5 gallon betta fish tank

This is my 5 gallon betta aquarium made by aqua culture, sold at Walmart for $30. This is somewhat of a review of the tank kit. Very nice tank for a betta, gives them a bunch of room.

5 gallon betta fish tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 10

Betta 10 years ago 41,653 views

This is my 5 gallon betta aquarium made by aqua culture, sold at Walmart for $30. This is somewhat of a review of the tank kit. Very nice tank for a betta, gives them a bunch of room.

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Most popular comments
for 5 gallon betta fish tank

GoldSamurai11 Roblox And More
GoldSamurai11 Roblox And More - 7 years ago
Hickster58 Should i add in my 5Gallon Tank Guppies i have betta in my 5gall so should i pls reply
Hickster58 - 7 years ago
GoldSamurai11 Roblox And More I personally would not, 5 gallon is too small imo too have guppies alone in, and a betta would probably pick on them or vice versa in that small a tank.
Chris Changstein
Chris Changstein - 7 years ago
Are bettas a good beginner fish?
Chris Changstein
Chris Changstein - 7 years ago
Hickster58 Thank you!
Hickster58 - 7 years ago
Chris Lamont Very much, they are hardy and fub fish, my personal favorite fish. put them in at least a 2.5 gallon tank with a heater and non-strong filter and they are easy.
WhiteKoneko - 8 years ago
I live in Canada so I'm gonna have to use a heater for my betta cause it gets pretty cold in winter here. lol
Hickster58 - 8 years ago
They are also one of my favorites!
WhiteKoneko - 8 years ago
+Hickster58 I'm a sucker for the halfmoons, I love their long flowing, fan-like tails.
Hickster58 - 8 years ago
+WhiteKoneko Thanks, they are one of my favorite types of bettas
WhiteKoneko - 8 years ago
+Hickster58 Beautiful Plakat betta btw. I wanna get a Halfmoon or Crowntail. <3
Hickster58 - 8 years ago
Love Fish Tank
Love Fish Tank - 8 years ago
Meg Lawson
Meg Lawson - 8 years ago
its actually a 5.5 gallon
Hickster58 - 8 years ago
Aqua cultures is actually only a 5 gallon tank. most brands make the 5.5, but not aqua culture.
pinkie24 - 9 years ago
wow he lives in a mansion compared to my betta
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
+pinkie24 Lol!
Cheryl Dahl
Cheryl Dahl - 9 years ago
my betta is spoiled. he has 10 gallons all to himself hehe
OverlordSheepie - 8 years ago
+Cheryl Dahl Mine too! :D Though, he has to share with some cory catfish.
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
Cheryl Dahl
Cheryl Dahl - 9 years ago
+Hickster58 yeah, I didn't have a lid for the 5 gallon so I gave him my 10 gallon hehe
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
paintbro100 - 9 years ago
I ordered the exact same, just finished setting it up today. Can't wait to have it cycled for my betta :) I got it specifically for a betta, I didn't think he would fare well in my 55 gallon
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
+paintbro100 Nce:) Its a good tank for little money.
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
+paintbro100 Nce:) Its a good tank for little money.
timeriderx - 9 years ago
A 5 gallon tank is great for one Betta, however you could add 3 small Cory catfish that would help keep it very clean and they are great to watch! The Betta may chase them once in awhile but they don't really do any damage to them. i would recommend a 5-15 gallon filter type that will really work well in a 5 gallon tank. Use some carbon with Zeolite and ceramic rings in the filter also as last in front.
OverlordSheepie - 8 years ago
+timeriderx Actually, a 5 gallon tank really isn't big enough for cory catfish. They like swimming around and exploring.
NightSky TV
NightSky TV - 9 years ago
+timeriderx i sub u can u sub me i do fish video

