Nature's Chaos Aquascape 1 Year Old by James Findley This 150 x 150 x 75 cm Nature Aquarium by professional aquascaper James Findley has matured well and is definitely one of the most stunning works we have ever had on display. This film was shot in August 2012- just over a year after the aquascape was planted. It goes to show how, with good maintenance, a Nature Aquarium can last a very long time. This is a follow up video to "The Making of Nature's Chaos" 30 minute documentary which can be viewed here- The sand was always supposed to be black like a volcanic island. We had some problems with the first batch of sand which is why in earlier coverage the sand is much lighter. The issues with the sand have since been rectified and we replaced the sand to fulfil James' original vision. Of course, nothing comes close to seeing it for yourself, but because we know that not everyone can travel to see us regularly, we will be releasing more images of this beautiful Nature Aquarium as it progresses. You can see more of James' iconic work throughout our website in our Aquascape Journal section and our Aquatics Gallery.

Nature's Chaos Aquascape 1 Year Old by James Findley sentiment_very_dissatisfied 7

Aquascaping 12 years ago 215,794 views This 150 x 150 x 75 cm Nature Aquarium by professional aquascaper James Findley has matured well and is definitely one of the most stunning works we have ever had on display. This film was shot in August 2012- just over a year after the aquascape was planted. It goes to show how, with good maintenance, a Nature Aquarium can last a very long time. This is a follow up video to "The Making of Nature's Chaos" 30 minute documentary which can be viewed here- The sand was always supposed to be black like a volcanic island. We had some problems with the first batch of sand which is why in earlier coverage the sand is much lighter. The issues with the sand have since been rectified and we replaced the sand to fulfil James' original vision. Of course, nothing comes close to seeing it for yourself, but because we know that not everyone can travel to see us regularly, we will be releasing more images of this beautiful Nature Aquarium as it progresses. You can see more of James' iconic work throughout our website in our Aquascape Journal section and our Aquatics Gallery.

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Most popular comments
for Nature's Chaos Aquascape 1 Year Old by James Findley

Gregory Marrero
Gregory Marrero - 7 years ago
What's the plant at 2:41? It looks like hygrophilia corymbasa but I'm not sure
juscallmej - 8 years ago
amazing. truly inspiring art. hope to get to this level one day in my aquascapes..
Aqua NeoWorld
Aqua NeoWorld - 8 years ago
Super !
Sergio Avelar
Sergio Avelar - 8 years ago
I want to release our 16 year old red-eared slider into this. He would love it. He also would destroy/eat all the plants and eat all the fish.
Slava - 8 years ago
mr. Vander
mr. Vander - 8 years ago
On their website it says that this set up is £4400 (without fish).
grant Diggs
grant Diggs - 8 years ago
put a couple small turtles In this
Gregory Marrero
Gregory Marrero - 8 years ago
I'm working on something very similar to this in a 40 gallon breeder
Michael G
Michael G - 8 years ago
how did it work out ?
Raams R
Raams R - 8 years ago
I love how the tetras and other fish seem drawn to the planted middle. This aquarium is so restful to watch. My favorite!

