2,960 likes 811,432 views 13 years ago
Since many of you ask, the long plants in the back are called Jungle Val. This is the my most popular video...
5,003 likes 495,508 views 7 years ago
Today I put my betta fish in my community tank. He got a long with my molly and my guppy. Also, guys I'm going to get...
895 likes 270,469 views 15 years ago
5 Gallon Community Fish Tank CrownTail Betta 7 Neon Tetras 4 Ghost Shrimp This Video was Promoted on Fireviews.com:...
1,408 likes 220,931 views 11 years ago
A lot of people wonder whether a Betta fish can live with other fish. The answer is yes and no. I was in the same...
2,229 likes 217,263 views 9 years ago
Choosing the perfect Betta for a community aquarium can be tricky but not impossible. I have some steps that can help...
811 likes 214,344 views 14 years ago
How do you safely introduce a new female betta fish into a sorority tank? This video will help you out!...
2,960 likes 811,432 views 13 years ago
Since many of you ask, the long plants in the back are called Jungle Val. This is the my most popular video...
5,003 likes 495,508 views 7 years ago
Today I put my betta fish in my community tank. He got a long with my molly and my guppy. Also, guys I'm going to get...
895 likes 270,469 views 15 years ago
5 Gallon Community Fish Tank CrownTail Betta 7 Neon Tetras 4 Ghost Shrimp This Video was Promoted on Fireviews.com:...
1,408 likes 220,931 views 11 years ago
A lot of people wonder whether a Betta fish can live with other fish. The answer is yes and no. I was in the same...
2,229 likes 217,263 views 9 years ago
Choosing the perfect Betta for a community aquarium can be tricky but not impossible. I have some steps that can help...
811 likes 214,344 views 14 years ago
How do you safely introduce a new female betta fish into a sorority tank? This video will help you out!...
The "40 Gallon Community Fish Tank" video is part of the Betta aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.
10. comment for 40 Gallon Community Fish Tank
It was not as impressive as yours but still :) Thumbs up! x