, perfect planted tanks that look like nothing ever goes wrong, this is a fantastic layout I have a fondness for stone and I am looking forward to seeing how it goes. thanks again for the peek behind the curtain
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thank you.
xsub4146 - 7 years ago
SilverZombie - 7 years ago
my experience is filter need to clean .. the light is too much..there's too much food for the plant to eat so the algae help the plant...well that just me but the best is to use a water test kit. try look for dennis wong youtube he will explain. i'm sure you will like
Andy T
Andy T - 7 years ago
you should of done more experiments to try so solve the problem and then reset your tank but nice video
Steamboat Pilot
Steamboat Pilot - 7 years ago
Refreshing to see the struggle we all go through highlighted instead of a perfect tank, the hardscape looks great, good luck.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Arash Shariati
Arash Shariati - 7 years ago
Use 2xT5 bulbs instead of 4. I think that when you get algae, you shouldn't remove it immediately. You should try to find the cause; either excess lighting or fertilisers because if you remove thealgae, the cause of the algae still exists so it will appear in your tank again and again, no matter how much you remove algae, if the cause of the algae isn't solved, it will keep growing. You don't need to use fertilisers because your substrate gives out a lot of the nutrients. Just look at the new leaves and if there is any deficiency, dose fertilisers according to that. Keep a few clean up crew fish in there that eat algae and prevent films of algae to grow on plants
Brian Bloomfield
Brian Bloomfield - 7 years ago
My first high tech planted tank turned NEON green. A sterilizer took care off that, but then the tank started growing hair algae like crazy, fortunately I got a Siamese Algae eater which dramatically helped. After that the tank became more balanced and the plants took off.
Ferran Homet
Ferran Homet - 7 years ago
I feel you
Spaide man
Spaide man - 7 years ago
Spaide man
Spaide man - 7 years ago
i got algae issue recently but mine is a small tank, h202 settled it nicely :P i suspect its your fertiliser, u add any liquid fertiliser? these algae thrive on decaying material (ie, dead plant/ wood). the algae seems to love your soil and wood very much.
sourav dey
sourav dey - 7 years ago
let me help u in thia case i m not pro bt I overcame this situation 2months age 1st of all for a good cycling becoz of new substrate and hi amount of ammonia do regular 50% water change for first 2 week atleast and start ur co2 before 1hr of turning on the lights for optimal conditions of photosynthesis give photo period of 6hr cause maximum 4hr a plant take to complete its photosynthesis and from the 5hr algae starts its photosynthesis so 6hr will not harm try to cover tank when ever u tank lights r not on avoid outside lights and turn of the co2 before 1hr of light goes of nd one more thing u can devide ur light hours to 2 part continues light hour is far better. do regular dosing and after 2week from the 3rd week do 3 tym water change in a week on 4th week 2 tyms and thn 1tym in a week will be great if u dont face anu algae issue this ia the process i maintained my aquarium something u need to do spot treatment of hydrogen peroxide bt do in limit other Wise u will kill ur fish and plants do 1ml/gallon dosing in spot treatment after tht do a complete 90% water change and remember one thing do not try to treat spot algaes with h2o2 cause tht is the symptoms of po4 deficiency so increase it little bit little until its gone and stop at thr start po4 dosing from 2pmm weekly.. and dont forget to add a wave maker for good amount of water circulation how much I can help I already did for any further queries feel free to ask and sorry for my bad English
sourav dey
sourav dey - 7 years ago
ur welcome brother i saw u did a dsm and u already posted a video on reborn of ur tank btw try keep temperature below 28 and extra co2 for plants to convert from emersed to submersed in between this u can see some melting of ur plants dont get panic tht is usual let ur plants to settle down in 1st 1month of conversion and thn add fish
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thanks :) Excellent advice from a lot of details. Thank you so much.
