2 Betta Fish in ONE TANK !
Betta 7 years ago 29,875 views
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/CTWSub LIFE WITH PETS: https://goo.gl/UYkcnD Their site: https://goo.gl/kzzxhZ GET OUR NEW MERCH HERE https://thechallenger.store Today I show you guys what happened to my betta fish that was in my 3 gallon aquarium. I moved the betta to my fish room and use the Life With Pets tank divder it HELPS SO MUCH! I love the look and another thing I just ordered an AWESOME FISH! Coming soon GET 10% OFF ZOX BANDS http://bit.ly/ZoxBand H2Oplants 20% off https://goo.gl/euQ3Ro or use the code Challenger20 The Slider Movie thing https://goo.gl/BfHxcz Patreon: https://goo.gl/ZwFzuw Exclusive vids on my Second YouTube channel http://bit.ly/TJEffect MY INSTAGRAM (@jamesmorelan) http://bit.ly/JamesInsta MY TWITTER (@jamesmorelan) http://bit.ly/JamesTweet MY SNAPCHAT http://bit.ly/JamesSnap Mail me stuff James Morelan PO BOX #085925 Racine, WI 53408 Camera I use: http://amzn.to/2sFDoHq
G786E1G80W21 (First come First serve)
And use the link for H2OPlants: https://goo.gl/THCSDE
10. comment for 2 Betta Fish in ONE TANK !
20. comment for 2 Betta Fish in ONE TANK !
30. comment for 2 Betta Fish in ONE TANK !
50. comment for 2 Betta Fish in ONE TANK !
Im hoping (probably not going to happen any time soon) to het a tosakin goldfish
Now keeping pearlscale goldies (called spotty and spotty jnr)
Note- im not sure if velvet was in the 20 gal
#JFam You should get a paradise fish, it’s like a Betta but wayyyyyyy more hearty and colorful
one is a black and orange oranda goldfish and also a blue oranda goldfish. they're so pretty top view
100. comment for 2 Betta Fish in ONE TANK !
love from india
Lol btw I have become overrun with ramshorn snails since they kept breeding and laying eggs. I have a 20 gallon with a few tetras and nerite snails and I had 2 ramshorn snails. Nerite were laying eggs but they don't hatch because they needed salt water but the ramshorns have gone from 2 to over 100
No offense, take it as a like.