5 Gallon Betta Neon Community Fish Tank

5 Gallon Community Fish Tank CrownTail Betta 7 Neon Tetras 4 Ghost Shrimp This Video was Promoted on Fireviews.com: http://www.fireviews.com/skimstr

5 Gallon Betta Neon Community Fish Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 68

Betta 15 years ago 270,531 views

5 Gallon Community Fish Tank CrownTail Betta 7 Neon Tetras 4 Ghost Shrimp This Video was Promoted on Fireviews.com: http://www.fireviews.com/skimstr

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Most popular comments
for 5 Gallon Betta Neon Community Fish Tank

victor pirir
victor pirir - 7 years ago
That doesn't look like a 5g tank it looks more like a 10g tank
High Jerry
High Jerry - 7 years ago
hey,one question,i have 7 gallon,filtered tank,it has a heater and the right necessitties for a betta,but i really want 4 neons,is it possible?
Cody - 7 years ago
No that won't work
Evelin vlog And gaming
Evelin vlog And gaming - 7 years ago
The music and the tank makes this video so good
Jose Alegria
Jose Alegria - 7 years ago
This might seem odd but I come back to this video all the time because I find it so satisfying and I love the tank so much. Ever since this video has been released lol
Eric Quevedo
Eric Quevedo - 7 years ago
Haha awesome, thanks!
Aimee H
Aimee H - 7 years ago
Could you please let me know what brand of tank and if it is a 5 gallon ?
Katie Lara
Katie Lara - 7 years ago
How did your betta do?
Jesse Kelly
Jesse Kelly - 7 years ago
Hey man, nice vid. May I ask what did you add to this tank first to cycle?
T Buzz
T Buzz - 7 years ago
Looks like a 10 gallon tank
Ryan Kay
Ryan Kay - 7 years ago
the rock looks bad :(

10. comment for 5 Gallon Betta Neon Community Fish Tank

Jazmin Bretado
Jazmin Bretado - 7 years ago
What kind of filter do you use thank you.
Arjy Bajy
Arjy Bajy - 7 years ago
I have 6 danios in a 6 and a half gallon tank. They are over 4 years old and in perfect condition.
musicalmarion - 7 years ago
I am especially interested in really small tanks, and suitable fish, so I was interested to see which ones you chose.  Neons are often recommended for tiny tanks but then like many others they have to be in a fairly large group, and there's no space.   It's nice to see your setup, although we could have done without the Debussy La Fille aux Cheveux de Lin particularly on of all things, the Clarinet !  Just joking, at least you kept the volume down, thank you !  : )  Can you recommend fish for the challenging 4 gallon tank?
Samantha Day
Samantha Day - 8 years ago
hmmm..... looks bigger than 5 gallons ??
Brittany Swanson
Brittany Swanson - 8 years ago
with is horrible you need a 10 gallon for 5 neon tetras and them you add shrimp I there is no is my mean time buddy
Max Lor
Max Lor - 8 years ago
what tank is it
coughcoughsigh - 8 years ago
Great choice of music :-)
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
thats kinda over crowed and betta looks stressed
Tim Chan
Tim Chan - 8 years ago
Where did u get this tank? I would love to get a longer tank like yours :0
John Wilson
John Wilson - 8 years ago
Kelvin Tam for how much?
Juno - 8 years ago
I got that exact one at PetSmart.
Julia C
Julia C - 8 years ago
It looks like a 10 gallon.

20. comment for 5 Gallon Betta Neon Community Fish Tank

Dolphincutie World
Dolphincutie World - 8 years ago
Awesome tank love it. Love the betta and neons fish.
Kiara Black
Kiara Black - 8 years ago
I like that you're trying to give your fish more space, but why on earth would you need 55 gallons for such a small amount of fish? I think a 20 to 29 gallon with lots of plants would suffice.
BOI boi
BOI boi - 8 years ago
55 gal is WAAAAAY bigger than this
BOI boi
BOI boi - 8 years ago
55 gal is WAAAAAY bigger than this
asdfghj - 8 years ago
what its 5 gallon
casey childs
casey childs - 8 years ago
Were you worried about how your betta would react to the betta? I just got my 5 gallon tank- but I'm worried about how my betta will react!
Erin Indigo Osmanthus
Erin Indigo Osmanthus - 8 years ago
55 gallon? Wut?
Sue Sundowner
Sue Sundowner - 8 years ago
That's a lot of fish for a small tank. How long did they all live?
Steven Goldstein
Steven Goldstein - 7 years ago
People if you can’t keep 7 neons and a Betta with some shrimp alive in 5.5 gallon tank, you need to find a new hobby or learn how to keep fish alive
Brandon Pan
Brandon Pan - 8 years ago
stopfollowingme It's very similar. In both cases, the person should be taking responsibility and care for the baby/fish, but they don't. Instead they put the baby/fish through horrible situations. In both cases, the fish/baby has a high chance of dying. So what's wrong with the comparison?
stopfollowingme - 8 years ago
Brandon Pan thats not even the same comparison
Brandon Pan
Brandon Pan - 8 years ago
stopfollowingme Imagine if you constantly neglected and abused the baby. Then if someone asked how long did the baby live, would it still be so rude?
stopfollowingme - 8 years ago
I think it's really rude of you to say "how long did it live?" That's the same as seeing a baby chewing on a toy on Facebook, and the commenting, "that toy is covered in billions of germs. how long do you think you're baby will live?" pathetic.
Sue Sundowner
Sue Sundowner - 8 years ago
The one inch rule IS a lot of crap. But because it doesn't provide enough room, not the other way around. This tank is (though I reckon it's "was" not "is") overstocked. I don't think the uploader of this video ever answered the question about how long the fish lived.
Jack smith
Jack smith - 8 years ago
+Sue Sundowner Seems big enough for them all to me. The inch per gallon rule is a load of crap. A 1.5 inch platy would create 10x the amount of waste a 1.5 inch neon would, so there is no consistency. Neon's and Betta's do not create alot of waste so this set up should be okay for the stocking providing there is enough room for everyone, which there appears to be. Your argument is better spent telling people keeping betta's in 1 gallon bowls.
Flo Green
Flo Green - 8 years ago
+Kristin Brianne Estep-Sawyer Its not overcrowded at all, some people think that your only allowed to have 1 or 2 fish in a five and that's so not true. Your tank looks awesome, I have ten rasboras in my five gallon I'm getting a bigger tank though, want a couple more different fish. Your tank is fine and one of my favorite's small tank's on YouTube. Great job
Rachel b
Rachel b - 8 years ago
+Kristin Brianne Estep-Sawyer just cause they CAN live in cups doesn't mean they should… just because we CAN live I a dirty bathtub doesn't mean we should, does it?
Sue Sundowner
Sue Sundowner - 8 years ago
And again, back to my point, just because fish are abused in box stores doesn't mean fish owners, who presumably want their fish to live healthy lives for years, should abuse them. Let's do a little math for anyone who would like to see how badly overstocked this tank is. Even using the antiquated "one gallon per inch of fish" (outdated because most experts today say you need two gallons per inch). A grown betta is about 3 inches. The seven neon tetras will grow to about 1.5 inches. That calculates to 13.5 inches of fish. So at the absolute minimum, this fish owner needed a 15 gallon tank for the fish to have a chance to stay healthy. The ideal would be 25 gallons. This is a 5 gallon tank. I'm not gong to argue with you any longer because you keep repeating uninformed statements. I only post this in hopes that other people will not make the mistakes this fish owner did. I'm sure his fish didn't live long although hopefully he did quickly move them to decent sized tank.
Sue Sundowner
Sue Sundowner - 8 years ago
Moron is your word, not mine. Of course one betta would do fine alone in a 5 gallon tank, but there also are seven tetras and at least 4 or 5 ghost shrimp. Eight fish and four ghost shrimp! This tank is way overstocked. I'm not sure what research you did that said this is a healthy way to stock a very small tank, but be careful what you post. Some morons might believe you and end up with a bunch of dead fish.
Sue Sundowner
Sue Sundowner - 8 years ago
The fact that bettas are sadly sold in tiny cups does not make this tank large enough for the amount of fish in this tiny 5 gallon tank. You may want to do a little research, especially if own or plan to own fish. My bet is these poor little guys had short lives unless they were moved to a larger tank.
Ben Varley
Ben Varley - 8 years ago
is it ok if my mom and i got 5 cardinal tetras, 1 cherry shrimp or ghost shrimp and 1 apple snail? or do you think thats to over stocked?
Eric Mezenberg
Eric Mezenberg - 7 years ago
Get neon tetras for a 10g not cardinal, and maybe try a female betta
OverlordSheepie - 8 years ago
+Jacob Cudmore Live plants help. That might be good. Be warned though, the betta may eat some tetras if he can get to them.
Jacob Cudmore
Jacob Cudmore - 8 years ago
+OverlordSheepie Bacopa and hair grass
Jacob Cudmore
Jacob Cudmore - 8 years ago
+OverlordSheepie with live plants.
OverlordSheepie - 8 years ago
+Jacob Cudmore That sounds overstocked to me.
Jacob Cudmore
Jacob Cudmore - 8 years ago
+DankGrandpa is 10 neons ok with a betta in 10 gal
OverlordSheepie - 8 years ago
+Ben Varley Cardinal tetras need even more room than neon tetras. I think that's a little overstocked tbh. And the fish might not be happy too.
DankGrandpa - 8 years ago
That is probably ok
Zoe & Reno
Zoe & Reno - 9 years ago
Oh okay thank you I didn't get anything once I learned this info and for my birthday I'm upgrading to a 5 gallon for one of my betas and the 2.5 for the other Betta I own
BananaSoCool88 - 9 years ago
Upgrading to a 55??? for a betta??? DAYUM
Zoe & Reno
Zoe & Reno - 9 years ago
Can I keep neon tetras and a Betta fish in a 2.5 gallon tank? If so how many tetras do you thing I could keep in it?
Lauren Kip
Lauren Kip - 8 years ago
Yes you can keep A betta fish with neon Tetras. I have a 2.5 tank and I keep 1 beta fish and 4 neon tetras in it but I am getting a new tank soon that is about 5.5 gallons. Also if you're going to keep a beta fish with neon tetras then I would recommend getting a female beta fish. I have a female beta fish with my neon Tetris and they love swimming together. It just all depends on the personality of the beta fish
myusernameisthisduh - 9 years ago
+Regan Szam No 2.5 is minimum for a betta alone. IMHO this guy's tank is overstocked, his betta doesn't even look happy
Awkward Turtle
Awkward Turtle - 9 years ago
that betta looked depressed