Frank Cava
Frank Cava - 7 years ago
Ah, and to think, you could have cleared al this up by just adding 3 or 4 Siameses algae eaters. They are an age old solution to these types of issues because they really get the job done. It is amazing to see how quickly they can clean up a tank with issues even worse then these. When someone says -"They ate it all over night" they are not joking, they really can clean an entire tank of every spec of BBA without damaging even one plant. Great video for sure and super informative.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Jared - 7 years ago
Good video! I have been using RO water for more than a year. I love it and will never go back. Make sure you add minerals back in! I have a heavily planted beautiful 75 gallon, I use Equilibrium, Alkaline buffer, and Acid buffer. to great success with a regular dosing regimen of NPK, Iron, Phosphorus, Trace, and Trace Exell, with co2, high intensity full color LEDs and high flow through the tank. both plants and fish have shown tremendous improvement at the addition of each of these things individually. all of them work together for true perfection! :) hope i have helped!
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thanks. I will use RO water this time. Thank you so much for advice:)
Jonniethai - 7 years ago
good video
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thank you.
djordje cvejic
djordje cvejic - 7 years ago
Vladimire svaka cast na svim snimcima. Stvarno utices pozitivno na sve nas pocetnike.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Passion4 Bettas
Passion4 Bettas - 7 years ago
Love this story kind of videos
Miguel Faican
Miguel Faican - 7 years ago
A real hell hahaha, nice video!
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thanks. Yes real hell :D
Daniel Tolentino
Daniel Tolentino - 7 years ago
if its newly set up try to water change everyday 20% for the first week, alternate for the second week and third week once a week. also introduce algae eaters. rcs or amano shrimp, siamese algae eater and otos. this might help you
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
I worked exactly as you say. First week water change every day,2nd week every other day,3rd week every third day,4th week once a week...
Artur Pick
Artur Pick - 7 years ago
You have a very nice aquarium! I am interested the sand you used in the foreground. Can you say what kind of sand? And where did you buy it?
juscallmej - 7 years ago
that looks like a  nightmare experience. something between your lighting, co2, and nutrients were out of balance. I think you had too much light, too little plant matter, too low water flow. also were you dosing nutrients in the water column as I think that would have helped get the plants to out compete the algae as well.  not sure you can blame it on your tap water.
Amith Kumar
Amith Kumar - 7 years ago
Always had this issue with my outdoor tanks which were exposed to sunlight throughout the day and no circulation. You may want to cut down on your lights and increase the flow rate. Introducing amano shrimps and gouramis will help too.
Carlos Amaral
Carlos Amaral - 7 years ago
I feel your pain! I fucking hate algae!
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
I hate them to.
Kurt Johnson
Kurt Johnson - 7 years ago
Good video. We all feel your frustration.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Fadhlika Ridha
Fadhlika Ridha - 7 years ago
I also have the same experience.. I put in CAE & turbo snail, waiting for 3 days and wow.. they clean it all.. :)
o0o74 - 7 years ago
that is because of your light and co2, high light low co2 = algea problems
Siulan Cheung
Siulan Cheung - 7 years ago
In my experience putting in some shrimp solved the problem. I had the same algae problem when setting up my planted tank but the shrimp really ate up all the algae. They seem to enjoy that rhizoclonium algae
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
I have Amano shrimp. And this time I will put them in this tank. Thank you.
Siulan Cheung
Siulan Cheung - 7 years ago
The ones I had were crystal red shrimp but the neocaridina species like red cherry shrimp will also do great. I live in South Africa so getting shrimp isn't easy. People say Amano shrimp are the best type of shrimp for algae but can't get Amano here. Perhaps where you stay you can get them
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thank you. What exactly types of shrimp?
Viktor Agabekov
Viktor Agabekov - 7 years ago
Could be high silicates in your tap. Try using RO/DI water when you fill it again after your DSM is complete
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thank you .And I think that's a problem. I will use RO water.
Ornela Lukac
Ornela Lukac - 7 years ago
Jel to crna bradata alga?
