2.5 Gallon Betta Tank Water Change

This is with a Gravel Vacuume

2.5 Gallon Betta Tank Water Change sentiment_very_dissatisfied 14

Betta 12 years ago 33,815 views

This is with a Gravel Vacuume

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Most popular comments
for 2.5 Gallon Betta Tank Water Change

Ekta Singh
Ekta Singh - 7 years ago
good to see people actually taking care of their betta :) thanks lucky him.
Jeff Cellers
Jeff Cellers - 7 years ago
do you use just regular distilled water at the end when you refill the tank?
Got2LoveFish - 7 years ago
Jeff Cellers I use tap water with water conditioner, distilled water will work as well.
Brian Anuvattanachai
Brian Anuvattanachai - 8 years ago
How much was it?
Brian Anuvattanachai
Brian Anuvattanachai - 8 years ago
Where did you get the tank?
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
This tank is from Petco.
Theresa Nicole
Theresa Nicole - 8 years ago
What a Spoild Betta fish! You can tell you really love your pet. What a Lucky Fish.
Brian Anuvattanachai
Brian Anuvattanachai - 8 years ago
Where did you get the lid?
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
I think this lid came with the tank, they may sell it separately though
Becky Carrion
Becky Carrion - 8 years ago
where did you get the plant from... I love it!!!
Got2LoveFish - 8 years ago
These plants are from petco.
ShyerLady - 8 years ago
what a lucky betta:)
Blurry Face
Blurry Face - 8 years ago
a $4 sponge filter would help

10. comment for 2.5 Gallon Betta Tank Water Change

Rachel K.
Rachel K. - 8 years ago
How old are you?
FloBotsInc - 9 years ago
how much aquarium salt do you put in a 2.5 gallon tank ????
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+FloBotsInc 1/2  teaspoon per gallon, so for a 2.5 gallon I would do 1 heaping teaspoon, so that it is overflowing.
Robert Diaz
Robert Diaz - 9 years ago
how mutch is 20% of water on a 2 gallon tank
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
Once a week
Robert Diaz
Robert Diaz - 9 years ago
Thank you & how often should I do them
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+Robert Diaz Slightly less than half a gallon.
Evelina Mis
Evelina Mis - 9 years ago
You clean this tiny cup as long as i clean 15 gallons lol :D
Annie M
Annie M - 8 years ago
So you're saying there's a more thorough job being done here?
fanofmusicandsports1765 - 9 years ago
Everyone always complains that whenever someone puts a video with a fish tank that's smaller than 3 gallons they're always like it's too small. MONEY DOESNT GROW ON TREES PEOPLE!
Chelsea Samantha
Chelsea Samantha - 9 years ago
where did you buy the background. i have a 5 gallon aquarium, and i cannot find a background for it. they are all too big in width
Boris Burmenko
Boris Burmenko - 9 years ago
+Samantha J ebay.com
Chelsea Samantha
Chelsea Samantha - 9 years ago
+Boris Burmenko what website
Boris Burmenko
Boris Burmenko - 9 years ago
+Samantha J u can order online
Chelsea Samantha
Chelsea Samantha - 9 years ago
+Boris Burmenko thanks but there is no pet co where i live
Boris Burmenko
Boris Burmenko - 9 years ago
petco got them . they measure it for u
Hannah Bailey
Hannah Bailey - 9 years ago
Thanks so much for this video! Because of you I was able to find and buy the items you used here (the 2.5g tank, the gravel vacuum, the magnetic cleaner) for my betta! Great video that shows an easy, simple way to clean a betta tank!
sweetenedsour420 - 9 years ago
thats a 5 gallon
Cedric Wilson
Cedric Wilson - 8 years ago
+Got2LoveFish its a 5 gallon
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+unicornpoop09876 Its a 2.5 gallon tank
jean calero
jean calero - 9 years ago
When I try to pump the water out. It never gets all the food or wast completely out. Is that normal or am I doing it wrong?
jean calero
jean calero - 9 years ago
Thank you very much.
Got2LoveFish - 9 years ago
+jean calero That is normal, you need to get the majority of the extra food and waste to make the water clean but there will always be a little that stays behind. Do your best to get as much as you can though.
Adrian Night
Adrian Night - 10 years ago
what is the size of that tank?
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
Oh, its 12W x 6L x 8H
Adrian Night
Adrian Night - 10 years ago
i mean the dimensions the length width and height 
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
It says in the title, 2.5 gallons.
eaux kei
eaux kei - 10 years ago
Where did you get that single leaf that sticks to the side?
J J - 8 years ago
eaux kei you can buy them at Petco or Petsmart.
eaux kei
eaux kei - 10 years ago
Thank you! :)
InfinityPets - 10 years ago
They have it a petco to but it more expensive
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
Petsmart, it is called a betta leaf hammock.