30. comment for 5 Gallon Betta Neon Community Fish Tank

Gordon Qi
Gordon Qi - 9 years ago
will ghost shrimp survive high water flow in tank? or suck inside the filter?because my filter is only 1cm apart from my ground.
stopfollowingme - 8 years ago
i would be careful, my filter was really low, then i check on my shrimp, and i see one of them got curious enough to look in the filter and got it's head stuck in. i turned off the filter and it got out, but it died 15 minutes later, probably from stress.
Beauty 7Insider
Beauty 7Insider - 9 years ago
such a beautiful tank
Chelsea Samantha
Chelsea Samantha - 9 years ago
what do you feed the shrimp and neon tetras ? do all 3 ( shrimp, Betta, and tetra get along?
emma woodrich
emma woodrich - 9 years ago
I know this question isn't for me but I have an answer so I figured i would help you out lol.. Tetras will eat the basic tropical fish flakes you find at any pet store. Ghost shrimp are bottom feeders which means they eat the leftover food and algae at the bottom of the the tank, so you don't actually have to feed them anything. A beta would most likely get along with ghost shrimp or another bottom feeder such as a snail or African dwarf frog. I personally would not put a beta with tetras, especially a male beta because it's very likely they will attack. Good luck :)
Cloudclaws AJ
Cloudclaws AJ - 9 years ago
I think that's a ten gallon tank..
Jimbo 71
Jimbo 71 - 9 years ago
Actually there's an aquaclear 20 which would look a lot smaller on a 10 gallon and that tetra 50w heater would also look a lot smaller as I have one on my 10 gallon and in that video it looked just the same as my brothers 5 gallon tank with a 50w heater
Vicky Li
Vicky Li - 9 years ago
If that's a five gallon, then it's WAY overstocked. Sure you didn't mean a ten gallon?
Tell Me And I Forget
Tell Me And I Forget - 9 years ago
+Vicky Li You are completely right, Neons should be kept in a minimum of ten gallons! They could be kept with a Betta, if the tank is heavenly planted and has some good hiding spots, of course also if your Betta is mellow enough the one in this video seems a bit too mellow, he could be stressed out because the tank is too small, no need to start a war just proper fish care folks :)
Vicky Li
Vicky Li - 9 years ago
I don't wanna start a comment war
Vicky Li
Vicky Li - 9 years ago
Yeah well I guess, I mean I've seen tanks way overstocked than this one so I guess this ones okay
Jack smith
Jack smith - 9 years ago
+Vicky Li Neons are tiny fish and thin im sure that tank is fine
Vicky Li
Vicky Li - 9 years ago
According to the one inch per gallon rule it's pretty cramped actually..
ryan jansen
ryan jansen - 9 years ago
They don't even looked cramped
Megsaroni - 9 years ago
I had ghost shrimp once.... 3 were killed and eaten by the others, 1 disappeared, the last remaining one jumped out of his tank and shriveled up on the counter. I will NEVER get them again.
Jacob - 9 years ago
What aquarium is that? *love the tank!
Dana Stichman
Dana Stichman - 10 years ago
Was very hopeful after seeing this video.  Sadly, I gave it a shot and got 7 tetras to add to my betta.  The betta killed 2 within an hour.  Then plucked the others over the next few days.  The tetras brought in ich, which I assume due to the stress, the betta could not handle.  In the final days, the betta and 2 surviving tetras passed from the ich.  The whole process was about 2 weeks.  Total regret, but I realize maybe it can work for others, I will not try again.
Jaiden russell-sperling
Jaiden russell-sperling - 7 years ago
All bettas are different and each have different personalities some are really good with other fish with them and some don't like it at all.
Lauren Kip
Lauren Kip - 8 years ago
I know you commented a year ago but I was just going to say that I have a Betta fish and 4 neon tetras and they all live happy together. I have a female Betta fish with them and you might of had a male. Plus it just all depends on the Betta's personality because my female Betta is very calm and relaxed.
clarissa Trujillo
clarissa Trujillo - 8 years ago
My beta was aggressive too. I found putting him in time out for a day works well
Lawren Wheeler
Lawren Wheeler - 9 years ago
I was told that If you want a community tank, it's best to add the beta as the very last fish.
Jeremiah Gerhardt
Jeremiah Gerhardt - 10 years ago
I got some neon tetras and I have a beta
Alice In Wonderland
Alice In Wonderland - 10 years ago
I've had ghost shrimp with my platies and guppies and had no problem with them accept that I kept looking them but I put on in my betta tank (baby betta, not too small though, around an inch) and the betta kept nagging him, it might have been because the tank was a little smaller then my other and it so the shrimp didn't have as many places to hide but have you ever had a problem with your betta bugging your ghost shrimp before? If so, could you recommend anything to help? I could just keep them out of that tank but I don't want to if I can fix the problem, They'd really look nice with the asian theme >-<
Joey Slávik
Joey Slávik - 10 years ago
My question is: what is the recommended Celsius temperature for the neons?
Joey Slávik
Joey Slávik - 9 years ago
Jaime S
Jaime S - 9 years ago
Around 25 degrees c, and 80 degrees f. Hope i helped! :-)
George Deneff
George Deneff - 10 years ago
Girl with the flaxen hair, nice
Galaxy Hope
Galaxy Hope - 10 years ago
I love this set up, I want to eventually upgrade to something like this. I just hope my Betta will be accepting of new comers. Right now it's just him in his 1.5 gal tank (bought him last month). However for Christmas I want to get him a bigger space, 6 gallons or 10 gallons.

My betta is a dumbo ear : )
Rebecca Louise
Rebecca Louise - 10 years ago
I did the same :) Female betta was in 1.5 and upgraded to 5.5 gal with some mollies n guppies (same sex)
Sara Moyster
Sara Moyster - 10 years ago
Is easyer to have a larger tank! I dont know where they get their info but they are wrong.
oscar zuniga
oscar zuniga - 10 years ago
Wait , I thought you couldn't have bettas with tetras ???
Lindsey M
Lindsey M - 10 years ago
Depends. You usually want to have enough tetras where they just play with each other and won't nip at the Betta and tear apart it's fins.

But yeah as long as there is at least 6 and preferably like 10 or so, then it's ussually fine.
Krystal Brunson
Krystal Brunson - 10 years ago
what kind of plants do you have in there?
Gior Dani
Gior Dani - 9 years ago
Fake plants
Jeremy Flener
Jeremy Flener - 10 years ago
Not trying to troll but you "downsized to a 5 gallon because it is easier for you to maintain".  Later you said you hope to upgrade to a 55 gallon tank.  If you can't maintain a 10 how will you maintain a 55?
Security Lloyd
Security Lloyd - 7 years ago
elementom1 because people dont live in apartments?
elementom1 - 9 years ago
So you're his wife, but he doesn't have a home of his own? Seems a bit off
Jeremy Flener
Jeremy Flener - 10 years ago
Makes sense then. Thanks for the explanation. 
SarcasticPixie - 10 years ago
+SarcasticPixie By the way, I'm his wife which is why I know the answer!  :)
SarcasticPixie - 10 years ago
It has to due with living situation and the job/lifestyle he has at the time of owning each tank.  When he has his own home and time to spend on it, he'll upgrade to 55.
Nora N.
Nora N. - 10 years ago
Are those plants real?
Lanie Bittner
Lanie Bittner - 11 years ago
Ah this tank is just so beautiful. The Betta contrasts so nicely with the aquascape. I must ask, what music is playing in the background? I think I recognize it.
reptileboy2000 - 11 years ago
Nice video!!