Ornela Lukac
Ornela Lukac - 7 years ago
Poucena tvojom pricom i mojim iskustvom. narucila sam Phosguard od Seachem, ako me strefi ovaj monstrum da se imam cime branit. Trenutno sam u fazi visokih nitrita...borba jos traje
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Hvala puno. Pozdrav za NY :)
Ornela Lukac
Ornela Lukac - 7 years ago
Steta, jako je lijep aquscape. Keep posted about progress with new tank. I'm in the same process, starting up new tank. Pozdrav iz NYka
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Nije. Ovo je nesto drugo. Diatom.
tomp rocks
tomp rocks - 7 years ago
put some shrimps in there man, in my experienced shrimp a lot better than algae eater fish or any other treatment for cleaning algae on the plant.(i got the same problem as yours but not that worst, and i put 20 yellow shrimp in my aquarium and all the algae on the plant and substrate gone within 3 days.)
the only left is algae on the glass coz srhimp barely touch it but not a big problem coz its easy to remove.
AfterAllWeAreHuman - 7 years ago
Yes.. Sometimes a natural feeder can help. Shrimps are a good choice.
Tine kreativ
Tine kreativ - 7 years ago
bobfal Thank you, I think I will try it out. ❤
bobfal - 7 years ago
Tine kreativ try about 10 cherrys, there pretty hardy just make sure they have some where to hide when they are moulting as the Betta is likely to have a go.
bobfal - 7 years ago
tomp rocks was thinking the same, a few armarno in there would make light work off that. Just had a similar issue myself with BBA but luckily made it through.
Tine kreativ
Tine kreativ - 7 years ago
tomp rocks - How many shrimps I can set in a very small aquarium (20x30x20 cm's)? 3? I have there a Betta-Fish.
Chloé Laurenss
Chloé Laurenss - 7 years ago
tomp rocks thats interesting
Chad Brunk
Chad Brunk - 7 years ago
tomp rocks I agree with using shrimp. unless it's a dedicated shrimp tank I use amano shrimp. I've had to use ottos in some of my populated tanks over shrimp due to the mass of pickers I have. not as effective but they do the job
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thank you man.
Erwan Saputra
Erwan Saputra - 7 years ago
Wht u not drop in algae eater(shrimp) ?
Sparticus - 7 years ago
sorry to hear about that bad news, had an issue similar to yours i tried to add flourish excel and added daily as per needed.. well it did wonders for me it may come from your sand as silicates or the iron content from your tap water might of been very high. But non the less you restarted your project from scratch best of luck
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
I suspect the same, sand and tap water quality. Thanks.
Seong Kian Chng
Seong Kian Chng - 7 years ago
I had green thread algae growing at the same rate of 1 inch everyday when I first set up my 300l aquarium. After I added 100 malayan shrimp into the tank, the algae was mostly gone overnight, and can barely be seen after another 2 days. The difference having shrimp in a tank vs one without tank is pretty jaw dropping. You could try adding shrimp if you get the same algae again after flooding your tank. Good luck
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thank you so much for advice. I will put shrimp this time necessarily.
Chinchilla Whiskers
Chinchilla Whiskers - 7 years ago
Think it might be somehing in the stone you use. I have the exact same stone (only 3 pieces) in my tank, and I just can't keep the algae out. I think it has a lot of mud trapped in it, and it feeds the algae.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
It is possible, though I washed stone well. Thanks.
Evan Stepowany
Evan Stepowany - 7 years ago
I had this happen with using sand due to the silica i believe (probably wrong). Have you tried seeing if stuff like chemipure or polyfill counters something in the water... then you might be able to narrow things down some. Also saw a similar outbreak happen in my one heavy planted tank, increasing the water flow helped remove everything pretty quickly.
jeremiemcd - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing, good luck with the dry start method, looking forward to seeing it transform.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thanks :)
Bourne Vengeance
Bourne Vengeance - 7 years ago
You poor man, but well done for your perseverance, never seen this before, however I've only ever used RO as I want to know exactly what my fish and plants are swimming in!
