$20 Aquarium CHALLENGE! *With FISH*

I hope you guys like the video! $20 fish tank challenge ad it worked out well! Follow me on Instagram (If you want to) : https://www.instagram.com/luke.dombrowski/ (Or if you like my videos because I’m sure you’d like my Instagram) What camera do I use- Sony a 6300 With a Rode Mic Thank you guys for watching this video, I really hope I inspired you to get up and do something today. If you liked this video and want to see more of my videos “Go click Subscribe and click the bell next to it” So with you reading all of this it shows me you’re interested so go do it. HaHaHaHaHa I got you but I will see you guys in my next video! ♫Music By♫ ●Dyalla - Only ●Song/Free Download - https://youtu.be/AsoNuWZDsRw ●Follow Dyalla - http://smarturl.it/Dyalla ♫Music By♫ ●DJ Quads - The Battle ●Song/Free Download - https://youtu.be/xQrjkFoGbq4 ●Follow DJ Quads - http://smarturl.it/dj-quads

$20 Aquarium CHALLENGE! *With FISH* sentiment_very_dissatisfied 80

Betta 6 years ago 36,156 views

I hope you guys like the video! $20 fish tank challenge ad it worked out well! Follow me on Instagram (If you want to) : https://www.instagram.com/luke.dombrowski/ (Or if you like my videos because I’m sure you’d like my Instagram) What camera do I use- Sony a 6300 With a Rode Mic Thank you guys for watching this video, I really hope I inspired you to get up and do something today. If you liked this video and want to see more of my videos “Go click Subscribe and click the bell next to it” So with you reading all of this it shows me you’re interested so go do it. HaHaHaHaHa I got you but I will see you guys in my next video! ♫Music By♫ ●Dyalla - Only ●Song/Free Download - https://youtu.be/AsoNuWZDsRw ●Follow Dyalla - http://smarturl.it/Dyalla ♫Music By♫ ●DJ Quads - The Battle ●Song/Free Download - https://youtu.be/xQrjkFoGbq4 ●Follow DJ Quads - http://smarturl.it/dj-quads

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Most popular comments
for $20 Aquarium CHALLENGE! *With FISH*

xSCB v2
xSCB v2 - 6 years ago
Santoro Aquatics hey bro
SYED MUSA VLOGS - 6 years ago
Loved the video
eric Atterberry
eric Atterberry - 6 years ago
You remind me of Paul cuffaro
Jere Traeger
Jere Traeger - 6 years ago
I hate how stores sell tiny tanks for Bettas! Bettas need at least 5 gallons people!!!
tinycatlover44 Oaks
tinycatlover44 Oaks - 6 years ago
You have a rock in the fish tank that has my name on it
master of everything
master of everything - 6 years ago
यो नराम्रो
Squishy Fishy
Squishy Fishy - 6 years ago
The red one that you like was my first platy fish I ever bought and I believe it’s called a red wagtail platy
Noah EB4311
Noah EB4311 - 6 years ago
You can't keep fish in those stupid bowls! They need filtration and bigger sized tanks!
Jeremy Webb
Jeremy Webb - 6 years ago
The thing I find disgusting with these tanks is that there is more water in the bag the fish come in than the tank

10. comment for $20 Aquarium CHALLENGE! *With FISH*

Animal Loverrr
Animal Loverrr - 6 years ago
Noooooo those aquariums r toooooo small don’t buy those they r bad they may look good to u but ur not the one living in it betas r and they want bigger tanks
Flow HD
Flow HD - 6 years ago
just sayin
ur not cool when u throw stuff so ye...
Jeff hufana
Jeff hufana - 6 years ago
You all down in the comments are so fucking dumb, because fishes like Platies, Guppies, Mollies, and Bettas can be in small tanks you mother fuckers
Deadpool - 6 years ago
Get the aqueon mini bow 2.5 gallon tank for 20 dollars much more space these tanks are shitty
Eliza Harms
Eliza Harms - 6 years ago
That tank is not good for any fish, not even a betta
Jordan and Friends -Minecraft and more
Jordan and Friends -Minecraft and more - 6 years ago
5:27 there’s a baby fish look near the gray platty
Triops 69
Triops 69 - 6 years ago
That aquarium is to small ☹
all about fish
all about fish - 6 years ago
Even that the end you can see the baby fry
all about fish
all about fish - 6 years ago
There is a fry in 5:26
Ashlyn Piazzisi
Ashlyn Piazzisi - 6 years ago
Omg u right
all about fish
all about fish - 6 years ago
Please loook
Panda Boi Gaming and Metal\Rock News
Panda Boi Gaming and Metal\Rock News - 6 years ago
I hate school!

