1 male betta and 2 female bettas in the same tank

Here are my bettas living in the small tank and there is no problem...

1 male betta and 2 female bettas in the same tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 4

Betta 10 years ago 3,476 views

Here are my bettas living in the small tank and there is no problem...

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for 1 male betta and 2 female bettas in the same tank

Phillip Torres
Phillip Torres - 7 years ago
Yet all ur female bettas have torn fins cause the male bit the shit out of them
Patricia Hamilton
Patricia Hamilton - 7 years ago
How long did it last? No updates.Lol
Patricia Hamilton
Patricia Hamilton - 7 years ago
I'm sorry your fish died. That's so sad.Not many people have the skills or patience to keep Betta's together. I read a post today from someone who came home to a massacre.One of his female Betta's tried to kill all the other Betta's and one of them has died already.
Çağdaş KARATAŞ - 7 years ago
Well, the heater got broken one night and I put them to a place, apperantly too hot for them.
Çağdaş KARATAŞ - 7 years ago
I remember I put him in a small cup and ladies in the actual tank for first couple of days. Then used a glass divider in the same tank. Then removed the divider but whenever he gets too aggressive and chases the females, I put the divider or put him back to cup or chased him in the tank with my finger but this was only the first a couple of months.
The Emptiness
The Emptiness - 7 years ago
Çağdaş KARATAŞ Wow! Quick response for a 3-year-old video. Anyway, I was thinking of putting 2 female bettas and 1 male betta in my tank too. Do you have any advice how to introduce them to each other slowly? Should I use a tank divider? Thank you!
Patricia Hamilton
Patricia Hamilton - 7 years ago
Çağdaş KARATAŞ I was wanting to take one of my ten gallon tanks down with a male Betta and put him in my 20 with 5 females.Sorry all yours died.What happened may I ask?
Çağdaş KARATAŞ - 7 years ago
Patricia Hamilton i can say they lived then more than one year and my whole tank died because of my silly mistake.
Tony Theuerzeit
Tony Theuerzeit - 8 years ago
Hahahaha....! Put a colorful male betta in the tank and you will find out :) (and yer then you will have a fight...( And another advice put another female of 2 in there. One male betta needs about 3-6 females.
keyshawn AFRO DRAGON KING morrison
keyshawn AFRO DRAGON KING morrison - 8 years ago
this is very impressive!
Space Pets
Space Pets - 9 years ago
well ur a great betta owner
Glen E
Glen E - 9 years ago
Glen E
Glen E - 9 years ago
haha male is been aggressive. bet either females were killed by the male or the male stressed out and diet

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