10. comment for Nature's Chaos Aquascape 1 Year Old by James Findley

Lucifer -
Lucifer - - 8 years ago
I just love this so much. Bravo to James for masterpiece. I would be over the moon if I was a fish living here.
Snek Nek
Snek Nek - 8 years ago
What a beautiful tank. Though small fish don't interest me. I would lover the water to slightly below the wood and put my pet turtle in the tank.
Nny Sang
Nny Sang - 9 years ago
Never knew how much work went into the fertilization.. he used so many things before he even added substrate or hardscape.. I'd looooove a beautiful setup like this but I doubt 'll ever afford those items, I saw about a dozen empty containers of stuff for just the very bottom.. probably like ten bucks a pop... mad respect to this Mr. Findley. This is true talent. I don't even recall seeing a filter, I may be drunk though, so that tank must be self reliant... oh man the level of love I have for this setup.. I believe the envy I have might not even stand a chance for the love
Goblinchief123 - 8 years ago
+Nny Sang I believe they used canister filters. The piping is very difficult to see and produces very little current. This tank and way more beautiful than anything I've ever created.
Sabreen Rezvie
Sabreen Rezvie - 9 years ago
holy fucking shit!
Tiger Barb
Tiger Barb - 9 years ago
What's the name of the high red plant? Thanks.
Nny Sang
Nny Sang - 9 years ago
+Tiger Barb
Looks like red aponogeton crispus
WolfEatsCakes - 9 years ago
Where is the store?
JENNAY HEH - 9 years ago
this is amazing!!!
Simon & Penny Irish
Simon & Penny Irish - 9 years ago
simply stunning!
some info on the filtration system behind this aquascape would be intyeresting, pls!
Don Suomi
Don Suomi - 9 years ago
This is absolutely breathtaking. No words for it!
Shivakumar Pujari
Shivakumar Pujari - 9 years ago
Awesome!! I hav a doubt,Do u change water???

20. comment for Nature's Chaos Aquascape 1 Year Old by James Findley

Noah West
Noah West - 9 years ago
I love your tanks, what types of cory cats are those?
Gregory Marrero
Gregory Marrero - 7 years ago
green laser cories
Hamadawana - 9 years ago
It really looks like a volcano with those red plants
Niklas Forsman
Niklas Forsman - 10 years ago
Just wonderful.
Really want to have a (much smaller) aquarium. But I hope it will capture a similar experience, unlike most overcrowded or plain boring tanks.
Will watch your other videos of smaller aquarium for ideas.
MarsOneOnOne - 10 years ago
just awesome
Yev Zakharov
Yev Zakharov - 10 years ago
Did anyone else notice the Farlowella Catfish?  : )
I have one in my 55 gallon. She's amazing. About 6-7" in length and very calm. I could literally pet her and she wouldn't budge.
Yev Zakharov
Yev Zakharov - 10 years ago
I have one farlowella. Shes about 6.5" long. Doing great. Very peaceful and calm fish. Doesn't need much more than just several decent pieces of driftwood to side on.
Ricky Wong
Ricky Wong - 10 years ago
Does this aquarium need air pump to provide oxygen?
Yev Zakharov
Yev Zakharov - 10 years ago
No. The plants in the tank provide a ton of oxygen as it is. If they're adding anything, it's most likely CO2 for the plants. Otherwise, no need for excess O2. Also the massive water surface provides aeration.
Xan Beerboy
Xan Beerboy - 10 years ago
This aquarium is the best one I got to see on youbutbe. Its just unreal.
Joe S
Joe S - 10 years ago
How is this filtered?
Carlos M
Carlos M - 10 years ago
They use a external canister filter, and use a glass lily pipe for the suction and the water return.
Mark Said
Mark Said - 10 years ago
In fact, near the end of the video one can see two pipes tied together going down/up one corner of the aquarium.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 10 years ago
That is correct :)
SleightofHand - 10 years ago
I'm pretty sure they use filters in their tanks, in another video someone also asked if they used a filter in one of their scapes and TGM answered yes. Maybe they took out the in and outake part of the filter for filming purposes (im quite sure the filter is right below the tank)
Cassio Toledo
Cassio Toledo - 10 years ago
Lettuce9999 - 10 years ago
Lol the shrimp takes a shit at 2:34
Lucas Teddy
Lucas Teddy - 10 years ago
as he says "creates a natural feeling" 

30. comment for Nature's Chaos Aquascape 1 Year Old by James Findley

David vidz
David vidz - 10 years ago
how to feed the fish and all at that tank?
Stevo B
Stevo B - 10 years ago
Why is the stones growing algae? Is it because the water is too dirty? Or the fertilizer is overdose?