20. comment for $20 Aquarium CHALLENGE! *With FISH*

RyanWake bradtelle
RyanWake bradtelle - 6 years ago
To be honest leaving the mall he's in there I would probably be fine as long as one doesn't become too aggressive, I've guppy and Molly breeding videos where they're put into tanks of a similar size or even smaller for weeks to separate the mother from the rest of the tank until the babies are born.

most of the hate towards small tanks is centered around betas, but there really is no reason true buy a plastic tank unless you're looking for something smaller than a 5 gallon for a desk.

I've seen some pretty decent plastic 3 gallon tanks for $30 for a kit is a bit expensive but it comes from Light which can be expensive, considering it's better than 5 / $7 USB lights but not as good as the $10 desk lamp including light bulbs.
RyanWake bradtelle
RyanWake bradtelle - 6 years ago
I seriously recommend not getting anything under a gallon, unless you have collectoritis and have a better fishing every single room but even in that case I would recommend not getting anything less than . 7 gallons.

the price of those things are very similar to the price of a 10 gallon tank, so I would a simple no filter Aquarium. Just use water from it's like old aquarium and maybe some gravel / decorations with bacteria on it. Alge and filter gunk. But really speeds up the cycling process.
RyanWake bradtelle
RyanWake bradtelle - 6 years ago
That's $15 for the tank, then you need to think about Heating and what fish you're getting. If your room is heated you may be able to do $5 worth of tropical if you know your room stays above 65 degrees, because the water is generally 2 degrees Celsius hotter than the air.

Goldfish are a option, fantails especially cheap store-bought ones get to a very manageable size, and could even be put in a 5 gallon tank if you really wanted to. Just make sure you have no less than 2 and you will have to stay on top of the water quality. And I have six small goldfish in a 10 gallon tank as they grow out/ quarantine but it wouldn't be in Humane to leave two smaller full-grown fantails in a 10 gallon.
RandomGamesEnZooi Tanki Online
RandomGamesEnZooi Tanki Online - 6 years ago
If it was 25 or 30 dollars you should got a 1,5/2gallon or bigger tank, then its not torture but nice
Naomi Fegan
Naomi Fegan - 6 years ago
Great vid
Avishkar Ambale
Avishkar Ambale - 6 years ago
luke appreciate you .your vedios make my day. do you inspired me a lot in aquatic hobby
Bluejo 27
Bluejo 27 - 6 years ago
Can you do a guppy with Molly together is the same tank
Aqua. Adah
Aqua. Adah - 6 years ago
When I younger I had a aquarium and I had platies and many other fish, then my platies had a child! We trying looking for more frys but there was none ;(. My mom put a pond plant from our pond so the baby could hide! Now I want another aquarium since that aquarium is long gone now, but my mom says no ;(
kicksonpoint 88
kicksonpoint 88 - 6 years ago
At my pet store i can get a 5 1/2 gallon tank for 10 dollars
rrr rrr
rrr rrr - 6 years ago
Dont keep fish in half gallon
Young sheek
Young sheek - 6 years ago
what happened to the fry seen at 5:26

30. comment for $20 Aquarium CHALLENGE! *With FISH*

CaptainVenom5 - 6 years ago
That tank is not suitable for fish it’s to small even for a beta

a beta needs to have at least a 5 gallon no smaller with a filter and a heater
Ido Shpats
Ido Shpats - 6 years ago
I just started ninth on my birthday
Fish Hunter
Fish Hunter - 6 years ago
I like your video
John Burgess
John Burgess - 6 years ago
Obviously you aren't keeping them in there because you said so, but there's no aireation or filtration. To do that small tank longer term you'd need to get a small labrinth fish one that can breathe air from the surface. Nice novelty but hopefully nobody else tries this and to keep the fish long term in that thing, they will die.

