20L aquarium fish Tank betta fish breeding amano shrimp

hi my first upload....sorry for poor quality...(will upload better)....new novice aquarium betta tank...wanting to give breeding a go....help and tips...female betta in breeding box (will remove to own tank after)....betta has made bubble nest....6 almano shrimp (possibly one other shrimp as much bigger than others) 2 red cherry, .tank 2 weeks old, superfish 20L 5 gallon tank with new nutrafin co2 (bit slow) one bubble every 8 seconds (getting faster)....plants java fern, moss around bog wood, hair grass.any advice...

20L aquarium fish Tank betta fish breeding amano shrimp sentiment_very_dissatisfied 10

Betta 15 years ago 53,023 views

hi my first upload....sorry for poor quality...(will upload better)....new novice aquarium betta tank...wanting to give breeding a go....help and tips...female betta in breeding box (will remove to own tank after)....betta has made bubble nest....6 almano shrimp (possibly one other shrimp as much bigger than others) 2 red cherry, .tank 2 weeks old, superfish 20L 5 gallon tank with new nutrafin co2 (bit slow) one bubble every 8 seconds (getting faster)....plants java fern, moss around bog wood, hair grass.any advice...

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Most popular comments
for 20L aquarium fish Tank betta fish breeding amano shrimp

Elias Shr
Elias Shr - 11 years ago
TessTV - 11 years ago
He's a big boy
Jancsss - 12 years ago
Very clear aqua :)
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 12 years ago
Nice Bettas...Check out my Bettas and subscribe to my channel
Katherine Henry
Katherine Henry - 12 years ago
Are the plants live plants? And if so, how did you choose your plants?
cher lee
cher lee - 12 years ago
Your Betta looks healthy. How do the betta fry looks like at this time?
Jordan Cowell
Jordan Cowell - 12 years ago
Looks big for a 20L are you sure it's 20L?
Leafyr Oakfyst
Leafyr Oakfyst - 12 years ago
Baby shrimpies need brackish water to fully develop and survive. Might wanna seperate breeding tank with no betta in it. I read it's 2 tablespoons of salt per gallon in the tank.
Aaron Goh
Aaron Goh - 13 years ago
where to get or make the container to put the female?

10. comment for 20L aquarium fish Tank betta fish breeding amano shrimp

Fue Vue
Fue Vue - 13 years ago
omg, what was that bubble thing? and where can I get one? lol.
Tyler Moua
Tyler Moua - 13 years ago
nice female
pospfc - 13 years ago
very good!
a123a456a123a456 - 14 years ago
that is one big betta ur a good fish keeper :)
Houa Yang
Houa Yang - 14 years ago
that is a nice ass betta tank you got. how much did you spend to do all that?
Mark Gorgees
Mark Gorgees - 14 years ago
First Biggiest mistake yo made is that your tank has gravel at the bottom whick is not good because when the eggs fall the males going to have a hard time looking for them and the second mistake is that yor waters too high other than those 2 things your good to go
Manifest Destiny
Manifest Destiny - 14 years ago
@TheTob26 I can not emphasize how hard you fail... the epicness of your failure is incomprehensible...
shax - 15 years ago
beautiful setup I´am sure your betta loves this tank,looks happy and healthy.
Big Mean Squeeze
Big Mean Squeeze - 15 years ago
how do you make them like each other. also, i kept two betta bowls next to each other side by side, and one of the died the next day
Maxi_overload - 15 years ago
hi friend. Its very beautiful. I 've just bought a new nano aquarium 25lt sicce moby dick. I have a male betta and I bought today a female. But when i put in the female in the aquarium they start fighting. so i put the female to another tank 2lt without thermostat and filter. Your female is in a box as I can see. Where can I find this or something like this to put m female betta in the aquarium safe? thanks and sorry for my bad english! I m from greece by the way!

20. comment for 20L aquarium fish Tank betta fish breeding amano shrimp

Serikiyo - 15 years ago
Oh my goodness!!! Your male is BEAUTIFUL!!! O_O
psyskoh Kidd
psyskoh Kidd - 15 years ago
LOL... you're too modest, the quality was great, and my super slow computer had no problem so... where did you get that bubble "ladder" thing? that was like the best aquarium decoration I've seen! I work at petsmart so it's nice to see a betta in a "proper aquarium". Kudos, and good luck with the breeding....Let me know about the bubble Ladder thing. Is it providing some kind of function? looks like you could hook up CO2 to it.
Bradley Kraken
Bradley Kraken - 15 years ago
is it better to use a filtration system? my betta died today it jumped out of the bowl it was in because its tank was airing out and he dried out...={ i found my dog licking hiim this morning
Jerry tomlin
Jerry tomlin - 15 years ago
wow poor quality?this is one of the best video qualities ive seen!
Santiago G
Santiago G - 15 years ago
Wow! that is a beautiful tank. Are you planning on breeding your bettas in there or in a separate tank?

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