Easy Aquascaping

In this video I show how easy it can be to create a fairly nice aquascape with the right tools. The scape is made with easy plants in a standard 60cm start kit aquarium. Its all made in less than 5 minutes. Please share and comment.

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Aquascaping 11 years ago 202,703 views

In this video I show how easy it can be to create a fairly nice aquascape with the right tools. The scape is made with easy plants in a standard 60cm start kit aquarium. Its all made in less than 5 minutes. Please share and comment.

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Most popular comments
for Easy Aquascaping

Seascorp Scorpio
Seascorp Scorpio - 7 years ago
MMM You don't rinse your sand?
Yannik Handle
Yannik Handle - 7 years ago
Careful! Its easy to build but without more plants or fast growing plants it wil be difficult to maintain when you don't want algae plagues
Yannik Handle
Yannik Handle - 7 years ago
but it really looks awesome!
simtalkayak - 8 years ago
whenever i tried to "aquascape" the substrate always flattened out for me.... why dose it happen?
Yannik Handle
Yannik Handle - 7 years ago
ADA guys use to stick "walls" in the soil to keep it in shape
check out the newest video by the green machine
Jessy Dee
Jessy Dee - 9 years ago
Soooo.... Tips on ace beginner plants for a 20 gallon betta sorority housing cories, gouramis and female plakats? :D
Shane Richter
Shane Richter - 9 years ago
Love this Mate!! I really wanted a planted tank but for a 60cm tank.. You literally went into my head... Took all my thoughts - South American fish, small as possible, light coloured gravel, plants that dont require CO2, etc etc!! Cant fault this! Only thing i im adding extra is 3D background, a pair of Blue Rams and a pair of Apisto. aggazzi... Thank you once again!!!
Steve Rickard
Steve Rickard - 9 years ago
Stupid question...why change the light tube once a year? (Awesome tank by the way!)
Christian Brams
Christian Brams - 9 years ago
+Steve Rickard For every day a light tube burns its light decreases in power, and most important in light quality. If you change it every year (for T8 standard) you are sure that the light provided is good. And that keeps the plants happy and keeps the algae away.
David Holloway
David Holloway - 9 years ago
Hi, where did you get your driftwood with plants already attached?
Christian Brams
Christian Brams - 9 years ago
Hi David.
They're from the Italian producer ANUBIAS.
Petr Hofman
Petr Hofman - 9 years ago
123 listos
123 listos - 9 years ago
is arena silice ?

10. comment for Easy Aquascaping

Felix Reyes
Felix Reyes - 9 years ago
grate layout man love it
Felix Reyes
Felix Reyes - 9 years ago
+Christian Brams awesome.. good deal thank you sir....
Christian Brams
Christian Brams - 9 years ago
+Felix Reyes The plants are regular Anubias nana and Microsorum pteropus. These are bought ready attached on the wood from the Italian company "Anubias".
Gerjan Van Boggelen
Gerjan Van Boggelen - 9 years ago
biutiful small tank , I try and go for this kind of setup reel nice
Gregg Ashton
Gregg Ashton - 9 years ago
Looks really good,
Problem i have with it, i feel like its cheated with the pre-made wood/plant,
The main visual point is already done and i would imagine it would of cost alot to buy,
But still looks good
Ira Maya
Ira Maya - 10 years ago
Hi there just wondering how do u prevent the anaerobic bacteria from growing? Since it's sand substrate and so intricately planted. Hope you'll reply, thanks! :)
Christian Brams
Christian Brams - 10 years ago
Just rinse the sand when you change water. Its pretty easy to remove all the stones and wood now and then and rinse more easy.
ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΠΟΛΥΖΟΣ - 10 years ago
I LOVE IT <3 :D 
Mark Brady
Mark Brady - 10 years ago
I love the simplicity of this aquascape! The end results are look natural and very impressive! I used your ideas for my new 20 gallon and I'm very pleased with the results. Thanks! 
Christian Brams
Christian Brams - 10 years ago
+Mark Brady Tnx Mark! Im glad you could use the ideas for your tank.
C Higgs
C Higgs - 10 years ago
Looks good though
C Higgs
C Higgs - 10 years ago
Too big, Too many*
Claartje van Uden
Claartje van Uden - 10 years ago
I realy love it I,m going to try to make my 40L nano the same 
Andy Iqbal
Andy Iqbal - 10 years ago
are the plants real?

20. comment for Easy Aquascaping

Lewis Coveney
Lewis Coveney - 10 years ago
Where can I find drift wood with the epiphytic plants already attached for my aquarium.