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thanks. This time I will use RO water.
a M
a M - 7 years ago
Why you don't use twinstar or chihiros doctor ? It's solution at your algea problem !
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Actually this time I'll use twinstar. Thanks man.
Zip Lynx
Zip Lynx - 7 years ago
maybe get some fast gowing stem plants, like Ludwigia Repens, and float them, until the plants in your scape are strong enough to beat the algea to the Nutrients
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thank for advice. I appreciate it.
fiq fantasy
fiq fantasy - 7 years ago
I feel your pain. let me share something maybe help you. same happen to me on my new build tank when I put co2 pressured for the week. Then, I controlled with slow a bit the bubble count. I put some activated carbon. and put some Siamese algae eater(Crossocheilus siamensis), Amano shrimp and Banana Shrimp. and lastly, I do a 30% water change once a week. You might need to control the lighting time, for me, I change from 12hours/day to 8hours/day. It worked for me and I'm not suffering with algae anymore. hope this help you.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thanks for advice. My lighting time was 8h/d.
Flyingdutchy33 - 7 years ago
While the dry start method is an almost sure way to prevent any big algea outbreaks, it is my experience that the brown hair algea will pretty much always invade a fresh aquarium. After 2 months or so, it will die off naturally as the relevant bacteria become established. Too many waterchanges is actually not that beneficial and seems to postpone the natural die off. Buckle up, be patient, and let your bacteria colonies grow in your filter/soil and you'll see that this awfull mess will actually sort itself out. Additionally, the more plantmass, the less algea, generally speaking. That's the core of the DSM too.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Yes it's possible :D Thank's for comment :)
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Maybe I have not enough CO2 because my overflow,also my tap water is trash. Now I run canister filter and using RO water. Things are totally different now. Thank's for comment and for sharing experience with your tank.
ShadowLinkFanGirl - 7 years ago
Im sorry for all your hard work. but it makes me feel little better knowing that someone who does such amazing scapes can also suffer like this. xD sorry.
hunga28 - 7 years ago
Flyingdutchy33 is right on the dot in my experience.

I had the exact same algae take over my tank. I happened to be using the exact same rock and ADA aquasoil, it could just be a coincidence but I think there's something leeching out of one of those two that is causing the algae outbreak. I was pretty annoyed when it happened to me too because this thing just completely ruins the tank. But i figured at the rate this thing was taking over my tank it was going to run out of whatever is feeding it eventually. So I cranked up my co2 and lights so the plants it is covering didn't die and let the algae run wild. Long behold after 2-3 weeks of just letting it run its course, the algae completely disappeared never to be seen again.

I absolutely love your scape btw, I've got a small spare tank so i might use that to make something similar to this since I've got a bunch of those honey comb rocks laying around.
Tim Phillips
Tim Phillips - 7 years ago
AND if your tap water has high phosphates, frequent water changes without treatment is just pouring in more "algae food." If you're on a well this would be especially prevalent.
Tabby Johnson
Tabby Johnson - 7 years ago
I have to wonder if this could have been prevented by dosing at the beginning?
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thank you so much for your comment and advice. Now I agree with you about to many waterchanges for this type of problem.
Ismael Marquez
Ismael Marquez - 7 years ago
I just went through the same stuff
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
So sorry for that...
Oleg Reshetov
Oleg Reshetov - 7 years ago
yep this was hell. I also have some algae in my 200L tank, but they grow faster when I do less maintenance, for now I just keep an eye on, but not removed completely. I maybe have poor filtration with internal Aquael Unifilter 750. Peroxide helps but not completely, just for some days...
Wish you success, keep on!
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thank you.
42paxl - 7 years ago
I had a problem with BBA...have put phosguard ...replace every my filter and added shrimps especially Amano shrimps and three Siamese algae eaters....all algae problems gone!!!!!
