10 gallon divided betta tank

10 gallon divided betta tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 9

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Most popular comments
for 10 gallon divided betta tank

carisa s
carisa s - 7 years ago
what did you put with the other layer of mesh? I am having the same problem
jordi lizaola
jordi lizaola - 7 years ago
where did you get that black tape?
Pork Ball
Pork Ball - 7 years ago
i would say 5 gallon minimum for a betta per space in tank
Daily Dank
Daily Dank - 7 years ago
illudicrous eclipse minimum is 2.5 for a betta and a 10g split into three quadrants is 3.3 gallons in each space which is good
NeonKraken - 8 years ago
Vandy? Lol I have a HM Plakat named Dandy.
Pochollo T
Pochollo T - 8 years ago
Do u remember where u got your aquatic plants.
Spacebug - 8 years ago
Update September 2016. Sadly, my bettas have all passed on at this point although I feel like they lived a pretty good life in this set up. I still have the tanks and the dividers are still holding, but the tanks now house endlers and shrimp. The silicone I used did not hold on all the dividers. If I were to do this again, I would pass on the silicone sealant and just cut the mesh a little bit bigger than the tank, then use the tension created by the extra length to hold the divider in place. I did this on one divider and it's held strong.
Layanice - 8 years ago
i love your aquarium it has inspired me to make one of my own thank u
Saikat Sengupta
Saikat Sengupta - 7 years ago
+SpacebugHow much of wattage LED lights should I use for my 15 gallon divided
Betta tank? I currently use 5 watt LED but it's really not sufficient
Spacebug - 8 years ago
Thank you! Good luck :)
Janie Moxley
Janie Moxley - 8 years ago
Good video except for your children yelling and crying in the background.
Jena Tucker Aquariums
Jena Tucker Aquariums - 8 years ago
Hi Spacebug, I have a Betta in a 10 gallon already. Do I have to drain the water out to do this? Thanks!!
Spacebug - 8 years ago
That's a good way to do it. Glad to hear your bettas are doing well.
Jena Tucker Aquariums
Jena Tucker Aquariums - 8 years ago
I did it without draining it. Just made it a little bigger to fit snug. Now have two bettas, they are doing just fine.
Spacebug - 8 years ago
If you are going to use silicone to adhere the mesh to the sides, you will have to drain and dry the tank first. If you cut the mesh a little longer than the width of your tank and let it hold in place with the tension, then you might be able to insert it with the water still in it, but I haven't attempted that.

10. comment for 10 gallon divided betta tank

Samantha Edens
Samantha Edens - 8 years ago
I have the exact same setup, except for the live plants! I have the filter in the middle section though and I can see a layer of film on the outer side sections :( I also had to do 2 layers of mesh. Maybe I need some plants?!
no Nah
no Nah - 8 years ago
Do you position the mesh so they cover each other?
Spacebug - 8 years ago
I try to have the mesh overlap in such a way that the bettas can't really see through it as well, but it is not completely covered.
Oscar Hernandez
Oscar Hernandez - 8 years ago
Hello, I currently have all my bettas in a 1 gallon tank each but I was planning on getting another 10 gallon and dividing it like you did. Would it be ok to divide it, into 4 different section, or is it too much and it would be better for 3 sections like you did?
Saikat Sengupta
Saikat Sengupta - 7 years ago
+illudicrous eclipse minimum is 2.5 not 5
Pork Ball
Pork Ball - 7 years ago
bettas need a minimum for 5 gallons of space 1 gallon is horrible
Jack smith
Jack smith - 8 years ago
You could, although i reccon 3 would be best for a 10 gallon as with 4 there would be little width to swim. Although that is my opinion and you can do either.
Heey J
Heey J - 8 years ago
I have same 10 gallon divided tank and have filter all the way at the end side.
I have a acrylic divider from aliexpress. But do you think the water on the other side will get clean by filter?
I am setting really low so my betta doesnt get any stress.. but I am afraid that the filter wont clean at the end part
because its set to low..
Heey J
Heey J - 8 years ago
thank you for your help. it has holes in it:) and I planted a lots of plants too. so I am glad that plants are also a natural filter. ! Thank you! 
Spacebug - 8 years ago
+Heey J It's hard to know if the whole tank is being filtered appropriately. I test the water periodically. The plants are also a natural filter, and the fish seem unstressed. My divider is mesh, so the water can flow through. If your acrylic is solid or close to it, there may not be enough filtration.
Poppy -___-
Poppy -___- - 8 years ago
What brand is your tank?
Poppy -___-
Poppy -___- - 8 years ago
+Spacebug Oh I don't live in America, but thanks anyway! Lovely tanks and video :)
Spacebug - 8 years ago
+Prickles the Hedgehog I can't remember right off the top of my head, but it's the basic kit you can buy at Walmart. If I were to do it again, I'd upgrade to a better lid with fluorescent lights.
Amanda Conklin
Amanda Conklin - 9 years ago
Looks like a snail invasion!
Nikkolei Reodica
Nikkolei Reodica - 9 years ago
they cant see each other?
Spacebug - 8 years ago
+Nikkolei Reodica If they can see each other, they do not flare and do not seem to be stressed out by each other's presence
Christine Griffiths
Christine Griffiths - 9 years ago
hi do you find the filter enough to filter to the far tank? or did u have to add a sponge filter or gravel filter?
Spacebug - 9 years ago
+Christine Griffiths I test my water periodically and it is always fine and the water is clear, so the one filter seems to be sufficient. The plants are also natural filter. Some planted tank enthusiasts don't use filters at all on smaller tanks.
John Ramirez
John Ramirez - 9 years ago
Very nice tank mam will be doing this is it possible to have this type of planted tank without dirt substrate just gravel?
Nicole N.
Nicole N. - 10 years ago
how do you clean it?
Spacebug - 10 years ago
I do a water change about every week, and remove any algae that's grown by hand.  It's a natural planted tank, meaning it's got a dirt substrate covered with sand on top.  I don't vacuum this.  The fish waste feeds the plants, the plants clean the water for the fish.  I also have snails that help with clean up.