Could probably get away with 1 dwarf gourami max.
Luke Dombrowski
Luke Dombrowski - 6 years ago
Not even 1 dwarf gourami
Ahdil Surway
Ahdil Surway - 6 years ago
Dnt need my comment posted up
But please keep up more vids
With u n DIY king is why I use YOU TUBE
lee8830 - 6 years ago
Tacky junk that stuff needs smashing up stoopid may aswell go back to keeping fish in jam jars
Paweł Biedrzycki
Paweł Biedrzycki - 6 years ago
Wait are your parents or grand parents polish ?
jamie rogers
jamie rogers - 6 years ago
really nice fish you got four females and one male also one female in her early pregnant you going to have loads of fry
Stringer Jarl07
Stringer Jarl07 - 6 years ago
thats more than 20 dollars
you crossed the line
John Burgess
John Burgess - 6 years ago
Stringer Jarl07 "I'd like to return one mollie, I'm over budget."
shankara kallatt
shankara kallatt - 6 years ago
so paul was also there at his video and i see that gold fish that he show to us this is the same
Ông Nô TV
Ông Nô TV - 6 years ago
Nhưng bạn cũng đừng vứt những đồ không cần thiết bừa bãi vì đôi lúc bạn cũng phải cần đến chúng đấy
Nolan McKinney
Nolan McKinney - 6 years ago
Those small tanks are cool because a kid can get one for his birthday and 20 years later he's breeding discus or maintaining a reef tank because he got hooked.
John Burgess
John Burgess - 6 years ago
Nolan McKinney not so much those little betta tanks are fish killers basically. At least it's good to teach them responsibility and about death, there's that benefit I guess.
Ông Nô TV
Ông Nô TV - 6 years ago
Tôi rất hâm mộ về cách nuôi và chăm sóc cá của bạn
Rajesh Master
Rajesh Master - 6 years ago
Give me your. Aquariem
Rajesh Master
Rajesh Master - 6 years ago
Give me your small aquariem
Hero Hour
Hero Hour - 6 years ago
That's dumb. You just wasted $20 on a 20 minute challenge. what a waste
Teezy Subben
Teezy Subben - 6 years ago
$20.27 challenge ...
MIỀN TÂY FOOD - 6 years ago
fan Aquarium
Chef Kaff
Chef Kaff - 6 years ago
I wish l could have fish as great as yours fish they are the best thing l have ever seen
Fish'em All
Fish'em All - 6 years ago
Hi love ur vids keep up the good work and keep on smiling

