Most Beautiful Aquascapes (Underwater Landscapes)
Aquascaping 14 years ago 2,041,757 views
Your ultimate eye candies. Indulge yourself in an epic journey of stunningly beautiful aquariums, planted tanks, underwater gardens/forests/landscapes, or what they called, aquascapes. Images sourced from ADA IAPLC 2001-2009 and AGA aquascaping contest 2000-2009. All images shown are copyright their respective holders. Music = Angels Tending by Asha (from youtube AudioSwap)
10. comment for Most Beautiful Aquascapes (Underwater Landscapes)
Débutant en aquariophilie c'est époustouflant !
Dans le lot, y a forcement du Photoshop ?
Of course, this IS art, and very inspirational too...
Hard to believe that 173 people with no souls felt the need to thumbs down though… still, this is the internet...
20. comment for Most Beautiful Aquascapes (Underwater Landscapes)
This is how you know when you know the truth. If you see the magic, you know it. If you do not see the magic in every moment, you do not know it yet. There are no miracles. It is all a miracle. Learn how life works, learn the big picture. Google TruthContest read the Present, it explains for the 1st time in history the nature of everything, if you know how life works, you will know it all. Learning the Truth is the key to true fulfillment.
30. comment for Most Beautiful Aquascapes (Underwater Landscapes)
same as with cameras. photography was always my hobby. when i bought my first DSLR i started buyng Lenses and accessories... untill i ended with an extream heavy Bag that i just can't take with me ... so i lost interrest to photography... now i have sold everything and i bought for that money one pro camera and 2 Lenses. to keep the fun.
always have.
There are fish in most of the scapes. It's more cost effective to make a garden this way because you don't have to buy a house.
You can tell the time, dedication AND love, all of the scenes took.
Beyond amazing. . .
50. comment for Most Beautiful Aquascapes (Underwater Landscapes)
Most Beautiful Aquascapes (Underwater Landscapes)
i dont see how it being held up or if its floating how does it stay in place?
100. comment for Most Beautiful Aquascapes (Underwater Landscapes)
Mine you can see below
Aquascaping valley Part 6
search "Amazing 3D Aquarium Background Aquascape Freshwater Tank inside Tank Custom Rock"