10. comment for 5 gallon betta fish tank

Kate Phillips
Kate Phillips - 9 years ago
Can you link me this tank?
NightSky TV
NightSky TV - 9 years ago
+Hickster58 i subscribe to you can u susbcribe to me i do fish video
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
+Kate Phillips I couldn't find it on Walmart's website, but they should have em in stores still I believe.
Cheryl Dahl
Cheryl Dahl - 9 years ago
I have that tank, but it didn't come with a lid/light :(
NightSky TV
NightSky TV - 9 years ago
+Cheryl Dahl i do fish video also i subscribe to you can u sub me back ty
Aquatic reptile 14
Aquatic reptile 14 - 9 years ago
Check out my tank
Banks Stalnaker
Banks Stalnaker - 9 years ago
I need help I'm new and need to decide what tank plus plants filter etc I don't want to pay much $65 top total but want to know a great tank... Also my house is regularly around 69 degrees to 73 or 74 degrees do you think I need a heater? Thanks for the help
NightSky TV
NightSky TV - 9 years ago
+paintbro100 i do fish video alot betta guppy goldfish tetra subscribe to me cause i sub u ty
NightSky TV
NightSky TV - 9 years ago
+Banks Stalnaker i subscribe to you i do fish video can u sub me back
paintbro100 - 9 years ago
You probably already made your purchase but I'll give you my tip anyways :). Everything in this video minus the fish plants gravel and blue rocks I bought, Walmart shipped it to my door costing an extra 15 bucks. Total was 67 dollars so if you straight to the store you should have no problem finding something like this that'll stay within your budget
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
+Banks Stalnaker Depends of the fish you want to get. A 5 gallon is really only good for bettas, snails and shrimp, or possibly a couple of guppies. Many tank kits come with an appropriately sized filter, and plants and ornaments can be whatever you like the best, but live plants may need special lighting, depending on the type of plant. Tropical fish need water between 75-80 degrees, So I would recommend a heater.
SunsetInEast - 9 years ago
Hi there, I also got this tank when I had to rescue a betta few weeks ago. It works great so far, but there is one thing that I am really concerned about: my betta Raz would try to squeeze himself through the back of the filter, and even go underneath it  (where the intake of water is) while he is doing his tank patrol. I don't think he should be doing that, but then i can't really move the filter anywhere else due to the design of it. What's your thought on this? Thanks!
SunsetInEast - 9 years ago
Okay cool, thanks!
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
+Noelle80302 as long as he doesn't seem to be hurting himself, I wouldn't worry too much. I have had bettas that would rest on the intake without problems.
SickKnowledge82 - 9 years ago
Nice, KEEP IT REAL MANE. Too many ppl go with fake plants with fake stats. The most natural is always the best. Gotta go real plants.
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
+SickKnowledge82 Thanks, but these are fake plants, lol!
John Ramirez
John Ramirez - 9 years ago
Really cool betta and tank I actually got a ten gallon for 35 with filter and lights one of my bettas shares it with my guppies and others check out my video bootleg betta collection will be making upgrades soon
Hickster58 - 9 years ago
Thanks:) You got a great deal! 
Novasterling - 10 years ago
its really too big for a Betta. They prefer small tanks only up to 3 gallons in size.
Krystal Coppell
Krystal Coppell - 9 years ago
There is no such thing as a too small fish tank. Bigger is always better.
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
I would have to kindly disagree.  The more room you give to a betta, the more they will be active and swim. I have noticed that in small tanks, bettas spend a lot of time sitting on the bottom, whereas in a 5, 10 or bigger, they spend a bunch more time moving around. As long as the tank is not too tall ( as in big cylinder tanks) to where they can not get air, the bigger the better!
boscoitalics - 10 years ago
I have my betta in a 5 gallon..but it didn't come with a light or a filter...what would you recommend that isn't to pricey?
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
Your welcome:D
boscoitalics - 10 years ago
+Hickster58 ok thank you :)
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
This tank is nice and was only about $30 with everything besides gravel and ornaments. Otherwise, the Aqueon 2.5 or 5.0 bow are nice, and the new ones have 
led lighting, but they both cost more, by me they are $40 and $60 respectively. Hope this helps:)
IMUNNORMALXD - 10 years ago
Nice Betta I have one of my own and I love him im gonna buy the one by some company somming like aqueon and its called betta falls and spew mesured it out and it was pretty big so I'm gonna get it for Xmas or something if I save up
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
Thanks for watching commenting.
Thanks. I actually made 2 vids on the aqueon betta falls, I would recommend buying a different tank then the betta falls though, its just too small for any fish.