50. comment for $20 Aquarium CHALLENGE! *With FISH*

BSA aquascaping
BSA aquascaping - 6 years ago
Nice challenge!! Great video!!
Hay Sakkiri
Hay Sakkiri - 6 years ago
I lo
Leilani L
Leilani L - 6 years ago
So what's the point of this video? You buy a tank and fish that aren't compatible. Makes no sense at all.
Leilani L
Leilani L - 6 years ago
Giselle Anaya You called me out being dumb first. I just added the ass. I called you a child because of your thought process and wording. His video made no sense challenge or not. I'm 43 so not even close to a child. You have a good day also.
Giselle Anaya
Giselle Anaya - 6 years ago
Leilani L have a great day CHILD.
Giselle Anaya
Giselle Anaya - 6 years ago
Leilani L how am I a kid when your being immature calling me a dumb ass. Makes no sense.
Leilani L
Leilani L - 6 years ago
Giselle Anaya oh ok I get it now. You're a kid. I'm done here. No reasoning with today's children.
Giselle Anaya
Giselle Anaya - 6 years ago
Leilani L first of all it really doesn't matter, he can make whatever he wants this is his channel. And thanks for calling my ass dumb. ☺️
Giselle Anaya
Giselle Anaya - 6 years ago
Yo Ge are you dumb? He is going to put the fish in a bigger tank. How about you pay attention to the video more.
Yo Ge
Yo Ge - 6 years ago
Luke Dombrowski this isn t good for the fish. The fish dies after a few days. This Video is disgusting.
Luke Dombrowski
Luke Dombrowski - 6 years ago
It’s a challenge video
koi fish
koi fish - 6 years ago
Rad tall cat fish
Aasish Chhetri
Aasish Chhetri - 6 years ago
Bro you need to do more videos and also include ur 2 dogs amazing video
Vernon Washington
Vernon Washington - 6 years ago
Get guppys for the other 20$ tank
PYRO BEAR 420 - 6 years ago
Great video you're going to really enjoy having the platys in your tank inside they are always active and have great color I always try to put platys and mollies if possible of a bright color in my community tank and if there's no one in there big enough or mean enough to fend nip I'll even throw a couple fancy or special type of Guppies usually just a couple of the males cuz they look cool
MBMG TRIKKYTRA - 6 years ago
Tanks look great...What’s the name of the store and location?
Moises Nunez
Moises Nunez - 6 years ago
Nice fishes I wish I had them
Maximum max
Maximum max - 6 years ago
5:25 I saw a baby platy! In the polybag! Luke Bro!
Jordan and Friends -Minecraft and more
Jordan and Friends -Minecraft and more - 6 years ago
Maximum max same
veen - 6 years ago
Please go back to school
G- Taylor
G- Taylor - 6 years ago
if you look closely at the fish bag at the cash register there is a baby platy!
Luke Dombrowski
Luke Dombrowski - 6 years ago
G- Taylor if I find one small enough
G- Taylor
G- Taylor - 6 years ago
Maybe one of your big tanks
Luke Dombrowski
Luke Dombrowski - 6 years ago
G- Taylor
G- Taylor - 6 years ago
I actually have a request, could you add a ghost knife fish to your pond outside? They are one of my favorite fish and I think it would be a great addition to your pond.
Luke Dombrowski
Luke Dombrowski - 6 years ago
I saw that too!
the wolf boss
the wolf boss - 6 years ago
Dam Platys cost 3.99 here
Riyaz Manandhar
Riyaz Manandhar - 6 years ago
Bring a koi betta for that half gallon tank. ☺
Espy Ibarra
Espy Ibarra - 6 years ago
Love your videos get the other two Oscars
Judy Trahan
Judy Trahan - 6 years ago
Great video! Cute container!
MoNster FiSh KeEper
MoNster FiSh KeEper - 6 years ago
In the phillipines u can buy a 15g tank and 1 sponge filter and airator and 17 different types of mollies and mostly u can get free gravel where i live it comes free with aquarium for the most part u can get live plant for freee
Aeromis Gonzalez
Aeromis Gonzalez - 6 years ago
Keep it up homie love the video....balling on budget
The JQ Channel
The JQ Channel - 6 years ago
Aeromis Gonzalez hey I checked out your channel and I see that u watch PC and Luke. I think they should make up and do videos together
Alberto Montano
Alberto Montano - 6 years ago
Stay in school
FROGGY - 6 years ago
Fuck school my nigga
bxkid7 - 6 years ago
For those small tanks best for Hospital Tank so that you will use less Medicine.
The JQ Channel
The JQ Channel - 6 years ago
Great advice I never thought of that
Rose switzberg
Rose switzberg - 6 years ago
Hey Luke do a microfishing challenge with the cheapest pen rod On amazon for a fish that completely fits on a penny. If you do don't do it to you're minny pond.
Rose switzberg
Rose switzberg - 6 years ago
I would use it to take pictures of my microfishing catches.
Tort Productions
Tort Productions - 6 years ago
You and Paul should just say sorry and make vids together again
Tort Productions
Tort Productions - 6 years ago
Nayla Khan he said it in a video one
Tort Productions
Tort Productions - 6 years ago
Nayla Khan they had an argument because they both thought they were using each other for the videos
Nayla Khan
Nayla Khan - 6 years ago
Tort Productions what happened between them
The JQ Channel
The JQ Channel - 6 years ago
Tort Productions I agree
Jason Reid
Jason Reid - 6 years ago
Been here since day 1 keep up the good videos mate all the way from newcastle England, you should try a 200$ challenge for a marine tank.
John Burgess
John Burgess - 6 years ago
The JQ Channel back then after giving up on the saltwater project I did African cichlids, specifically lake Malawi peacock males as a compromise to have pretty fish without the salinity struggle. And that's what led to my 72 gallon tank (about 273 liters), but that's an entirely different story.