50. comment for 5 Gallon Betta Neon Community Fish Tank

BULLDOGS476 - 11 years ago
yeah thats a 10 gallon lol
MonoDeFuegoX13 - 11 years ago
one inch of fish per gallon , a betta needs 5 gallons alone to be happy. overall it's a great setup but not if it is a 5 gallon. ^.^ (mono's wife)
3Revs - 11 years ago
i have a question, what brand is the tank???
John Davies
John Davies - 11 years ago
Nice tank :)
Wira Agung Yuwana
Wira Agung Yuwana - 11 years ago
that srimp look just like my gar food
John Davies
John Davies - 11 years ago
Nice tank
fuducker2 - 11 years ago
This is such a beautiful tank... Why bother with a huge 60 gallon tank when you have a nice little community right here?
Hector Barahona
Hector Barahona - 11 years ago
Nice tank
BDPractical - 11 years ago
I have a red copper betta half moon
JuiceOg1 - 11 years ago
Very nice
Muayed Ismael
Muayed Ismael - 11 years ago
This is not a 5 gallon tank, it's a 10 gallon one at least.
Ben Price
Ben Price - 7 years ago
If it is a ten gallon then thats one giant thermometor
T Buzz
T Buzz - 7 years ago
That's what I was thinking too
hemen8524 - 11 years ago
The last time i put neon tetras with my betta,they were all dead.Damn
Dino Ortega
Dino Ortega - 11 years ago
Thora R
Thora R - 11 years ago
I thought Bettas eat shrimp???
Quorstra Qq
Quorstra Qq - 11 years ago
It all depends on fish and other possibilities. A well establishes tank between 20-30 gallon tank tends to be easier to maintain than a smaller one but that can honestly go either way. Same with the maintenance it varies.
John Davies
John Davies - 11 years ago
nice fresh looking tank.
Leticia Guido
Leticia Guido - 11 years ago
So beautiful! I am going to upgrade to a five gallon as well, any tips on cleaning?
New Horizon
New Horizon - 11 years ago
Wayyyyy too many fish for a 5 gallon man.
Steven Goldstein
Steven Goldstein - 7 years ago
Your out of your mind, if you cant keep that amount of fish in a 5.5 gallon alive you need to find a new hobby
Ehren Serrano
Ehren Serrano - 11 years ago
Haters gonna hate...great tank, man
Harleen saran
Harleen saran - 11 years ago
Dude to nlmany fish for 5 gallon u should've stuck with 10 gallon
Carter Smith
Carter Smith - 11 years ago
I love the back ground music
mongolz1000 - 11 years ago
What the.... this is waaaay too small.
Jillbles - 11 years ago
Just (re) starting out as an aquarist; I had a betta in a one gallon acrylic aquarium several years ago. Yes, I know now that that was too small; live and learn. I'm looking to upgrade to about a 10 gallon tank, but I do love bettas and I'd like to have one in there. I was wondering in what order, and how far apart, you introduced the fish? Also... for those hating on the plastic plants... man, I hope I don't HAVE to have live plants. I know y'all are purists, but what's wrong with silk plants?
lieutambien - 11 years ago
Tetras all die in 2-3 days
Anna McDermott
Anna McDermott - 11 years ago
Do you think my shoal of Neon tetras is too small? I only got four and I still have four in my tank. They share their tank with platies, balloon mollies, two bottom feeder catfish, a male and female betta fish and a Ram cichlid. I had three platies with them in the same tank but one died. I used to have two Ram cichlids but the other one got sick and died.
oobertuberdude - 11 years ago
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Daisy Faulkner
Daisy Faulkner - 11 years ago
Also i mean Glofish but the thin ones
Daisy Faulkner
Daisy Faulkner - 11 years ago
Pleco..sorry im use to hearing sucker fish <:)
1TheEpicDude1 - 11 years ago
@ Daisy Faulkner Anything more specific than "sucker fish?"
Daisy Faulkner
Daisy Faulkner - 11 years ago
I got my daughter for her 16th birthday a 5 gallon tank to put some neon fish and a sucker fish (Thats what she wanted) but can i put a betta in the tank as well?
Noodles37UK - 11 years ago
The plants to the right of the screen. I have seen them on sale for planting in plant pots, dry display. There is also a version with a lot more green in it too. Are they all the same plants?
sagesagtesage - 11 years ago
Second thoughts. Congrats you are treating your Siamese Fighting Fish very well from what I've seen. People take advantage of their ability to breathe air to mistreat them like they mistreat goldfish, mistaking survival for a rich life. Have you seen the leaf hammocks you can get for bettas that they use to sleep on. Those fins are heavy. Bettas like caves (small empty, never used clay plant pots) and need I say it real plants. They don't live that long. Put in a couple of java ferns.
sagesagtesage - 11 years ago
A lot of fish keepers want to recreate Calcutta in their aquaria. But your's looks beautiful. But plastic plants. We've come a long way from plastic plants dude.
Jason Kim
Jason Kim - 11 years ago
Do ghost shrimp need an air line
Thaddius Leiber
Thaddius Leiber - 11 years ago
It should be fine - however, make sure not to overfeed and check ammonia/nitrate/nitrite levels at regular intervals. If those levels get out of control quickly, that is a sign of excess food or waste buildup in the tank, and can be deadly to fish if left unchecked.
Thaddius Leiber
Thaddius Leiber - 11 years ago
Betta splendens can be kept with numerous community and semi-aggressive fish, including female Betta (sometimes) - the highest risk is pairing them with another male Betta, and is never recommended, as they will compete for territory and often fight until death.
Thaddius Leiber
Thaddius Leiber - 11 years ago
Not really, the Neons and Ghost Shrimp don't produce very much waste at all, so don't think of them as 11 fish, because of their size and metabolism. Even with the Betta, this is plenty large enough - although as the author states, it is very likely already at capacity.
Cody Chamberlain
Cody Chamberlain - 11 years ago
betta fish are usually only aggressive to other male bettas or other long finned fish .. how you think they survive in the wild
nhtn91 - 11 years ago
why would you let other fishes in the same tank with the Betta? this is insane
Robert Bulai
Robert Bulai - 11 years ago
Why was this given negative votes???
Casper Tholstruphede
Casper Tholstruphede - 11 years ago
No it would definetly not be overstocked. It would be just fine:)
Jess MacDougall
Jess MacDougall - 11 years ago
You seem to know a lot about healthy populations for a fish tank. Would 2 bamboo shrimp, 7 neon tetras, 1 snail, and 1 betta fish be overstocking my 10 Gallon fish tank? If so, would 5 neon tetras instead of 7 still be over stocked?
Jess MacDougall
Jess MacDougall - 11 years ago
can you please make a video on how to take care of a community fish tank such as this one? I am going to add the same amount of the same species, some driftwood I found that has been treated, natural colored rocks, and alive plants in my 10 gallon aquarium. Thank you. (I want to know what you use for treating the water, what you feed them, etc. There is betta food and then tropical fish food. Do you just feed them all tropical fish food?)
SoapSuds - 11 years ago
too many fish in one tank. i had a community tank once, in a MUCH bigger tank. they ended up going all "survival of the fittest" on each other. (i had goldfish, turtles, a crayfish, and a small newt). none of them died, but healing took a while.
Ann Lewis
Ann Lewis - 11 years ago
There are fresh water clown loaches.
91 セリカ garage
91 セリカ garage - 11 years ago
How much was all that
AngelDemolisher91 - 11 years ago
Maybe he was referring to a clown loach. But then again it's still not a good idea
Zarin Ullah
Zarin Ullah - 11 years ago
Subscribed hope u can do back
Zarin Ullah
Zarin Ullah - 11 years ago
What is the temp in your tank
millienl - 11 years ago
So far no one on this thread seem to agree on tank size. This is confusing, i just got a fish and a five gallon tank. I just want to add once more fish and some sort of water plant then i'm done.

