Live Aquascaping of the Fluval Flex 15 Gallon, I LOVE TECHNOLOGY!!!

I've gathered all the necessary items to do amazing aquascape in the new Fluval Flex but let's try something different, let's scape this thing together LIVE on YouTube!!! Tank Talk Live is a weekly live show where John from KGTropicals talks about aquarium fish keeping and answers your questions. John will also be joined in some of the live streams by other personalities in the aquatic community. There’s never a dull moment so make sure you put it on the calendar to join John and guests every Thursday night at 8 PM EST. Here's a link to Houston Manzanitas Facebook Page, send him a message if you're interested in ordering. https://www, Aquarium Co-Op 10% off for entering Tank Talk at check out!! Looking for the KGTropicals Premium Cichlid Pellets or many other aquarium supplies? Check out our website KGTropicals and I bet you’ll find them!!! Join the Tank Talk Facebook Group and join me on Tuesday nights from 9 PM-10:30 PM EST!! Check out our affiliates and see how you can get some great deals!! Universal Rocks 15% off for entering Tank Talk at check out!! Live Fish Direct $10.00 off for entering Tank Talk at check out!! Aquarium Co-Op 10% off for entering Tank Talk at check out!! LIVE STREAM PLAYLIST FIRST PLANTED TANK PLAYLIST FIRST SALTWATER TANK PLAYLIST TANK TALK PLAYLIST QANDA PLAYLIST DISCUS @kgtropicals on Twitter kg_tropicals on instagram

Live Aquascaping of the Fluval Flex 15 Gallon, I LOVE TECHNOLOGY!!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 15

Aquascaping 8 years ago 14,946 views

I've gathered all the necessary items to do amazing aquascape in the new Fluval Flex but let's try something different, let's scape this thing together LIVE on YouTube!!! Tank Talk Live is a weekly live show where John from KGTropicals talks about aquarium fish keeping and answers your questions. John will also be joined in some of the live streams by other personalities in the aquatic community. There’s never a dull moment so make sure you put it on the calendar to join John and guests every Thursday night at 8 PM EST. Here's a link to Houston Manzanitas Facebook Page, send him a message if you're interested in ordering. https://www, Aquarium Co-Op 10% off for entering Tank Talk at check out!! Looking for the KGTropicals Premium Cichlid Pellets or many other aquarium supplies? Check out our website KGTropicals and I bet you’ll find them!!! Join the Tank Talk Facebook Group and join me on Tuesday nights from 9 PM-10:30 PM EST!! Check out our affiliates and see how you can get some great deals!! Universal Rocks 15% off for entering Tank Talk at check out!! Live Fish Direct $10.00 off for entering Tank Talk at check out!! Aquarium Co-Op 10% off for entering Tank Talk at check out!! LIVE STREAM PLAYLIST FIRST PLANTED TANK PLAYLIST FIRST SALTWATER TANK PLAYLIST TANK TALK PLAYLIST QANDA PLAYLIST DISCUS @kgtropicals on Twitter kg_tropicals on instagram

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Most popular comments
for Live Aquascaping of the Fluval Flex 15 Gallon, I LOVE TECHNOLOGY!!!

Christine Williams
Christine Williams - 7 years ago
Hi I just brought the same tank for a betta, I like the idea of some shrimp, how will you prevent yours from getting through the vents, you said you would cover them, with what is my question.
D Devries
D Devries - 7 years ago
Update on this tank and did you get your shrimp?
Lee Kovic
Lee Kovic - 7 years ago
Can you let me know if the factory lights are sufficient for a low light setup?
Innessa916 - 7 years ago
Haha every time I vape while on the phone with my husband he says I sound like Darth Vader.
Emil13able - 7 years ago
I have a 50 gal. tropical Community tank. Want to set up one like your working on. From watching you I'm looking to start one for a Beta, and neon fish you have excited to start.
travellife08 - 8 years ago
I recently bought one of these which is on backorder. Do you find the glass to be too thin and the glare more pronounced then on a straight sided tank?
Chad Marsolais
Chad Marsolais - 8 years ago
hey John you need to put a power head in the Evo for more flow it will help a lot for algae and the coral
Shelley G.
Shelley G. - 8 years ago
John, I bought one of these tanks for myself. They seem very cool...but Im wondering if you think shrimp can live in it because of the filter intake slots. I was hoping to get some shrimp but I dont know what to do about that part. Any Ideas??
ABQ Cichlids
ABQ Cichlids - 8 years ago