20. comment for 5 gallon betta fish tank

bunnykkay - 10 years ago
I have that same tank! But got rid of filter and have heater in it lol.
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
to Joshua costello
joshua costello
joshua costello - 10 years ago
nice job
TheTrollstomp - 10 years ago
He is definitely happy to be in there, that's a big bubble nest.
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
+TheTrollstomp Thanks for watching/commenting:)
Lol, yeah, he really loved this tank, its a good size for one betta:D 
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
+Makennah Blevins
Thanks for watching/commenting. Yes you can fill the water all the way up, I just usually do not because I like the way it looks without being completely filled with water better, but thats just a personal thing:)
NightSky TV
NightSky TV - 9 years ago
+Valerie Hernandez hey i do fish video can u subscribe to me back i sub u already
Valerie  Hernandez
Valerie Hernandez - 9 years ago
Makennah Blevins
Makennah Blevins - 10 years ago
Can y fill the water all the way up to the rim or no?
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
To ReviewCam .
Thanks much and thanks for watching/commenting:)
mauricio macias
mauricio macias - 10 years ago
Is the tank glass or plastic ?
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
Thanks for watching:) The tank is glass
❤chantel❤ - 10 years ago
I'm getting one on Saturday but... I have 2 bettas. Will they fight in it together??? Please help :-3
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
Your very welcome:)
❤chantel❤ - 10 years ago
Okie dokie :3 thanks so much
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
Thanks for watching and commenting:) Sorry but yes, unless you were to get a divider, any combination of more than one betta will fight, no matter what sex you put together. Also, you never want to put males with males or male with females, except for breeding purposes, but then you have to do it a special way. If you want to have more than one betta together, you might be able to do a female sorority, but then you'll have to get a bigger tank, or as I said before, put in a divider than you can keep 2 in the 5 gallon tank. 
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
If your having trouble putting in the led light, check out the video I made on how to do it:)
How to put in led light on 5 gallon aqua culture betta/fish tank