100. comment for 5 Gallon Betta Neon Community Fish Tank

Moonlit Tanks
Moonlit Tanks - 11 years ago
the music was the cherry on top
Phil Patterson Jr
Phil Patterson Jr - 11 years ago
This is what I am aiming to do hopefully soon. At least the size upgrade from/to like you did. Still trying to see what fish I'd like to mix with my betta once I do upgrade.
Phil Patterson Jr
Phil Patterson Jr - 11 years ago
Did you add the 7 tetra's at the same time? I saw one person say it's better to do 3 at a time for multiple reasons.
porkfriedrice3 - 11 years ago
Bradley The Explorer
Bradley The Explorer - 11 years ago
That tank is loaded lol but i love it! dont forget yout water changes :) and a 55 would be rocking
verrykitty - 11 years ago
And twice the size tank! if mines at its peek with so few fish then yours must being a living fucking nightmare.
verrykitty - 11 years ago
that is very over stocked. It don't matter if your fish look like they have room. Its not about that its about the biological life in your tank. all those fish are making more waste they the biological system in the tank can handle. I have a 10 gallon with an angel [to be rehomed asap] 2 silver mollies, and 2 snails. And their all happy and the angel seems fine but i'm at my maximum for what my tank can handle in terms of biological load. And i have about 0.3 the number of fish you have.
verrykitty - 11 years ago
gold fish are cold water fish that are normally used for ponds. In the winter all you have to do is keep a hole open on the surface of the water but they go dormant. They don't eat and they just sleep when it warms up they start swimming again. So not all fish need heaters.
Adam Ball
Adam Ball - 12 years ago
That tank is small size for tetras.
Pamfilo22 - 12 years ago
I just saved a female betta from walmart she was upside down and the lady told me if I really wanted her because she was dead. :( she didnt even know the difference from the male and female. She is well now and her color is coming back :) she is still shy but she is happy.
Pamfilo22 - 12 years ago
You are right people will hate and all, but it all depends on the owner as well. If you provide good filtration and you do water changes everything will be fine. Yes fish do need a large space to be happy, but I had an overstock 10 gallon because I had 2 fish more than what it should of been and they all developed wonderful colors and I even rescued them, because they looked pale and dead. What good is it for someone to give them a large tank but no care.
mdp8167 - 12 years ago
Theres an actual reason people say its over stocked. BECAUSE IT IS. Your tank sounds like a nightmare. Thats not even a tank its a glorified fish bowl. Try living in a space the size of your bathroom. I mean it wont kill you right? So that must be good enough.
mdp8167 - 12 years ago
Too. Small.
TheoneThatchoseYou - 12 years ago
i got a 5.5 gallon tank with 2 algae eaters, a beta, 3 neon tetras. and four lamp head tetras. r u gonna start stuff by saying its over stocked? yes fish need space but if they look happy,healthy and fish get along. u guess should shut up mr. no it alls. this is why i dont post videos of my tank coz i dont want ppl criticizing. geez calm down folks
Jocsan Alvarez
Jocsan Alvarez - 12 years ago
Are the plants real?
Or Hasson
Or Hasson - 12 years ago
Nice one! very relaxing video... im trying to mix my betta now with neons and swordtails... i hope it will go smooth
prozack12 - 12 years ago
i believe gold fish are fine without them depending on the temperature of your home because they're used for pond fish
luke martinez
luke martinez - 12 years ago
do all fish need heaters
TheManrayer - 12 years ago
Check out my my 5 gallon!
Dat Le
Dat Le - 12 years ago
DO u feed the Neon the same food to betta?
Jason Rodriguez
Jason Rodriguez - 12 years ago
I bought my fish from Wal-Mart and saved them :P My black tetra's been alive for about 3 years.
pasdio - 12 years ago
A clown fish? Those are salt water fish whereas betta are freshwater and they can't live in the same tank due to that. I would just stick to the betta, but make sure it has the right kind of tank and not a little bowl.
KingofPho75 - 12 years ago
Clown fish with betta? Good or baf idea?
Tanner Jedi
Tanner Jedi - 12 years ago
I'm not backwards. The bigger the tank the less often you do water changes because a lot of water can tolerate the fish waste longer so basically smaller tanks get dirty faster. You don't need to be an "advanced fish expert" to keep a 40 gallon tank (kinda small in my opinion) I have a 50 gallon that I do 20% water changes on weekly and a ten gallon that I do 30 % water changes weekly I'm getting a seventy-five gallon next year too. And I'm only ten years old. So I don't know what you mean.
Au Hybrid
Au Hybrid - 12 years ago
thank you alot!
Au Hybrid
Au Hybrid - 12 years ago
either five or ten
Tyler Son
Tyler Son - 12 years ago
Wouldnt the betta eat the shrimp and if im wrong im sorry im a beginner about to get a tank just like yours
Au Hybrid
Au Hybrid - 12 years ago
What filter do you use? I really need to know! And heater!
Lewis Nelson
Lewis Nelson - 12 years ago
@johnnysamborsky70 thats because males are much much more agressive than females can I say its really good and I see you have used plastic coated gravel
forgodsaké - 12 years ago
I really like your drift wood! What kind is it and where did you get it? How did you get it now to leach tannins into the water?
Scales13 - 12 years ago
nice im going to add some neon tetras to my fish tank, i already have some newts, a betta and some Otocinclus
shabius williams
shabius williams - 12 years ago
that is a cool tank
lefteris gk
lefteris gk - 12 years ago
why do u keep them in such a small tank? bettas , and all the other pet fish , need to be in a tank not smaller than 10-12 gallons.
Pamfilo22 - 12 years ago
I think your tank is great. You seem to take great care of your fish! That many fish on a five gallon should not be a problem as long as he keeps his fish healthy :)
Joey Meier
Joey Meier - 12 years ago
This is the video that inspired me to pursue aquariums as a hobby. 3 years later, I'm keeping 29 and 10 gallon freshwater tanks. Thank you.
Tanner Jedi
Tanner Jedi - 12 years ago
Umm dude your tank is overstocked! And my would you downgrade tank size because of maintenance? The bigger the tank the less maintenance.
zy0000yz - 12 years ago
What filter do you use? And how many times does it cycle your tank per hour? (not for criticism, i need this info for my own tank that already has a betta) P.S. your tank might have trouble keeping up with the bio load of all those fish.
samueljames - 12 years ago
looks nice, but real plants with that driftwood would look soooo much better
Jimmy Nguyen
Jimmy Nguyen - 12 years ago
beautiful setup
wingedproportion555 - 12 years ago
How did you stop the bog wood from turning your water yellow?
Andre Timothy
Andre Timothy - 12 years ago
Can i keep my giant halfmoon plakat in 3 gallon tank?
Brofessor Neeko
Brofessor Neeko - 12 years ago
OOO that's a sexy Betta!
Irgalamaz Özcan
Irgalamaz Özcan - 12 years ago
Lillian Bradley
Lillian Bradley - 12 years ago
I was so impressed by this setup, I tried to copy it, but was horrified less than 5 mins after i put 3 tetras in the tank when i found the ghost shrimp eating 1 of the tetras! Have you had any similar mishaps? Also, what type of filter do you have set up?
juya puya
juya puya - 12 years ago
I would be afraid the neons would pec at my beta fish and also last time I got ghost shrimp my fish ate them lol
Gabriel Chaput
Gabriel Chaput - 12 years ago
whit some cand of fish he fit really well !
spikes4298 - 12 years ago
What kind of plants are those?
Max Xu
Max Xu - 12 years ago
is that live plant in ur tank ? what name r they?
Max Xu
Max Xu - 12 years ago
May I know what kind of filter r u using ? I get a top fin 10 filter for my 5 gallon tank which is too strong for my betta ~
k2477456 - 12 years ago
incredible tankbro, i hope to have one like this when i go to college! (25 gallon afr. cichlid right now)
connie rodriguez
connie rodriguez - 12 years ago
Do you still keep bettas
9807mkaz - 12 years ago
Do you think I could put that in my 3 gallon tank if not what can I put into it
Cherryblossom1973 - 12 years ago
What hood or light are you using in this aquarium?
idkwhereiamhelp1 - 12 years ago
where did you buy your hood? please reply
Jocsan Alvarez
Jocsan Alvarez - 12 years ago
this video inspired me to buy an aquarium
gtariman03 - 12 years ago
You can get it cheaper. $15 for tank, $10-15 for fish, $3 for gravel, $1-3 for plants, $5 for decorations, $13 for filter and air pump, and $5 for other accessories. That equals to $52-60.
Christopher Draheim
Christopher Draheim - 12 years ago
I don't see how a 5 gallon would be easier to maintain than a 10. The larger the aquarium, the less maintenance required to keep it healthy and ecologically balanced.
Ruben Ali Fuenmayor
Ruben Ali Fuenmayor - 12 years ago
Very simple yet elegant, i like your style.
chortlesinthecorner - 12 years ago
Great tank. I love the idea of upgrading from a 5 gal to a 55 gal haha, but I get what you mean! I can't wait to get a 55 gal.
iBlurrful - 12 years ago
welcome :)
marcus Mab
marcus Mab - 12 years ago
thank you sir
MsPixelatedPaint - 12 years ago
They all appear fake to me. The only one which appears real looks like a fake silk plant...similar to a melon sword maybe? I prefer live plants myself, but fake ones can look really nice when coordinated like this tank. ^.^
ninik09 - 12 years ago
do you put salt on your aquarium?
iBlurrful - 12 years ago
You use a gravel vacuum
marcus Mab
marcus Mab - 12 years ago
how do they clean the pebbles in the fish tank ? can anyone help me?
TheMrObsanity - 12 years ago
I think that they are java fern
Miles Tran
Miles Tran - 12 years ago
Can anyone tell me what kind of plants he uses if there are any live ones at all?
Shymoose41 - 12 years ago
Great tank
Luis Olivres
Luis Olivres - 12 years ago
hey can i bye the tank from you i have 13 please i have a betta with 12 neon tetras and 2 ghost shrimp and a kissing fish please i only have 13 doallors
Christopher Miranda
Christopher Miranda - 12 years ago
check out my bran new betta tank. Search up "Happy Betta fish new tank " and click the second one.
MrCarcamo20 - 12 years ago
Did u put the betta in first then began adding additional fishs. Cause I heard a rule, stating that the bettafish must be the last fish added so that it won't claim the whole tank as his own.
halfmoonblu - 12 years ago
Great tank. For anyone looking for a nice filter for a betta tank, look up the Azoo Mignon Filter 60 on Amazon. It has adjustable flow. AsianDude666 has a good setup video on here for it as well. The smallest filter I've seen in stores is a little Tetra Whisper which is pretty poor quality in my opinion.
Dean Strachan
Dean Strachan - 12 years ago
tried to replicate this cos it looks really good ! i had a betta for about 13 days and decided to add 4 Neon Tetras and i think it was a Glowlight Tetra and a bristlenose catfish along with two live plants.im running a filter and a heater set to the recommended temperature. all but two neons and the bristlenose have died today :( any tips? ive never owned a fish before my Fighter Puddles. and in one day 4 fish died
J Tha Chicago Kid
J Tha Chicago Kid - 12 years ago
it depends on the betta it is a 50/50 chance i have tried tetras they did not work but alot of people have bettas with tetras so if you are willing to try go for it:)
J Tha Chicago Kid
J Tha Chicago Kid - 12 years ago
i love your setup! where did you get the driftwood?
TropicalKIng1990 - 12 years ago
nice tank :)
jaredultimatum - 12 years ago
Ok thanks. I'll look around.
jaredultimatum - 12 years ago
Hey, I just bought a 5 gallon rectangle tank for $4.00. Then I found a lid for it in the closet. I remember buying it for a dollar brand new somewhere. What kind of filter should I buy?
zapper334 - 12 years ago
hi i have a 10 gallon betta community tank i have 1 comet goldfish "2 1/2",5 black neon tetras,1 red crowntail betta,2 african dwarf frogs, and 1 mystery snail. i am planning to get a 5 gallon like yours and put my crowntail,neons,and frogs in there can they still survive?(and i am planning to get my crowntail a lady friend)
Deigo Cortez
Deigo Cortez - 12 years ago
has the betta ever tried harming the shrimps ??
Xternal47 - 12 years ago
you sound like those pilots when they give announcements in the plane :P... sweet tank tho