The overall looks is beautiful though.
Mark Said
Mark Said - 10 years ago
Algae exist in every single (unfiltered) drop of water. Just fill a big clean glass tank with normal drinking bottled water and place a normal house light bulb on top of it. Put some sort of lid on it to make sure not a lot of water evaporates away. Do not put any other thing in the water at all. Leave it untouched for a month or two, or a bit more, and you will be surprised with what you will find growing in it.
Stevo B
Stevo B - 10 years ago
Oh I see... It's natural to grow algae as it is part of the nature. Right. Thanks for the reply.

I get confuse as there are people in YouTube mention its something wrong if the algae grows in the aquarium.
SleightofHand - 10 years ago
Hi, algae exists in every tank, it is a part of nature and cannot be avoided. Algae growth occurs if there is nutrients in the water and lighting is provided. Having a planted aquarium perfectly algae free is not only near impossible but unnatural. Remember that algae is also a "plant" or living organism similar to plants and does its job in helping the tank remain "balanced".  As you can see from the video the water is crystal clear and with all those plants in the tank plus a filter how can it be dirty? Algae can also bloom if fertilizer is overdosed yes.
Planted Nano
Planted Nano - 10 years ago
Seeing this many Tetra's is always great! Awesome tank, sweet scape. :)
Evanss 3
Evanss 3 - 10 years ago
Check my planted piranha aquarium!!
Matt Wooly
Matt Wooly - 10 years ago
Beautiful tank and happy fish, nice to see some 'L' numbers in there. I think it'd be nice to mix the tetras up with some leopard danios or the like to give some contrast. Saying that I could I'm just a bloke with a tank and you guys have tanks I could only dream of
TheZombieParade - 10 years ago
Why do the neon's school so tightly in this setup? Its rare to see that behavior in aquariums even with larger potentially predators.
Yev Zakharov
Yev Zakharov - 10 years ago
Neon tetras naturally school together. As long as you've got them in larger quantities, they will school. It's completely normal and beautiful!
Stacey Yon
Stacey Yon - 10 years ago
can you do this with gold fish 
SleightofHand - 10 years ago
varun009 - 10 years ago
Yes but that would be a fucking waste of money.
Denis - 10 years ago
dfunkt - 10 years ago
this tank has aged like a fine wine!
TheGreenMachineLtd - 10 years ago
Please help us improve our videos by answering this short (less than 2 minute) survey!
Endymion766 - 10 years ago
I would love an aquarium like this, on a smaller scale, but I'm not passionate enough about it all to commit to the maintenance requirements so I appreciate looking at others' tanks. 
Aaron Dickson
Aaron Dickson - 10 years ago
I dont leave comments but this is absolutely going to be planting a 320L tank in the next few weeks and you have given me lots of idears and I will be useing products of your site im glad I stumbled accross this video....thanks for shareing your amazing work..
Adicta_Fish - 11 years ago
love all the little corys
Brisha Roxberry
Brisha Roxberry - 11 years ago
You should add some guppies or platties to fill up the top of the tank because it is absolutely empty.. but other than that, amazing!
LeadFaun - 10 years ago
Discus would kill some of the smaller fish, possibly.
SleightofHand - 10 years ago
I agree with +Dave Henge  Guppies and platy in aquascapes are a little tacky. I have nothing against these beginner fish but yeah they aren't really a nice choice for these tanks in the eyes of experienced keepers. The tank isnt empty, there are a vast array of species especially including that giant tetra school, shrimps, algae eaters, catfish etc. 
1:49 is the true beauty of this aquarium, besides, the dude wanted to make the scape resemble nature as much as possible, you never see crowded fish besides schools in the wild~! haha
Dakota Burke
Dakota Burke - 10 years ago
+Dave Henge I would defiantly have some discus in there though 
Celest1alBe1ng - 11 years ago
ewwwww no NO thats tacky
Amos Chiang
Amos Chiang - 11 years ago
what's the fish with the very long tail?
Yev Zakharov
Yev Zakharov - 10 years ago
Farlowlla Catfish.
OhmannOcean - 10 years ago
Looks a lot like a Farlowella
TheGreenMachineLtd - 11 years ago
Most likely a Whiptail Catfish
Alex Koval
Alex Koval - 11 years ago
Nikita Gaidouk
Nikita Gaidouk - 11 years ago
2:35 there goes the poop...
The Bellows
The Bellows - 10 years ago
Haha, i just realized how immature i am.
VENUS HALO - 11 years ago
lol so close.
Niccelle - 11 years ago
That the soil used here?
TheGreenMachineLtd - 11 years ago
We think it's excellent value for money, when plant growth is your aim. Read ADA's plant substrate comparison article here:
ToastedWalnut - 11 years ago
ADA Aquasoil amazonia. Unbelievable expensive but very good stuff. £34.99 ($58.42) for a 9L bag
LordPine - 11 years ago
sorry but those long red crypts or whatever they are in the "background" look horrible and dont suit this awesome scape at all..
mathieur burrel
mathieur burrel - 10 years ago
It suits perfectly this chaos aquascape I think. 
tomCANshuffle - 11 years ago
That's my favourite part. That's just your opinion, considering It's a nasty one you should keep it to yourself.
secretdeath - 11 years ago
Hanging garden of Babylon