20. comment for 2.5 Gallon Betta Tank Water Change

Lovely Bettas
Lovely Bettas - 10 years ago
can i ask you your a wuestion but in PM?
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
Yeah that is fine
Mitchell Taing
Mitchell Taing - 10 years ago
Hey got2lovefish! Sorry I've been commenting a lot on your videos for help. I just got a 2.5 gallon tank and the API master testing kit. I was wondering how long will it take to cycle the tank and how many water changes I should do weekly, and how much water every change(25% or 50% water changes)? I have one betta in my tank, along with a filter.
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
I would do water changes once a week about 20%. Bettas do really well tolerating different waters so I think it should be fine to add your betta after a couple days of the filter running, it does not take long for a small tank. And I like answering the questions so feel free to ask as many as you like, hope this helps (:
AliMD76 - 10 years ago
you need live plants with a fluorite or eco-complete base and your good little tank will become great.
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
I am dosing Leaf Zone plant food from API (once a week), and there Liquid CO2 Fertilizer (every other week), and also use Epsom salt which I will recommend to you since you did not mention it, the Epsom salt is really cheap and is great for the plants, of any sort even house plants and trees. I have been looking for iron fertilizer for my tanks for a very long time now but cant seem to find any so thanks for the suggestion on that. This is the substrate that I used mixed in with regular gravel: http://www.petsmart.com/fish/gravel-sand/caribsea-flora-max-planted-aquarium-substrate-zid36-16757/cat-36-catid-300072?var_id=36-16757&_t=pfm%3Dcategory And in my 10 gallon I use this flora substrate and sand and the plants love it. I do think that a black gravel would look great with the green plants, and I have thought of doing it but not put it into action yet. I really like API products so that is what I mostly have for my tanks including the water conditioner, and test kits, and medication, btw. And thanks for all the information the biggest thing I need right now is iron!
AliMD76 - 10 years ago
+Got2LoveFish I see.  Nice job on the plants, but instead of that inert gravel, how about giving them a nutritious substrate?  Your amazon sword and other rooted plants will thrive in Eco-Complete or in a Seachem Fluorite product.



I made the mistake of buying the original Fluorite (I was new to planted tanks and it was the only thing available at the time), which while excellent, falls short in the aesthetic department.  Personally, a black substrate would look gorgeous with the green plants and the burgundy Betta.  

Also, Im not sure if you are fertilizing the water coloumn or using CO2 of some sort, but if interested the following are really simple to use and relatively inexpensive:



You might need an extra Iron Supplement however as the Flourish is somewhat low in it....I use:

Without them, the nutrients will eventuallly be used up, unless you do lots of water changes. With them, more nutrients, more dissolved O2, more biological filtration, and less water changes.  