Gamboloader - 12 years ago
It looks like a luggage tag with a suction cup. It's made by SEACHEM and is in there alert series. It has 4 different colours on the pie chart like scale. The centre changes colour within 10 minutes to warn you of a problem. The darker the colour, the worse the problem. It lasts for a year. I was given mine by a petshop supply company called ALF. Apparently they are about £12. I have the guys number if you want, just message me through my page.
TehShocker244 - 12 years ago
Nice tank but one question are those live plants and also the plant on the right side what is it called because i really like it
david crowe
david crowe - 12 years ago
whats the plants ?
alex Mantzouranis
alex Mantzouranis - 12 years ago
Gamboloader - 12 years ago
Loving the tank dude. Bobjoefredsky? I have a 28L tank with 18 assorted small (2 inch or less apart from a bristle nose plec) fish. I put an ammonia alert sensor in and have had no spikes or even faintly high indications. I bet mine is overstocked as well is it? See "check me fish oot 2". I wrote it like I talk before you start, it's called Geordie dialect
cherrytictacs - 12 years ago
love this. really want a betta tank. please watch my 5 gal tank with tetras and guppies <3
RaqseeBismil - 12 years ago
Hey does your ghost shrimps eat Algae? I have a 35 gallon planted tank and it is giving a very little sign of green algae on the gravel. Should I add shrimps will they help to eat this Algae?
Courtney Ray
Courtney Ray - 12 years ago
It's not gonna get polluted so fast didn't you hear him? He has the filter of a 20gallon tank the number of fish he has is good.
BackAlleyDog - 12 years ago
nice fighter
ponchoiscute - 12 years ago
Petsmart(35$) for a kit with everything
RateMy Kicks
RateMy Kicks - 12 years ago
how often do you clean it
merljoey dolayba
merljoey dolayba - 12 years ago
how much is a 5 gallon and where to find them
AndehX - 12 years ago
it's risky putting neons in with a betta. Neon's are nutorious fin nippers. I had to get rid of my 9 neons because they wouldn't leave my betta alone, and that was in 30 galon tank
Joeink100 - 12 years ago
Love the tank
Elias Rendon
Elias Rendon - 12 years ago
Is there even a filter
SoloThaddeus - 13 years ago
I've got the Fluval Edge 6 gallon tank with a veiltail betta and five neon tetra. It's doing fantastically. Just FINISHED a complete cycle in 26 days and apart from some issues with the driftwood releasing tannins making my water look like pee it has been smooth sailing. I'm adding a whole bunch of plants later today and am highly considering changing my substrate to sand at the same time. This video was what gave me the confidence two weeks ago to ignore the Yahoo nazi's and add some tetra.
dance2horses - 13 years ago
hey nice combernation, and all these fish are in one 5 gallon tank?
da betta fish
da betta fish - 13 years ago
i love your tank because it looks cool it kinda looks like mine igot -1 male betta -10 neon tetras -4 platies - 2 mistery snails -and 3 dwarf guormis
brad chiarenzelli
brad chiarenzelli - 13 years ago
this is the most amazing tank i have ever seen nice job.
Kassandra Alberico
Kassandra Alberico - 13 years ago
where did you get the drift wood?
Jenn Aiello
Jenn Aiello - 13 years ago
Really Nice! Did the neons die? I got a neon today....
bg8200 - 13 years ago
@skimstr do you think that I could put 2-3 neon tetras and 2 ghost shrimp into a 2.5 gallon along with a very small half moon betta?
Ricky P
Ricky P - 13 years ago
Nah these are freshwater fish bro. Its regular water that you can get from your sink except you need to buy a de-chlorinator to get ride of the chlorine that is in tap water.
Armin Safari
Armin Safari - 13 years ago
do you need saltwater?
Ricky P
Ricky P - 13 years ago
Hey how often do you change you water? Do you vacuum your gravel also? I have a 5 gallon tank just like yours with a betta, 3 neons, and a mystery snail.
Stoutskie - 13 years ago
i was looking into a setup like that
Elitetank87 - 13 years ago
Are those plants real or fake?
seeweed22 - 13 years ago
What kind of fish tank is that. What brand is it called??
Stoutskie - 13 years ago
Are those live plants?
jose mendoza
jose mendoza - 13 years ago
dose the betta fight.
HBR - 13 years ago
@shimstr hey i finally gat my betta a new big tank 5- 10gallon i think so could u or anyone else see the video n advise tankmates. ........any help is appreciated
Kelly Downey
Kelly Downey - 13 years ago
@BarrelRollking there good in a 5 gallon he even had some in his.
HBR - 13 years ago
Hey. ....i jus got a betta u can see his vid. ....my question iz i want to get neon tetras. ...i hav tank around d same size but is it advisable pls rply anybudy
MrBcj18 - 13 years ago
Im hungry
divericsi - 13 years ago
omg :) i want to build something like that it isn't a simple tank it's art i liked it congratulation dude ;)
DJOgurchik - 13 years ago
SHRIMP! nice do they keep the surface clean like crayfish do? I want to start a small 5 gallon for my room with sand bottom, shrimp might be great option
jerz sfuir
jerz sfuir - 13 years ago
@Chunky154557 Gold fish are carp and therefore get very large I'm pretty sure 29 gallons is the minimum for the smallest gold fish while most need at least 55 gallons. Goldfish should be living for 10+ years in there optimum environment. Google is your best friend if you want to get serious about keeping fish.
305pride - 13 years ago
i want this set up. i just bought my betta fish and tank yesterday and i already want to buy a 5 gallon tank with some tetras and ghost shrimp. \
Japson04 - 13 years ago
@wlhbyVids well all i know is that its probably because betta fish are very territorial and will chase other fish when it enters their territory. but not all betta fish are like that because there are some people who have betta fish that live fine with other fish
TheReptileguy300 - 13 years ago
Dude that is awesome. Beautiful tank to
MyMusicJC - 13 years ago
i had 2 betas together and nothing happened but when i had to put my poku in there he ate them and pokus are plant eaters
Stephan Nordfjord
Stephan Nordfjord - 13 years ago
Beautiful! :)
VCAndrewsForever - 13 years ago
Is that really a 5 gallon tank? Looks so big! Is it glass or plasic walls? And where did your get it? Your betta and fish look very happy :)
AnotherH8er - 13 years ago
@hajjiweb The success of having a male betta in a community tank really just depends on the temperament of your fish. Some bettas like the one in this video can be very peaceful among other fish, others can't. I'm not sure if there's anything you could do to make him more docile~
idk makeup
idk makeup - 13 years ago
@ Chunky154557 AW HELLLL NO! Jk but goldfish need at least 10-20 gallons. Sorry, but try guppies! They r so pretty!
Jade Sands
Jade Sands - 13 years ago
@skimstr i love your tank! i am not trying to be rude or anything but that tank kind of looks like a 10 gallon not a 5 gallon.
Benjamin Derrick
Benjamin Derrick - 13 years ago
Great video. I'm about to get a tank, and I've also decided to go this route for fish. After watching this video, I am even more enthusiastic! Could you please tell me where you purchased your supplies from? (Filter, heater, tank, driftwood, gravel, etc.?) Thank you so much for this video. I've watched it numerous times already. It is very informative.
youronlycow - 13 years ago
hey man how long did you soak that drift wood for?
Ally Norris
Ally Norris - 13 years ago
This is a great tank. Thinking about doing something similar with my 10gal and betta. What kind of plants are you using?
William Hampton
William Hampton - 13 years ago
question. i just put in some neon tetras with my betta, and the betta chases them around all the time. is that normal? or will it go away later?
nhwoj12 - 13 years ago
@KPOP4everr you are crazy. that tank is already overstocked. even if you just stick with the "1 inch per gallon" rule it's overstocked. i would only ever have a single betta in my 5gal, not a betta AND 7 neons.
Kelsey Byrd
Kelsey Byrd - 13 years ago
how many bettas are in there?
youronlycow - 13 years ago
hey pls reply me. you don't use airpump? How well will it work without air pump? Is filter alone enough? someone pls help!
d.c. - 13 years ago
Maybe you could add in 2 or 3 guppies or 2 more neon tetras that would be fine.
fish4ever24 - 13 years ago
are those live plants if so what is the live plant in the front
Gurizin - 13 years ago
Pretty pretty... I have black gravel too. Love the landscape. Your gravel is like really deep! I just filled my tank with enough to cover the base, like 1.5 cm deep? Also, can i ask do you clean the gravel (like siphoning) or just leave it alone?
William Hampton
William Hampton - 13 years ago
i dont have a crowntail betta, i guess i have a normal one, i dont know. does it matter??
anstar99 - 13 years ago
@skimstr thank you
youronlycow - 13 years ago
Wow this tank is amazing. Can someone help me? Should I get Cardinal Tetras instead of Neon Tetras? and what do you feed the ghost shrimps? Do the tetras and shrimps require air pump? Thank you:D
anstar99 - 13 years ago
hey did you get the betta first and did the nip at each outher at frist
South Carolina to California
South Carolina to California - 13 years ago
That's a 10 gal
carla cruet burgos
carla cruet burgos - 13 years ago
I have a question? what type of table you are using for this 5 gallon tank, because i'm looking everywere for one that holds the tank
zharnotczar - 13 years ago
Tank looks nice, but I'm not sure why you think maintaining a smaller tank is easier. Big tanks have a lot more room for error. I guess the amount of water you need to change could be an issue for a larger tank, but the frequency you need to change water increases as you get smaller tanks.... Just don't understand your reasoning.
Aron Tan
Aron Tan - 13 years ago
Cool tank nice setup!
Chris Farem
Chris Farem - 13 years ago
a better name
a better name - 13 years ago
@EGQJR7071 That's the aquarium caulk. It can appear to glow white under certain lighting conditions.
The New Solution
The New Solution - 13 years ago
check out my tank its awsome
Hassan Z
Hassan Z - 13 years ago
wow nice can you tell me in my 3 gallon if i should keep my veiltail betta and 6 neon tetras? :D thanks
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 13 years ago
@mikeyg17368 yh me to lol
Jarthurs2009 - 13 years ago
This was so nice to watch :)
jaydotion - 13 years ago
@skimstr thats austrailans right and were did u get it
Mike Xiong
Mike Xiong - 13 years ago
haha my stupid brother put my betta with cichlid and the betta killed the cichlid? i'm like :O!
jaydotion - 13 years ago
how much all together
ehgdfb609 - 13 years ago
real nice tank check out my tanks ehgdfb609
Billy Ramirez
Billy Ramirez - 13 years ago
nice looks ntural
Hakop Agazaryan
Hakop Agazaryan - 13 years ago
Do the beta and the other fish get along?
funnymakeslifesunny - 13 years ago
I love it! its a great size, looks cozy. the black gravel looks great. I like how you decorated. very nice!
MrBettafishy - 13 years ago
Did you buy your drift wood and If so did it sink right away?
Rohit Pal
Rohit Pal - 13 years ago
hey, this is once of the simpliest n' best looking tank i've seen so far on youtube.... but are u sure it's a 5 gallon tank?......in my country the ready made 5 gallon tanks look so small...... what's the diemension of ur tank?? i might ask a person to build a same diemensional tank......looks perfect for a school of tetra n' a few shrimps...
EN Reefs
EN Reefs - 13 years ago
@RedCupOranda shrimp doesn't just eat algae, they are omnivores, so they eat both meat and plants. at first i thought they were just scavangers, i guessed wrong. take it as a warning, grown ghost shrimp will eat small fishes such as tetras. and stop calling people stupid. i'm just talking from personal experience. those 15 ghost for 1 dollar ghost shrimps will eat small fishes. trust me i know. i've had aquarium for over 7 years now. gl.
RedCupOranda - 13 years ago
@eliden dont be stupid, shrimps eat onlz algeas, not meat, i think that tetras will eat shrimps and betta will eat them for sure ;)
EN Reefs
EN Reefs - 13 years ago
don't use ghost shrimp, get cherry shrimp otherwise your neon tetras will get eaten trust me i know. ghost shrimps grows very fast and they tend to eat small fish like neon tetras.
RedCupOranda - 13 years ago