My point being the rift lake African cichlids are pretty hardy fish and easier to maintain, and they come in a lot of colors, shapes and sizes.

Right now I'm keeping freshwater angelfish for something to do. I shut down my tanks for about 10 years and just got back into it this year but didn't want the high cost of African cichlids right off the bat so I got a bunch of dime sized angels, some silvers, some albino silvers, some all black, some calico. I'm really happy with that at this time.... but those damn discus keep catching my eye at the LFS...hahaha. we can never have enough it seems until it's too damn much! :D
John Burgess
John Burgess - 6 years ago
Jason Reid yeah about the 2nd hand tanks... just sometimes can be a nightmare with leaks and reseal in it ect...

54 liters is like 15 gallons. In salt water terms that's like a betta bowl and should be avoided. I've tried small scale and from experience it was a lot of work trying to keep it balanced. A 20 gallon tank will lose roughly 1 gallon of water a week from evaporation that 5% which is huge for the salinity concentration of the water. I was dealing with salt crust. If you top with more salt water then you are increasing salinity and if you just add that 5% freshwater back and knock down the salt crust to redesolve into the water it will go back to normal, until next week.

The bigger you go the less this is a nuisance because although you have evaporation still, the volume is bigger so the percentage isn't so drastic. The larger you go for saltwater the more forgiving it is.

Good luck. I learned it all the hard way and realized I knew nothing and gave up on it and went back to freshwater. Lol lose a few corals and a few more expensive fish (in relation to freshwater fish) and it was enough for me. :D
Jason Reid
Jason Reid - 6 years ago
+The JQ Channel it's not as expensive as you think once it's set up it's very easy I've been doing saltwater for over 2 years now and have amazing results I keep mainly soft corals at the Minute as most of them are photosynthetic so you don't need to feed them
Jason Reid
Jason Reid - 6 years ago
+John Burgess tbh mate you can get decent second hand tanks for cheap now doesn't have to be knew, Fluval do an all in 1 marine tank for 139.99 at my local store it's only 54 litre but not bad for starters, I'm getting a red sea reefer soon 2 grand on a tank man kill me now HAHA
The JQ Channel
The JQ Channel - 6 years ago
John Burgess and I might get a salt water tank in the future cuz they’re really cool especially w corals
John Burgess
John Burgess - 6 years ago
Gonna spend more than $200 on the test kit, hydrometer, additives and supplements for the water. It's why people generally don't do small marine tanks on a budget.

I tried a 20g long as a marine tank and it was a nightmare keeping the salinity right due to the evaporation it would lose an inch a week and crust up with salt and the salinity would get out of wack easily. I gave up on it after killing a few fish because the tank was too small to keep the water in balance for them.