10. comment for Live Aquascaping of the Fluval Flex 15 Gallon, I LOVE TECHNOLOGY!!!

Clive Pugh
Clive Pugh - 8 years ago
Try putting Floss in the compartment with the vents to not only stop shrimp getting in there and also clear the water better
Carlos Lugo
Carlos Lugo - 8 years ago
Excellent effort, for the tank, and the video... I'm a newbie to planted tanks and it was very easy and fun to watch... Lot of info in between the beginning and the final "product"... Not a "fiasco" at all... Congrats.
JOWEE BOIE - 8 years ago
the very effort you showed us in this build is the essence of fishkeeping. bar none. #TankTalkNation rock!
jacqueline rogers
jacqueline rogers - 8 years ago
hi i just started to watch these tank set ups ,i think you have done well i have 8 large tanks ,one has CO2 DIY and grows good plants lots of lights though,i always set up new tanks semi dry then gently add conditioned water ,as you will know by now most set ups are really cloudy just have to be passion t
Class Project
Class Project - 8 years ago
I am a beginner at fish keeping. I have a 1 gallon tank with 1 Bala Shark (baby) 1 Comet Goldfish (baby) 1 Koi (baby) 2 pleco (baby) 5 ghost shrimp and 1 Angel fish. Why do my fish not swim/breathe well pls give advice .
Hulk-Smash - 7 years ago
what heater do u reccomend
Joshua Burkard
Joshua Burkard - 8 years ago
If it is indeed a 1 gallon tank, you are insanely overstocked. The fish are suffering from ammonia poisoning.
agent 333
agent 333 - 8 years ago
I think some neon tetras and some cobra guppies would go good with the fluval tank.. it'll bring out the bold colors and already some awesome fish.. if u want lol but other than that nice design and setup I wish I had the fluval flex..
jane doe
jane doe - 8 years ago
hi john, just found you here and couldnt stop watching you scaping the tank, just want to say, nice tank and greetings from germany! and now i go watching your other vids ;-)
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Looking good. Finally got time to catch up on this video. As long as the plants don't freeze they are good. Much like plants outside, it's the freeze that kills plants. Once their cells freeze they are a goner.
Colleen Dion
Colleen Dion - 8 years ago
That looks awesome. I often wondered how the plants survive temperature changes like that. Just because I live in a very temperamental part of Canada for weather.
Ice King
Ice King - 8 years ago
Hey , I have a 6 gallon aquarium and i need help if u can go to my channel and see if i have too much fish or not pls help before anything bad happens
Chass Trace
Chass Trace - 8 years ago
Ice King definitely overstocked. plus angel fish are aggressive. I'd get them out of there.

20. comment for Live Aquascaping of the Fluval Flex 15 Gallon, I LOVE TECHNOLOGY!!!

j white
j white - 8 years ago
great video thank for all the great information
owdatuner - 8 years ago
you make me want to rescape my tank! great job john looks great!
Henrik Haugaard Steen
Henrik Haugaard Steen - 8 years ago
Thanks for sharing :-) Looking forward to an update
William Carino
William Carino - 8 years ago
If it makes you feel any better I got a good laugh out of watching this video.

I guess that wouldn't really make you feel any better, would it? lol It was fun and you got a thumbs up from me anyway. You made the effort and it turned out great.