dude, i am gonna make the same combination of fishes, and will try ti make simmilar set up :) wish me luck, but i will use live plants and they'll be little more diferent, and wont have ghost shrimps, only balcan loaches or kuhli loaches, or corydoras paleatus few of them, my tank is 30 litres :)
johnny tram
johnny tram - 13 years ago
When you feed your tetras do they swim to the surface to eat? My tetras (neon and cardinal) just hover around mid to lower and wait for the flakes to sink.
johnny tram
johnny tram - 13 years ago
@TheMike4020 yes you can.
DaanGTI - 13 years ago
@TheMike4020 NO
Eliza Knight
Eliza Knight - 13 years ago
Please do upgrade as soon as possible. A 5 gallon is really fully stocked by the betta and the ghost shrimp. It would have been better to leave the neon tetras out as the tank is too small for them.
Tasha G
Tasha G - 13 years ago
@mcluvin83 I had guppies with 2 different bettas in two different tanks and they have never fought or even nipped at one another.
PuganPoo - 13 years ago
Too many fish!
nedsmob81 - 13 years ago
my betta started killing my neons.... had to give them away(male n female)..Y???
Olive aka Olivia the lupus girl!
Olive aka Olivia the lupus girl! - 13 years ago
I think going back to your 10 gallon or 15 gallon will be a lot better for the fishies or just keep the betta there. =D
MissJenniCherry - 13 years ago
"La Fille aux Cheveux de Lin" by Claude Debussy
Joshua Wood
Joshua Wood - 13 years ago
@goldeneye3265 I have a tank with 2 neon tetras, 2 zebra danios, 1 Chinese algae eater, and 1 male crowntail betta. I feed them tetracolor tropical fish flakes, and all of those fish have been alive for about 2 months now
Hannah L
Hannah L - 13 years ago
How did you add the fish in the tank? All at once? Or the betta first, then one by one tetras?
s2ktuner - 13 years ago
i put neon tetra's in my tank and they died within hours ;(
s2ktuner - 13 years ago
hey man great tank.. was wondering, do those ghost shrimp distribute alot of waste? are they easy to maintain? i'm in the process of setting up my first 10 gallon tank with my 1 betta and this gave me some really nice ideas! again nice tank!
Emerald M
Emerald M - 13 years ago
holy hell upgrading to a 55 gallon tank!! DAMN!!!! i like ur voice though... haha and ur fish are adorable! im thinking of getting two betta gilrls and some neon.
Hannah L
Hannah L - 13 years ago
@misskc96 The log is called Driftwood, and if you live near a beach, that's where you can find a lot of driftwood. If you don't live near a beach, at pet stores they have mock driftwood in all shapes and sizes for low cost. If you go on Petsmart.com and search 'driftwood' you'll get results
George Kaotik
George Kaotik - 13 years ago
you have a very classy set up i got bored with my fish have a couple of neons mollys so i put in a quarter size red slider turtle and floating dock
spotify95 - 13 years ago
@Mokey117 Yep got to be careful! Allthough that didnt really happen to me. My betta killed 4 of my cardinal tetras within 12 hours..
Ehren Serrano
Ehren Serrano - 13 years ago
@thePapermaster1234 Yeah, just not the Chinese ones. They eventually get aggressive. Don't know much about the Siamese ones, I think they're okay. Plecos are cool, very hardy, but they get big. Oto Cats are my favorite, the cheapest and prolly the best choice with a betta. Only problem is, they're the least hardy and the territorial nature of the betta doesn't help.
thePapermaster1234 - 13 years ago
@MrAndrewMitreski thats how crowntail bettas tails look like
thePapermaster1234 - 13 years ago
can you put algea eaters in with bettas???
Austin Bargen
Austin Bargen - 13 years ago
hey i was wndering how many ghost shrimp can you put with a betta
Austin Bargen
Austin Bargen - 13 years ago
hey i was wndering how many ghost shrimp can you put with a betta
KAMMOKANE - 13 years ago
simple but nice - if u got rid of the betta u could probably get away with another small shoal of a different type of tetra---i would reccomend platinums or black neons...i have always thought its best to keep fish from the same part of the world- wat u have there is south american/asian!
jcs311 - 13 years ago
do you keep that fluorescent bulb on at all times? Does it impact water temperature along with the heater? also, where did you find the lid for the tank? All of the rectangular tanks I see at my local pet stores are lidless.
Katherine Smith
Katherine Smith - 13 years ago
@TheMyameeGirl That IS very true. Point noted, and I apologize. Somehow I do always forget how dumb people are, even though our culture constantly reminds me of that very fact.
MyameeGirl - 13 years ago
Very nice tank! I love the driftwood. You're water is so clear with it. I've heard that it driftwood tends to tint the water a bit. Looks great! Cheers!
MyameeGirl - 13 years ago
@SmittyKat LOL! Meowww! Pfft... pfft!! You should have said all that then, instead of implying that they can live in any temperature between 65 and 90. There are some pretty stupid people on YouTube that see a response like that and think it's okay to keep them at such temperatures.
Katherine Smith
Katherine Smith - 13 years ago
@TheMyameeGirl Ok first of all I said they CAN live in those temperatures I didn't say it was the ideal. Secondly, 90 degree water won't cook it. If you've ever treated for ick using just salt and high temperatures, you HAVE to get it up to 90 degrees to speed up the life cycle of the ick so that the salt will kill it. The only thing with water that warm is it loses oxygen quicker, so you have to add extra aeration. And 65 degree water will make them sluggish but it won't kill them.
MyameeGirl - 13 years ago
@SmittyKat Are you talking about Betta's being kept at 65 to 90 degrees? Ummm, yeah, maybe if you want them to cook. Ideally, they should be between 75 to 82 degrees. At 90 degrees, that's waaay too warm, and at 65 degrees... well, why don't you take a bath in 65 degree water and see how you like it.
Katherine Smith
Katherine Smith - 13 years ago
@1010RANDOMVIDEOS1010 They can live in water between 65 and 90 degrees, which makes them so easy to keep.
Katherine Smith
Katherine Smith - 13 years ago
@Mokey117 Indeed you are correct. I've had the same thing happen.
Katherine Smith
Katherine Smith - 13 years ago
@PDeppa Sounds great without the betta. The tetras and bettas don't mix.
Katherine Smith
Katherine Smith - 13 years ago
@mcluvin83 I agree with most of that except the part about the tetras. Tetras are actually in the piranha family, so they are very aggressive to other fish as well. Avoid putting them with bettas at all costs. They will pick the betta to pieces. I've had it happen.
Katherine Smith
Katherine Smith - 13 years ago
@funnes1 they only fight other bettas. They're actually pretty timid around other fish.
LiiveRun - 13 years ago
Im going to make my tank just like yours! also where did you get the drift wood?
Mokey117 - 13 years ago
@mcluvin83 Gotta be really careful keeping bettas with tetras other than neons and cardinals. I tried to put mine in my tetra tank, within 3 hours his tail was torn to shreds. A big tail like that is way too appealing for nippy fish.
Luimeril - 13 years ago
@NickHex81 it's recommended to house neons in at least a 10 gallon. they're very active fish, and like LOTS of room to dart about in schools of at least 5 fish. i'm not sure which to add first, though. your betta must be happy, in his 2 gallon. :3 that's more room than most give these beautiful fish!
Luimeril - 13 years ago
@AniuLonewolf Plecos of all species get to be about two feet or so in size. are you able to get them at least a 29 gallon tank, to allow your Pleco to grow to it's full, lovely size? i had a pleco as a kid, and he was nearly 2 feet when he finally died, after about 11 years. :3
Luimeril - 13 years ago
@MLGGatewayGuy tiger barbs are schooling fish, and get horridly aggressive if not in a proper school. can you get them all a bigger tank, so you can get proper schools of both species? it sounds like a beautiful tank, with two beautiful fish, though. :3
Luimeril - 13 years ago
no need to bash the guy. it's a beautiful tank, in all actuality. though, it's suggested to have neons and a tankmate in at least 10 gallons. neons are some of the few fish you can house bettas with.
Rogerio Cwb
Rogerio Cwb - 13 years ago
Fish killer!!!!
Rogerio Cwb
Rogerio Cwb - 13 years ago
What is this shit ? Betta and neons in a 5 gallon tank ? What fuck is that???
alex buffett
alex buffett - 13 years ago
@funnes1 fucking dumbass..
emochocolateaddict - 13 years ago
@mcluvin83 can male bettas live with female bettas?
Zack_bryant - 13 years ago
@MrWthisthis100 thats what she said
AniuLonewolf - 13 years ago
Beautiful tank! Has inspired me to get a better aquarium for my betta! He's already in a 10 gallon with a pleco and they both seem pretty happy. I love the set up of your tank! What brand of tank is it?
NexDemise - 13 years ago
@mcluvin83 Yeah but neons are to active to be kept in tanks below 15 gallons.
DrKirstie - 13 years ago
i wish my betta didn't have such a temper, he flares when he sees his reflection and when he goas after the plastic frog in the tank wthhh x.x
MyameeGirl - 13 years ago
I'm about to buy the Fluval Chi 5 gal tank and get a betta and a few other small fish. When I look up tetras, it says they should be in a minimum of a 10 gal tank. Does that really matter? You have a few in that 5 gal and they seem just fine. Is the 10 gal minimum just a suggestion? Pls advise. I absolutely LOVE your tank. Very peaceful and the betta is GORGEOUS!
LegoCVT - 13 years ago
@funnes1 betta's dont really live up to their name its like a overated fish for dumb people that doesnt know anything but bettas and goldfish
Son Of Shiro
Son Of Shiro - 13 years ago
@funnes1 well, they do but only to the own kind not to other fish like neon fish..
Roy Patton
Roy Patton - 13 years ago
@funnes1 retard in the making .... Betta's are a community fish, you have to know what it can be in the tank with and absolutely no females or other Males....
JonnyXrep - 13 years ago
So serene.....
Victoria McAlpine
Victoria McAlpine - 13 years ago
I just got a few mollies! In a few weeks hopefully, I might get a red-tailed shark, or a fighting fish! :)
CJ MF - 13 years ago
@mcluvin83 My betta male always seems very interested in my bristlenose plec, who does defend himself when the betta comes too near, but I've never had them fight. They're in with some white cloud minnows.
SgtHamster45 - 13 years ago
Where did you get the dirftwood and plants? How many ghost shrimps would fit in a five gallon?
namezryan - 13 years ago
you got a nice setup man. what fishes do they get along with?
Corey Challis
Corey Challis - 13 years ago
the lighting amazes me.
rubex117 - 13 years ago
i like your tank ghost shrimp add a nice touch.but why is you betta at the top of screen
MrWthisthis100 - 13 years ago
Zijie Wang
Zijie Wang - 14 years ago
hi awesome tank. how often do you need to clean the gravel? thanks
Rachel Rockwell
Rachel Rockwell - 14 years ago
@QuincyLights Yes, 5 gallons is big enough for a betta. Ideally you want at least 2.5 if you're just going to have the betta. More is almost always better.
Daniel Quinn
Daniel Quinn - 14 years ago
is a 5 gallon tank big enough for betta fish I am thinking about getting one
Javier Gomez
Javier Gomez - 14 years ago
@skimstr I woudn't be so sure of myself. I've had bettas several times with other tetras in the past and he killed most of them, over night , in a 10 gallon. It really depends on the betta's aggressivity.
JustPraize - 14 years ago
is your aqua clear 20 ok with a 5 gallon tank? I had a AquaTech filter made for 5 to 15 gallons and the water current from the filter would overpower my neon tetras.
Monicuquiss - 14 years ago
Beautiful tank! I have a similar one!
LiveTheWild - 14 years ago
Are those silk plants?
wrestlingfan4ever76 - 14 years ago
Hi, I'd like to put a betta in a 10 gallon tank. How does your betta do with the current of your Aquaclear Filter?
canadiananim8r - 14 years ago
@skimstr yea, dont bettas only attack fish with large fins because they see them as a threat? my betta gets along fine with my tetras and golden pencil fish
Michael Prophet
Michael Prophet - 14 years ago
dude look at your tetras, they want to swim so badly, there swimming in one spot.... u need a bigger tank if u want a school of tetras
Talamishni - 14 years ago
@funnes1 not true they will fight each other tho or fish that look similar to bettas
Zack_bryant - 14 years ago
you do know that betta fis are fighting fish and it will kill the other fish
carlos hurtado
carlos hurtado - 14 years ago