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Douglas Miranda
Douglas Miranda - 7 years ago
I want to see the update
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Soon. Plants are growing nicely in DSM.
Eric Jensen
Eric Jensen - 7 years ago
Have u thought about getting your heater out of the tank it's distracting and ugly.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Ramon - 7 years ago
Amazing tank I love your scape and can you tell me where I can get a Background like that? I cant wait to see the future growth.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thanks. Background is transparent window vinyl (frosted window effect).
japsicles - 7 years ago
the best so far. showing the reality of what will happen to your tank. keep it up. post another update soon. best of luck!
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thank you.
Mr. Tree Frog
Mr. Tree Frog - 7 years ago
Looks like your problem was that one of the three legs of maintaining a planted aquarium were off. I am guessing you weren't dosing ferts and excel.
carlmelo - 7 years ago
those diatoms or brown algae are part of a new tank cycling, aka new tank syndrome. I would have used Tetra Safe Start Plus to help establish the tank and then introduce some Ottocincluses a day after. In a few days, the Ottos will completely have eaten all of it. Diatoms are par course. If, you had left the tank alone to cycle, the diatoms would disappeared by itself.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thanks. I had cycled filter on this tank. This diatoms bothered me for two months. I had the same problem in another aquarium, seven months ...
hard cheese
hard cheese - 7 years ago
thanks for sharing
have experienced exactly the same with my tank for months until I started using seachem prime
its detoxification properties seem to restore the balance
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Will an overdose kill fish and shrimp?
Paolo Zalameda
Paolo Zalameda - 7 years ago
Tim Phillips I used seachem excel, you are right, it killed most of the hair algea...
TR PD - 7 years ago
I'm just curious if you ever thought of adding cleanup crew like amanos, sae, snails.
Tim Phillips
Tim Phillips - 7 years ago
I've read that Excel contains a substance that modifies organisms on a GENETIC level. And since algae is a single cell organism, it's basically flipping its genetic code and killing it that way.

Excel won't kill brown diatoms in my experience, though.
Adhi AWE
Adhi AWE - 7 years ago
u need to overdose excel to treat the algae. normal dose will inhibit algae grwoth instead of kill them. I go for excel than prime, as the excel contains desinfectant substance to kill algae spores.
Raye Gunn
Raye Gunn - 7 years ago
I had a similar experience, but with Flourish Excel. Algae isn't gone, i still have to clean off some brown algae, and there is a patch of green fuzz on some wood in the back, but it's much better than it was. Used to have a lot of black and green fuzzy edges on leaves and stuff. but may look into Prime next time i need to get water conditioner.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
hard cheese
hard cheese - 7 years ago
yes much better
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Does this solve the problem in your tank?
xSean145 - 7 years ago
That is so frustrating. One question, did you use any substrate additives or root tabs like osmocote?
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
No,just Tropica aquarium soil.
Aquascaper Shezad Kolah
Aquascaper Shezad Kolah - 7 years ago
u could have use seyamis algae eater and put po4 remover your problem would have gone.
Gorjan Dzundev
Gorjan Dzundev - 7 years ago
Vladimir Stojanovic I'd recommend adding amanos. Ancistrus and plecos love to munch wood bark but not much of the algae you had. Mollies would have been a better choice than ancistrus :)
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
I put 5 Ancistrus,this is a very fast growing algae. I need to find the cause of the problem and fix it. Thanks for your comment I appreciate it.
Yass Beater
Yass Beater - 7 years ago
Vladimir Stojanovic why not put some shrimp or algae eaters in there? I heard shrimp are good at cleaning waste and algae
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thanks man,I'll keep that in mind in the future.
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 7 years ago
hey man, I feel your pain! have had the same issues few times
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 7 years ago
thank you..same to you :)
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
I hope the best for your tank :)
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 7 years ago
I didn't :) yet..i'm playing a waiting game because I started using Flourish Excel, plus I got ottocinclus, amano and crystal red and black shrimp so I'm hoping for the best..
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thanks man. How did you solve the problem?