Saltwater is an expensive hobby and can't really be done small scale without a ton of attention and work to keep it up.
The JQ Channel
The JQ Channel - 6 years ago
Jason Reid great video idea I might have to try that
Angel Warrior
Angel Warrior - 6 years ago
What happened to his arm?
Angelo Esmeria
Angelo Esmeria - 6 years ago
Dont get the gold fish paul will get it
Jeremy Carty
Jeremy Carty - 6 years ago
How was school
Alex Cardinale
Alex Cardinale - 6 years ago
This is a cool video! Enjoyed it like I do all your videos! Your a positive influence for some many fish keeper's, keep up the great work buddy.
Razia Bhutta
Razia Bhutta - 6 years ago
Luke you should have gotten a betta fish
Junior B
Junior B - 6 years ago
Awesome cool
sebastian VASQUEZ
sebastian VASQUEZ - 6 years ago
You have inspired me to get a 40 gallon
atticus pelissier
atticus pelissier - 6 years ago
why don't you like school is amazing except mostly !
D4yzR3kt - 6 years ago
such a good person for putting them in bigger tank,i personally think that petstores should not sell this small tanks,and what is funny is that that package shows 2 bettas in that fish tank and thats really retarded.
Oliver-Dean Bailey
Oliver-Dean Bailey - 6 years ago
Hello Luke, from England. I think you should use the tank to breed a good pair of Betas because, it's so easy, interesting to watch and you can sell on or exchange the babies for goods at your local pet store. I simply love watching your videos and I haven't missed one since I subscribed to your channel. I wonder what you'll be doing in the next one? Can't wait! Oliver.
Casey Harborne
Casey Harborne - 6 years ago
Oliver-Dean Bailey except pets at home...pets at home is outrageous near me honestly i watched them putting the new fish in their 'tanks' (more like boxes of stress) and the way they were holding the bettas they were gonna kill them
The JQ Channel
The JQ Channel - 6 years ago
Oliver-Dean Bailey I bought a few feeders and kept them and now they’re in my tanks after growing up they are doing great and having babies
The JQ Channel
The JQ Channel - 6 years ago
Oliver-Dean Bailey yes that is a good thing but there are some exotic pet stores that do keep there feeders well contained and they are guppies not gold fish so it is a little better
Oliver-Dean Bailey
Oliver-Dean Bailey - 6 years ago
We can't buy feeder fish of any kind here either and I'm glad about that too.
The JQ Channel
The JQ Channel - 6 years ago
Oliver-Dean Bailey I agree
Oliver-Dean Bailey
Oliver-Dean Bailey - 6 years ago
Hydra Queen we do not have this problem in England as we have good laws on how livestock can be sold. I do understand that the way Betas are sold in America is unacceptable and should be stopped.
The JQ Channel
The JQ Channel - 6 years ago
John Burgess ok yeah I’m probs gonna get a beta or two and try and breed them cuz I’m out of video ideas for the time being and I want to get more aquariums(not trying to sound greedy) especially if I could do that.
John Burgess
John Burgess - 6 years ago
Agree with hydra queen here. In the u.s., betas are dying on store shelves all over the country it's an oversaturated field. I mean how many bettas is one store gonna take and have sitting around to try to take care of realistically until someone buys them? Not many.

Better off breeding the bread and butter, fast moving community fish. Mollies, swordtails, guppies, that have a fast turn over and can be housed in one tank at the pet store. A store isn't taking 25 or 50 bettas, but they'd take 25 or 50 guppies or mollies because they could sell them easy. Sure it be like 5 or 10 cents each that they'd give you but it would be more frequent to sell them more and those fish types reproduce frequently.

If you're going to do it. Talk to the store and ask them what they think sells good that they might have interest buying locally if you bred them.
Hydra Queen
Hydra Queen - 6 years ago
So many betta don't find homes, and when they do they're mistreated. Like dogs, so many on the streets, so many breeders, and they end up mistreated, abandoned, or in pounds. Really don't need more bettas in the industry
The JQ Channel
The JQ Channel - 6 years ago
Good idea I might get a beta in the near future
The last Rod bender
The last Rod bender - 6 years ago
Nice vid dude and I love fish more than the world too
Jason Jimenez
Jason Jimenez - 6 years ago
Elizabeth Ann
Elizabeth Ann - 6 years ago
Those are horrible products. Almost as bad as the betta falls. I wish these companies would stop making these trashy little cup-fuls of water.
Eneeliak - 6 years ago
Naomi Fegan the one filter and heater should be fine :)
Naomi Fegan
Naomi Fegan - 6 years ago
Eneeliak hey there! I’ve a question about betta fish...I wanna split my 14 gallon for two males so would I need one filter and one heater or two of each?
Elizabeth Ann
Elizabeth Ann - 6 years ago
Eneeliak Good way to save money and give a fish a good home.
Ray B
Ray B - 6 years ago
Lol i use the betta bowl for transfering my fish, and for thawing out tilapia.
Elizabeth Ann
Elizabeth Ann - 6 years ago
Ray B The only acceptable use for them.
Amanda Mammana
Amanda Mammana - 6 years ago
Awesome video Luke!!! Keep it up:)
Two by Two
Two by Two - 6 years ago
I have a lot of respect for you and the way you have become such an influential part of the hobby! Good on you mate, keep it up :))
Fish keeping 101
Fish keeping 101 - 6 years ago
Started a new chanel would be nice for some support
Ron Colvin
Ron Colvin - 6 years ago
Thanks for the Video, Also what happened to your arm? I hope you enjoy your day.
Matthewthesloth 25
Matthewthesloth 25 - 6 years ago
U ain’t gonna pin this
X pool Plays
X pool Plays - 6 years ago
Luke I hope you pick me but I’m actually a big fan you’re wanna of those guys who made me to make a pond and have a fish tank and basically you have helped me to keep fishes and make ponds so thank you for that
Yusuf Haroon
Yusuf Haroon - 6 years ago
Love your videos and I love your fish keep it up
David Stewart
David Stewart - 6 years ago
Quit sniffing your fingers