@SuperJames2point0 about 30-50 bucks
ShadowHeart188 - 14 years ago
@uchiha5555 they are usually 33 cents :3
rumvodkaf1 - 14 years ago
hey, i'm planning on a similar setup. How often do you do water changes and how are the ammonia and nitrite levels?
African Warlord
African Warlord - 14 years ago
i got the same thermo man thumbs up!
Charlie Truman
Charlie Truman - 14 years ago
How much did the ghost shrimp cost?
ciprianwiner - 14 years ago
Kenzie Elliott
Kenzie Elliott - 14 years ago
MY LAMP wont keep the fish tank warm, n i dont kno if its the light bulb or if its not getting warm enough grr
Seth James
Seth James - 14 years ago
So im looking into finally getting a fish tank and about this size. About how much would all this cost?
Yash Arora
Yash Arora - 14 years ago
Where did you get this from?
AquaStudent - 14 years ago
This looks great! It's very organized and "clean" What plant is in the front right corner? Is it silk or live?
Nelson axb
Nelson axb - 14 years ago
hey i just got a Betta Fish can you give me some advice??? I have a video =]
trainz222 - 14 years ago
WHERE DID YOU GET THAT TANK!!!!!, all I can find are these crappy 5 gallon plastic starter kits, yours looks like a real fish tank, please help!
Charly Abdos
Charly Abdos - 14 years ago
Sorry mate but neons, to be happy in life, need at least 1m long tank. They are fast and move not as slow as the betta. They should disturb the slow and easy betta. Slow veil fishes must stay with similar. Fast, straight shape fishes, together.
Judith Totten
Judith Totten - 14 years ago
I love Ghost Shrimp. I had 5 in my 3 gallon male Betta tank...but I only have one left. Now my 3 gallon has: 1 Male Betta (imported from Thailand) 1 Ghost Shrimp 1 African Dwarf Frog It's a strange set up but it works. XD
Famous Dex Lives
Famous Dex Lives - 14 years ago
Question..Is that tank a bit overstocked
Ehren Serrano
Ehren Serrano - 14 years ago
@skimstr Thanks! I appreciate the info!
gangstaboy10 - 14 years ago
@skimstr No prob man :P
Jay Brian
Jay Brian - 14 years ago
@skimstr does the shrimp bite ? or do they ever fight with the neons? and does the beta fight with any of your fishes? sorry just really interested :) cuz I have 3 koi fishes I use to have all these types of fishes neon beta but they all dies cuz I've had them for almost 7 years now 10 years on the koi that I have
Ehren Serrano
Ehren Serrano - 14 years ago
btw I really love the tank!
Ehren Serrano
Ehren Serrano - 14 years ago
I've got a similar setup with the betta with driftwood and artificial plants. I have a question. What's your ph level? How do you keep it steady? Or is it just one of those things you relly just don't care about? When I threw in the driftwood, my ph dropped big time! Surprised my betta made it through that. Please respond. Thanks
gangstaboy10 - 14 years ago
Very nice tank mate!! This is the nicest tank on youtube in my opinion =) Subscribed
Naeruve - 14 years ago
How are the betta and the tetras getting along? I've heard they are prone to fin nip the betta and the betta is likely to get aggressive with them, has this been true in your case? Did the betta seem sadder when you added them or is he fine with sharing his tank? I just got a betta in a 5 gal, and I was contemplating introducing 5 neon tetras in two weeks or a month but I'm a little hesitant to do it.
cnederostek - 14 years ago
What fish do you recommend to live with bettas? I really don't want to have my betta living alone, and i also don't want animals like shrimp. Please respond!!! :)
cdchase - 14 years ago
Thank you for filming this...Mister Fitch is my male betta (gift from GF) and I don't want him to live alone in his 5.5gal I dig your setup. Any tips?...thanks again!
Joey Cheny
Joey Cheny - 14 years ago
cool music!
86daytonaz - 14 years ago
I notice that you dont have an air pump, why?...can they live a healthy life in a 5g tank with no air pump?...
86daytonaz - 14 years ago
Wow! dude that is a really nice set up, one of the best 5g set ups i've seen yet .The fish colors stand out like crazy!
Bass Assassin
Bass Assassin - 14 years ago
@xxXTheAlleyCatXxx Yes I did but sadly my Betta got ick and couldent pull out of it and he died 2 weeks ago go to my page and look at my new tank.
Nefariousmatter - 14 years ago
@HobbyKing1000 My Betta did the same thing. He is just getting used to his new Habitat. In a few days he should be fine, if not he may be sick. Did you make sure to condition the water?
Nefariousmatter - 14 years ago
@meetthebocker Not really. It's just fine. Betta's atleast need a 1 gallon tank, That many Tetra's will need a 4-5 gallons. So overall it's perfectly suitable.
Nefariousmatter - 14 years ago
@Brickner96 If you are going to get a goldfish you are defintley gonna need a big tank (A 10 gallon tank iis suitable for one goldfish anything under that isn't.) Plus, they produce waste.. ALOT. If you still want to tank a Betta and Goldfish together. It really depends on the Betta Fish personality. Some are more agressive then others. When choosing a betta choose one that seems less aggresive. Small crabs- Is okay. But the Betta might nip at the crab.
Nefariousmatter - 14 years ago
@zany910 Goldfish need something way bigger then a 5 gallon tank to live. You probably stunt his growth already since he lived in a 1 gallon. He won't live for very long. Anyway, Is your Tetra acting funny? Not eating? Not swimming? Torn fins? If not, then he might be okay. If his fins are torn i suggest getting some kind of medicene (Aquasafe, tetrafix, etc) to make him feel better.
iBreakable - 14 years ago
Beautiful fish you have! I have a single betta in my 5 gallon, and soon as my 20 is done i will be adding the 5 neons into the 5. Should turn out a bit like yours. ^^
Bass Assassin
Bass Assassin - 14 years ago
Hey did you get your 55 gallon fish tank yet? I just got mine a few days ago, I got it off of craigslist for $125 it came with everything I need even the rocks, it even came with the fish it came with a cory catfish, a river catfish, a red tail shark, and a pecostumus idk how to spell it ill make a video of it once I get all of the fish in it.
Isaac Brickner
Isaac Brickner - 14 years ago
Thats really pretty. I just got a betta and at the moment he is living in a bowl. I am planning on getting a tank, heater, filter, and extra stuff like yours. I want some shrimp and neons. How do goldfish and bettas get along. what about small crabs?
Bass Assassin
Bass Assassin - 14 years ago
i got my 5 gallon yesterday im gona do a setup like urs next time i clean it out
RavingKing - 14 years ago
Great looking tank! Does the betta attack the neons?
meaghanrachel - 14 years ago
7 is a bit much.. i say have 4 or 5.
Rusty Shackleford
Rusty Shackleford - 14 years ago
Very Zen : )
Bass Assassin
Bass Assassin - 14 years ago
@jbkilling1 i just got a heater today
meetthebocker - 14 years ago
Christian jara
Christian jara - 14 years ago
George Parnell
George Parnell - 14 years ago
i have only one wuestion its kinda dumb but i was just wondering all together how much did you spend for that tank
Bass Assassin
Bass Assassin - 14 years ago
Hey my Betta is floating at the top of my tank, he is not dead, is he doing that because he is in a new Habitat? yesterday was the first day in the new tank...
Bass Assassin
Bass Assassin - 14 years ago
@sikkapox well my catfish is one of the sucker fish they are always stuck to the side of the tank
Bass Assassin
Bass Assassin - 14 years ago
thats so cool I just got my first fish tank 2 day ago, I have a Betta and a little catfish its only a 1 gollan fish tank im goin to be upgrading to a 5 gallon in a few months then a 10 gallon
ScarletLetter86 - 14 years ago
@mrJBKfilms The neons are way to fast for a betta, and after a while he'll get bored with them and leave them alone. A betta can live with anything thats fast enough to get away, and won't nip or antagonize him, aka showy fins, and fin nippers. They actually make really good community tank fish, if you know what to put them with, and some very special cases (very special and i'd NEVER recommend it) some male bettas can live with other males.
MARCUS & JAKE - 14 years ago
@skimster.I got a new 5 gallon tank how long have you ahd 7 neon tetras in it?I was reading that in a 5 gallon tank you can put just 2 tetras.let me know.
Adrian Maurice
Adrian Maurice - 14 years ago
@skimstr hey dude how do you keep your fish tank so clean and can a betta be put with tetras or did you get lucky that they dont fight with eachother and how is your filter so quiet and do you reccomend a heater for a silver molly and a red wan platty i think that what its called and where did you get the wood from and do you have to boil or clean the wood before you put it in you fish tank and i also have a five galloon from walmart with three fish and the filter is loud how do i make it quiet
spikes4298 - 14 years ago
How long have you had this setup with the neon tetra in it? Are they still there?
Luen04 - 14 years ago
overpopulated aquarium
PBJwithTat - 14 years ago
@canadiananim8r thats the minimum in my opinion. 10gallon is better, with a population of neons
PBJwithTat - 14 years ago
@shazeedamo Do you have scavengers in your tank? They help with left over food that may leave behind some cloudiness.
Zee Mo
Zee Mo - 14 years ago
How do you keep your water so sparkly clean? I change my water 10-20% every week and I have a top-fin power filter 10 & my water isnt dirty..but its not crystal clear ....like yours ^_^ .
canadiananim8r - 14 years ago
so neon tetras can be ok in 5gl?
twilit - 14 years ago
@iEssential he's sleeping - they like to have something to hold their bodies near the water surface so they can get air. if you have plants that reach up there he would use them to sleep in.
Jeremy D
Jeremy D - 14 years ago
Great setup, but these fish would be happier in a 10 gallon.
Prince Kehy
Prince Kehy - 14 years ago
@LThachable I had a betta that lived for 3 years very happily with a 2-inch algea eater, and they loved it. The betta actually stopped eating for a few days and stopped behaving normally for a few days after the agea eater died. Other than that, i hear a lot of bettas get along with other fish
Ash Ketchum
Ash Ketchum - 14 years ago
my crown tail behaves like yours , stays near the surface , motionless . he always does that at 9.30 pm SHARP for some reason...
John H
John H - 14 years ago
How did you get your drift wood to sink?
ManAmalReacts - 14 years ago
Nice setup. The drift wood looks nice in there. I like the clean modern look of it.
Jack Nguyen
Jack Nguyen - 14 years ago
i got the same tank and setting up the same type of fishes. i'm using live plants in mine and plan on stones though. how are the fishes doing? i can't wait to add my tetra and ghost shrimp tomorrow
GravesFamily - 14 years ago
Ihave a question, will a 6 inch heater work for a five gal tank? There is no package to the heater, my betta currently lives in a small betta deely and i feel bad so would like to get a bigger tank. Please help!!!
John Forgarty
John Forgarty - 14 years ago
what do the shrimp and tetras eat
John Forgarty
John Forgarty - 14 years ago
Im getting a ghost shimp for my betta ...what do they eat????
naresh kumar
naresh kumar - 14 years ago
hey wat light did u use? is it a normal white light or neon light and wat are the plants in ur tank? especially the plants below the fighter? they look amazing....can u pls reply me! thank u! and ur water looks soo crystal clear how did u do that? sorry for tomany question but beautiful tank dude!
shorteeayy - 14 years ago
wow pretty aquarium ^_^
lasy255 - 14 years ago
@cjenn222 i've seen them alot at petsmart
MaffinOyobiAi - 14 years ago
I'm thinking of getting ghost shrimp for my new aquarium with my betta, how would I care for them?
clrscizor1 - 14 years ago
@supersanchez1991 Make sure they're not fancy guppies or the betta may have a field day attacking them.
clrscizor1 - 14 years ago
@yood0725 Since Neon Tetras are rather small and produce little waste I guess it's okay if constant water changes are done.
clrscizor1 - 14 years ago
@LThachable It depends on the fish. My betta has been living in his 5 gallon tank with 3 corydoras and one apple snail for months now and they get along great. The betta may nip at corydora every now and then but that's it. They've never harmed each other.
Wawa4lyfe - 14 years ago
i really like your tank its nice :)
alex2mitch - 14 years ago