50. comment for Nature's Chaos Aquascape 1 Year Old by James Findley

Michael Xu
Michael Xu - 11 years ago
can you please tell us what kind of fish are in their (shrimp and other animals included please)
Cecilia Unaeus
Cecilia Unaeus - 11 years ago
What is the tall reddish plant called?
Jim Norton
Jim Norton - 11 years ago
Brilliant work! I could probably watch this aquarium all day. Such beauty.
mosshark - 11 years ago
amazing. I would like to this.
yaricksgym - 11 years ago
did the tannins ever stop or does the water still turn yellow?
AranTukasko - 11 years ago
noch - 11 years ago
2:36 ..."authentic natural feeling" ;)
Gabriel Perez
Gabriel Perez - 11 years ago
If there's enough plants to remove all the nitrates and phosphates, do you still have to change the water or just add water to take the place of the evaporated water?
mersf559 - 11 years ago
imagine trying to keep inventory of fish to see if there are no dead ones lol
Volodymyr - 11 years ago
pedrokz - 11 years ago
the shrimp pooped!
smellsgood9 - 11 years ago
One of these in my room. lol I could stare at it all day.
strata g
strata g - 11 years ago
amazing, you sir are an artist! just wish I had the money to hire you to work one of your miracles in my house, ive tried but I could not hope too create something like that! truly magnificent! if I had that I don't think I could help feeling uplifted if I could observe that everyday. amazing!
Bryant Pribadi
Bryant Pribadi - 11 years ago
Guess changing the sand does effects the cloudiness of the water
Mark Manderson
Mark Manderson - 11 years ago
tank has matured beautifully. Cardinals are my main and favourite fish collection but they pale into insignificance to your magnificent shoal, truly inspiring to see them do what they do best :)
Abraham Cannon
Abraham Cannon - 11 years ago
Best setup i ever seen!!!!Magnificent!
miruno1990 - 11 years ago
I wish you could come to Norway to plant in my 130 L aquarium. I'm a big fan of you, love what you do, it's so incredibly beautiful.
appleglory - 11 years ago
wow that is so beautiful.
César Riveiro
César Riveiro - 12 years ago
Wow :)
ProtagonistNonTheist - 12 years ago
Why is the water cloudy?
David Pierce
David Pierce - 12 years ago
I must come to your shop and see this for real..your a long way away but I have a feeling it would be worth it!
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
Keep your eyes on our website, YouTube channel (best to subscribe), facebook page and/or e-newsletter.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
The vision is much more complete now.
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
Thank you. It's feels good to share it with everyone... on YouTube as well as in our shop... where visitors get to see it up close. :)
TheGreenMachineLtd - 12 years ago
This is a combination of things... 1. At 5ft this tank is very deep, so you are looking through more water from all angles... this means that any sediment in the water is more visible. (try looking down the length of your tank instead of the width and you may notice a difference). 2. The video was shot using fairly low light so the noise level is quite high.
SilentDreamcast - 12 years ago
and i thought my fish bowl was cool...
iyappan ganapathi
iyappan ganapathi - 12 years ago
no words to say...
4thGloryMonday - 12 years ago
good job
Ryley Wheeldon
Ryley Wheeldon - 12 years ago
I wish i could make my tank like this:(
AlexTubed - 12 years ago
Probably just tannins or dark water on purpose.
Hyo Cho
Hyo Cho - 12 years ago
Does the water look a little dirty or is that my imagination?