20. comment for 10 gallon divided betta tank

Apple Snappers
Apple Snappers - 10 years ago
Your tank is incredible! I've been thinking about trying something similar in the future but still want to hold off until I get enough information / supplies. I was wondering if there were specific plants you would suggest for someone just starting off on a planted tank for bettas? Or does it matter?
Spacebug - 10 years ago
Your plant choices will depend on your lighting.  For typical lighting that comes with your tanks, keep to low-light plants like anubias and java ferns.  These tanks have CFLs in them that provide 2-3 watts per gallon.  I keep ludwigia, sagittaria, elodea, and golden creeping jenny in this one.  You can also try jungle vals, amazon swords,  and pennywort. Good luck!
Michigan Love
Michigan Love - 10 years ago
DiamondTeardrop6 - 10 years ago
Is there a non permanent way to do this? You wouldn't be able to remove the silicone would you?
Kate Cofflin
Kate Cofflin - 8 years ago
I have a similar setup with the mesh and report bindings. Instead of silicone, I hold the dividers in place with suction cups. That way it's less permanent, and any adjustments can be made easily.
DiamondTeardrop6 - 10 years ago
Ok, thanks. I will try that.
Spacebug - 10 years ago
Truthfully, if I were to do this over again, I wouldn't use silicone at all.   Just cut the mesh pieces slightly longer than the tank...maybe half an inch...and let the tension from the extra length and the substrate support the divider.  Over time, my silicone has broken down and become detached and this is how I've fixed the problem.  It's actually working much better than the original silicone.
Miu Iruma
Miu Iruma - 10 years ago
what kind of betta is sharky
Nicholas Pau
Nicholas Pau - 10 years ago
but the mesh is see through.... what i know bettas shudnt be on flare mode all the time
Spacebug - 10 years ago
I use two layers of mesh to reduce them seeing each other.  Since I added the second layer, there's been no flaring and they don't seem to realize the other fish is there.
JiBBz81 - 10 years ago
Do u you an algae problem wit all the plants in there..
Spacebug - 10 years ago
Yes!  I remove about a golf ball size of algae each week!  I have other planted tanks, though, that do not have this problem, so I don't blame the plants.  I believe my lighting in these tanks is off somehow.
Christine Clifton
Christine Clifton - 10 years ago
i cant find the mesh you used
Jorge - 9 years ago
+Christine Clifton i have a similar set up and i purchased some similar to these. I also bought a plastic folder and cut it to size  along the mesh because mine would flare up as well. Good luck!!!  http://www.amazon.com/Penn-Plax%C2%AE-Medium-Tank-Divider%C2%AE-Aquariums/dp/B0007ZN3KW/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1428348434&sr=8-2&keywords=10+gallon+tank+dividers
Spacebug - 10 years ago
I got it at a craft store called Michael's in the needlepoint section.  It's only about $.50 a sheet.
Aleos Oricos
Aleos Oricos - 10 years ago
Very well made. Inspired me to make one.
RightWingReefer - 11 years ago
Do a vid of other divided tank

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