100. comment for $20 Aquarium CHALLENGE! *With FISH*

los duros somos mas
los duros somos mas - 6 years ago
Lil Shart YT que te pasa mamau
Lil Shart YT
Lil Shart YT - 6 years ago
los duros somos mas SHUT THE FUCK UP
JR Outdoors
JR Outdoors - 6 years ago
Keep up the great work man!!
The JQ Channel
The JQ Channel - 6 years ago
JR Outdoors
JR Outdoors - 6 years ago
The JQ Channel iMovie
The JQ Channel
The JQ Channel - 6 years ago
JR Outdoors hey dude what software do u use to edit your vids
Sadistic 1
Sadistic 1 - 6 years ago
Almost died??
Luke Dombrowski
Luke Dombrowski - 6 years ago
Sadistic 1 thank you
Luke Dombrowski
Luke Dombrowski - 6 years ago
Sadistic 1 I did !
Sadistic 1
Sadistic 1 - 6 years ago
Luke Dombrowski sh#t.. I'm glad you are OK. Get that fixed ASAP. Btw. Love the videos. F#ck the negativity. Remain positive and keep doing what you love.
Luke Dombrowski
Luke Dombrowski - 6 years ago
Sadistic 1 yeah my brakes went out
Sadistic 1
Sadistic 1 - 6 years ago
Luke Dombrowski what happened?? You ok?
Luke Dombrowski
Luke Dombrowski - 6 years ago
On the way home
Ken jaylon De jesus
Ken jaylon De jesus - 6 years ago
Nobody wnts to go to sckool
Salt Life Addiction Miami
Salt Life Addiction Miami - 6 years ago
Great work!!! Awesome videos !!
Jeremy's Wild Studio
Jeremy's Wild Studio - 6 years ago
Thank you for not keeping those fish in that tiny tank long term. A half-gallon isn't even enough for a betta. I don't understand why pet stores call it a betta bowl.
SYED AHMAD - 6 years ago
Can you please give this little aquarium to me
Angelo K
Angelo K - 6 years ago
Great video, glad you moved them into a larger tank after you took them from the small one.
The JQ Channel
The JQ Channel - 6 years ago
Angelo K I agree that tank was way to small
ChrisDaFish - 6 years ago
Love ur channel bro! Please give me a shoutout! Can't wait for the next video!
The JQ Channel
The JQ Channel - 6 years ago
ChrisDaFish hey dude do u have any tips on how to get more subs cuz we’re in the same boat
Black Nemo
Black Nemo - 6 years ago
Luke can you pin my comment I’m your biggest fan! Keep up the good work
Isaac Escobar8
Isaac Escobar8 - 6 years ago
Great video, you're definitely the first to do this. You're so creative. Love your videos keep up the great work
Burnt Fire vlogs
Burnt Fire vlogs - 6 years ago
Hi 30 min squad
Jaylen Allen
Jaylen Allen - 6 years ago
Pual cuffaro went there before
Jaylen Allen
Jaylen Allen - 6 years ago
The JQ Channel
The JQ Channel - 6 years ago
Oh but they must live close
Jaylen Allen
Jaylen Allen - 6 years ago
The JQ Channel no
The JQ Channel
The JQ Channel - 6 years ago
Are they neighbors?
Elizabeth Ann
Elizabeth Ann - 6 years ago
They both like that store. They used to be good friends, but something happened between them late last year and they never talk about each other or collab anymore.
Aquascaping 101
Aquascaping 101 - 6 years ago
They know each other
Hank Lobban
Hank Lobban - 6 years ago
Jaylen Allen like the other dua
Ammar Jawed
Ammar Jawed - 6 years ago
Hey luke i really like your videos and you inspired to get 2 tanks of 25 galloon and 20 galloon thank you i really appreciate your hard work keep up
WickedKiller Lee
WickedKiller Lee - 6 years ago
Love your videos. It’s always amazing and love your aquarium set up.
Mtl RAFA12
Mtl RAFA12 - 6 years ago
