10 gallon betta fish tank

This is my divided 10 gallon betta tank aquarium. The tank is Tetra brand. I have 2 females bettas, 1 oto and 2 snails on one side and 1 male betta and 2 otos on the other. Thanks for watching, I really appreciate it:)

10 gallon betta fish tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 10

Betta 10 years ago 24,166 views

This is my divided 10 gallon betta tank aquarium. The tank is Tetra brand. I have 2 females bettas, 1 oto and 2 snails on one side and 1 male betta and 2 otos on the other. Thanks for watching, I really appreciate it:)

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Most popular comments
for 10 gallon betta fish tank

AnimalsByA - 7 years ago
Beautiful Male Betta!!
Hickster58 - 7 years ago
VideosByA Thank you!
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank - 8 years ago
I have a small tank got mine at Walmart same tpy I put small fish in the tank
Trina Portner
Trina Portner - 8 years ago
I have two baiters the mail and a female and I put a divider between them so I could put them both in one tank and a divider is see-through in my mail always wanted to charge my female I am taking it because he can see her what do I do about that
Kaelee McCoy
Kaelee McCoy - 8 years ago
I have a 10 gallon tank and going to out 1 male betta in once I cycle it
Hickster58 - 8 years ago
Kaelee McCoy
Kaelee McCoy - 8 years ago
+Hickster58 I am really excited
Hickster58 - 8 years ago
Nice, that will be one very happy betta:)
Samantha - 8 years ago
After a couple days your females are going to start to lay eggs and really fat. This is because the females are way to close to the male. Trust me I did this and I ended up taking them back):
Terrae Spiritus
Terrae Spiritus - 8 years ago
Having snails comes with some inconveniences, I bought two mystery snails; one blue and one ivory colored. The blue one died unfortunately after two weeks, but the ivory one thrived. So I accepted it and moved on.....4 weeks later, I saw 10 baby snails. I freaked out but after speaking with my local pet store owner, he said he'll get them off my hands once they become nickle-size. So ok, no big deal.....they were detrimental to my betta fish and the 10 gallon tank they were in. Another 4 weeks go by, I'm seeing hundreds of tiny baby snails.....So yeah now I officially have a snail infestation. although the tank and the water is pristine at this moment....eventually they need to be disposed. So yeah, please think twice when purchasing any kind of snail. some snails are Hermaphrodites and will reproduce
Javier Delacruz
Javier Delacruz - 7 years ago
Terrae Spiritus I had the exact problem
Terrae Spiritus
Terrae Spiritus - 8 years ago
meant the first 10 baby snails were Not detrimental to my betta fish and 10 gallon tank they were in lol
MotoSteve - 9 years ago
Can the fish see each other through the screen? I really wanna create a dual beta tank with my 20 gal tank, because I only have one beta at the moment. But I feel really bad for it because it just looks so bored.
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
yes they can. mine just flare at each other for a short time and move on with their day, lol
NiWiPe36 - 9 years ago
Just a question, if you have 4 snails in a 10 gallon tank with betta, would it be ok to have 1 snail and 1 betta together in a 2.5 filtered/ heated tank?
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
You should be fine doing so. Some Bettas may attack even snails though, but I have never had this problem.
Aman Chase
Aman Chase - 9 years ago
oh i thought that was a tetra

10. comment for 10 gallon betta fish tank

Aman Chase
Aman Chase - 9 years ago
thats cool how u did that with a betta and a tetra together u amazing
Claire Rosa Pets
Claire Rosa Pets - 9 years ago
Awesome video! I love the tank.
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
+Claire Rosa Thanks:)
Jr Maldonado
Jr Maldonado - 9 years ago
why do you separate them?
Cheryl Mason
Cheryl Mason - 9 years ago
+Jr Maldonado Plus shame on you poor fish you should do your homework before making any quick decisions! And if you are going to put a male and a female together it must be AT LEAST a 20+ gallon tank and the number of females must be greater then the number of males. (from what ive learned) And you don't put them in with each other right off the bat you need to slowly put them together and get them used to each other. Males are very aggressive females are less aggressive but if you put two females together without slowly introducing them first they will likely kill or badly injure each other.
Cheryl Mason
Cheryl Mason - 9 years ago
+Jr Maldonado To lower the risk and damage when breeding betas all breeders use Almond leaves or Almond Leaf extract which will put your betas in a trance ( pretty much there high as a kite) so that they will not flare.
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
+Jr Maldonado sorry to hear that. u have to watch em carefully
Jr Maldonado
Jr Maldonado - 9 years ago
Nvm tried it and the boy killed the female :/
Jr Maldonado
Jr Maldonado - 9 years ago
+Hickster58 which is why trying to go to my local petco and buy a baby boy & girl betta. so everything should turn out okay right?
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
+Jr Maldonado You have to do it carefully. also, both of mine are males.
Jr Maldonado
Jr Maldonado - 9 years ago
+Hickster58 then how do bettas breed then if they'll end up killing each other?
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
they'll kill each other otherwise!
AirOwnage20 - 9 years ago
What's that divider wall thing in the middle of the tank called, and where did you get it? Btw, awesome tank!
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
I made it myself with my dad's help. it is actually just 2 book report "spines" (not sure of the actual name) and for the divider itself, I use plastic mesh from walmart. I used aquarium silicone to glue the spines to the tank and cut the mesh to the correct size. It Is real easy to do, but you have to let the silicone sit for a couple days before filling the tank with water to allow it to dry.
Kahla Peck-Snyder
Kahla Peck-Snyder - 9 years ago
you should be very cautious with those two females together
haylee perez
haylee perez - 7 years ago
Kahla Peck-Snyder I have to female's together and they do just fine
MarioKart Master Krrish Ganesh
MarioKart Master Krrish Ganesh - 9 years ago
Awesome tank!
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
+Krrish Ganesh Thanks:)
Illuminati _
Illuminati _ - 9 years ago
Jeffrey Weir
Jeffrey Weir - 9 years ago
How did u put 2 females together? dont they fight
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
+Jeffrey Weir depends on the individuals in question, but you can usually get away with females together, especially in a bigger tank.
SusanneAyotte - 9 years ago
You can cut a water bottle as a buffer for your filter. Check out the vedios.
JIM Nova
JIM Nova - 9 years ago
But one male n 2 females.?..far as i know is ok..to mix them...i have 6 females n..one male...for more then 2months...n there fine...30more community fishes....in a 50gl..tank
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
+JIM Nova In a bigger tank your more likely to be ok as they have their own territory, whereas in a small tank, they're more likely to squabble,