FoxGamer - 12 years ago
hope there's a new project coming soon?
banis1980 - 12 years ago
I find Septaria porcellana snails much better at eating alge than nerite snails. Also they don't lay those little white eggs all over the place:).
Elvisr29 - 12 years ago
did anyone else see the ferowella cat??? :)
Chris C
Chris C - 12 years ago
gimminy gillikers....
ProtagonistNonTheist - 12 years ago
Funny. When I was watching the making of Nature's Chaos I thought that the outer ring would look much better with black sand rather than the lighter sand he chose to use initially. Glad he changed it. Looks great!
Sergio Sinay
Sergio Sinay - 12 years ago
the tank is looking great after a year !
Eddy Rizzotti
Eddy Rizzotti - 12 years ago
Very impressive...
János Koncz
János Koncz - 12 years ago
would you tell the list of the fish, please?
Deuce Nukem
Deuce Nukem - 12 years ago
i like it much more with the darker sand... i didn't realize how much the sand needed to be darker until this video, but looking back at the documentary the lighter sand just looks wrong now.
Buya Ben
Buya Ben - 12 years ago
where can i get the assesories to make this aqua.i from malaysia
Piscopé - 12 years ago
There's a few Costello tetras in there, they get much more excited than the neon tetras when there's food around.
Piscopé - 12 years ago
Magnificient tank. But I noticed algea on the dwarf anubias. I find neritina snails to be extremely efficient on those. They're very adaptable, and can live for years. They also don't eat plants, and they all have a different shell pattern :) They lay many, long lasting eggs, which are very noticeable, especially on driftwood, but they won't hatch unless the water is salty enough, so no proliferation. Cheers for another great video, with equally great narration.
MrHoney2U - 12 years ago
cant believe its been a year. wow
xXmiomoXx - 12 years ago
2:35 It pooped :D
Mohamed A. M. Mostafa
Mohamed A. M. Mostafa - 12 years ago
wow was that a year ago?? I still remember it like i watched it a week a go.
BrendansLEET - 12 years ago
watching this video while listening to this will destroy you. Blowin my mind
mrdaveone1 - 12 years ago
awesoome man
danichan19 - 12 years ago
art 3:29 does anyone know why this one fish is darting around the surface?
Shady RIDDLE - 12 years ago

100. comment for Nature's Chaos Aquascape 1 Year Old by James Findley

sebpearce - 12 years ago
Bloody hell a year soon fly's by, That is simply a masterpiece
Chris S
Chris S - 12 years ago
gourmander - 12 years ago
Beautiful! I love how the layout creates multiple worlds for the fish. It's like endless exploration since you can never see around the bend. I I ever have a room big enough to house a large tank, the island layout is deinitely my choise.
Patric Coninx
Patric Coninx - 12 years ago
Prachtig TOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keith Dvorak
Keith Dvorak - 12 years ago
stunning and beautiful! thank you for sharing this! i do have a question, though i hesitate to ask it: i'm torn on the water here. the tank looks vibrant, but the water seems a bit…cloudy? is that because it's super (?) organic (?), or recently disturbed? i only ask because my experience with most of these kinds of tanks is insanely clear water. again, not a complaint! i would love to have this tank myself! just…observing and wondering…. thanks! :-)
Filo011 - 12 years ago
that has to be at least 300 tetras? looks amazing when they group up :D
LuckyLogan - 12 years ago
How many tetra are in there? Impressive shoal.

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