Hi luke i watch all of ur videos and u help me get through my boring day. I dont want to go to school. I just want to watch ur videos . Ur channel deserves way more subs love ir vids
Jeffery Saucier
Jeffery Saucier - 6 years ago
When saw him looking at the Oscars I was like, hold tf up
The JQ Channel
The JQ Channel - 6 years ago
Ryan Kimberley yes I totally agree that is why whenever I buy fish, I always am sure that they will have a safe happy home:)
Ryan Kimberley
Ryan Kimberley - 6 years ago
The JQ Channel it's so not fair to the fish they shouldn't be allowed to put the fish in "tanks" that small I'm glad luke put them in a bigger tank but think of all the people that don't it really is sad
Axolotlz - 6 years ago
Actually quite a few, its just the tank size they need is what makes them less popular. No offence but how is that relevant?
The JQ Channel
The JQ Channel - 6 years ago
Axolotlz but so are Bettas and how many people do u know that are into African cichlids over Bettas?
Axolotlz - 6 years ago
But those are temporary till someone buys them.
The JQ Channel
The JQ Channel - 6 years ago
Ryan Kimberley you know what else is sad, when they stack those small tanks in Walmart with dozens of African cichlids
Ryan Kimberley
Ryan Kimberley - 6 years ago
Axolotlz I know it's just so sad
Axolotlz - 6 years ago
Because lots of people buy it thinking "oh a fish company made it it must be ok"
Ryan Kimberley
Ryan Kimberley - 6 years ago
Axolotlz I know I wouldn't even put shrimp in it I don't know how the people making money from these tanks can sleep at night because we know the fish put in them can't
Axolotlz - 6 years ago
Its not even big enough for a betta
Dragon Girl
Dragon Girl - 6 years ago
Ryan Kimberley
Fidget Lord
Fidget Lord - 6 years ago
Love your videos and u should get turtles
Ben Durbin
Ben Durbin - 6 years ago
Are you a senior? That's what I am this year and I'm graduating at semester.
Jaylen Allen
Jaylen Allen - 6 years ago
maxiloveyouyoyopo selenagomez
maxiloveyouyoyopo selenagomez - 6 years ago
Good vids, i love watching your vids brooo
Frankie Sharif
Frankie Sharif - 6 years ago
Hi Luke I’ve been watching your videos since you created your channel and I love them!!!
You should do a red tail care guide video or something and try to expand your content.
Michael Metzger
Michael Metzger - 6 years ago
When r u bringing me to 7/11
Aquascaping 101
Aquascaping 101 - 6 years ago
You have a great community tank. Great channel and I am always waiting for new uploads! Keep up the great work! Yeah I go back to high school tomorrow so I know how you feel bro!
Dylan Harrison
Dylan Harrison - 6 years ago
Exotic Fish Keepers
Exotic Fish Keepers - 6 years ago
Great video. And I hope your first day of school went good
Bestatgames _
Bestatgames _ - 6 years ago
this is my last day summer vacation, nooooooooooooooooooooooooo. i dont want to go back to school
Dhruv Patel
Dhruv Patel - 6 years ago
Dhruv Patel
Dhruv Patel - 6 years ago
1st viewer
618 outdoors
618 outdoors - 6 years ago
Snaptoid 16
Snaptoid 16 - 6 years ago
1st like let's go
daniel snaith
daniel snaith - 6 years ago
Yes you are
Minnesota Outdoors
Minnesota Outdoors - 6 years ago
I do this every time just get guppies
Fishing_bug - 6 years ago
Am I first

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