Some Java Moss zip tied to the wood would look nice and your shrimp would REALLY appreciate it.
Victor O.
Victor O. - 8 years ago
Looks good, I like it. Was a little worried at the
But it turned out very nice.
Adam Gamberutti
Adam Gamberutti - 8 years ago
Everything turned out well. I'm glad all the stone and wood arrived safely.
RAD Aquatics
RAD Aquatics - 8 years ago
Is that the new fluval "flex" in the back ground?
Karen Talbot
Karen Talbot - 8 years ago
Your tank looks great!
dbachelor's Planted Aquarium
dbachelor's Planted Aquarium - 8 years ago
Love the aquascape! thumbs up!
Constance MacAllister
Constance MacAllister - 8 years ago
I voted to have you do it as a live stream and then I was unable to experience live. However, I enjoyed it anyway. I certainly stumble when I'm putting together a decor and its fun to see someone else work their way through. The result looks great. Thanks!

30. comment for Live Aquascaping of the Fluval Flex 15 Gallon, I LOVE TECHNOLOGY!!!

Jack Bargert
Jack Bargert - 8 years ago
Hey john , how's the 240 doing ? Are the africans all doing good and would love to see an update on that aquarium.
eric j
eric j - 8 years ago
I need that dragon stone lol love that stuff.
eric j
eric j - 8 years ago
I have we already like your page.
Adam Gamberutti
Adam Gamberutti - 8 years ago
Tank Addiction, look us up on facebook. Houston manzanita
mr. FELTON - 8 years ago
All of my yelling, flip it,is not working. Must try super ESP.
Paul Martin
Paul Martin - 8 years ago
That was cool.. wish I could have been present for the live stream. Tank turned out GREAT! #TankTalkNation
Jack Bargert
Jack Bargert - 8 years ago
Looks good brotha
Penny Cantua
Penny Cantua - 8 years ago
I Love it too! ...Also..John who did the drawing of the Discus in the to the left of the tank area. on the floor ???? Nice!
Cichlid Dude
Cichlid Dude - 8 years ago
will you ever sell African cichlids again ??? or are you still just not on your site
Penny Cantua
Penny Cantua - 8 years ago
she is talented....
KGTropicals - 8 years ago
+Penny Cantua our 14 year old drew it when she was 12
Penny Cantua
Penny Cantua - 8 years ago
Oh my...I love this scape. your shrimp will enjoy and be happy with their new home.....It was fun to watch you...too...
Penny Cantua
Penny Cantua - 8 years ago
John....I am glad you are doing this...really. Sure the water is cloudy...and blah blah. I am enjoying it. I can see more than you think you think I can. Don't get frustrated....I think it looks really nice.....
David Müller
David Müller - 8 years ago
To keep shrimp in the tank you should cover the inlets to the filter with filter foam I think. Nice scape by the way.
Pavol Kulanda
Pavol Kulanda - 8 years ago
easier to scape with no water John.
Sue Donnelly
Sue Donnelly - 8 years ago
Sorry for this too long comment. Missed most of the chat live so couldn't get a comment in the chat. But first, tank looks great. Would like to see what you decide to add over the skimmer and lower intake to prevent shrimp entering those chambers. I've had this issue with the Spec V and have added another sponge to the top area over the original sponge but occasionally shrimp still get in - maybe through the bottom area. When I pull the sponge for cleaning, I have to be careful as I will usually be pulling shrimp attached to the sponge and biomedia. So just a caution on those intakes.

If you ever have to pull the output spouts, say to clean the pump tubing, make sure the water is below the hole they come out of. Chili rasboras can and will swim through that hole. Just another lesson I learned. Fortunately I was able to successfully flush him back out.

And finally, otos are small, cute and will work on some algae. A horned bumblebee nerite (small and cute and won't breed) would be a good addition too.
Tim Queree
Tim Queree - 8 years ago
dry start is best. and don't get too busy. the big Rock limits you

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