Live Aquascaping of the Fluval Flex 15 Gallon, I LOVE TECHNOLOGY!!!
Aquascaping 8 years ago 14,946 views
I've gathered all the necessary items to do amazing aquascape in the new Fluval Flex but let's try something different, let's scape this thing together LIVE on YouTube!!! Tank Talk Live is a weekly live show where John from KGTropicals talks about aquarium fish keeping and answers your questions. John will also be joined in some of the live streams by other personalities in the aquatic community. There’s never a dull moment so make sure you put it on the calendar to join John and guests every Thursday night at 8 PM EST. Here's a link to Houston Manzanitas Facebook Page, send him a message if you're interested in ordering. https://www, Aquarium Co-Op 10% off for entering Tank Talk at check out!! Looking for the KGTropicals Premium Cichlid Pellets or many other aquarium supplies? Check out our website KGTropicals and I bet you’ll find them!!! Join the Tank Talk Facebook Group and join me on Tuesday nights from 9 PM-10:30 PM EST!! Check out our affiliates and see how you can get some great deals!! Universal Rocks 15% off for entering Tank Talk at check out!! Live Fish Direct $10.00 off for entering Tank Talk at check out!! Aquarium Co-Op 10% off for entering Tank Talk at check out!! LIVE STREAM PLAYLIST FIRST PLANTED TANK PLAYLIST FIRST SALTWATER TANK PLAYLIST TANK TALK PLAYLIST QANDA PLAYLIST DISCUS @kgtropicals on Twitter kg_tropicals on instagram
10. comment for Live Aquascaping of the Fluval Flex 15 Gallon, I LOVE TECHNOLOGY!!!
20. comment for Live Aquascaping of the Fluval Flex 15 Gallon, I LOVE TECHNOLOGY!!!
I guess that wouldn't really make you feel any better, would it? lol It was fun and you got a thumbs up from me anyway. You made the effort and it turned out great.
Some Java Moss zip tied to the wood would look nice and your shrimp would REALLY appreciate it.
But it turned out very nice.
30. comment for Live Aquascaping of the Fluval Flex 15 Gallon, I LOVE TECHNOLOGY!!!
If you ever have to pull the output spouts, say to clean the pump tubing, make sure the water is below the hole they come out of. Chili rasboras can and will swim through that hole. Just another lesson I learned. Fortunately I was able to successfully flush him back out.
And finally, otos are small, cute and will work on some algae. A horned bumblebee nerite (small and cute and won't breed) would be a good addition too.