20. comment for 10 gallon betta fish tank

thereed1100 - 9 years ago
I just uploaded mine. But I only have 1 fish. this came up in the suggestions from my video.
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
+thereed1100 Thanks for watching:)
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
@Alberto87 planted fishtanks
Thanks so much:) Dividing a ten gallon is a great way to have 2 or more bettas in a tnak together, and its easy to do. Thanks for the sub:D
Alberto Samano
Alberto Samano - 10 years ago
Nice tank, those betas look very happy and healthy I like also the idea of dividing the 10 gallon tank even though looks bigger. good job!
you got one like and a subbed.
Purple Domino
Purple Domino - 10 years ago
that looks like a 20 gallon
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
It's just a 10. A 20 is both longer and taller, in either tall or long form.
Amanda Stevenson
Amanda Stevenson - 10 years ago
The rule is 10 gallons for 5 females to even out aggression 
Faris Ahmad
Faris Ahmad - 7 years ago
Amanda Stevenson your correct and wrong at the same time logically even if he divides the female part of the two they will have 2.5 gallons each for sure but here there is a mutual sharing of space going on
Amanda Stevenson
Amanda Stevenson - 8 years ago
+GamingCentral but if that's a 10 gallon split into two that would mean that your females have 2.5 gallons each.
GamingCentral - 8 years ago
5 gallons for each betta
Nick Holbert
Nick Holbert - 10 years ago
Sorry female looks fat
Nick Holbert
Nick Holbert - 10 years ago
Sorry bra
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
lol, yeah, I probably feed 'em a bit much :P
Nick Holbert
Nick Holbert - 10 years ago
One is pregnant
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
Neither were prego, never got eggs or babies sadly:(
ciaran kelly
ciaran kelly - 10 years ago
Your male betta is very nice
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
Eric Ly
Eric Ly - 10 years ago
+Hickster58 no worries! as long as they dnt kill each other! haha
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
Thanks:) The one still actually picked on the other a bit, but not bad enough like some will.
Eric Ly
Eric Ly - 10 years ago
+Hickster58 ur bettas look really nice! and i like how 2 females are together becoz usually people say 2 females will also fight to death but yours look like they r living in harmony!! :)
ciaran kelly
ciaran kelly - 10 years ago
+Hickster58 ok
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
Rocco Vee
Rocco Vee - 10 years ago
Can you reply a link to get this tank and dividers?
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
Your welcome:)
Rocco Vee
Rocco Vee - 10 years ago
thnx soo much
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
http://www.tetra-fish.com/Products/fish-tank-aquarium-kits/led-aquarium-kits.aspx is the tank, but I got mine from Petco. My dad and I made the dividers from book report cover holders and plastic mesh stuff boughten at Walmart, and siliconed it into the tank.
TheFishGuy 8171
TheFishGuy 8171 - 10 years ago
Where did you get the sponge filter and the Bettas from
frenchfrog88 - 9 years ago
+TheFishGuy 8171
u can get them on ebay for 2$
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
The sponge filter I got from an animal expo and the bettas from a local pet store called birds and beasts

30. comment for 10 gallon betta fish tank

TheFishGuy 8171
TheFishGuy 8171 - 10 years ago
What brand is your fish tank and were did you get it?
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
Thanks for watching. Its a tetra, I believe I got it from Petco.
Diana Ramos
Diana Ramos - 10 years ago
Did you use regular tap water then used the conditioner package. I want to put goldfish fish in it but not sure if I need any other product for the water. Thank you
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
+Diana Ramos Your welcome:)
Diana Ramos
Diana Ramos - 10 years ago
Thank you for the advice
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
+Diana Ramos Thanks for watching/commenting. I just use tap water that I use conditioner with, in this case the stuff that came with the tank. I also usually let the water sit out for about a day. For each water change, I do the same thing, use conditioner and let the water sit for a day.
  Just my opinion on goldfish for this tank. It is not recommended to put in goldfish in this small of a tank, especially as they get bigger. Most goldfish will grow to at least 6-7 inches each, so it is recommended that goldfish are put in a 20 gallon tank for the first goldfish and then add another 10 gallons for each additional goldfish. They also have no stomach, so good goes through them faster than tropical fish, making them poop more and then the poop turns into unwanted ammonia, which is  not good, especially in a tank this small.  
John  Mith
John Mith - 10 years ago
I like your tank keep on making videos
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
+John Mith Thanks for watching and for the very nice comment:)

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