Just be careful with the quantity.  A few drops in a 2.5 gal once a week or once every two weeks of each product is all that's needed.  The manufacturers suggest more, but I've found that in this case less is better.  Another plus...the Flourish Excel kills Algae, and what it doesnt...your Otocincli will clean up.  I bought a bottle of each and started with a 20 Gal, downgraded to 10, then to 5, then to 2.5, now using the 6 Gal Fluval Edge and those 2 bottles have still not run out.  I got to your video by trying to figure out what to do with my 2.5 Gal - it will be my daughters first tank.  Aquariums and terrariums are great methods to teach children responsibility and how to have respect for fellow living creatures.
I might just be rehashing things you already know, but maybe there's a point in there that you might have overlooked.  Anyway, nice videos, Its good to see your progression.

Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
that is actually what I have right now, take a look at my most recent video (:
nikki92599 - 10 years ago
Hi Got2LoveFish.  I'm on my second beta.  The first one died I thought because I didn't have a heater & the water was too cold.  So I bought at 2.5 gallon tank, bought a heater & thermometer.  I have a live aquatic plant in there & an aquarium little vase that has plastic plant.  I have my new half moon beta male about a week now & he seamed to love this set up until this morning I noticed that he's listless.  He's not swimming around, doesn't want to eat & is staying on the bottom of the tank & doesn't want to eat.  I took whatever food I tried feeding him out.  I noticed that he just spit up some food that I'm assuming was from last night when I fed him.  I'm thinking I might have over fed him.  Should I just leave him until he digests?  or should I do the green pea thing?  Should I attempt a partial water change with him acting like this?  Please help, I don't want to lose another beta, I thought I was doing good with this guy.
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
It is best to make sure they have a big enough territory so they can still patrol it and have something to do, a good tank size is 2.5 gallons. Yes I would do a partial water change. And for feeding he only needs 3 or 4 pellets a day, let him not eat for a day then try again, or try some pea, sometimes they just need time to settle in, I hope this is helpful, and if you have any other questions feel free to ask. And some bettas will just not do good when brought home, you will just have to wait and see
Megan Gallagher
Megan Gallagher - 10 years ago
Im getting a fish soon how much do you feed them a day ?
Got2LoveFish - 10 years ago
A betta fish? right? I normally feed mine 3 pellets a day, and 4 on occasion, but it is also cool to give them a treat, like a bloodworm, once a week!
Alyce Yang
Alyce Yang - 10 years ago
You are a great owner! I bet your fish are very happy :)
Aliah luvsu-
Aliah luvsu- - 11 years ago
Can you plz make a tour on your 2.5 tank? And were did u get it from? :)
Aliah luvsu-
Aliah luvsu- - 11 years ago
welcome :)
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
ok, and thanks for the suggestion!
Aliah luvsu-
Aliah luvsu- - 11 years ago
yes plz and thnx
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
I have three 2.5 gallons, would you like to see all three?
Aliah luvsu-
Aliah luvsu- - 11 years ago
Do u have a heater? Or you get it to room temp?
Flike - 10 years ago
+Got2LoveFish bettas water should be between 76-82. 70 is too cold.
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
no problem 
Aliah luvsu-
Aliah luvsu- - 11 years ago
ok thnx
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
I do not use heaters for my betta tanks, they just stay room temperature which at the lowest in the winter is 70 and they do fine like that
Angie Bonan
Angie Bonan - 11 years ago
Thank you. My Betta -half moon also gets fin rot. I now add aquarium salt at every water change. Thanks much!
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
very good! that works best in my opinion
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
weekly water changes, but my PH in this tank is probably higher because I use aquarium salt in it because this betta is super prone to fin rot. But just weekly water changes will do the trick.

