$20 Aquarium CHALLENGE! *With FISH*
Betta 6 years ago 36,156 views
I hope you guys like the video! $20 fish tank challenge ad it worked out well! Follow me on Instagram (If you want to) : https://www.instagram.com/luke.dombrowski/ (Or if you like my videos because I’m sure you’d like my Instagram) What camera do I use- Sony a 6300 With a Rode Mic Thank you guys for watching this video, I really hope I inspired you to get up and do something today. If you liked this video and want to see more of my videos “Go click Subscribe and click the bell next to it” So with you reading all of this it shows me you’re interested so go do it. HaHaHaHaHa I got you but I will see you guys in my next video! ♫Music By♫ ●Dyalla - Only ●Song/Free Download - https://youtu.be/AsoNuWZDsRw ●Follow Dyalla - http://smarturl.it/Dyalla ♫Music By♫ ●DJ Quads - The Battle ●Song/Free Download - https://youtu.be/xQrjkFoGbq4 ●Follow DJ Quads - http://smarturl.it/dj-quads
10. comment for $20 Aquarium CHALLENGE! *With FISH*
ur not cool when u throw stuff so ye...
20. comment for $20 Aquarium CHALLENGE! *With FISH*
most of the hate towards small tanks is centered around betas, but there really is no reason true buy a plastic tank unless you're looking for something smaller than a 5 gallon for a desk.
I've seen some pretty decent plastic 3 gallon tanks for $30 for a kit is a bit expensive but it comes from Light which can be expensive, considering it's better than 5 / $7 USB lights but not as good as the $10 desk lamp including light bulbs.
the price of those things are very similar to the price of a 10 gallon tank, so I would a simple no filter Aquarium. Just use water from it's like old aquarium and maybe some gravel / decorations with bacteria on it. Alge and filter gunk. But really speeds up the cycling process.
Goldfish are a option, fantails especially cheap store-bought ones get to a very manageable size, and could even be put in a 5 gallon tank if you really wanted to. Just make sure you have no less than 2 and you will have to stay on top of the water quality. And I have six small goldfish in a 10 gallon tank as they grow out/ quarantine but it wouldn't be in Humane to leave two smaller full-grown fantails in a 10 gallon.
30. comment for $20 Aquarium CHALLENGE! *With FISH*
a beta needs to have at least a 5 gallon no smaller with a filter and a heater
Could probably get away with 1 dwarf gourami max.
But please keep up more vids
With u n DIY king is why I use YOU TUBE
you crossed the line
50. comment for $20 Aquarium CHALLENGE! *With FISH*
My point being the rift lake African cichlids are pretty hardy fish and easier to maintain, and they come in a lot of colors, shapes and sizes.
Right now I'm keeping freshwater angelfish for something to do. I shut down my tanks for about 10 years and just got back into it this year but didn't want the high cost of African cichlids right off the bat so I got a bunch of dime sized angels, some silvers, some albino silvers, some all black, some calico. I'm really happy with that at this time.... but those damn discus keep catching my eye at the LFS...hahaha. we can never have enough it seems until it's too damn much! :D
54 liters is like 15 gallons. In salt water terms that's like a betta bowl and should be avoided. I've tried small scale and from experience it was a lot of work trying to keep it balanced. A 20 gallon tank will lose roughly 1 gallon of water a week from evaporation that 5% which is huge for the salinity concentration of the water. I was dealing with salt crust. If you top with more salt water then you are increasing salinity and if you just add that 5% freshwater back and knock down the salt crust to redesolve into the water it will go back to normal, until next week.
The bigger you go the less this is a nuisance because although you have evaporation still, the volume is bigger so the percentage isn't so drastic. The larger you go for saltwater the more forgiving it is.
Good luck. I learned it all the hard way and realized I knew nothing and gave up on it and went back to freshwater. Lol lose a few corals and a few more expensive fish (in relation to freshwater fish) and it was enough for me. :D
I tried a 20g long as a marine tank and it was a nightmare keeping the salinity right due to the evaporation it would lose an inch a week and crust up with salt and the salinity would get out of wack easily. I gave up on it after killing a few fish because the tank was too small to keep the water in balance for them.
Saltwater is an expensive hobby and can't really be done small scale without a ton of attention and work to keep it up.
Better off breeding the bread and butter, fast moving community fish. Mollies, swordtails, guppies, that have a fast turn over and can be housed in one tank at the pet store. A store isn't taking 25 or 50 bettas, but they'd take 25 or 50 guppies or mollies because they could sell them easy. Sure it be like 5 or 10 cents each that they'd give you but it would be more frequent to sell them more and those fish types reproduce frequently.
If you're going to do it. Talk to the store and ask them what they think sells good that they might have interest buying locally if you bred them.
100. comment for $20 Aquarium CHALLENGE! *With FISH*
You should do a red tail care guide video or something and try to expand your content.