Aram Schneider Timelapse Bonsai Scape Aquascaping
Aquascaping 10 years ago 200,640 views
This layout in a 60x60x60cm tank is an example for a low maintenance aquascape. It shows that you can create an impressive layout even with very common aquatic plants such as moss, anubias, crypts etc. in combination with some nice hardscape. The after care needed for this aquascape is quite low. The layout was created by Aram Schneider who is one of the most popular aquascapers in germany. List of plants: -Marsilea hirsuta - Taxiphyllum barbieri -Cryptocoryne parva -Cryptocoryne wendtii tropica -Eleocharis parvula -Fontinalis antipyretica -Littorella uniflora -Lilaeopsis brasiliensis -Anubias barteri var. nana -Riccardia sp. Technical features: -60x60x60cm optiwhite tank -JBL e901 filter -Twinstar nano -JBL CO2 system -6x Econlux Solar Stinger Nanoflex LED -VIV Lily pipes -OrinocoGlass CO2 glassware -Gümmersand nature -Borneo Wild Minerax, Humic, Enlive -dragon stones (ohko stones) Dieses Layout in einem 60x60x60cm Aquarium stellt ein Beispiel für ein sogenanntes „Low Maintenance“ Becken dar. Es soll zeigen, dass man selbst mit absoluten Standardpflanzen wie Javamoos, Anubien, Cryptocorynen etc. in Kombination mit tollem Hardscape ein traumhaftes Aquascape erstellen kann, welches außerdem einen geringen Pflegebedarf hat. Das Becken wurde eingerichtet von Aram Schneider, einem der bekanntesten deutschen Aquascaper. Pflanzenliste: -Marsilea hirsuta - Taxiphyllum barbieri -Cryptocoryne parva -Cryptocoryne wendtii tropica -Eleocharis parvula -Fontinalis antipyretica -Littorella uniflora -Lilaeopsis brasiliensis -Anubias barteri var. nana -Riccardia sp. Ausstattung: -60x60x60cm Weissglasaquarium -JBL e901 Filter -Twinstar nano -JBL CO2 Anlage -Econlux Solar Stinger Nanoflex LED -VIV Lily Pipes -OrinocoGlass CO2 Glaswaren -Gümmersand natur -Borneo Wild Minerax, Humic, Enlive -Drachensteine (Ohko Stones)
Can you advise of your curing techniques to make the dead tree tank safe? Did you experience any tannins discolouring the water after it was planted? And also, which materials did you use to weigh the tree down and keep it in place? Thanks in advance.
it was just try and error :-) The only Thing I knew was, that the Bonsai was already dead for one year. I think it is important that the Wood is totally dry. There were no tannis colouring the water. I glued a small Stone to the bottom of the tree to Keep it down.
10. comment for Aram Schneider Timelapse Bonsai Scape Aquascaping
The moss is just simple Java moss.
20. comment for Aram Schneider Timelapse Bonsai Scape Aquascaping
Such a delicate wood, i would expect it to float or just colapse and yet it worked.
The equipment is top notch, my setups make me want to cry in comparison.