3 Gallon Setup + Getting a New Betta Fish
Betta 8 years ago 367,741 views
Hi guys! So like I said in my previous video, I decided to set up my 3 gallon tank once again and got myself a new betta :D His name is Jerry, I got him on 04/10/16! Please give him a like. I'll be doing future updates on the 3 gallon and jerry, so stay tuned!! Should I set up an instagram for my tanks? Comment down below!
That's a lovely Fighter fish it has to be a make because females are really ugly
not for ever but like a week
20. comment for 3 Gallon Setup + Getting a New Betta Fish
30. comment for 3 Gallon Setup + Getting a New Betta Fish
Edit: serves me right for not reading your comment about the 5 gall, my bad.
50. comment for 3 Gallon Setup + Getting a New Betta Fish
For those who love the fish hobby they already know what's the DO's and don'ts and as they gain experience they want more n more tanks
100. comment for 3 Gallon Setup + Getting a New Betta Fish
I can see how they might be appealing, but there's a lot of evidence that tanks with more than one betta do not work out and it's only to the pride of the owner that anyone would even consider having one of these tanks.
I would have gotten a 5gal, but I already had this tank since I use to have other fish in it
I think you should put something near the water surface because it's easier for bettas to sleep and breathe like that.
(Sorry if my english is bad)
and in some areas of the world tropical fish don't need heaters.
also yes you can keep a betta without a heater so long as their water stays above 75.
also you don't need a dedicated filter housing.a filter is about creating enough beneficial bacteria so ammonia gets broken down into its least harmful form nitrate.this can actually be done by using a sub straight that provides a good amount of surface area for the beneficial bacteria.you can even take biological filtration a step further and add fast growing live plants.this method of filtration can actually be better then a dedicated filter housing cause you never remove the sub straight meaning a stronger healthier beneficial colony can grow since you don't ever have to remove the filter media.
you can dial in how much water changes you need to do based on what your water is testing.I would suggest test strips since they are easy to use and give a general idea of what your quality is.if your water has any nitrites in it that means there is ammonia in your tanks meaning the bacteria aren't keeping up so you may need a dedicated filter housing at that point.if nitrates show up as safe you don't have to do a water change quite yet but the closer it gets to unsafe levels that means it will be time to change the water.
Don't spread false information.
2nd, how is a three gallon tank cruel? its better than a freaking bowl idiot...
You really need to learn more on how to correct others on their fishkeeping.
1. this may seem a little silly but bettas like there space even if it is just one, I feel a 5 gallon is good at minimum
2. betta fish like alot of plants ( preferably live ones which I believe you have, nice job) it gives them room to hide and explore and the black sand was a nice touch
It never seemed like it would harm the fish and i guess it didnt but just for my fishes i atleast do it a week
she's not.
It gets freezing here, some times, the heater is on almost 24/7
I live in the UK. no petco here- pets at home only. We use the metric so my tank is more like 5.86546(numbers are approximate) gallons, so I call it 6 gal. It is in all fairness 20.6 L. my pic is of my female. I am getting a male soon. They jump for treats and are filtered, aireated and heated. I personally don't recommend anything under 5.5 but again, 3 gal is the absolute minimum, if you can afford larger, go larger.
SHE'S GOT A FILTER. yes, I do keep mine in a filtered, aireated, heated and 6 gal tank. but a 3 gal is fine if you cannot afford a bigger tank
my 5 gal tank never had an ammonia spike, the filter was fine, this was the same with my 2.7 gal tank, I know because I test the water
Oxygen-might be ok
Space- nothing
You can build a communal tank. I've paired them with guppies, small tropical sharks, plecos, Cory cats, black mollies, and Kuhli loaches to name a few they got along with. Bigger tanks with more room make for fewer issues.
my beta hated the stone so much so that she would be on the floor as far as she could away from it
Air stones might cause too much turbulence in a 2.5 or 5 gallon, I can't comment on that because the smallest I've owned is a 10 gallon tank. Most every beta I've had seems to like going over to the air stone to play in the updraft rather than staying away from the 'turbulent' area of the tank.
The one I have now is in a 30 gallon tank and I've laid a 10" stone across the back to make a sort of bubble curtain. The fish is spending most of it's time there or in the slip stream created by the tank filter's discharge. I was sure he'd find the calm water to the front and hang out there but he seems to be loving the areas where the water is most active. I do need to tone the flow of the filter down though, it's a bit on the heavy side for the tank and fish.
A smaller tank will need the water cycled more often, that's the only real drawback to a 3 gallon tank. Most people won't want to cycle the water twice a week, but with a 5 gallon you can step down to a weekly maintenance schedule.
well done, perfect decision. my dad tells me 'always go past the minimum as much as you can', so that is why I have mine in a 5.5 because my book shelf couldn't fit anything heavier on
no, no , NO the myth is they lived in puddles, they lived in rice paddies, Google that and see why you need a 5.5 gal tank
2.5 gal minimum, but highly recommend a 5 gal
no, 2.5
When I was 7, I had 14 bettas in .5 gallon tanks. I quickly realized that this was not okay, and asked my parents what to do. We ended up rehoming 10 of them, and dividing 2 10 gallon tanks. Now I know better, and try to upgrade whenever I can. I'm still not happy with Carlos's 2.5, I'm hoping to divide a 10 again for them.
I have 3 tanks. My 2.5 gallon has 1 male betta -- a Royal Blue Crowntail named Carlos. My 5.5 gallon has 1 male betta - a Cellophane Marble SeD named Angel & 1 male guppy - yes, a guppy! - named Flame. My 20 gallon has 9 female bettas, 4 Cories, 5 Neon Tetras, two GloFish, and a partridge in a pear tree.
They can live anywhere, it just depends on what you give them.
Feel free to visit me or see my tanks & fish @ www.bettafish.com. My username is ThatFishThough -- And, I'm looking into creating a YouTube channel. (Not advertising, just saying.)