Aquatic Haus
Aquatic Haus - 7 years ago
Just subbed you, looking forward for your update with this.

and actually all you could do is just to crank up the co2 ( some bubble counters aren't accurate ) and lower the light intensity or cut down the light periods. and then add amano/yamato shrimps and otos and some nerite snails if you'd like.

Doing a blackout doesn't solve it but make it worst like what you tried because you're not providing lights for your plants and so they melt off. All those dying plants are again feeding the algae. Another tip is instead of Hydrogen Peroxide, you can try zero algae by ocean free. Lastly cut back on ferts if you do any dosing. Your tank is in serious in-balance that's why they are coming back over and over again.

Cheers, best of luck with DSM.
check out my channel if you'd liked too and subscribe if you want :)
Aquatic Haus
Aquatic Haus - 7 years ago
thanks and you're welcome as well :)
Cheers, go go aquascapers!
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thank you very much for your advice... I'll keep it all in mind from now. And I will check your channel:)
Sion Napitupulu
Sion Napitupulu - 7 years ago
i once struggled with this also, tried to put algae eaters (lot of them) still not working..
then i change the substrate into some small stones (Alor Sand) instead of sands, and put the Azoo Carbon, and it works. the algae gone in few days.

in my case, i tought the key is the filtration current is not strong enough..
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thanks. I intend to change my filter.
Chris Mintjes
Chris Mintjes - 7 years ago
I would have added some Ottocinclus or shrimps.
Even if I planned to not let it have anything in it, it would have been an easier solution, and probably even faster too. A dozen Ottocinclus would have had it clean in less then a week I would guess
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Yes I will add life in this tank when I fill the tank with water. For now it is still DSM going on.
Chris Mintjes
Chris Mintjes - 7 years ago
Vladimir Stojanovic so, are you going to add some life to this tank too? Doing just smaller shrimps in it will save the peace of it, but way easier to maintain
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
I love Amano shrimp too... I have 5.
Chris Mintjes
Chris Mintjes - 7 years ago
Vladimir Stojanovic oh, the reason I would not pick the Amano shrimps is that they prefer half salt/half fresh water to breed. The smaller and more colorful Neocaridinha can be bred on just fresh water.
Chris Mintjes
Chris Mintjes - 7 years ago
Vladimir Stojanovic I love them, I have six of them in my 1 meter aquarium. They are great algue eaters.
Personally I would go for the Blue Fairy or any green breed of the neocaridinha family for that tank of yours.

I have like 40 Blue Fairies in my shrimp aquarium too, together with about 20 yellow breeds.

This tank of yours would do great with some shrimps if you ask me.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thank's. What do you think about Amano shrimp?
Bojan Beska
Bojan Beska - 7 years ago
Samo napred Vlajko :D
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Hvala :D
Adam Jonas
Adam Jonas - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing man!! Good to see you keep it real and show the struggle with tanks sometimes.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
So sometimes you need to show too,reality... :) Thank's man!
Ljupco Radevski
Ljupco Radevski - 7 years ago
kolkav je bio fotoperiod?
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Stvarno ne znam,ali videcu da li ce se ponoviti kada ponovo napunim aq. Nadam se da nece.
Ljupco Radevski
Ljupco Radevski - 7 years ago
iskreno da ti kazem ne verujem da taj problem dolazi iz pipovaca...
Ljupco Radevski
Ljupco Radevski - 7 years ago
cudi me moment sto e toa sto tolku ja ima isprovocirano..
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Ubacio sam stream pumpu za cirkulaciju,vidi se u videu... Oto ce ici ako opet budem imao problem,mada za ovoliko alge sto sam imao trebalo bi mi 50 otocinklusa :D
Ljupco Radevski
Ljupco Radevski - 7 years ago
Vladimir Stojanovic ne gledam dali cirkulacija e dobra? dali proba da ubacis neki oto?
