Quick Aquascape - Vik 10 Gallon Aquarium - Complete Build in Description
Aquascaping 7 years ago 13,109 views
This aquascape gets it's inspiration from a trip to Iceland one of our team members back in March. One of the regions he visited was Vik, Iceland, famous for it's basalt formations on their black sand beaches. Although we chose to forego the use of black sand, the natural formations of the Seiryu stone do a good job in mimicking the details of the basalt formations. We chose to use easier plants for this scape. Riccia Fluitans mats on stainless steel is an easy plant that you can just plop on substrate. Note that this plant does grow rather quickly, so stay on top of your trim game! We decided to fill the crevices with bucephalandra and moss. Once it's grown out it will give it an aged look. Dwarf hairgrass is a great accent plant if not used as foreground cover. Flora: Riccia Fluitans mats on Stainless Steel - https://goo.gl/j0S2AT Christmas Moss - https://goo.gl/pB56ux Bucephalandra Peacock -https://goo.gl/iui391 Dwarf Hairgrass - https://goo.gl/NNGk7R Mini Pellia - https://goo.gl/p8Jd9f Fauna: TBA Fertilization: UNS Plant Food 3x per week -https://goo.gl/fgBzi0 Substrate and Hardscape: Controsoil Black Regular - https://goo.gl/S4FM2U Seiryu Stone - https://goo.gl/YshSVD Lava Rock White Sand Equipment: UNS 45U -https://goo.gl/MYw8sh Twinstar 450ES RGB-W Lighting -https://goo.gl/IisMa9
Looking forward to your response as I'm stuck between 4 tanks that have to be the max size of 20x12 at least. Thank you. ( No smaller than 10 gallons and no bigger than possibly 12 )
I'm ok with the upkeep of plants (trimming, co2, dosing fertilizers, etc...) However for whatever reason keeping dirt and sand separate is where my boundary end.
I did, however, find out that if you have larger dirt granules ( I have regular ADA Amazonia aquasoil) You can sift it out using a mesh colander.
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Thanks in advance