30. comment for 5 gallon betta fish tank

juan carlos
juan carlos - 10 years ago
Dude i need help I just got this tank and this Led deal and it wont snap on. Please tell me how to do it c
Because the instructions arena helping
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
+martin valencia Your welcome:) Thank you, I appreciate it:) Also, i love your  pic with the cat, hilarious:P
juan carlos
juan carlos - 10 years ago
Thank you so much i got it in thanks you! subbed
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
I just uploaded a video on how to put in the led light, check it out:)
How to put in led light on 5 gallon aqua culture betta/fish tank
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
Thanks for watching and commenting:) it's kinda tricky to get them in. You have to kinda snap each in. I'll make a vid in a bit to show you:)
DOITMAN - 10 years ago
I'm getting a 20 gallon tank in August would a betta fish be able to live with neons and a ghost shrimp
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
I forgot to mention, on the ghost shrimp, most fish see them as food so most likely they will be eaten, maybe even by the neons, lol. I usually buy a bunch of them since their cheap and pretty good at cleaning up uneaten food until they become food themselves;)
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
Yes and no. Some bettas will attack neons because of their bright colors and other bettas won't. I would say as long as you don't overcrowd the tank you should be fine, but you never know for sure with male bettas until you try. I would have a backup tank in case the betta tries to kill the neons, so you can seperate them.
Thanks for watching and commenting:)
osnap itsbri
osnap itsbri - 10 years ago
I got the glofish version of this tank, so tjat might be why I have a blue light and you don't
osnap itsbri
osnap itsbri - 10 years ago
I bought this tank myself. And my filter works fine (yes Its the same one) ive had my betta for over a month and has no sign of fin rot or any fin disease. But of course I also do weekly water changes with a gravel siphon. But I also wanna know what light you have and where you got it? My light is blue and I hate it cause it makes the tank all dark blueish.
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
The filters ok but not the best, hardly has any water current (which is good for bettas) which only moves the water around an inch or so around the filter. Mine is not the glofish one so it came with white LEDs whereas I believe all the glofish tanks come with the blue LEDs, which I have to agree are not as nice looking besides at night for a fish tank to only have. Thanks for watching and commenting:)
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
UPDATE- the filter that comes with this tank is garbage as it doesn't make enough water current even at full speed, which over time a film appears and looks nasty. I would recommend getting a different filter.
Shan Bland
Shan Bland - 8 years ago
Hickster58 i added a small airston. that did the trick and got rid of scum on top
FatPot G
FatPot G - 8 years ago
Catherine Yakubisin
Catherine Yakubisin - 8 years ago
It's better to have a sponge filter anyways with Betta fish. They don't like strong currents.
FatPot G
FatPot G - 8 years ago
+Kato Light If you get a betta, it's better to not have any current flow than to have it because you don't know where he originated from. Majority probably come from rice paddies.
Kato Light
Kato Light - 8 years ago
not completely true some come from steams. which ofc has current
WhiteKoneko - 8 years ago
"If you live somewhere very hot like Pheonix or Mexico I think you can get away with no filter. But if you live in a climate like Canada....yeah you're gonna need a heater since winters(depending where in canada) get viciously cold. I'm currently got a 5 gallon tank I've gotta set up and cycle, can't wait!
FatPot G
FatPot G - 9 years ago
+Renee11123 Current is bad for Bettas.  Bettas come from rice paddies ( calm still water with no current). Current flow causes stress to the fish. You also need to cover your tank and keep the water at least 78 degrees or even a bit warmer. When the betta comes up to gulp air, the air better be warm and humid (jungle-like), or it's going to cause respiratory problems and death.
Renee11123 - 9 years ago
I agree, I have the same exact kit and replaced the filter it came with. I now use an aquatec external power filter and love it. I put a baffel in front of it because the current is strong.
cloth life mama of 3
cloth life mama of 3 - 10 years ago
Hey I jusy got this tank for my daughter. I was reading articles on how to keep fish alive (we didn't get this fish yet) when we bring them home. I found a lot of stuff talking about beneficial bacteria being on the filter after cycling your tank by cleaning in every week for 6 weeks. Does that mean you are only supposed to use that filter and never change it? Just rinse it in the old water before changing the water? The whole filter thing I'm confused about because I can't find anyone who mentions it. Also do u think the water pump that comes with this will work well enough or do I need a better one? And do u recommend a air pump? We want to get the small thing glo fish I forgot the name. I cleaned the tank with only water and rinse off the rocks and plants filled it with water and now there are bubbles on thr glass is that normal? Sorry to be a pain I'm just trying to get it all right so I dont kill any fish. Thank you for ur time and video!
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
Yeah the glofish (zebra danios) can be fin nippers, especially in small tanks:( Glad to hear the rest of the tank is now doing better:) For the pregnant guppy, if you wanna keep the babies, it would be best to find and move them to their own tank asap, otherwise they will probably become food, even the parents will eat them! Good luck:D
cloth life mama of 3
cloth life mama of 3 - 10 years ago
Thank you so much has for your reply! After this we had 3 go fish and 2 fancy guppies. The orange go fish scared mostly all the fish to they died. He was so mean! I took him back and saved my last nice fancy guppy and got 2 more fancy guppies, 1 Mickey mouse platy, and 1 balloon belly molly. They have all been doing so well for about 4 months! I think the one fancy guppy is pregnant though. How should I handle that if I want to keep the fish?
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
Thanks for watching and commenting:)
It is usually good to do a water change with a gravel syphon ( between 10-20%) once every week or two, but I usually don't start doing mine until the tank has been up and running for a few weeks. When you do clean the filter, use the siphoned out old water, not tap water since tap water will kill any beneficial bacteria that may be on the filter.
As for the filter that comes with this tank, I would get a new one, that's what I will be doing soon, mine does not have very good flow whatsoever, even on the highest seting, and because of this, a film has appeared on the water surface ( which won't harm the fish but looks nasty) which is the same thing that happens in stagnant water.
As for glofish, both the danio glofish and the tetra glofish are a schooling or shoaling ( I forget which) types of fish and as such need to be in groups of at least 5 or more of their own kind ( but the danio glofish are actually modified zebra danios and can be combined with zebra danios to reach the 5+ number needed). They would be okay in this tank, however since they are a very active fish, I would highly recommend getting a bigger tank, at least 10 gallons.
Hopefully this at least somewhat makes sense, feel free to ask any more questions you may have:)
Dannys Fishtanks
Dannys Fishtanks - 10 years ago
cool set up man, i just got a betta a week ago, keep it up!
Hickster58 - 10 years ago
Thanks:) Good luck with your betta, their awesome fish!

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