Planted tank, rock and AR mini aquascape
Aquascaping 10 years ago 23,126 views
Current high-tech dirted planted tank, plants are still growing in and I just pruned the background last week, but enough for a video~ Plants; Alternanthera Reineckii "mini" & AR "Rosenavig", Ludwigia arcuata, Hemianthus glomeratus, HC, Pogostemon Helferi, Ludwigia Sp. Red, Staurogyne Repens, Rotala Indica Join us on FB ! ~ Music by Chris Zabriskie
Wishing you all the best for the new year
10. comment for Planted tank, rock and AR mini aquascape
20. comment for Planted tank, rock and AR mini aquascape
"In many far east Asian cultures, they have always known plants and some trees are special. For whatever reason—maybe because of an interestingly shaped trunk, or a sequence of knots resembling a human face, or just a certain sense of awe—some trees were identified as being the abodes of spirits."
"Whatever form they took, kodama (forest spirits) were said to be possessed of supernatural power, that could either be a blessing or a curse. Kodama that were properly worshipped and honored would protect houses and villages."
+The Watcher haa I think that japanese gardening has been influential in the aquascaping scene in recent years mainly due to Amano's work. Rock/mountain scapes are also central themes in traditional chinese 山水 ( mountain & water ) paintings, and asian scapers may find it easy to relate. However, the pruning techniques here are borrowed from dutch-style scapes. And most of what I learned comes from reading western journals and forums; it's simply easier to find published papers in English on the internet. The Barr report has very good paid content for a minimal fee.
1) What lighting are you using? LEDs or T5HOs etc?
2) CO2 distribution? Diffuser? Reactor? In-line?
Many thanks. Good job.
Sorry for my long comment.
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