Very nice setup, mind I ask what tank do you have? and wattage on the hood lighting? do you get algae growing on your plants or on the tank walls? Thanks Alex
Sanka Coffee
Sanka Coffee - 14 years ago
how have the ghost shrimp been doing with the betta?? i put some ghost shrimp in my community tank once, but i have some rather large gouramis and clown loache and a large algae eater...i think something ate them. but i recently purchased an 8 gall tank i plan on putting a male betta and some other small fish...and was thinking about trying the ghost shrimp again....thanks
CorgiInfinity - 14 years ago
That is a really pretty tank!
David Yoo
David Yoo - 14 years ago
is this really 5 gallons? cause it seems like there are lotta fish? and i was taught that the rule is 1inch = 1 gallon? was i taught wrong? i'd appreciate your kind responses - anyone?
David Yoo
David Yoo - 14 years ago
Is that okay to put that many fish in the 5 gallon? I was taught that it's 1 inch = 1 gallon rule... =(
MrBettafishy - 14 years ago
how did u introduce your betta with the neon tetras?
Quang Do
Quang Do - 14 years ago
your betta is not going to live longer in that tank.
Shara Rostamlou
Shara Rostamlou - 14 years ago
i just added bacteria to my fresh water fish tank and my heater broke im gonna be adding fish 2morrow is it okay if i dont use a heater ?
Shara Rostamlou
Shara Rostamlou - 14 years ago
hey i have a question i havnt put water in my tank yet i bought a water conditioner and a bacteria thing i have an old filter but it doesnt have the spong thingy i have a heater to wut should i do now i have tried 3 times to make a good fresh water aquarium but i failed everytime my fishes all died i dont know wut to do!
pissingUoff247 - 14 years ago
I have a 5 gallon hex, and I'd like to put a blue crown tail betta with something orange for a nice contrast (to keep me distracted @ the office... think that he'll do okay with maybe 2 pineapple swordtails? It'd be my first real contrasting fish community.
D - 14 years ago
if i get a boy and a girl betta will they fight? i don't want them too so i thought i would ask.
Chris S.
Chris S. - 14 years ago
Im thinking about getting a 5gallon fish tank, and I was going to buy a shrimp to put in the tank but it says they are for "marine" tanks. What exactly does that mean and can I use them in a freshwater tank? Thanks
wolverine1865 - 14 years ago
@shaelikestaquitos ive had serpae tetras which can be nippy and they would always chase my betta and bite his fins, but ive never had a problem with the neons. my betta even used to heard them alway from the serpaes when they would pick on them
shaelikestaquitos - 14 years ago
@wolverine1865 Yeah I'd love to put tetras in with my betta, but I've heard that they can be nippy :( People keep suggesting against it, so I'm thinking of getting a couple of corydoras and a few loaches... but I'd really like something more colorful in there... My betta is very docile (he doesn't even really flare at his own reflection, just gets curious and swims around by the mirror), so I think he'd do great with other fish
wolverine1865 - 14 years ago
@shaelikestaquitos i have 14 neons in with my betta and they are fine together, my tank is 65 gallons.
Paul Bilodeau
Paul Bilodeau - 14 years ago
Where did u get your tank??
Paul Bilodeau
Paul Bilodeau - 14 years ago
Where did u get your tank??
duhhitsmelissa - 14 years ago
what kind of light bulb are you using?
alienroot - 14 years ago
your tank looks so clean.
shaelikestaquitos - 14 years ago
I heard that neon tetras couldn't live with bettas because of the temperature differences and oxygen requirements? @_@ I'd like to get some advice... because I really want to start a community tank with my betta, and the tank would look gorgeous with the neon tetras because they'd match my betta ^-^
IGenesis - 14 years ago
@skimstr neons with betta,with the betta attack the neon?
JS - 14 years ago
Your betta looks ALOT happier and calmer in this 5 gallon tank. I just got a betta today for my 10 gallon. Im still debating on what kind of fish to put with it..any suggetstions besides neons?
bigun1999999 - 14 years ago
looks much bigger than a 5 gallon
DarkSkyVideo - 14 years ago
I thought Betta's had to live by themselves because they'd attack anything else?! I've always wanted to add something to my 2.5Gal tank but thought he'd eat anything I put in there. 'guess I'll try!
keanu quirk
keanu quirk - 14 years ago
l like it!
spicolytube - 14 years ago
omg lovely!
Nathan W
Nathan W - 14 years ago
why are you downsizing and then getting bigger?? Anyway, Great video and great tank. Where did you get the ghost shrimp??
asdfxyz1 - 14 years ago
Does Petco sell that light/cover? I went but they only have the tank.
Kat G
Kat G - 14 years ago
@ColeyDude2K okay cool, thank youu :D well now i got a 65 litre tank, so about 14 litres because it turned out my 5.5 gallon tank was leaking so yeah. i hope that will be big enough for the community i want. but yeah i can shoot them back down aswell ;)
ColeyDude2K - 14 years ago
@wigglezhujun it really depends on the Betta's personality, some will live in complete harmony where as others will just do what they can to be the only fish in the tank. unfortunatly with the bettas, you never know untill there in that situation.
ColeyDude2K - 14 years ago
@yoursexisonfire09 rule of thumb is 1 inch of fish per gallon. As neon tetras grow to around 1 inch, most hobbyists will say five is the max in a 5 gallon, or just one betta on its own with maybe some ghost shrimp. even tho there looks to be loads of room in the tank its mainly about the Bio Load on the small space. Some people add more that that rule states but be prepared for people to shoot you down. i hope this helps :)
ColeyDude2K - 14 years ago
@MrTvshowuploader4 its all down to the temprement of the betta. Some betta's have a placid nature so it will be fine, others will be territorial and they may go for the neons. Neons are quick swimmers so they should be able to get away in time if the betta decides to go for them but unfortunatly, untill there in the tank together you just wont know. Also as a rule of thumb, you should have no more than 1 inch of fish per gallon, but thats just a guide :)
ColeyDude2K - 14 years ago
@MinTrinidad the way to do it is when you get new driftwood (or any wood for that matter) you should fill a bucket with boiling hot water and add the driftwood. Keep the driftwood soaking for a few days whilst changing the water for fresh, clean boiling water about twice a day. after a few days of doing this the wood should be ok to add to your tank without the worry of it bleeding out all over the place :)
Kat G
Kat G - 14 years ago
so 5 gallons ISNT too little to keep 7 neon tetras and a betta! i love your tank; this is the perfect community tank for me, and i've been askign around and everyoen tells me my tank (5.5 gallons) is far too small to keep that many fish. right now my tanks only running for 2 weeks to mature the water, and next sunday im introducing 7-8 tetras, and then a couple of weeks later a betta. the ghost shrimp are a nice addition, but im considering corydoras. what do you think?
Amber Jade
Amber Jade - 14 years ago
@skimstr thankyou, : ) we went to pet smart today to look at them and i have a betta on hold,:P hes light blue.... ilovehim! i am probally getting an aquarium kit cuz ya the 5 gallon there was 20$ pluss filter decor and food and stuff. on friday ill post a video up to show what he looks like :P thanks again!
Amber Jade
Amber Jade - 14 years ago
im getting a betta on friday, how much was the 5 gallon tank because i think that is plenty of room for the little guy :) love ur tank its awesomness :P i probally am naming my betta friday, because well pretty self explanitory cuz im getting him friday
babbar123 - 14 years ago
lovely tank. please tell me what is the sound track in the background. it is so relaxing music.
babbar123 - 14 years ago
lovely tank. please tell me what is the sound track in the background. it is so relaxing music.
Tulio Salinas
Tulio Salinas - 14 years ago
your tank looks great!
MinTrinidad - 14 years ago
How do you prevent the drift wood from bleeding? I got a 45 Lit with driftwood and the water is always brown.
buddhas know best
buddhas know best - 14 years ago
A 5 gallon tank is generally not easier to maintain than a 10 gallon. The bigger the tank, the easier the maintenance. Small aquariums require more work because ammonia and nitrite levels rise at high concentrations more quickly. The tank looks fantastic though and I don't mean to be judgmental. There is no problem. I'm just saying that smaller is not better.
shesAKim92 - 14 years ago
I was wondering.. If your neons eat tropical flakes and your betta eats betta pellets/flakes how or what do you feed them? Beautiful tank by the way! I'm astounded :) I'm actually going to go out and buy some black gravel. I didn't know how classy it can make the tank ;)
crazy2333 - 14 years ago
@MsBettaFish they eat any of the left over food the fish don't eat.
Beth Crandall
Beth Crandall - 15 years ago
Oh my goodness, your tank is beautiful ^.^ great video. Lovely song
hevendark3 - 15 years ago
what is beter plastic plants or real plant
Itz_Rey - 15 years ago
do u know how to keep yur tank from getting dirty fast?
Earthling1984 - 15 years ago
nice little 5 gallon tank :)
65nedilem - 15 years ago
is their a heater
duhhitsmelissa - 15 years ago
where did you get your plants from?
kravenkorvinus - 15 years ago
people out there..i'm confused on which to get..a hang on back filter like the one on the vid or a top filter..which would be better? or are they just the same?..its a 5 gallon too..thanks..
Craig D
Craig D - 15 years ago
Nice....I haven't had a tank in years....last was a 20 gallon.
nosyiam - 15 years ago
I have a 5 gallon half hex tank with a male betta could I add some ghost shrimp if so how many?
Ryan Ramnarine
Ryan Ramnarine - 15 years ago
nice tank
Snow19 - 15 years ago
your tank is amazing , i want it lol i have a 5 gallon tank but it doesnt look nearly as good as your tank i love the "zen" theme
shax - 15 years ago
Nice setup. But I wouldn´t put Neons in there with a Betta,when the Neons found out someday the can nip the will do it all the time,I tried this 2 times with red neons and neon tetras,its much harder to see when you have a Vailtaile Betta but when you have a halfmoon its easy to tell when a piece of fin is lost,I saw these little mosters nipping on him and I have 55 Gallon btw.
Cesar160192 - 15 years ago
very nice aquarium!!!! congratulations ;)
kravenkorvinus - 15 years ago
thanks again..^^
kravenkorvinus - 15 years ago
what type of filter do you use?? does it keep the water really clean? i have a same size tank and same number of fish excluding the shrimps..and currently using an undergravel filter..thanks for your help..
acerb45666555 - 15 years ago
2- anyway, its a nice sharp set up, good job!
acerb45666555 - 15 years ago
is this a plastic tank? and is that a heater i see on the left? the dude at the shop i use said its not wise to use heaters in plastic tanks. but then how does one keep tetras and danios or a gourami in just room temp water?
Myles Prower
Myles Prower - 15 years ago
How does the betta respond to the tetras? I was told not to put them together because tetras like to nip at betta fins. True or False?
kome - 15 years ago
Great video and information. I did some research to see what I could add to my tank and was surprised to see that you could add tetra's. Yours look very content. I think I may get an apple snail instead of ghost shrimp, but the little shrimp are so cute!
kome - 15 years ago
@rancor6969 They should be fine. Do a bit of research online. That's how I came across this video. Tetra's, apple snails, and ghost shrimp and usually okay additions. Good luck!
cressydog - 15 years ago
hey mate...i got a veil tale betta...and i have had im in a bout 5 gallon tank...or maybe four something like that..anyway...ive had him in there for about 2 months...then i put in a lil black moore...and the betta attacked it straight away and ate his fins....would it be ok if i put in hepas of neons...and how warm does the water have to be for the neons??
picatsoforfma - 15 years ago
Thanks. They didn't have it in stock so I ordered it :)
mustafa camcı
mustafa camcı - 15 years ago
so simple and lovely
picatsoforfma - 15 years ago
Where did you get that little heater? I can't find anything to heat a tank that small.
ninny56 - 15 years ago
nice tank

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