Aquascaping -THE ISLANDS- True story
Aquascaping 7 years ago 223,984 views
Tank size 100x45x40h (cm) 180L Lighting 4x39w T5 daylight 6500K Substrate-Tropica aquarium soil Hardscape Dragon stone Plant list at the end of video
Aquascaping 7 years ago 223,984 views
Tank size 100x45x40h (cm) 180L Lighting 4x39w T5 daylight 6500K Substrate-Tropica aquarium soil Hardscape Dragon stone Plant list at the end of video
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The "Aquascaping -THE ISLANDS- True story" video is part of the freshwater, aquascaping category, which contains similar videos like this one.
10. comment for Aquascaping -THE ISLANDS- True story
The money i spent on the ada stuff was insane. I think a good mix of quality and quantity makes it also a granted success.
Sorry for my bad english^^
Me: your welcome
You should set the light in a day and turn off at the night.
The one time i made an aquarium with slower plants (tbh they were pretty much the plants in this video lol) i had the same problem, cleaned the tank everyday and finally got the plants to defeat the algae after about 1-1/2 months
Plants out competing the algue seems to make a big difference in my opinion, wonder if introducing something like cabomba in a pot for the first few months would make a difference to try and absorb some of the excess nutrients (appreciate you probably know more than I ever will). I would have really liked to see you persist with this to see What the outcome was after 6m but appreciate it's a lot of work.
20. comment for Aquascaping -THE ISLANDS- True story
30. comment for Aquascaping -THE ISLANDS- True story
At the start, diatoms will appear, and they usually go away in 5-7 weeks. Then green hair algae will appear for same 4-5 months. Then will appear black hair algae, they stay for a year. And then comes xenococus, the green spot algae - an indicator of mature tank, (1,5 years or more). Depending on a bio-balance, they will grow more or less, but they will grow anyway. Using algaecides usually helps, but once you stop adding chemicals, algae will appear again, because algaecides don't deal with problem, but only freezes it for a while.
50. comment for Aquascaping -THE ISLANDS- True story
Happy aquascaping!
It looks to me like there was a LARGE water imbalance? maybe too much sun? maybe not enough plant nutria nice in the soil? Maybe bad filtration? Could be a lot of things.
you could have taken the algae covered plants & rocks out & spray them with a hydrogen peroxide solution then let them soak in a bucket or something for a few days while repeatedly spraying them. that totally would have gotten rid of it
Great video!!!Keep doing
here you can find the wave maker, One all your plants group up and please install the wave maker and put the external filter...
you will love your fish tank
Dwarf baby tears (HC cuba)- Hemianthus Callitrichoides
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But now it's much better.... 99.99% better...
Thank's for your comment and your time. .
I appreciate it
You made some very simple mistakes. The main mistake was to not let your aquarium develop a proper biofilter. Look at your video - there isn't a single word about the filter. That is how the modern hobby has become.
For a VERY comprehensive information on how to start a tank from zero and bring it to a more or less stable state please follow the link below. The book describes a professionally setup tank day by day in the course of the first month. The book is written by a person that worked for a company that followed the best practices of ADA and is a very good source of information. You will see that the first 1-2 months of these tanks are a lot of crazy work. There is nothing natural in any of that and that is why I personally do not like the so-called "high tech" part of the planted tank hobby. 9 out of 10 high tech tanks are kept just a few days away from serious algae problems. But most people do not understand that.
Good luck.
My solution? Shrimp.
Cleaned it all up, lol
100. comment for Aquascaping -THE ISLANDS- True story
Very common in low plant mass tanks, I do believe it has something to do with the quality of the tap water, as I felt the more water changes I did the worst it got.
too sad i already gave up . now my tank have no plants.
please continue with this series. This is the same thing i'm experiencing too.
I'm thinking of starting without plants, with UV, and completely giving ozone for about a week on RO water but with correct co2, ph, kh, lighting schedule and filtration. after ozone dissipated, if this works without algae for about a couple of weeks then i will start adding some plants and start with the fertilization regime. I'm really fed up with spending money on awesome looking plants and loosing them at one point due to being covered with algae.
I hope I have better success.
I do have a question...what is RO ?
When you fill in the tank add some floating Ceratopteris. Since it will be floating - it will have unlimited access to CO2 and ligh, and be able to consume the ammonia; it will be easy to control its growth and completely remove it because its roots will be floating.
Cleaner crew like shrimps, amanos, ottos, mollies will also help fight the algae.
Thank you for sharing your experience,
Whish you better outcome with the new start!
Lesson learned, when your at your wits end stop dosing and switch everything off except for the heater and filter.
the only left is algae on the glass coz srhimp barely touch it but not a big problem coz its easy to remove.
I had the exact same algae take over my tank. I happened to be using the exact same rock and ADA aquasoil, it could just be a coincidence but I think there's something leeching out of one of those two that is causing the algae outbreak. I was pretty annoyed when it happened to me too because this thing just completely ruins the tank. But i figured at the rate this thing was taking over my tank it was going to run out of whatever is feeding it eventually. So I cranked up my co2 and lights so the plants it is covering didn't die and let the algae run wild. Long behold after 2-3 weeks of just letting it run its course, the algae completely disappeared never to be seen again.
I absolutely love your scape btw, I've got a small spare tank so i might use that to make something similar to this since I've got a bunch of those honey comb rocks laying around.
Wish you success, keep on!
have experienced exactly the same with my tank for months until I started using seachem prime
its detoxification properties seem to restore the balance
Excel won't kill brown diatoms in my experience, though.
and actually all you could do is just to crank up the co2 ( some bubble counters aren't accurate ) and lower the light intensity or cut down the light periods. and then add amano/yamato shrimps and otos and some nerite snails if you'd like.
Doing a blackout doesn't solve it but make it worst like what you tried because you're not providing lights for your plants and so they melt off. All those dying plants are again feeding the algae. Another tip is instead of Hydrogen Peroxide, you can try zero algae by ocean free. Lastly cut back on ferts if you do any dosing. Your tank is in serious in-balance that's why they are coming back over and over again.
Cheers, best of luck with DSM.
check out my channel if you'd liked too and subscribe if you want :)
Cheers, go go aquascapers!
then i change the substrate into some small stones (Alor Sand) instead of sands, and put the Azoo Carbon, and it works. the algae gone in few days.
in my case, i tought the key is the filtration current is not strong enough..
Even if I planned to not let it have anything in it, it would have been an easier solution, and probably even faster too. A dozen Ottocinclus would have had it clean in less then a week I would guess
Personally I would go for the Blue Fairy or any green breed of the neocaridinha family for that tank of yours.
I have like 40 Blue Fairies in my shrimp aquarium too, together with about 20 yellow breeds.
This tank of yours would do great with some shrimps if you ask me.