TAKASHI AMANO LAYOUT SEMINAR A 90cm aquarium tank . 2012.02.21

2012年2月21日にレイアウトされたW90cm×D45cm×H45cmの水景です。 その制作行程の様子を配信いたします。 この水景に使用された流木は、あえて駄木を選んで制作されました。 流木を折り、それぞれをウッドタイトでつなぎ合わせてレイアウトするテクニックと、 ウィローモスを巻き付けることにより、つなぎ目を消すテクニックがポイントとなるレイアウトです。 ■今回使用した水草・佗び草一覧 佗び草キューバ・パールグラス 佗び草有茎草MIX クリプトコリネ・ウエンティ(グリーン) クリプトコリネ・ウエンティ(ブラウン) クリプトコリネ・ペッチー コブラグラス ボルビティス・ヒュデロティ アヌビアス・ナナ"プチ" ミクロソラム・セミナロー エレオカリス・ビビパラ ウィローモス リシア この水景で使用されている素材グッズの詳しい情報はADAホームページまで → http://www.adana.co.jp/jp/products/ This is a layout of a W90xD45xH45cm tank made in Feb. 21st 2012. The driftwood used in this layout was chosen "ugly shape" on purpose. The point of this layout is the technique with connecting broken driftwoods with Wood Tight, and hiding the connection point by covering with Willow Moss. List of plants and Wabi-kusa used in this layout: Wabi-Kusa Hemianthus callitrichoides "Cuba" Wabi-Kusa Stem plant mix Cryptocoryne wendtii (Green) Cryptocoryne wendtii (Brown) Cryptocoryne petchii Lilaeopsis novae-zeandiae Bolbitis heudelotii Anubias barteri var.nana "Petit" Microsorium sp. (Semi Narrow) Eleocharis vivipara Fontinalis antipyretica Riccia fluitans Please visit our website for the equipments and layout materials used in this layout. →http://www.adana.co.jp/jp/products/

TAKASHI AMANO LAYOUT SEMINAR A 90cm aquarium tank . 2012.02.21 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 46

Aquascaping 13 years ago 380,973 views

2012年2月21日にレイアウトされたW90cm×D45cm×H45cmの水景です。 その制作行程の様子を配信いたします。 この水景に使用された流木は、あえて駄木を選んで制作されました。 流木を折り、それぞれをウッドタイトでつなぎ合わせてレイアウトするテクニックと、 ウィローモスを巻き付けることにより、つなぎ目を消すテクニックがポイントとなるレイアウトです。 ■今回使用した水草・佗び草一覧 佗び草キューバ・パールグラス 佗び草有茎草MIX クリプトコリネ・ウエンティ(グリーン) クリプトコリネ・ウエンティ(ブラウン) クリプトコリネ・ペッチー コブラグラス ボルビティス・ヒュデロティ アヌビアス・ナナ"プチ" ミクロソラム・セミナロー エレオカリス・ビビパラ ウィローモス リシア この水景で使用されている素材グッズの詳しい情報はADAホームページまで → http://www.adana.co.jp/jp/products/ This is a layout of a W90xD45xH45cm tank made in Feb. 21st 2012. The driftwood used in this layout was chosen "ugly shape" on purpose. The point of this layout is the technique with connecting broken driftwoods with Wood Tight, and hiding the connection point by covering with Willow Moss. List of plants and Wabi-kusa used in this layout: Wabi-Kusa Hemianthus callitrichoides "Cuba" Wabi-Kusa Stem plant mix Cryptocoryne wendtii (Green) Cryptocoryne wendtii (Brown) Cryptocoryne petchii Lilaeopsis novae-zeandiae Bolbitis heudelotii Anubias barteri var.nana "Petit" Microsorium sp. (Semi Narrow) Eleocharis vivipara Fontinalis antipyretica Riccia fluitans Please visit our website for the equipments and layout materials used in this layout. →http://www.adana.co.jp/jp/products/

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Most popular comments
for TAKASHI AMANO LAYOUT SEMINAR A 90cm aquarium tank . 2012.02.21

appe abbe
appe abbe - 7 years ago
we really appreciate the plant list!
appe abbe
appe abbe - 7 years ago
Julius joensuu
Julius joensuu - 7 years ago
this man hired people to give him rocks?
Forever and ever I swear!
Forever and ever I swear! - 7 years ago
I prefer using fish tank measurements in cm or inches rather than gallons or litres. Fish tanks come in so many different lengths, breadths, heights n shapes..
perkelevitto - 7 years ago
the music?
Ganesh Amkare
Ganesh Amkare - 8 years ago
Nick Tovey
Nick Tovey - 8 years ago
Looks too much for me. Just my opinion.
Minh Nha
Minh Nha - 8 years ago
Chơi như bố này hồ nào chả đẹp, dân nhà giàu, bỏ cây vào full hồ...cây k còn chỗ mọc nữa... hết thú vị
xuyên ăn ngô
xuyên ăn ngô - 8 years ago
aquadesignamano english plz!