30. comment for 2.5 Gallon Betta Tank Water Change

Angie Bonan
Angie Bonan - 11 years ago
Hi..how do you maintain the PH level at 7.0-7.2.
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
Angie Bonan
Angie Bonan - 11 years ago
Hi..are all your tanks made of glass?
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
My bettas are used of this because I do it every week. Some people are like am not going to use the vacuum thing because my bettas are scared of it, well ya they are going to be scared the first couple times then calm down, I would rather not net my fish every single week, when I did that the first couple months there color was lost in the cup every single time but now they are used of the siphen and don't have to get scared every week.
Angie Bonan
Angie Bonan - 11 years ago
You are my guru! Thank you..more questions coming your way! :)
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
normally if I do 100% I do not clean the decorations or gravel or sides of tank, I never clean everything in the tank, at least 1 thing stays "dirty"
Angie Bonan
Angie Bonan - 11 years ago
Hi..many thanks for responding..:). If you change 100% water??how do you manage their Eco system? Do you need to re-cycle the tank?
diamondsandlipgloss - 11 years ago
I just found this tank (w/lid) at Petsmart for 12.99 sale... This vid showed what ekes I need to keep it clean do thanks! Btw, your Betta doesn't seem to mind your cleaning; mine have a conniption !
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
My bettas don't have a heater because even in the winter there water says 73 and above because of were I live. They do not have filters because of how I do water changes. I clean all of my tanks once a week every single week 25-50% or 100% if the tank is really dirty. I use a gravel vacuum to clean the stuff out of the gravel every single week too. Hope this helps any other question please feel free to ask. And bettas don't need water movement because of there long fins and labrinth organ.
Angie Bonan
Angie Bonan - 11 years ago
I noticed in your Betta video that you don't have a filter or heater... Can you tell me why? Can you tell me if you change 100% water and clean the gravel once a month? Many thanks..I am new at this..
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
Yep, no problem
Angie Bonan
Angie Bonan - 11 years ago
Many thanks for your quick reply...:)
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
The plants are silk from Petco and the cave is from Petsmart
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
The plants are silk from Petco and the cave is from Petsmart
Angie Bonan
Angie Bonan - 11 years ago
And...where did you get the cave? Love that too!
Angie Bonan
Angie Bonan - 11 years ago
Hi..love your video..where did you get the plant? Is it silk or plastic?
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
cool, I like it
Adelle Yu
Adelle Yu - 11 years ago
The greenish red one
Adelle Yu
Adelle Yu - 11 years ago
I have the same plant as you
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
I do a water change once a week on all of my tanks and I use highly concentrated API water conditioner for fish.

50. comment for 2.5 Gallon Betta Tank Water Change

dallasfever - 11 years ago
How often do you do a water change on your 2.5? The water you used was that regular bottled water... or water that you treated?
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
yep, no problem
CoolgirlHK - 11 years ago
THANX YOU !!!! :) ;)
CoolgirlHK - 11 years ago
Oh okey thank you very much ! Thanx u ! :)
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
The lid came with it, it is at the bottom of the tank when you buy it and the tank costs $15
CoolgirlHK - 11 years ago
We're did you get the lid or did it came with it. And how much was it please tell me :) thanx ;) I want to know cues I want to buy that same tank at petsmart but it doesn't have laid like that please tell me and comment back
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
siphen, got it from petsmart
Tono M
Tono M - 11 years ago
what is the thing you use that sucks up stuff???
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
Ok, and that is cool
ToCoolForSchool - 11 years ago
Subsribing can u subscribe back ? C: got the same tank and lid cx
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
Look at the title, it is a 2.5 gallon
Chethan Rao A P
Chethan Rao A P - 11 years ago
What is the size of tank?
Got2LoveFish - 11 years ago
Its a magnet glass cleaner or something like that, I got mine at petsmart but they are also at most places that sell fish stuff
Got2LoveFish - 12 years ago
no, just rocks and decorations.
Katherine Wong
Katherine Wong - 12 years ago
Hey, do you have a filter in there?
Got2LoveFish - 12 years ago
oh, lol
Linda Ben
Linda Ben - 12 years ago
I have the excact some 2 1/2 galtank xD same glass lid everything......except its not in use.....its sitting out on the porch :/ along with a huge 30gal tank that leaks and needs to be taken to the dump
Got2LoveFish - 12 years ago
Dianathegamemaster - 12 years ago
1. Siphon hose. Fancy. 2. Liking the new setup! :)

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