I'd appreciate if you could direct me to a website/Store witihin the uk! 
aliciacb8284747274 - 7 years ago
Lewis Coveney I know this is old but Tropica sells anubias already attached to driftwood. You can pick up their plants through Pets at Home, eBay and maybe through your LFS. It's cheaper to do it yourself though in many cases, SwellUK sells driftwood at reasonable prices and Pets at Home do individual anubias plants for £3.99 or 3 for £11
Lewis Coveney
Lewis Coveney - 10 years ago
Thanks, But just to help out, I wasn't just asking you haha
Christian Brams
Christian Brams - 10 years ago
Hey, just because i used the woods with plants in this video doesn't mean that i know all the retailers in the world.
Its the Italian producer "Anubias" that makes these, I guess you can check with them for retailer in your area.
My guess would have been that The green machine have them as supplier?
Christian Brams
Christian Brams - 10 years ago
Tnx Eric, but what do you mean with "fishes is not a word"?
Christian Brams
Christian Brams - 9 years ago
+Cave Lion haha. True!
Cave Lion
Cave Lion - 9 years ago
+Christian Brams he obviously never heard the song "three little fishes"
pusc1f3r - 9 years ago
+Christian Brams Apparently fishes is acceptable if it used as a plural, ie more than one species of fish together.
Douglas Hohlfelder
Douglas Hohlfelder - 10 years ago
Fish is technically plural.  Kinda like Moose.  He's basically being a dick.  Great looking tank, made so easy!  
Aquarium Fanatic
Aquarium Fanatic - 10 years ago
I love it but fishes is not a word. Great job :)
Biswadeep Bhowal
Biswadeep Bhowal - 11 years ago
Are plastic plants very harmful for the aquarium?
Christian Brams
Christian Brams - 11 years ago
No not harmful at all. But they dont make any good as the real plants do either. A well working flora is the best filter you can get and minimizes the algae growth and other problems you might get in the tank.
Skdilankavindu W
Skdilankavindu W - 11 years ago
not to much
Arfan Abdalwahab
Arfan Abdalwahab - 11 years ago
one more question, do I need filter ? what you mean by pump ? just air pump ?
Christian Brams
Christian Brams - 11 years ago
No, no air pump. This set comes with an internal pump with filter. Its a EHEIM 2008, from the Pick up series.
You do need some kind of filter and a pump for circulation.
Arfan Abdalwahab
Arfan Abdalwahab - 11 years ago
You did a great job Christian. I am wondering about the type of plants that you used. What is the name of that plant?  would you mind to tell me please ?
Christian Brams
Christian Brams - 11 years ago
Sure. Its Microsorum pteropus, Anubias nana and some kind of Vesicularia, not sure which.
jean-francois Hebert
jean-francois Hebert - 11 years ago
aquascaping with plastic plant ..well ya EASY mode for the start but natural plant give way more positive things to your tank than plastic one ... and i don`t mind if you like plastic plant but the fun fact about aquascaping is watching those plant growing this is my opinion but i agree they look way more natural than before and are very less expensive ..still a nice set up by the way finally i still like it
jean-francois Hebert
jean-francois Hebert - 11 years ago
+Christian Brams
not at all my point is they really look real i said this is an awesome aquascape too i really like it but all my tank are planted with real plant ...i said they look really more natural than what plastic plant look like 10 year ago ...im sorry for if my message wasn`t clear im french canadian and my english is not so good ...hoo and dude it wasn`t like an hater message or something plastic aquascape are easy for someone who start with fishtank but real plant are way more beneful at long time but need more knowledge
Christian Brams
Christian Brams - 11 years ago
You got to be kidding with me, do you mean for real that this looks like plastic plants?!?

If you really do mean it. I can tell you that in this set up there is 100% natural materials, and all of the plants are real, living plants. And they grow!. 

Im glad you like it. =)
msnb1966 - 11 years ago
sorry, it mentioned in your vid.
i can't believe it!
i lit my 52cm tank with more than 30w and plants keep dying....
but without fertilizer.
so i'll try it.
thanks, chris!
msnb1966 - 11 years ago
it' cool.
do you put co2 diffuser in it?
Christian Brams
Christian Brams - 11 years ago
Nope, this set up is not powered by anything else then 15W light tube and Tropica´s fertilizer. Its meant to be an easy scape for beginners and folk´s that want an easy and nice tank.
ItsCtmh - 11 years ago
Very nice tank

30. comment for Easy Aquascaping

Farshad Postman
Farshad Postman - 11 years ago
great amazing
Haris Saputra
Haris Saputra - 11 years ago
i .. really loved the concept , it's so simple, yet stunning !
by the way bro, how about the other specs ? the lighting and the temp itself ..
Christian Brams
Christian Brams - 11 years ago
This tank is a standard kit from EHEIM, supplied with Jäger 50w heater and Pick up internal filter. Light is supplied with a 15W T8 tube, i think Sylvania standard. I always try to keep the temp around 25-26 C.
Carson Allen
Carson Allen - 11 years ago
You need a few angelfish to complete that tank :)
Larry Seus
Larry Seus - 11 years ago
I love how the ember tetras set the green in the plants off so well :)
Christian Brams
Christian Brams - 11 years ago
Miniature landscape rock!
Music Magician
Music Magician - 11 years ago
which kind of stones are those?
Christian Brams
Christian Brams - 11 years ago
Of course they are real.
fish lover
fish lover - 11 years ago
nvm just say last bit XD wow they are really shinny plants
fish lover
fish lover - 11 years ago
are the plants real?
clydezboy - 11 years ago
thanks for the video...nice and simple setup
TheVinceson - 11 years ago
I ate 10 of my own boogers while watching this... thanks Christian Brams
Christian Brams
Christian Brams - 11 years ago
These are Anubias nana and Microsorum pteropus (narrow i think). And some Versicularia species.
Patrick Hall
Patrick Hall - 11 years ago
Very nice video. What kind of epiphytic plants are attached to the drift woods? Thanks.
Ben Truss
Ben Truss - 11 years ago
At first thought the filter looked way too big and ugly but the end aquascape looked really good well done good on u . P.s I got the same. Filter
Dyck Guillaum
Dyck Guillaum - 11 years ago
Christian Brams
Christian Brams - 11 years ago

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