10. comment for TAKASHI AMANO LAYOUT SEMINAR A 90cm aquarium tank . 2012.02.21

Jack R
Jack R - 8 years ago
amanos secrets revealed : simply toss stuff into the tank.
Nick Tovey
Nick Tovey - 8 years ago
Jack R lol. Agree
坂西久雄 - 8 years ago
Jack Reilly ほ
Metzger - 8 years ago
What kind of moss is that which they are placing over the wire-tied driftwood?
Francis DiMeo III
Francis DiMeo III - 8 years ago
Dolly Stark
Dolly Stark - 9 years ago
I want a show just about aquascaping lol
Jotham Muriu
Jotham Muriu - 7 years ago
It's like you read my mind ;)
LAM DAVID - 9 years ago
I like your style.
TheHypercasual - 9 years ago
I have to admit I wasn't sure what to think in the beginning, but the finished product truly is beautiful
Teresa Fernández Naranjo
Teresa Fernández Naranjo - 10 years ago
中家了 - 10 years ago
Can anyone tell me the name of the background music?
Mr.GTA5 MOD - 11 years ago
I feel it to be very small for a water tank of 90cm, Is it the influence of the superior design??
I, I've also just find the model I was meant to aim at first and start of aquarium :)
Nick John
Nick John - 9 years ago
+Mr.GTA5 MOD As it said in the video, the plant Wabi-kusa and Anubias with correct placement of driftwood create depth perception, creating wide space effect. Rule of Golden Ratio or 2/3 also used during the placement of the soil.
mersf559 - 11 years ago
ADAH=Aqua Design Amano and Helpers..

20. comment for TAKASHI AMANO LAYOUT SEMINAR A 90cm aquarium tank . 2012.02.21

Marco Pi
Marco Pi - 11 years ago
Mr Amano, would you come to Poland ? PLEASE We have an International Pet Fair in Lodz city every year, please come and make 200-300L aquarium :)
dong bok kim
dong bok kim - 11 years ago
世界のトップデザイナーTAKASHI AMANOさんの作品を、私は1995年に直接東京と新潟を訪問して鑑賞をしました!感慨が深いです2013年9月25日現在、韓国の全南順天で開催している世界の庭園博覧会が開催されているがTAKASHI AMANO社長さんを招待したい心切実なのに惜しい感が多いですね。
artesque - 11 years ago
I've seen a lot of imitators. They just don't compare. And I love that he doesn't fall into that trap artists often find themselves in by trying to imitate himself or his past works. He stays true to himself, looking forward not back. And this piece just inspires me. Very reminiscent of nature's chaotic order. Very well done.
Antonius vd Klis
Antonius vd Klis - 11 years ago
I am not impressed, its a matter of taste i think. He is clever enough to sell his idea's, that's all
jefke8345 - 11 years ago
Which plants do amano use ?
HigherPlanes - 11 years ago
that's insane. I don't understand the physics behind that. You'd think the water pressure would overcome the stickiness of the silicone. Amazing.
EibachGTR - 11 years ago
Yep, that's what rimless tanks are like. The joints are all that holds them together. I think they try to compensate by having thicker glass if i'm not mistaken. It's usually just tanks larger than 60cm that begin to bow minutely.
Дмитрий Докучаев
Дмитрий Докучаев - 11 years ago
оформляет аквариум как проводит операцию)) нож, скальпель.. некоторые даже в повязках))
류태수 - 8 years ago
Дмитрий Докучаев
Rorro Trejo
Rorro Trejo - 11 years ago
yeah wonderful!!!! what kind of susbtract its that, what its the name of it the mark???
JessePinkman - 11 years ago
ok so i don't feel terrible that aquascaping literally took me about 6 hours + straight getting it "amano looking" being that he got's about 6 guys helping him.