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
8 sati
movingWater - 7 years ago
puno nitrata u vodi iz slavine, jako svijetlo i manjak CO2 je uzrok vašim mukama sa algama.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Hvala. Imam inline atomizer. Bas sam ga iz tog razloga uzeo jer gubim dosta CO2. Vidi se posle u videu da ne koristim difuzor... Presao sam na inline,ali opet se dosta gubi zbog preliva. Tako da dolazi kanister umesto sumpa.
movingWater - 7 years ago
moja preporuka vam je CO2 reaktor komora, koja se montira na cijev od izlaza kanister filtera, nisu puno skupi a jako su efikasni.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Hvala za komentar...Nitrata u vodi sa vodovoda nema,ima silikata... Zato mi se i javlja silikatna alga. To je moja predpostavka,ali bicu siguran kada ubacim RO vodu. A za manjak CO2 ste verovatno u pravu,posto imam sump filter sa prelivom i gubim dosta CO2 iz vode iako pustam 7-8 b/s... Tako da cu da zamenim i filter. Ide kanister..
movingWater - 7 years ago
Ivan Kovačić
Ivan Kovačić - 7 years ago
movingWater Od toga što ste rekli samo je problem voda iz slavine puna nitrata. Ovo ostalo mislim da nije razlog, videćeš kad ti odg Vladimir :)
Bojan Djordjevic
Bojan Djordjevic - 7 years ago
Strasno nasta je licio , nemogu da verujem , sta mu uradise alge . Sada samo polako i setite se gde ste mozda gresili pa ispravite ako ste negde slucajno pogresili .
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Uradicu sve sto budem mogao.
Wyll Yancha
Wyll Yancha - 7 years ago
Im no expert but this happened to me before.. I just lowered the Lights(from 9hours to 6) and removed CO2 and used flourish excel. The growth of the plants wasnt that fast anymore but no more algae. Also, i think the shrimps I added helped. Just sharing
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thank's for sheering your experience... I'm no expert too :) Thank's!
Kyle wong
Kyle wong - 7 years ago
So sorry for your tragedy
Kyle wong
Kyle wong - 7 years ago
Vladimir Stojanovic just realized you don't have any livestock in this aquarium. Otocinlets worked wonders on my aquarium
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thank's... I hope it will now be better.
Leroy Sinclair
Leroy Sinclair - 7 years ago
Fill your tank with plecos
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
In fact that's what I already tried... :( Thank's....
vinish shetty
vinish shetty - 7 years ago
buy a small ro di unit if you can afford it, buy an internal filter with UV it looks like your canister filter doesn't have UV, try adding quick growing plants to the scape which can compete with algae, add some ottos and shrimp. turn up the lighting, your tank looks slightly dark and you where facing brown algae bloom.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Yes. Thank's... I will buy RO.
Eric Storm
Eric Storm - 7 years ago
The Hell Island. I'm sorry for your unluck. Keep going!
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Thank's man... I hope it will go better this time... Thank you for your support.
João Cem
João Cem - 7 years ago
Try the chihiros doctor!
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
O yes,I watched this video 10 times :)
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Please let me know if it works :D
João Cem
João Cem - 7 years ago
Vladimir, to be honest, I don't. But I ordered mine on aliexpress. I've read some opinions and people say it's great for preventing many kinds of algae.
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Do you have any experience with chihiros doctor?
João Cem
João Cem - 7 years ago
It's the chinese version of the twinstar. Don't thank me. Hehehe... I hope it works for your beautiful tank!
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
I did my research about Chihiros Doctor and I will definitely buy one. Thank's for advice!
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
I'll try to... Thank's.
Ivan Kovačić
Ivan Kovačić - 7 years ago
Napokon, jedva dočekah. Super klip :D
Ivan Kovačić
Ivan Kovačić - 7 years ago
Polako kolega, biće nešto od nas :D
Vladimir Stojanovic
Vladimir Stojanovic - 7 years ago
Super klip,jos da je super aq :D

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