30. comment for TAKASHI AMANO LAYOUT SEMINAR A 90cm aquarium tank . 2012.02.21

HigherPlanes - 11 years ago
How is that aquarium glass held in place when it's filled with water? All I see there is some silicone but no supports on the top?
علاء السعـــداوي
علاء السعـــداوي - 8 years ago
It's 90 cm, supposedly the glass is 10mm, it doesn't need a supporter.
goldenberen - 11 years ago
he is ADA
dong bok kim
dong bok kim - 11 years ago
역시 자연수초어항의 세계 최고의 권위자 아마노씨 하이테크노리지 당신의 키 마크를 보여줘서 대단히 감사합니다~~..
dong bok kim
dong bok kim - 11 years ago
dong bok kim
dong bok kim - 11 years ago
Thank you very much for showing me the natural aquarium of the world's leading authority on Mr. Amano of you techno Ridge high key mark ~.
Gian Luca La Rocca
Gian Luca La Rocca - 12 years ago
@prtpls: aqua soil amazonia
Natasha A.
Natasha A. - 12 years ago
Beautiful, painstakingly detailed work.
ptrplz - 12 years ago
what sand is he using?
Zach Chauvin
Zach Chauvin - 12 years ago
You obviously make about 2k a year.?
Hector Nunez
Hector Nunez - 12 years ago
flexy jerkoff
flexy jerkoff - 12 years ago
I bet it's waterproof
mark bridges
mark bridges - 12 years ago
Kimberley Rauchelle
Kimberley Rauchelle - 12 years ago
TAKASHI AMANO you are amazing if only we had these plants in Western Australia you inspire me i am getting a tank made and pray i get some good plants. kimberley rauchelle wa
Myanleader - 12 years ago
How do they keep the sloped ground from collapsing over time in the water? It ends usually equal over the whole of the tank. Or probably i am not letting it rest long enough for it to settle?
ipon banget
ipon banget - 12 years ago
like this.. hey i am adict H u like H
PopKorn808 - 12 years ago
and a fuckin $1,000 worth of tank and stand and electricity
SnotRockets55 - 12 years ago
So this is the guy that designs all those ADA Gallery tanks? I love his work. Love love love it.
Hector Nunez
Hector Nunez - 12 years ago
I bet that watch is like 30g's!!
Son Of Harry
Son Of Harry - 12 years ago
and a small army...
Douglas Meyer
Douglas Meyer - 12 years ago
amano has some good looking tanks, but honestly this one looks awful...

50. comment for TAKASHI AMANO LAYOUT SEMINAR A 90cm aquarium tank . 2012.02.21

robotsongs - 12 years ago
And it only took $1,000 worth of plants and $1,000 worth of substrate to make!
aldobetta - 12 years ago
Solamente Gracias Takashi
David Gauthier
David Gauthier - 13 years ago
@Chuncanator They don't use thin fishing line as suggested by another commenter... they use 100% cotton sewing thread which eventually disintegrates in the water leaving behind the now rooted to the wood moss.
Justin Grimm
Justin Grimm - 13 years ago
@manamal1 I read the description. Doesnt mean I have to like the hardscape. The layout doesnt have any main focal points or complimenting slopes, which goes against everything Mr. Amano does aswell as the way he critiques other people's tanks. Just because broken pieces are used shouldnt mean that compositional aspects should be thrown out the window. I use broken and chopped up pieces in my tanks aswell.
ManAmalReacts - 13 years ago
@jgrimmier Well if you read the description they wrote that "The driftwood used in this layout was chosen "ugly shape" on purpose. The point of this layout is the technique with connecting broken driftwoods with Wood Tight, and hiding the connection point by covering with Willow Moss."
Justin Grimm
Justin Grimm - 13 years ago
Im actually not a fan of the hardscape at all. Kinda dissapointed for the first time from a layout by Mr. Amano :(
Ricardo Ahumada
Ricardo Ahumada - 13 years ago
Sr.Amano, gracias por poner a disposición de los acuaristas sus videos que son fuente de inspiración, una recreación de paisajes de sueño. Saludos desde Mexico. =)
TheHudzai - 13 years ago
@Chuncanator Thin fishing line
TheHudzai - 13 years ago
@Allister12212012 Find moss that are grow near waterfall, those on tree branches are mostly dry-type moss and wont do well / cant live in water.
Brstitelj - 13 years ago
Hah, it looks so easy there, but i cant even grow moss, witch everyone do
Allister2016 - 13 years ago
What kind of moss are you putting on the wood ? I live in the north west WA USA and there are tons of moss covered limbs and or btanches here, but I dont know, or think its safe to use the stuff in my tanks, any info would be realy cool . Thankx so much I Love youe work...
Joey Meier
Joey Meier - 13 years ago

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